blob: 1c000406c21ed0264bd522a8df1bce4b36804ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package fs_expstore an ExpectationsStore based on Firestore. See for the schema
// and design rationale.
package fs_expstore
import (
ifirestore ""
// AccessMode indicates if this ExpectationsStore can update existing Expectations
// in the backing store or if if can only read them.
type AccessMode int
const (
ReadOnly AccessMode = iota
var (
ReadOnlyErr = errors.New("expectationStore is in read-only mode")
const (
// These are the collections in Firestore.
expectationsCollection = "expstore_expectations_v2"
triageRecordsCollection = "expstore_triage_records_v2"
triageChangesCollection = "expstore_triage_changes_v2"
// Fields in the Collections we query by.
committedField = "committed"
digestField = "digest"
groupingField = "grouping"
crsCLIDField = "crs_cl_id"
recordIDField = "record_id"
tsField = "ts"
maxOperationTime = 2 * time.Minute
// There will not be very many entries on ChangeLists, relative to the masterBranch, so
// we can get away with many fewer shards to avoid the overhead of so many
// simultaneous queries.
clShards = 4
// snapshotShards was determined empirically on a data set of about 550k expectationEntry
// The more shards here, the more overhead and contention with the masterShards,
// so we aim for the sweet spot, erring on the side of too few shards.
// Times are for the New() function (i.e. initial fetch)
// 1 shard -> ???
// 8 shards -> 49s
// 16 shards -> 25s
// 32 shards -> 17s
// 64 shards -> 15s
// 96 shards -> ???
// 128 shards -> ???
// 512 shards -> ???
snapshotShards = 32
masterBranch = ""
// recoverTime is the minimum amount of time to wait before recreating any QuerySnapshotIterator
// if it fails. A random amount of time should be added to this, proportional to recoverTime.
recoverTime = 30 * time.Second
// Store implements expstorage.ExpectationsStore backed by
// Firestore. It has a write-through caching mechanism.
type Store struct {
client *ifirestore.Client
mode AccessMode
crsAndCLID string // crs+"_"+id. Empty string means master branch.
// eventBus allows this Store to communicate with the outside world when
// expectations change.
eventBus eventbus.EventBus
// globalEvent keeps track whether we want to send events within this instance
// or on the global eventbus.
globalEvent bool
// eventExpChange keeps track of which event to fire when the expectations change.
// This will be for either the MasterExpectations or for an IssueExpectations.
eventExpChange string
cache *expectations.Expectations
masterQuerySnapshots []*firestore.QuerySnapshotIterator
// expectationEntry is the document type stored in the expectationsCollection.
type expectationEntry struct {
Grouping types.TestName `firestore:"grouping"`
Digest types.Digest `firestore:"digest"`
Label expectations.Label `firestore:"label"`
Updated time.Time `firestore:"updated"`
CRSAndCLID string `firestore:"crs_cl_id"`
// ID returns the deterministic ID that lets us update existing entries.
func (e *expectationEntry) ID() string {
s := string(e.Grouping) + "|" + string(e.Digest)
// firestore gets cranky if there are / in key names
return strings.Replace(s, "/", "-", -1)
// triageRecord is the document type stored in the triageRecordsCollection.
type triageRecord struct {
UserName string `firestore:"user"`
TS time.Time `firestore:"ts"`
CRSAndCLID string `firestore:"crs_cl_id"`
Changes int `firestore:"changes"`
Committed bool `firestore:"committed"`
// triageChanges is the document type stored in the triageChangesCollection.
type triageChanges struct {
RecordID string `firestore:"record_id"`
Grouping types.TestName `firestore:"grouping"`
Digest types.Digest `firestore:"digest"`
LabelBefore expectations.Label `firestore:"before"`
LabelAfter expectations.Label `firestore:"after"`
// New returns a new Store using the given firestore client. The Store will track
// masterBranch- see ForChangeList() for getting Stores that track ChangeLists.
