blob: f5d8ba02e37155672b86f25a447019ac3d3feff3 [file] [log] [blame]
package search
import (
mock_clstore ""
mock_index ""
mock_tjstore ""
const (
// These consts were arbitrarily picked to approximate a representative Skia ChangeList
numResultParams = 6
numOptionsParams = 8
numGroupParams = 12
numIgnoreRules = 100
// numIgnorableValues can be tuned higher to ignore fewer values and lower to ignore more.
// Right now, this value ignores 10% on average in BenchmarkExtractChangeListDigests
numIgnorableValues = 500
// BenchmarkExtractChangeListDigests benchmarks extractChangeListDigests, specifically
// focusing on the filtering logic after the TryJobResults are returned.
func BenchmarkExtractChangeListDigests(b *testing.B) {
mis := &mock_index.IndexSearcher{}
mcls := &mock_clstore.Store{}
mtjs := &mock_tjstore.Store{}
clID := "123"
psOrder := 1
// 500k was observed as a typical number of results for Skia, as were 15 unique options and
// 15 unique groups.
xtr := genTryJobResults(500000, 15, 15)
mcls.On("GetPatchSets", testutils.AnyContext, clID).Return([]code_review.PatchSet{
SystemID: "first_one",
ChangeListID: clID,
Order: psOrder,
// All the rest are ignored
}, nil)
combinedID := tjstore.CombinedPSID{CL: "123", CRS: "gerrit", PS: "first_one"}
// return a copy of the slice so we can mess around with the data however we like.
mtjs.On("GetResults", testutils.AnyContext, combinedID).Return(func(context.Context, tjstore.CombinedPSID) []tjstore.TryJobResult {
c := make([]tjstore.TryJobResult, len(xtr))
copy(c, xtr)
return c
}, nil)
s := &SearchImpl{
changeListStore: mcls,
tryJobStore: mtjs,
fn := func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, params paramtools.Params) {}
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
err := s.extractChangeListDigests(context.Background(), &query.Search{
PatchSets: []int64{int64(psOrder)},
TraceValues: map[string][]string{},
IncludeUntriagedDigests: true,
ChangeListID: clID,
}, mis, expectations.EmptyClassifier(), fn)
require.NoError(b, err)
// ignorableFields and ignorableValues allow us to have somewhat random inputs that can be
// re-used and thus matched upon by ignores.
var ignorableFields = []string{types.PrimaryKeyField, "config", "gpu", "os", "flavor", "smell", "weight"}
var ignorableValues []string = nil
func init() {
for i := 0; i < numIgnorableValues; i++ {
ignorableValues = append(ignorableValues, randValue())
// makeIgnoreRules makes a set of synthetic ignore rules that approximately represents
// those found in Skia. It uses ignorableFields and ignorableValues to have a mix of things
// that could possibly line up with the values in genTryJobResults.
func makeIgnoreRules() paramtools.ParamMatcher {
var pm paramtools.ParamMatcher
for i := 0; i < numIgnoreRules; i++ {
// 1-2 fields
numFields := rand.Intn(2) + 1
p := paramtools.ParamSet{}
fieldPerm := rand.Perm(len(ignorableFields))
for _, r := range fieldPerm[:numFields] {
f := ignorableFields[r]
// 1-4 values
numValues := rand.Intn(4) + 1
var v []string
fieldPerm := rand.Perm(len(ignorableFields))
for _, r := range fieldPerm[:numValues] {
v = append(v, ignorableValues[r])
p[f] = v
pm = append(pm, p)
return pm
// genTryJobResults makes TryJobResults with synthetic data that approximately represents
// the data created by Skia. The data is structured such that some (~10%) of the results will
// be ignored by makeIgnoreRules(), but the vast majority will not. Additionally, the number of
// fields in the various Params is generally representative.
func genTryJobResults(results, uniqueOptions, uniqueGroups int) []tjstore.TryJobResult {
opts := make([]paramtools.Params, 0, uniqueOptions)
for i := 0; i < uniqueOptions; i++ {
opts = append(opts, makeParams(numOptionsParams))
groups := make([]paramtools.Params, 0, uniqueGroups)
for i := 0; i < uniqueGroups; i++ {
groups = append(groups, makeParams(numGroupParams))
xtr := make([]tjstore.TryJobResult, 0, results)
for i := 0; i < results; i++ {
o := rand.Intn(uniqueOptions)
g := rand.Intn(uniqueGroups)
xtr = append(xtr, tjstore.TryJobResult{
GroupParams: groups[g],
Options: opts[o],
ResultParams: makeResults(),
Digest: types.Digest(randValue()),
return xtr
// makeParams makes a Params that is a blend of ignorable values, and non-ignorable values.
func makeParams(n int) paramtools.Params {
p := paramtools.Params{}
numIgnorables := 3
for i := 0; len(p) < n && i < numIgnorables; i++ {
r := rand.Intn(len(ignorableFields))
f := ignorableFields[r]
// don't have name for these - that should be in result params
if f == types.PrimaryKeyField {
f = ignorableFields[1]
r = rand.Intn(len(ignorableValues))
v := ignorableValues[r]
p[f] = v
numMaybes := 2
for i := 0; len(p) < n && i < numMaybes; i++ {
r := rand.Intn(len(ignorableFields))
f := ignorableFields[r]
// don't have name for these - that should be in result params
if f == types.PrimaryKeyField {
f = ignorableFields[1]
p[f] = randValue()
for len(p) < n {
p[randValue()] = randValue()
return p
// makeResults returns a Params similar to those in Skia results. They always have a name.
// The rest of the fields are possibly ignorable.
func makeResults() paramtools.Params {
p := paramtools.Params{}
if rand.Float32() < 0.5 {
p[types.PrimaryKeyField] = randValue()
} else {
r := rand.Intn(len(ignorableValues))
p[types.PrimaryKeyField] = ignorableValues[r]
numIgnorables := 2
for i := 1; len(p) < numResultParams && i < numIgnorables; i++ {
r := rand.Intn(len(ignorableFields))
f := ignorableFields[r]
// don't have multiple names
if f == types.PrimaryKeyField {
f = ignorableFields[2]
r = rand.Intn(len(ignorableValues))
v := ignorableValues[r]
p[f] = v
for len(p) < numResultParams {
r := rand.Intn(len(ignorableFields))
f := ignorableFields[r]
// don't have multiple names
if f == types.PrimaryKeyField {
f = ignorableFields[2]
p[f] = randValue()
return p
// randValue returns a random string. It happens to be a hex encoded Digest, but can be used
// any place a random medium-length string is needed.
func randValue() string {
b := make([]byte, md5.Size)
_, _ = rand.Read(b)
return hex.EncodeToString(b)