blob: 3c0c3131e2b859b1d776923f87ac0f8ddd8162c3 [file] [log] [blame]
package bt_tracestore
import (
mock_vcs ""
data ""
// TestBTTraceStorePutGet adds a bunch of entries one at a time and
// then retrieves the full tile.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGet(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, 0)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// With no data, we should get an empty tile
actualTile, _, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, actualTile)
require.Empty(t, actualTile.Traces)
putTestTile(t, traceStore, commits, false /*=options*/)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, data.MakeTestTile(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
func assertTilesEqual(t *testing.T, a *tiling.Tile, b *tiling.Tile) {
assert.Equal(t, a.ParamSet, b.ParamSet)
assert.Equal(t, a.Commits, b.Commits)
// We can't do a naive comparison of the traces because unexported values may not exactly match
// and don't care if they do (i.e. the cached values for TestName, Corpus)
assert.Equal(t, len(a.Traces), len(b.Traces))
for id, traceA := range a.Traces {
assert.Contains(t, b.Traces, id)
traceB := b.Traces[id]
assert.Equal(t, traceA.Keys, traceB.Keys)
assert.Equal(t, traceA.Digests, traceB.Digests)
func putTestTile(t *testing.T, traceStore tracestore.TraceStore, commits []tiling.Commit, options bool) {
// This time is an arbitrary point in time
now := time.Date(2019, time.May, 5, 1, 3, 4, 0, time.UTC)
// Build a tile up from the individual data points, one at a time
traces := data.MakeTestTile().Traces
for _, trace := range traces {
// Put them in backwards, just to test that order doesn't matter
for i := len(trace.Digests) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if trace.Digests[i] == tiling.MissingDigest {
e := tracestore.Entry{
Digest: trace.Digests[i],
Params: trace.Keys,
if options {
if i == 0 {
e.Options = makeOptionsOne()
} else {
e.Options = makeOptionsTwo()
err := traceStore.Put(context.Background(), commits[i].Hash, []*tracestore.Entry{&e}, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
// roll forward the clock by an arbitrary amount of time
now = now.Add(7 * time.Second)
// Tests that a digest put temporally later will override what is there.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGetOverride(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, 0)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
putTestTile(t, traceStore, commits, false /*=options*/)
alphaParams := data.MakeTestTile().Traces[data.AnglerAlphaTraceID].Params()
require.NotEmpty(t, alphaParams)
veryOldDigest := types.Digest("00069e4bb9c71ba0f7e2c7e03bf96699")
veryOldTime := time.Date(2016, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
veryOldEntry := []*tracestore.Entry{
Digest: veryOldDigest,
Params: alphaParams,
// This should not show up
err = traceStore.Put(context.Background(), data.FirstCommitHash, veryOldEntry, veryOldTime)
require.NoError(t, err)
veryNewDigest := types.Digest("fffeb0c1980670adc5fe0bc52e7402b7")
veryNewTime := time.Now()
veryNewEntry := []*tracestore.Entry{
Digest: veryNewDigest,
Params: alphaParams,
// This should show up
err = traceStore.Put(context.Background(), data.ThirdCommitHash, veryNewEntry, veryNewTime)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedTile := data.MakeTestTile()
// This is the edit we applied
gt := expectedTile.Traces[data.AnglerAlphaTraceID]
gt.Digests[2] = veryNewDigest
assertTilesEqual(t, expectedTile, actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestBTTraceStorePutGetOptions adds a bunch of entries (with options) one at a time and
// then retrieves the full tile.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGetOptions(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, 0)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_options",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
putTestTile(t, traceStore, commits, true /*=options*/)
// Get the tile back and make make sure the options are there.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, makeTestTileWithOptions(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestBTTraceStorePutGetSpanTile is like TestBTTraceStorePutGet except the 3 commits
// are lined up to go across two tiles.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGetSpanTile(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, DefaultTileSize-2)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test_span",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// With no data, we should get an empty tile
actualTile, _, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, actualTile)
require.Empty(t, actualTile.Traces)
putTestTile(t, traceStore, commits, false /*=options*/)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, data.MakeTestTile(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestBTTraceStorePutGetSpanOptionsTile is like TestBTTraceStorePutGetOptions except the 3 commits
// are lined up to go across two tiles.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGetOptionsSpanTile(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, DefaultTileSize-2)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test_span",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
putTestTile(t, traceStore, commits, true /*=options*/)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, makeTestTileWithOptions(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestBTTraceStorePutGetGrouped adds a bunch of entries batched by device and
// then retrieves the full Tile.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGetGrouped(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, 0)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test_grouped",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// With no data, we should get an empty tile
actualTile, _, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, actualTile)
require.Empty(t, actualTile.Traces)
// Build a tile up from the individual data points, one at a time
now := time.Date(2019, time.May, 5, 1, 3, 4, 0, time.UTC)
// Group the traces by device, so we should have 3 groups of 2 traces.
