blob: 35a3beaee00f15b9105c696c43be8ad78bf34990 [file] [log] [blame]
package indexer
import (
mock_eventbus ""
mock_diffstore ""
gtestutils ""
data ""
mock_warmer ""
// TestIndexerInitialTriggerSunnyDay tests a full indexing run, assuming
// nothing crashes or returns an error.
func TestIndexerInitialTriggerSunnyDay(t *testing.T) {
mds := &mock_diffstore.DiffStore{}
mdw := &mock_warmer.DiffWarmer{}
meb := &mock_eventbus.EventBus{}
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
mgc := &mocks.GCSClient{}
defer mds.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mdw.AssertExpectations(t)
defer meb.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mgc.AssertExpectations(t)
ct, _, _ := makeComplexTileWithCrosshatchIgnores()
ic := IndexerConfig{
DiffStore: mds,
EventBus: meb,
ExpectationsStore: mes,
GCSClient: mgc,
Warmer: mdw,
wg, async, _ := gtestutils.AsyncHelpers()
allTestDigests := types.DigestSlice{data.AlphaGood1Digest, data.AlphaBad1Digest, data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest,
data.BetaGood1Digest, data.BetaUntriaged1Digest}
mes.On("Get").Return(data.MakeTestExpectations(), nil)
// Return a non-empty map just to make sure things don't crash - this doesn't actually
// affect any of the assertions.
mds.On("UnavailableDigests", testutils.AnyContext).Return(map[types.Digest]*diff.DigestFailure{
unavailableDigest: {
Digest: unavailableDigest,
Reason: "on vacation",
// Arbitrary date
TS: time.Date(2017, time.October, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, time.UTC).UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond),
}, nil)
dMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(digests types.DigestSlice) bool {
assert.Equal(t, allTestDigests, digests)
return true
async(mgc.On("WriteKnownDigests", testutils.AnyContext, dMatcher).Return(nil))
publishedSearchIndex := (*SearchIndex)(nil)
meb.On("Publish", indexUpdatedEvent, mock.AnythingOfType("*indexer.SearchIndex"), false).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
si := args.Get(1).(*SearchIndex)
require.NotNil(t, si)
publishedSearchIndex = si
// The summary and counter are computed in indexer, so we should spot check their data.
summaryMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(sm summary.SummaryMap) bool {
// There's only one untriaged digest for each test
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest}, sm[data.AlphaTest].UntHashes)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{data.BetaUntriaged1Digest}, sm[data.BetaTest].UntHashes)
return true
counterMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(dCounter *digest_counter.Counter) bool {
// These counts should include the ignored crosshatch traces
assert.Equal(t, map[types.TestName]digest_counter.DigestCount{
data.AlphaTest: {
data.AlphaGood1Digest: 2,
data.AlphaBad1Digest: 6,
data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest: 1,
data.BetaTest: {
data.BetaGood1Digest: 6,
data.BetaUntriaged1Digest: 1,
}, dCounter.ByTest())
return true
async(mdw.On("PrecomputeDiffs", testutils.AnyContext, summaryMatcher, types.TestNameSet(nil), counterMatcher, mock.AnythingOfType("*digesttools.Impl")).Return(nil))
ixr, err := New(ic, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = ixr.executePipeline(ct)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, publishedSearchIndex)
actualIndex := ixr.GetIndex()
require.NotNil(t, actualIndex)
require.Equal(t, publishedSearchIndex, actualIndex)
// Block until all async calls are finished so the assertExpectations calls
// can properly check that their functions were called.
// TestIndexerPartialUpdate tests the part of indexer that runs when expectations change
// and we need to re-index a subset of the data, namely that which had tests change
// (e.g. from Untriaged to Positive or whatever).
func TestIndexerPartialUpdate(t *testing.T) {
mdw := &mock_warmer.DiffWarmer{}
meb := &mock_eventbus.EventBus{}
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
defer mdw.AssertExpectations(t)
defer meb.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
ct, fullTile, partialTile := makeComplexTileWithCrosshatchIgnores()
require.NotEqual(t, fullTile, partialTile)
wg, async, _ := gtestutils.AsyncHelpers()
mes.On("Get").Return(data.MakeTestExpectations(), nil)
meb.On("Publish", indexUpdatedEvent, mock.AnythingOfType("*indexer.SearchIndex"), false).Return(nil)
// Make sure PrecomputeDiffs is only told to recompute BetaTest.
tn := types.TestNameSet{data.BetaTest: true}
async(mdw.On("PrecomputeDiffs", testutils.AnyContext, mock.AnythingOfType("summary.SummaryMap"), tn, mock.AnythingOfType("*digest_counter.Counter"), mock.AnythingOfType("*digesttools.Impl")).Return(nil))
ic := IndexerConfig{
EventBus: meb,
ExpectationsStore: mes,
Warmer: mdw,
ixr, err := New(ic, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
alphaOnly := summary.SummaryMap{
data.AlphaTest: {
Name: data.AlphaTest,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest},
ixr.lastIndex = &SearchIndex{
searchIndexConfig: searchIndexConfig{
expectationsStore: mes,
warmer: mdw,
summaries: [2]summary.SummaryMap{alphaOnly, alphaOnly},
dCounters: [2]digest_counter.DigestCounter{
cpxTile: ct,
// Pretend this digest was just marked positive.
Grouping: data.BetaTest,
Digest: data.BetaGood1Digest,
Label: expectations.Positive,
actualIndex := ixr.GetIndex()
require.NotNil(t, actualIndex)
sm := actualIndex.GetSummaries(types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces)
require.Contains(t, sm, data.AlphaTest)
require.Contains(t, sm, data.BetaTest)
// Spot check the summaries themselves.
require.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{data.AlphaUntriaged1Digest}, sm[data.AlphaTest].UntHashes)
require.Equal(t, &summary.Summary{
Name: data.BetaTest,
Pos: 1,
Neg: 0,
Untriaged: 0, // Reminder that the untriaged image for BetaTest was ignored by the rules.
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{},
Num: 1,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{},
}, sm[data.BetaTest])
// Block until all async calls are finished so the assertExpectations calls
// can properly check that their functions were called.
const (
// valid, but arbitrary md5 hash
unavailableDigest = types.Digest("fed541470e246b63b313930523220de8")
// You may be tempted to just use a MockComplexTile here, but I was running into a race
// condition similar to In essence, try
// to avoid having a mock (A) assert it was called with another mock (B) where the
// mock B is used elsewhere. There's a race because mock B is keeping track of what was
// called on it while mock A records what it was called with.
func makeComplexTileWithCrosshatchIgnores() (types.ComplexTile, *tiling.Tile, *tiling.Tile) {
fullTile := data.MakeTestTile()
partialTile := data.MakeTestTile()
delete(partialTile.Traces, data.CrosshatchAlphaTraceID)
delete(partialTile.Traces, data.CrosshatchBetaTraceID)
ct := types.NewComplexTile(fullTile)
ct.SetIgnoreRules(partialTile, []paramtools.ParamSet{
"device": []string{"crosshatch"},
return ct, fullTile, partialTile