// The passed in context is used for the QuerySnapshots (in ReadOnly mode).
func New(ctx context.Context, client *ifirestore.Client, eventBus eventbus.EventBus, mode AccessMode) (*Store, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
defer shared.NewMetricsTimer("expstore_init").Stop()
f := &Store{
client: client,
eventBus: eventBus,
eventExpChange: expstorage.EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED,
globalEvent: true,
crsAndCLID: masterBranch,
mode: mode,
cache: &expectations.Expectations{},
err := f.initQuerySnapshot(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not get initial query snapshot")
sklog.Infof("Loaded %d master expectations for %d tests", f.cache.Len(), f.cache.NumTests())
// Starts several go routines to listen to the snapshots created earlier.
return f, nil
// ForChangeList implements the ExpectationsStore interface.
func (f *Store) ForChangeList(id, crs string) expstorage.ExpectationsStore {
if id == masterBranch {
// It is invalid to re-request the master branch
return nil
return &Store{
client: f.client,
eventBus: nil,
crsAndCLID: crs + "_" + id,
mode: f.mode,
cache: &expectations.Expectations{},
// Get implements the ExpectationsStore interface.
func (f *Store) Get() (expectations.ReadOnly, error) {
if f.crsAndCLID == masterBranch {
defer metrics2.NewTimer("gold_get_expectations", map[string]string{"master_branch": "true"}).Stop()
return f.cache, nil
defer metrics2.NewTimer("gold_get_expectations", map[string]string{"master_branch": "false"}).Stop()
return f.getExpectationsForCL()
// GetCopy implements the ExpectationsStore interface.
func (f *Store) GetCopy() (*expectations.Expectations, error) {
if f.crsAndCLID == masterBranch {
defer metrics2.NewTimer("gold_get_expectations", map[string]string{"master_branch": "true"}).Stop()
return f.cache.DeepCopy(), nil
defer metrics2.NewTimer("gold_get_expectations", map[string]string{"master_branch": "false"}).Stop()
return f.getExpectationsForCL()
// initQuerySnapshot creates many firestore.QuerySnapshotIterator objects based on a shard of
// all expectations and does the first Next() on them (which will try to return all data
// in those shards). This data is loaded into the cache. Without sharding the queries, this times
// out with many expectations because of the fact that the first call to Next() fetches all data
// currently there.
func (f *Store) initQuerySnapshot(ctx context.Context) error {
q := f.client.Collection(expectationsCollection).Where(crsCLIDField, "==", masterBranch)
queries := fs_utils.ShardQueryOnDigest(q, digestField, snapshotShards)
f.masterQuerySnapshots = make([]*firestore.QuerySnapshotIterator, snapshotShards)
es := make([][]expectationEntry, snapshotShards)
var eg errgroup.Group
for shard, q := range queries {
func(shard int, q firestore.Query) {
eg.Go(func() error {
snap := q.Snapshots(ctx)
qs, err := snap.Next()
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting initial snapshot data")
es[shard] = extractExpectationEntries(qs)
f.masterQuerySnapshots[shard] = snap
return nil
}(shard, q)
err := eg.Wait()
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
for _, entries := range es {
for _, e := range entries {
f.cache.Set(e.Grouping, e.Digest, e.Label)
return nil
// listenToQuerySnapshots takes the f.masterQuerySnapshots from earlier and spins up N
// go routines that listen to those snapshots. If they see new triages (i.e. expectationEntry),
// they update the f.cache (which is protected by cacheMutex).
func (f *Store) listenToQuerySnapshots(ctx context.Context) {
for i := 0; i < snapshotShards; i++ {
go func(shard int) {
for {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
sklog.Debugf("Stopping query of snapshots on shard %d due to context err: %s", shard, err)
qs, err := f.masterQuerySnapshots[shard].Next()
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("reading query snapshot %d: %s", shard, err)
// sleep and rebuild the snapshot query. Once a SnapshotQueryIterator returns
// an error, it seems to always return that error. We sleep for a
// semi-randomized amount of time to spread out the re-building of shards
// (as it is likely all the shards will fail at about the same time).
t := recoverTime + time.Duration(float32(recoverTime)*rand.Float32())
sklog.Infof("Trying to recreate query snapshot %d after having slept %s", shard, t)
q := f.client.Collection(expectationsCollection).Where(crsCLIDField, "==", masterBranch)
queries := fs_utils.ShardQueryOnDigest(q, digestField, snapshotShards)
// This will trigger a complete re-request of this shard's data, to catch any
// updates that happened while we were not listening.