traces := data.MakeTestTile().Traces
byDevice := map[string][]*tiling.Trace{
data.AnglerDevice: nil,
data.BullheadDevice: nil,
data.CrosshatchDevice: nil,
for _, trace := range traces {
require.Len(t, trace.Digests, len(commits), "test data should have one digest per commit")
dev := trace.Keys["device"]
byDevice[dev] = append(byDevice[dev], trace)
require.Len(t, byDevice, 3, "test data should have exactly 3 devices")
// for each trace, report a group of two digests for each commit.
for dev, gTraces := range byDevice {
require.Len(t, gTraces, 2, "test data for %s should have exactly 2 traces", dev)
for i := 0; i < len(commits); i++ {
var entries []*tracestore.Entry
for _, gTrace := range gTraces {
entries = append(entries, &tracestore.Entry{
Digest: gTrace.Digests[i],
Params: gTrace.Keys,
err = traceStore.Put(ctx, commits[i].Hash, entries, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
// roll forward the clock by an arbitrary amount of time
now = now.Add(3 * time.Minute)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, data.MakeTestTile(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestBTTraceStorePutGetThreaded is like TestBTTraceStorePutGet, just
// with a bunch of reads/writes done in simultaneous go routines in
// an effort to catch any race conditions.
func TestBTTraceStorePutGetThreaded(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, 0)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test_threaded",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
now := time.Date(2019, time.May, 5, 1, 3, 4, 0, time.UTC)
readTile := func() {
defer wg.Done()
_, _, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
go readTile()
// Build a tile up from the individual data points, one at a time
traces := data.MakeTestTile().Traces
for _, tr := range traces {
// Put them in backwards, just to test that order doesn't matter
for i := len(tr.Digests) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
go func(now time.Time, i int, trace *tiling.Trace) {
defer wg.Done()
e := tracestore.Entry{
Digest: trace.Digests[i],
Params: trace.Keys,
err := traceStore.Put(ctx, commits[i].Hash, []*tracestore.Entry{&e}, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
}(now, i, tr)
now = now.Add(7 * time.Second)
go readTile()
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, data.MakeTestTile(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestBTTraceStoreGetDenseTile makes sure we get an empty tile
func TestBTTraceStoreGetDenseTileEmpty(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
realCommitIndices := []int{300, 501, 557}
totalCommits := 1101
mvcs, _ := mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test_dense_empty",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// With no data, we should get an empty tile
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetDenseTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, actualTile)
require.Empty(t, actualCommits)
require.Empty(t, actualTile.Traces)
// TestBTTraceStoreGetDenseTile puts in a few data points sparsely spaced throughout
// time and makes sure we can call GetDenseTile to get them condensed together
// (i.e. with all the empty commits tossed out). It puts them in a variety of conditions
// to try to identify any edge cases.
func TestBTTraceStoreGetDenseTile(t *testing.T) {
// 3 commits, arbitrarily spaced out across the last tile
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
realCommitIndices := []int{795, 987, 1001}
totalCommits := (256 * 4) - 1
mvcs, lCommits := mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
expectedTile := data.MakeTestTile()
testDenseTile(t, expectedTile, mvcs, commits, lCommits, realCommitIndices)
// 3 commits, arbitrarily spaced out across 3 tiles, with no data
// in the most recent tile
commits = data.MakeTestCommits()
realCommitIndices = []int{300, 501, 557}
totalCommits = 1101
mvcs, lCommits = mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
expectedTile = data.MakeTestTile()
testDenseTile(t, expectedTile, mvcs, commits, lCommits, realCommitIndices)
// As above, just 2 commits
commits = data.MakeTestCommits()[1:]
realCommitIndices = []int{501, 557}
totalCommits = 1101
mvcs, lCommits = mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
expectedTile = data.MakeTestTile()
expectedTile, err := expectedTile.Trim(1, 3)
require.NoError(t, err)
testDenseTile(t, expectedTile, mvcs, commits, lCommits, realCommitIndices)
// All commits are on the first commit of their tile
commits = data.MakeTestCommits()
realCommitIndices = []int{0, 256, 512}
totalCommits = 1101
mvcs, lCommits = mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
expectedTile = data.MakeTestTile()
testDenseTile(t, expectedTile, mvcs, commits, lCommits, realCommitIndices)
// All commits are on the last commit of their tile
commits = data.MakeTestCommits()
realCommitIndices = []int{255, 511, 767}
totalCommits = 1101
mvcs, lCommits = mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
expectedTile = data.MakeTestTile()
testDenseTile(t, expectedTile, mvcs, commits, lCommits, realCommitIndices)
// Empty tiles between commits
commits = data.MakeTestCommits()
realCommitIndices = []int{50, 800, 1100}
totalCommits = 1101
mvcs, lCommits = mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits, realCommitIndices, totalCommits)
expectedTile = data.MakeTestTile()
testDenseTile(t, expectedTile, mvcs, commits, lCommits, realCommitIndices)
// testDenseTile takes the data from tile, Puts it into BT, then pulls the tile given
// the commit layout in VCS and returns it.
