blob: 73da1f9e97f07a712a6ec886eecf48ee3878492b [file] [log] [blame]
package testutils
import (
// Run runs the given command in the given dir and asserts that it succeeds.
func Run(t require.TestingT, ctx context.Context, dir string, cmd ...string) string {
out, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, dir, cmd...)
require.NoError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("Command %q failed:\n%s", strings.Join(cmd, " "), out))
return out
// AssertCommandsMatch does a quick comparison of the commands returned by exec.CommandCollector
// with the name and arguments listed as a space seperated list. Other details of a command (e.g.
// if they had standard out or set environment variables) should be handled in follow on, specific
// assertions. If the size of the command lists does not match, as many as possible will be compared
// before ending in a fatal manner.
func AssertCommandsMatch(t require.TestingT, expectedCommands [][]string, actualCommands []*exec.Command) {
for i, cmd := range expectedCommands {
if i >= len(actualCommands) {
require.Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Ran out of actual commands to compare against after %s",
actualCmd := actualCommands[i]
cli := make([]string, 1, 1+len(actualCmd.Args))
cli[0] = actualCmd.Name
cli = append(cli, actualCmd.Args...)
assert.Equal(t, cmd, cli)
require.Equal(t, len(expectedCommands), len(actualCommands))