blob: f8e2bf6d863f4b2297ed823bfe4e081065e6dcdb [file] [log] [blame]
package search
import (
const (
// maxRowDigests is the maximum number of digests we'll compare against
// before limiting the result to avoid overload.
maxRowDigests = 200
// GetDigestTable implements the SearchAPI interface.
func (s *SearchImpl) GetDigestTable(q *query.DigestTable) (*frontend.DigestTable, error) {
// Retrieve the row digests.
idx := s.indexSource.GetIndex()
rowDigests, err := s.filterTileCompare(q.RowQuery, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
totalRowDigests := len(rowDigests)
// Build the rows output.
rows := getDTRows(rowDigests, q.SortRows, q.RowsDir, q.RowQuery.Limit, q.RowQuery.IgnoreState(), idx)
// If the number exceeds the maximum we always sort and trim by frequency.
if len(rows) > maxRowDigests {
q.SortRows = query.SortByImageCounts
// If we sort by image frequency then we can sort and limit now, reducing the
// number of diffs we need to make.
sortEarly := q.SortRows == query.SortByImageCounts
var uniqueTests types.TestNameSet = nil
if sortEarly {
uniqueTests = sortAndLimitRows(&rows, rowDigests, q.SortRows, q.RowsDir, q.Metric, q.RowQuery.Limit)
// Get the column digests conditioned on the result of the row digests.
columnDigests, err := s.filterTileWithMatch(q.ColumnQuery, idx, q.Match, rowDigests)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Compare the rows in parallel.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
rowLenCh := make(chan int, len(rows))
for idx, rowElement := range rows {
go func(idx int, digest types.Digest) {
defer wg.Done()
var total int
var err error
rows[idx].Values, total, err = getDiffs(s.diffStore, digest, columnDigests[digest].Keys(), q.ColumnsDir, q.Metric, q.ColumnQuery.Limit)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Unable to calculate diff of row for digest %s. Got error: %s", digest, err)
rowLenCh <- total
}(idx, rowElement.Digest)
// TODO(stephana): Add reference points (i.e. closest positive/negative, in trace)
// to columns. Without these reference points the result only contains the
// diff values.
// Find the max length of rows and trim them if necessary.
columns := []string{}
columnsTotal := 0
for t := range rowLenCh {
if t > columnsTotal {
columnsTotal = t
if !sortEarly {
uniqueTests = sortAndLimitRows(&rows, rowDigests, q.SortRows, q.RowsDir, q.Metric, q.RowQuery.Limit)
// Get the summaries of all tests in the result.
testSummaries := idx.GetSummaries(types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces)
dtSummaries := make(map[types.TestName]*frontend.DTSummary, len(uniqueTests))
for testName := range uniqueTests {
dtSummaries[testName] = dtSummaryFromSummary(testSummaries[testName])
ret := &frontend.DigestTable{
Grid: &frontend.DTGrid{
Rows: rows,
RowsTotal: totalRowDigests,
Columns: columns,
ColumnsTotal: columnsTotal,
Corpus: q.RowQuery.TraceValues.Get(types.CORPUS_FIELD),
Summaries: dtSummaries,
return ret, nil
// filterTileCompare iterates over the tile and finds digests that match the given query.
// It returns a map[digest]ParamSet which contains all the found digests and
// the paramsets that generated them.
func (s *SearchImpl) filterTileCompare(q *query.Search, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) (map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
ret := map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet{}
// Add digest/trace to the result.
addFn := func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, traceID tiling.TraceId, trace *types.GoldenTrace, acceptRet interface{}) {
if found, ok := ret[digest]; ok {
} else {
ret[digest] = paramtools.NewParamSet(trace.Params())
exp, err := s.expectationsStore.Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := iterTile(q, addFn, nil, common.ExpSlice{exp}, idx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// paramsMatch Returns true if all the parameters listed in matchFields have matching values
// in condParamSets and params.
func paramsMatch(matchFields []string, condParamSets paramtools.ParamSet, params paramtools.Params) bool {
for _, field := range matchFields {
val, valOk := params[field]
condVals, condValsOk := condParamSets[field]
if !(valOk && condValsOk && util.In(val, condVals)) {
return false
return true
// filterTileWithMatch iterates over the tile and finds the digests that match
// the query and satisfy the condition of matching parameter values for the
// fields listed in matchFields. condDigests contains the digests their
// parameter sets for which we would like to find a set of digests for
// comparison. It returns a set of digests for each digest in condDigests.
func (s *SearchImpl) filterTileWithMatch(q *query.Search, idx indexer.IndexSearcher, matchFields []string, condDigests map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet) (map[types.Digest]types.DigestSet, error) {
if len(condDigests) == 0 {
return map[types.Digest]types.DigestSet{}, nil
ret := make(map[types.Digest]types.DigestSet, len(condDigests))
for d := range condDigests {
ret[d] = types.DigestSet{}
// Define the acceptFn and addFn.
var acceptFn AcceptFn = nil
var addFn AddFn = nil
if len(matchFields) >= 0 {
matching := make(types.DigestSlice, 0, len(condDigests))
acceptFn = func(params paramtools.Params, digests types.DigestSlice) (bool, interface{}) {
matching = matching[:0]
for digest, paramSet := range condDigests {
if paramsMatch(matchFields, paramSet, params) {
matching = append(matching, digest)
return len(matching) > 0, matching
addFn = func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, traceID tiling.TraceId, trace *types.GoldenTrace, acceptRet interface{}) {
for _, d := range acceptRet.(types.DigestSlice) {
ret[d][digest] = true
} else {
addFn = func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, traceID tiling.TraceId, trace *types.GoldenTrace, acceptRet interface{}) {
for d := range condDigests {
ret[d][digest] = true
exp, err := s.expectationsStore.Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := iterTile(q, addFn, acceptFn, common.ExpSlice{exp}, idx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// getDTRows returns the instance of DTRow that correspond to the given set of row digests.