func testDenseTile(t *testing.T, tile *tiling.Tile, mvcs *mock_vcs.VCS, commits []tiling.Commit, lCommits []*vcsinfo.LongCommit, realCommitIndices []int) {
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_test_dense",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// This time is an arbitrary point in time
now := time.Date(2019, time.May, 5, 1, 3, 4, 0, time.UTC)
// Build a tile up from the individual data points, one at a time
traces := tile.Traces
for _, trace := range traces {
// Put them in backwards, just to test that order doesn't matter
for i := len(trace.Digests) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
e := tracestore.Entry{
Digest: trace.Digests[i],
Params: trace.Keys,
err := traceStore.Put(ctx, commits[i].Hash, []*tracestore.Entry{&e}, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
// roll forward the clock by an arbitrary amount of time
now = now.Add(7 * time.Second)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, allCommits, err := traceStore.GetDenseTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, allCommits, len(lCommits)-realCommitIndices[0])
// In mockSparseVCSWithCommits, we change the time of the commits, so we need
// to update the expected times to match.
for i := range commits {
commits[i].CommitTime = lCommits[realCommitIndices[i]].Timestamp
tile.Commits = commits
assertTilesEqual(t, tile, actualTile)
// TestBTTraceStoreOverwrite makes sure that options and digests can be overwritten by
// later Put calls.
func TestBTTraceStoreOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
commits := data.MakeTestCommits()
mvcs := mockVCSWithCommits(commits, 0)
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "three_devices_overwrite",
VCS: mvcs,
// This digest should be not seen in the final tile.
badDigest := types.Digest("badc918f358a30d920f0b4e571ef20bd")
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// an arbitrary time that takes place before putTestTile's time.
now := time.Date(2019, time.April, 26, 12, 0, 3, 0, time.UTC)
// Write some data to trace AnglerAlphaTraceID that should be overwritten
for i := 0; i < len(commits); i++ {
e := tracestore.Entry{
Digest: badDigest,
Params: map[string]string{
"device": data.AnglerDevice,
types.PrimaryKeyField: string(data.AlphaTest),
types.CorpusField: "gm",
Options: map[string]string{
"should": "be overwritten",
err := traceStore.Put(context.Background(), commits[i].Hash, []*tracestore.Entry{&e}, now)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Now overwrite it.
putTestTile(t, traceStore, commits, true /*=options*/)
// Get the tile back and make sure it exactly matches the tile
// we hand-crafted for the test data.
actualTile, actualCommits, err := traceStore.GetTile(ctx, len(commits))
require.NoError(t, err)
assertTilesEqual(t, makeTestTileWithOptions(), actualTile)
require.Equal(t, commits, actualCommits)
// TestGetTileKey tests the internal workings of deriving a
// tileKey from the commit index. See for more.
func TestGetTileKey(t *testing.T) {
btConf := BTConfig{
// Leaving other things blank because we won't actually hit BT or use VCS.
