blob: 9fbf7d661555f011ddc182acfcfde0ce8309e89d [file] [log] [blame]
# Provides basic build rules for building minified JS and vulcanized HTML.
# Targets
# =======
# core_js: Builds res/js/core.js.
# elements_html: Builds res/vul/elements.html.
# clean_webtools: Cleans out core.js and elements.html.
# Usage
# =====
# Add the following to your Makefile:
# include ../webtools/
# And define the following:
# BOWER_DIR: The bower directory.
# CORE_SOURCE_FILES: a list of source files that make up core.js.
# These files should be either present in the project or brought into
# $(BOWER_DIR) via bower. This makefile runs bower on the local directory
# to bring in dependencies.
# VULCANIZE1: If defined then this presumes vulcanize 1.0 or later is installed
# and uses the new command line flags. This can be removed once all projects
# have moved to vulcanize 1.x.
# Propagate exit status if any command in a pipeline fails.
SHELL=/bin/bash -o pipefail
# Get the directory of this makefile to refer to common resources relative to this.
WEBTOOLS_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
##### core_js ####
# The core_js target builds res/js/core.js from the concatenated source file
# listed in CORE_SOURCE_FILES. The result is minified.
.PHONY: core_js
core_js: node_modules/lastupdate res/js/core.js res/common
# The debug_core_js target does the same thing as core_js, but the file isn't
# minified.
debug_core_js: res/js/core-debug.js
cp res/js/core-debug.js res/js/core.js
res/js/core.js: res/js/core-debug.js ./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs res/js/core-debug.js -o res/js/core.js
res/js/core-debug.js: Makefile $(BOWER_DIR)/lastupdate $(CORE_SOURCE_FILES)
-mkdir res/js
awk 'FNR==1{print ""}{print}' $(CORE_SOURCE_FILES) > res/js/core-debug.js
$(BOWER_DIR)/lastupdate: bower.json ./node_modules/.bin/bower
./node_modules/.bin/bower update
ln -sf ../../$(BOWER_DIR) res/imp/bower_components
touch $(BOWER_DIR)/lastupdate
ln -sfr $(WEBTOOLS_DIR)/../res res/common
#### elements_html ####
# The elements_html target builds a vulcanized res/vul/elements.html from
# elements.html.
elements_html: core_js res/vul/elements.html
# The debug_elements_html target just copies elements.html into res/vul/elements.html.
-mkdir res/vul
cp elements.html res/vul/elements.html
ln -sf ../../$(BOWER_DIR) res/imp/bower_components
res/vul/elements.html: res/imp/*.html elements.html ./node_modules/.bin/vulcanize
#### clean_webtools ####
-rm res/vul/elements.html
-rm res/js/core.js
-rm res/js/core-debug.js
#### Rules to npm install needed tools ####
npm install vulcanize --save-dev
npm install bower --save-dev
npm install uglify-js --save-dev
#### npm install dependencies ####
node_modules/lastupdate: package.json
npm install
touch node_modules/lastupdate