blob: 9734ae28c8723de812103f398c9306b30b9da91e [file] [log] [blame]
// See
// for documentation of the autoroller config.
"childDisplayName": "AFDO",
"commitMsg": {
"template": "{{- define \"boilerplate\" -}}\n\
This CL may cause a small binary size increase, roughly proportional\n\
to how long it's been since our last AFDO profile roll. For larger\n\
increases (around or exceeding 100KB), please file a bug against\n\ Additional context:\n\
Please note that, despite rolling to chrome/android, this profile is\n\
used for both Linux and Android.\n\
{{ template \"defaultBoilerplate\" . }}\n\
{{- end -}}",
"includeTbrLine": true
"contacts": [
"gerrit": {
"url": "",
"project": "chromium/src",
"config": "chromium"
"isInternal": false,
"ownerPrimary": "borenet",
"ownerSecondary": "rmistry",
"parentDisplayName": "Chromium",
"parentWaterfall": "",
"rollerName": "afdo-chromium-autoroll",
"serviceAccount": "",
"sheriff": [
"semVerGCSRepoManager": {
"childBranch": "master",
"childPath": "chrome/android/profiles/newest.txt",
"gcsBucket": "chromeos-prebuilt",
"gcsPath": "afdo-job/llvm",
"parentBranch": "master",
"parentRepo": "",
"shortRevRegex": "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+_rc-r\\d+-merged",
"versionFile": "chrome/android/profiles/newest.txt",
"versionRegex": "^chromeos-chrome-amd64-89\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)_rc-r(\\d+)-merged\\.afdo\\.bz2$"
"kubernetes": {
"cpu": "1",
"memory": "2Gi",
"readinessInitialDelaySeconds": "30",
"readinessPeriodSeconds": "30",
"readinessFailureThreshold": "10"
"maxRollFrequency": "0m"