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
type testStruct struct {
InputRepoIndex int
ExpectedKey tileKey
ExpectedIndex int
// test data is valid, but arbitrary.
tests := []testStruct{
InputRepoIndex: 0,
ExpectedKey: tileKey(2147483647),
ExpectedIndex: 0,
InputRepoIndex: 10,
ExpectedKey: tileKey(2147483647),
ExpectedIndex: 10,
InputRepoIndex: 300,
ExpectedKey: tileKey(2147483646),
ExpectedIndex: 44,
InputRepoIndex: 123456,
ExpectedKey: tileKey(2147483165),
ExpectedIndex: 64,
for _, test := range tests {
key, index := traceStore.getTileKey(test.InputRepoIndex)
require.Equal(t, test.ExpectedKey, key)
require.Equal(t, test.ExpectedIndex, index)
// TestCalcShardedRowName tests the internal workings of sharding
// a given subkey.
func TestCalcShardedRowName(t *testing.T) {
btConf := BTConfig{
// Leaving other things blank because we won't actually hit BT
// or use the VCS.
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
type testStruct struct {
InputKey tileKey
InputRowType string
InputSubKey string
ExpectedRowName string
// test data is valid, but arbitrary.
tests := []testStruct{
InputKey: tileKey(2147483647),
InputRowType: typeTrace,
InputSubKey: ",0=1,1=3,3=0,",
ExpectedRowName: "09:ts:t:2147483647:,0=1,1=3,3=0,",
InputKey: tileKey(2147483647),
InputRowType: typeTrace,
InputSubKey: ",0=1,1=3,9=0,",
ExpectedRowName: "13:ts:t:2147483647:,0=1,1=3,9=0,",
for _, test := range tests {
row := traceStore.calcShardedRowName(test.InputKey, test.InputRowType, test.InputSubKey)
require.Equal(t, test.ExpectedRowName, row)
// TestPutUpdate tests that if vcs.IndexOf fails, we call Update
// and then insert the data.
func TestPutUpdate(t *testing.T) {
mvcs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
btConf := BTConfig{
ProjectID: "should-use-the-emulator",
InstanceID: "testinstance",
TableID: "update",
VCS: mvcs,
require.NoError(t, bt.DeleteTables(btConf.ProjectID, btConf.InstanceID, btConf.TableID))
require.NoError(t, InitBT(context.Background(), btConf))
notFound := errors.New("commit not found")
mvcs.On("IndexOf", testutils.AnyContext, data.FirstCommitHash).Return(-1, notFound).Once()
mvcs.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, true, false).Return(nil)
mvcs.On("IndexOf", testutils.AnyContext, data.FirstCommitHash).Return(4001, nil).Once()
mvcs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, data.FirstCommitHash, false).Return(&vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: data.FirstCommitHash,
Author: "",
Subject: "test commit",
Timestamp: time.Now(),
}, nil).Once()
ctx := context.Background()
traceStore, err := New(ctx, btConf, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
// put some arbitrary data (we only care that the write
// did not return an error)
err = traceStore.Put(ctx, data.FirstCommitHash, []*tracestore.Entry{
Digest: data.AlphaPositiveDigest,
Options: map[string]string{
"ext": "png",
"resolution": "1000px",
Params: map[string]string{
"name": string(data.AlphaTest),
}, time.Now())
require.NoError(t, err)
// TestCommitsFromVCSSimultaneousCommits tests that we properly turn commit indices into real
// commits, even when we have simultaneous commits.
func TestCommitsFromVCSSimultaneousCommits(t *testing.T) {
mvcs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
defer mvcs.AssertExpectations(t)
// For this test, we assume we have 10 commits that we don't care about, a commit that isn't part
// of the tile, then 4 commits that are. The commits have been constructed such that the first two
// (which we are imagining to be commit index 10 and 11) share the same timestamp.
tCommits, lCommits, hashes := makeSimultaneousCommits()
mvcs.On("ByIndex", testutils.AnyContext, 11).Return(lCommits[1], nil)
tMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(ts time.Time) bool {
return ts.Before(lCommits[1].Timestamp)
mvcs.On("From", tMatcher).Return(hashes, nil)
mvcs.On("DetailsMulti", testutils.AnyContext, hashes[1:], false).Return(lCommits[1:], nil)
b := &BTTraceStore{
vcs: mvcs,
commitsWithData := []int{11, 12, 14}
allCommits, denseCommits, err := b.commitsFromVCS(context.Background(), commitsWithData)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []tiling.Commit{tCommits[1], tCommits[2], tCommits[4]}, denseCommits)
assert.Equal(t, tCommits[1:], allCommits)
// makeSimultaneousCommits returns the data for 5 commits, of which the first two share a timestamp.
