blob: b6d2ff74780e0639df728ac777b0f731831470a4 [file] [log] [blame]
package tiling
import (
func TestGoldenTrace(t *testing.T) {
N := 5
// Test NewTrace.
g := NewEmptyTrace(N, nil)
assert.Equal(t, N, g.Len(), "wrong digests size")
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(g.Keys), "wrong keys initial size")
g.Digests[0] = "a digest"
assert.True(t, g.IsMissing(1), "values start missing")
assert.False(t, g.IsMissing(0), "set values shouldn't be missing")
// Test Merge.
M := 7
gm := NewEmptyTrace(M, nil)
gm.Digests[1] = "another digest"
g2 := g.Merge(gm)
assert.Equal(t, N+M, g2.Len(), "merge length wrong")
assert.Equal(t, types.Digest("a digest"), g2.Digests[0])
assert.Equal(t, types.Digest("another digest"), g2.Digests[6])
// Test Grow.
g = NewEmptyTrace(N, nil)
g.Digests[0] = "foo"
g.Grow(2*N, FillBefore)
assert.Equal(t, types.Digest("foo"), g.Digests[N], "Grow didn't FillBefore correctly")
g = NewEmptyTrace(N, nil)
g.Digests[0] = "foo"
g.Grow(2*N, FillAfter)
assert.Equal(t, types.Digest("foo"), g.Digests[0], "Grow didn't FillAfter correctly")
// Test Trim
g = NewEmptyTrace(N, nil)
g.Digests[1] = "foo"
require.NoError(t, g.Trim(1, 3))
assert.Equal(t, types.Digest("foo"), g.Digests[0], "Trim didn't copy correctly")
assert.Equal(t, 2, g.Len(), "Trim wrong length")
assert.Error(t, g.Trim(-1, 1))
assert.Error(t, g.Trim(1, 3))
assert.Error(t, g.Trim(2, 1))
require.NoError(t, g.Trim(1, 1))
assert.Equal(t, 0, g.Len(), "final size wrong")
// BenchmarkTraceTestName shows that a map-lookup in go for this example param map is about
// 15 nanoseconds, whereas pre-caching that value makes it about 0.5 ns.
func BenchmarkTraceTestName(b *testing.B) {
// This is a typical paramset for a Skia trace, grabbed at random from the live data.
gt := NewEmptyTrace(10, map[string]string{
"alpha_type": "Premul",
"arch": "arm64",
"color_depth": "8888",
"color_type": "RGBA_8888",
"compiler": "Clang",
"config": "ddl-vk",
"configuration": "Debug",
"cpu_or_gpu": "GPU",
"cpu_or_gpu_value": "Adreno540",
"ext": "png",
"extra_config": "Android_DDL1_Vulkan",
"gamut": "untagged",
"model": "Pixel2XL",
"name": "blurredclippedcircle",
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "gm",
"style": "DDL",
"transfer_fn": "untagged",
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
// always record the result of TestName to prevent
// the compiler eliminating the function call.
r := gt.TestName()
// Use the result to make sure it doesn't get compiled away
if len(r) > 10000 {
panic("this keeps r around and should never happen")
// BenchmarkTraceMapIteration shows that iterating through a map of 1.3 million traces
// takes about 21 milliseconds.
func BenchmarkTraceMapIteration(b *testing.B) {
// This is a typical size of a Skia tile, 1.3 million traces.
const numTraces = 1300000
// When we make the traces in bt_tracestore, we don't know how big they can be, so
// we just start from an empty map
traces := map[TraceID]*Trace{}
for i := 0; i < numTraces; i++ {
id := randomString()
traces[TraceID(id)] = NewEmptyTrace(10, map[string]string{
"alpha_type": "Premul",
"arch": "arm64",
"name": id,
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
for id, tr := range traces {
if id == "blerg" { // should never happen
// BenchmarkTraceSliceIteration shows that iterating through a slice of 1.3 million traces
// takes about 5 milliseconds.
func BenchmarkTraceSliceIteration(b *testing.B) {
// This is a typical size of a Skia tile, 1.3 million traces.
const numTraces = 1300000
// When we make the traces in bt_tracestore, we wouldn't know how big they can be, so
// we just start from an empty slice
var traces []TracePair
for i := 0; i < numTraces; i++ {
id := randomString()
traces = append(traces, TracePair{
ID: TraceID(id),
Trace: NewEmptyTrace(10, map[string]string{
"alpha_type": "Premul",
"arch": "arm64",
"name": id,
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
for _, tp := range traces {
id, tr := tp.ID, tp.Trace
if id == "blerg" { // should never happen
const stringSize = 64
func randomString() string {
b := make([]byte, stringSize)
_, _ = rand.Read(b)
return string(b)