f.masterQuerySnapshots[shard] = queries[shard].Snapshots(ctx)
entries := extractExpectationEntries(qs)
func() {
for _, e := range entries {
f.cache.Set(e.Grouping, e.Digest, e.Label)
if f.eventBus != nil {
for _, e := range entries {
f.eventBus.Publish(f.eventExpChange, &expstorage.EventExpectationChange{
ExpectationDelta: expstorage.Delta{
Grouping: e.Grouping,
Digest: e.Digest,
Label: e.Label,
}, f.globalEvent)
// extractExpectationEntries retrieves all []expectationEntry from a given QuerySnapshot, logging
// any errors (which should be exceedingly rare)
func extractExpectationEntries(qs *firestore.QuerySnapshot) []expectationEntry {
var entries []expectationEntry
for _, dc := range qs.Changes {
if dc.Kind == firestore.DocumentRemoved {
sklog.Warningf("Unexpected DocumentRemoved event: %#v", dc)
continue // There will likely never be DocumentRemoved events
entry := expectationEntry{}
if err := dc.Doc.DataTo(&entry); err != nil {
id := dc.Doc.Ref.ID
sklog.Errorf("corrupt data in firestore, could not unmarshal expectationEntry with id %s", id)
entries = append(entries, entry)
return entries
// getExpectationsForCL returns an Expectations object which is safe to mutate
// that has all cl-specific Expectations.
// It fetches everything from firestore every time, as there could be multiple
// readers and writers and thus caching isn't safe.
func (f *Store) getExpectationsForCL() (*expectations.Expectations, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
q := f.client.Collection(expectationsCollection).Where(crsCLIDField, "==", f.crsAndCLID)
es := make([]*expectations.Expectations, clShards)
queries := fs_utils.ShardQueryOnDigest(q, digestField, clShards)
maxRetries := 3
err := f.client.IterDocsInParallel(context.TODO(), "loadExpectations", f.crsAndCLID, queries, maxRetries, maxOperationTime, func(i int, doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
if doc == nil {
return nil
entry := expectationEntry{}
if err := doc.DataTo(&entry); err != nil {
id := doc.Ref.ID
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "corrupt data in firestore, could not unmarshal expectationEntry with id %s", id)
if es[i] == nil {
es[i] = &expectations.Expectations{}
es[i].Set(entry.Grouping, entry.Digest, entry.Label)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching expectations for ChangeList %s", f.crsAndCLID)
e := expectations.Expectations{}
for _, ne := range es {
return &e, nil
// AddChange implements the ExpectationsStore interface.
func (f *Store) AddChange(ctx context.Context, delta []expstorage.Delta, userID string) error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
if f.mode == ReadOnly {
return ReadOnlyErr
// Create the entries that we want to write (using the previous values)
now := time.Now()
entries, changes := f.flatten(now, delta)
// Nothing to add
if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil
// firestore can do up to 500 writes at once, we have 2 writes per entry, plus 1 triageRecord
const batchSize = (ifirestore.MAX_TRANSACTION_DOCS / 2) - 1
b := f.client.Batch()
// First write the triage record, with Committed being false (i.e. in progress)
tr := f.client.Collection(triageRecordsCollection).NewDoc()
record := triageRecord{
UserName: userID,
TS: now,
Changes: len(entries),
Committed: false,
b.Set(tr, record)
err := util.ChunkIter(len(entries), batchSize, func(start, stop int) error {
sklog.Debugf("Storing new expectations [%d, %d]", start, stop)
for offset, entry := range entries[start:stop] {
e := f.client.Collection(expectationsCollection).Doc(entry.ID())
b.Set(e, entry)
tc := f.client.Collection(triageChangesCollection).NewDoc()
change := changes[start+offset]
change.RecordID = tr.ID
b.Set(tc, change)
exp := &backoff.ExponentialBackOff{
InitialInterval: time.Second,
RandomizationFactor: 0.5,
Multiplier: 2,
MaxInterval: maxOperationTime / 4,
MaxElapsedTime: maxOperationTime,
Clock: backoff.SystemClock,
o := func() error {
_, err := b.Commit(ctx)
return err
if err := backoff.Retry(o, exp); err != nil {
// We really hope this doesn't happen, as it may leave the data in a partially
// broken state.
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "writing entries with retry [%d, %d]", start, stop)
// Go on to the next batch, if needed.
if stop < len(entries) {
b = f.client.Batch()
return nil
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// We have succeeded this potentially long write, so mark it completed.
update := map[string]interface{}{
committedField: true,
_, err = f.client.Set(ctx, tr, update, 10, maxOperationTime, firestore.MergeAll)
return err
// flatten creates the data for the Documents to be written for a given Expectations delta.