func makeSimultaneousCommits() ([]tiling.Commit, []*vcsinfo.LongCommit, []string) {
commits := data_bug_revert.MakeTestCommits()
commits[1].CommitTime = commits[0].CommitTime
longCommits := make([]*vcsinfo.LongCommit, 0, len(commits))
hashes := make([]string, 0, len(commits))
for _, c := range commits {
longCommits = append(longCommits, &vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: c.Hash,
Author: c.Author,
Subject: c.Subject,
Timestamp: c.CommitTime,
hashes = append(hashes, c.Hash)
return commits, longCommits, hashes
func mockVCSWithCommits(commits []tiling.Commit, offset int) *mock_vcs.VCS {
mvcs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
indexCommits := make([]*vcsinfo.IndexCommit, 0, len(commits))
hashes := make([]string, 0, len(commits))
longCommits := make([]*vcsinfo.LongCommit, 0, len(commits))
for i, c := range commits {
mvcs.On("IndexOf", testutils.AnyContext, c.Hash).Return(i+offset, nil).Maybe()
indexCommits = append(indexCommits, &vcsinfo.IndexCommit{
Hash: c.Hash,
Index: i + offset,
Timestamp: c.CommitTime,
hashes = append(hashes, c.Hash)
longCommits = append(longCommits, &vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: c.Hash,
Author: c.Author,
Subject: c.Subject,
Timestamp: c.CommitTime,
mvcs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, c.Hash, false).Return(longCommits[i], nil).Maybe()
mvcs.On("LastNIndex", len(commits)).Return(indexCommits)
mvcs.On("DetailsMulti", testutils.AnyContext, hashes, false).Return(longCommits, nil)
return mvcs
func mockSparseVCSWithCommits(commits []tiling.Commit, realCommitIndices []int, totalCommits int) (*mock_vcs.VCS, []*vcsinfo.LongCommit) {
mvcs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
if len(commits) != len(realCommitIndices) {
panic("commits should be same length as realCommitIndices")
// Create many synthetic commits.
indexCommits := make([]*vcsinfo.IndexCommit, totalCommits)
longCommits := make([]*vcsinfo.LongCommit, totalCommits)
hashes := []string{}
for i := 0; i < totalCommits; i++ {
h := fmt.Sprintf("%040d", i)
indexCommits[i] = &vcsinfo.IndexCommit{
Hash: h,
Index: i,
// space the commits 1700 seconds apart, starting at the epoch
// This is an arbitrary amount of space.
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(i*1700), 0),
longCommits[i] = &vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: h,
Author: "",
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(i*1700), 0),
hashes = append(hashes, h)
for i, c := range commits {
index := realCommitIndices[i]
mvcs.On("IndexOf", testutils.AnyContext, c.Hash).Return(index, nil).Maybe()
indexCommits[index] = &vcsinfo.IndexCommit{
Hash: c.Hash,
Index: index,
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(index*1700), 0),
hashes[index] = c.Hash
longCommits[index] = &vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: c.Hash,
Author: c.Author,
Subject: c.Subject,
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(index*1700), 0),
mvcs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, c.Hash, false).Return(longCommits[index], nil).Maybe()
firstRealCommitIdx := realCommitIndices[0]
mvcs.On("ByIndex", testutils.AnyContext, firstRealCommitIdx).Return(longCommits[firstRealCommitIdx], nil).Maybe()
mvcs.On("From", mock.Anything).Return(hashes[firstRealCommitIdx:], nil).Maybe()
mvcs.On("LastNIndex", 1).Return(indexCommits[totalCommits-1:]).Maybe()
mvcs.On("DetailsMulti", testutils.AnyContext, hashes[firstRealCommitIdx:], false).Return(longCommits[firstRealCommitIdx:], nil).Maybe()
return mvcs, longCommits
func makeTestTileWithOptions() *tiling.Tile {
tile := data.MakeTestTile()
for id, trace := range tile.Traces {
// CrosshatchBetaTraceID has a digest at index 0 and is missing in all
// other indices (and this is the only trace for which this occurs).
// optionsOne are written to index 0 and optionsTwo are for all other
// indices. Thus, CrosshatchBetaTraceID will be the only trace with
// optionsOne applied.
if id == data.CrosshatchBetaTraceID {
for k, v := range makeOptionsOne() {
trace.Keys[k] = v
} else {
for k, v := range makeOptionsTwo() {
trace.Keys[k] = v
tile.Traces[id] = trace
tile.ParamSet["resolution"] = []string{"1080p", "4k"}
tile.ParamSet["color"] = []string{"orange"}
return tile
func makeOptionsOne() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"resolution": "1080p",
"color": "orange",
func makeOptionsTwo() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"resolution": "4k",