func getDTRows(entries map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, sortField, sortDir string, limit int32, is types.IgnoreState, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) []*frontend.DTRow {
talliesByTest := idx.DigestCountsByTest(is)
ret := make([]*frontend.DTRow, 0, len(entries))
for digest, paramSet := range entries {
testName := types.TestName(paramSet[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD][0])
ret = append(ret, &frontend.DTRow{
TestName: testName,
DTDigestCount: frontend.DTDigestCount{
Digest: digest,
N: talliesByTest[testName][digest],
return ret
// sortAndLimitRows sorts the given rows based on field, direction and diffMetric (if sorted by
// by diff). After the sort it will slice the result to be not larger than limit.
func sortAndLimitRows(rows *[]*frontend.DTRow, rowDigests map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, field, direction string, diffMetric string, limit int32) types.TestNameSet {
// Determine the less function used for sorting the rows.
var lessFn dtRowSliceLessFn
if field == query.SortByImageCounts {
lessFn = func(c *dtRowSlice, i, j int) bool { return[i].N <[j].N }
} else if field == query.SortByDiff {
lessFn = func(c *dtRowSlice, i, j int) bool {
return (len([i].Values) > 0) && (len([j].Values) > 0) &&
([i].Values[0].Diffs[diffMetric] <[j].Values[0].Diffs[diffMetric])
sortSlice := sort.Interface(newDTRowSlice(*rows, lessFn))
if direction == query.SortDescending {
sortSlice = sort.Reverse(sortSlice)
lastIdx := util.MinInt32(limit, int32(len(*rows)))
discarded := (*rows)[lastIdx:]
for _, row := range discarded {
delete(rowDigests, row.Digest)
*rows = (*rows)[:lastIdx]
uniqueTests := types.TestNameSet{}
for _, paramSets := range rowDigests {
for _, t := range paramSets[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD] {
uniqueTests[types.TestName(t)] = true
return uniqueTests
// Sort adapter to allow sorting rows by supplying a less function.
type dtRowSliceLessFn func(c *dtRowSlice, i, j int) bool
type dtRowSlice struct {
lessFn dtRowSliceLessFn
data []*frontend.DTRow
func newDTRowSlice(data []*frontend.DTRow, lessFn dtRowSliceLessFn) *dtRowSlice {
return &dtRowSlice{lessFn: lessFn, data: data}
func (c *dtRowSlice) Len() int { return len( }
func (c *dtRowSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return c.lessFn(c, i, j) }
func (c *dtRowSlice) Swap(i, j int) {[i],[j] =[j],[i] }
// getDiffs gets the sorted and limited comparison of one digest against the list of digests.
// Arguments:
// digest: primary digest
// colDigests: the digests to compare against
// sortDir: sort direction of the resulting list
// diffMetric: id of the diffmetric to use (assumed to be defined in the diff package).
// limit: is the maximum number of diffs to return after the sort.
func getDiffs(diffStore diff.DiffStore, digest types.Digest, colDigests types.DigestSlice, sortDir, diffMetric string, limit int32) ([]*frontend.DTDiffMetrics, int, error) {
diffMap, err := diffStore.Get(context.TODO(), digest, colDigests)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
ret := make([]*frontend.DTDiffMetrics, 0, len(diffMap))
for colDigest, diffMetrics := range diffMap {
ret = append(ret, &frontend.DTDiffMetrics{
DiffMetrics: diffMetrics,
DTDigestCount: frontend.DTDigestCount{
Digest: colDigest,
N: 0,
// TODO(stephana): Add the reference points for each row.
lessFn := func(c *dtDiffMetricsSlice, i, j int) bool {
return[i].Diffs[diffMetric] <[j].Diffs[diffMetric]
sortSlice := sort.Interface(newDTDiffMetricsSlice(ret, lessFn))
if sortDir == query.SortDescending {
sortSlice = sort.Reverse(sortSlice)
return ret[:util.MinInt(int(limit), len(ret))], len(ret), nil
// Sort adapter to allow sorting lists of diff metrics via a less function.
type dtDiffMetricsSliceLessFn func(c *dtDiffMetricsSlice, i, j int) bool
type dtDiffMetricsSlice struct {
lessFn dtDiffMetricsSliceLessFn
data []*frontend.DTDiffMetrics
func newDTDiffMetricsSlice(data []*frontend.DTDiffMetrics, lessFn dtDiffMetricsSliceLessFn) *dtDiffMetricsSlice {
return &dtDiffMetricsSlice{lessFn: lessFn, data: data}
func (c *dtDiffMetricsSlice) Len() int { return len( }
func (c *dtDiffMetricsSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return c.lessFn(c, i, j) }
func (c *dtDiffMetricsSlice) Swap(i, j int) {[i],[j] =[j],[i] }
func dtSummaryFromSummary(sum *summary.Summary) *frontend.DTSummary {
return &frontend.DTSummary{
Pos: sum.Pos,
Neg: sum.Neg,
Untriaged: sum.Untriaged,