// It requires that the f.cache is safe to read (i.e. the mutex is held), because
// it needs to determine the previous values.
func (f *Store) flatten(now time.Time, delta []expstorage.Delta) ([]expectationEntry, []triageChanges) {
var entries []expectationEntry
var changes []triageChanges
for _, d := range delta {
entries = append(entries, expectationEntry{
Grouping: d.Grouping,
Digest: d.Digest,
Label: d.Label,
Updated: now,
changes = append(changes, triageChanges{
// RecordID will be filled out later
Grouping: d.Grouping,
Digest: d.Digest,
LabelBefore: f.cache.Classification(d.Grouping, d.Digest),
LabelAfter: d.Label,
return entries, changes
// QueryLog implements the ExpectationsStore interface.
func (f *Store) QueryLog(ctx context.Context, offset, size int, details bool) ([]expstorage.TriageLogEntry, int, error) {
if offset < 0 || size <= 0 {
return nil, -1, skerr.Fmt("offset: %d and size: %d must be positive", offset, size)
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Fetch the records, which have everything except the details.
q := f.client.Collection(triageRecordsCollection).OrderBy(tsField, firestore.Desc).Offset(offset).Limit(size)
q = q.Where(crsCLIDField, "==", f.crsAndCLID).Where(committedField, "==", true)
var rv []expstorage.TriageLogEntry
d := fmt.Sprintf("offset: %d, size %d", offset, size)
err := f.client.IterDocs(ctx, "query_log", d, q, 3, maxOperationTime, func(doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
if doc == nil {
return nil
tr := triageRecord{}
if err := doc.DataTo(&tr); err != nil {
id := doc.Ref.ID
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "corrupt data in firestore, could not unmarshal triageRecord with id %s", id)
rv = append(rv, expstorage.TriageLogEntry{
ID: doc.Ref.ID,
User: tr.UserName,
TS: tr.TS,
ChangeCount: tr.Changes,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not request triage records [%d: %d]", offset, size)
n := len(rv)
if n == size && n != 0 {
// We don't know how many there are and it might be too slow to count, so just give
// the "many" response.
n = expstorage.CountMany
} else {
// We know exactly either 1) how many there are (if n > 0) or 2) an upper bound on how many
// there are (if n == 0)
n += offset
if len(rv) == 0 || !details {
return rv, n, nil
// Make a query for each of the records to fetch the changes belonging to that record.
qs := make([]firestore.Query, 0, len(rv))
for _, r := range rv {
q := f.client.Collection(triageChangesCollection).Where(recordIDField, "==", r.ID)
// Sort them by grouping, then Digest for determinism
q = q.OrderBy(groupingField, firestore.Asc).OrderBy(digestField, firestore.Asc)
qs = append(qs, q)
// Then fire them all off in parallel.
err = f.client.IterDocsInParallel(ctx, "query_log_details", d, qs, 3, maxOperationTime, func(i int, doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
if doc == nil {
return nil
tc := triageChanges{}
if err := doc.DataTo(&tc); err != nil {
id := doc.Ref.ID
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "corrupt data in firestore, could not unmarshal triageChanges with id %s", id)
rv[i].Details = append(rv[i].Details, expstorage.Delta{
Grouping: tc.Grouping,
Digest: tc.Digest,
Label: tc.LabelAfter,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not query details")
return rv, n, nil
// UndoChange implements the ExpectationsStore interface.
func (f *Store) UndoChange(ctx context.Context, changeID, userID string) error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
if f.mode == ReadOnly {
return ReadOnlyErr
// Verify the original change id exists.
dr := f.client.Collection(triageRecordsCollection).Doc(changeID)
doc, err := f.client.Get(ctx, dr, 3, maxOperationTime)
if err != nil || !doc.Exists() {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not find change to undo with id %s", changeID)
q := f.client.Collection(triageChangesCollection).Where(recordIDField, "==", changeID)
var delta []expstorage.Delta
err = f.client.IterDocs(ctx, "undo_query", changeID, q, 3, maxOperationTime, func(doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
if doc == nil {
return nil
tc := triageChanges{}
if err := doc.DataTo(&tc); err != nil {
id := doc.Ref.ID
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "corrupt data in firestore, could not unmarshal triageChanges with id %s", id)
delta = append(delta, expstorage.Delta{
Grouping: tc.Grouping,
Digest: tc.Digest,
Label: tc.LabelBefore,
return nil
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not get delta to undo %s", changeID)
if err = f.AddChange(ctx, delta, userID); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not apply delta to undo %s", changeID)
return nil
// Make sure Store fulfills the ExpectationsStore interface
var _ expstorage.ExpectationsStore = (*Store)(nil)