blob: 3f22be220ff3d4d1b90dcca1558ca7b986dcc756 [file] [log] [blame]
package updater
import (
mock_clstore ""
mock_codereview ""
// TestUpdateSunnyDay checks a case in which three commits are seen, one of which we already know
// is landed and two more that are open with some CLExpectations.
func TestUpdateSunnyDay(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mock_codereview.Client{}
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
mcs := &mock_clstore.Store{}
alphaExp := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
betaExp := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
defer mc.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mcs.AssertExpectations(t)
defer alphaExp.AssertExpectations(t)
defer betaExp.AssertExpectations(t)
commits := makeCommits()
var alphaChanges expectations.Expectations
alphaChanges.Set(someTest, digestOne, expectations.Negative)
alphaDelta := expstorage.AsDelta(&alphaChanges)
var betaChanges expectations.Expectations
betaChanges.Set(someTest, digestTwo, expectations.Positive)
betaDelta := expstorage.AsDelta(&betaChanges)
// This data is all arbitrary.
mc.On("GetChangeListForCommit", testutils.AnyContext, commits[0]).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: landedCL,
Status: code_review.Landed, // Already in the store as landed - should be skipped.
Owner: alphaAuthor,
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 15, 14, 13, 12, 0, time.UTC),
}, nil)
mc.On("GetChangeListForCommit", testutils.AnyContext, commits[1]).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLAlpha,
Status: code_review.Landed, // the CRS says they are landed, but the store thinks not.
Owner: alphaAuthor,
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 15, 14, 14, 12, 0, time.UTC),
}, nil)
mc.On("GetChangeListForCommit", testutils.AnyContext, commits[2]).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLBeta,
Status: code_review.Landed, // the CRS says they are landed, but the store thinks not.
Owner: betaAuthor,
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 15, 14, 18, 12, 0, time.UTC),
}, nil)
mes.On("ForChangeList", openCLAlpha, crs).Return(alphaExp)
mes.On("ForChangeList", openCLBeta, crs).Return(betaExp)
mes.On("AddChange", testutils.AnyContext, alphaDelta, alphaAuthor).Return(nil)
mes.On("AddChange", testutils.AnyContext, betaDelta, betaAuthor).Return(nil)
alphaExp.On("Get").Return(&alphaChanges, nil)
betaExp.On("Get").Return(&betaChanges, nil)
mcs.On("GetChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, landedCL).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: landedCL,
Status: code_review.Landed, // Already in the store as landed - should be skipped.
Owner: alphaAuthor,
}, nil)
mcs.On("GetChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, openCLAlpha).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLAlpha,
Status: code_review.Open, // the CRS says they are landed, but the store thinks not.
Owner: alphaAuthor,
}, nil)
mcs.On("GetChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, openCLBeta).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLBeta,
Status: code_review.Open, // the CRS says they are landed, but the store thinks not.
Owner: betaAuthor,
}, nil)
clChecker := func(cl code_review.ChangeList) bool {
if cl.SystemID == openCLAlpha || cl.SystemID == openCLBeta {
require.Equal(t, code_review.Landed, cl.Status)
require.NotZero(t, cl.Updated)
require.Equal(t, time.May, cl.Updated.Month())
return true
return false
mcs.On("PutChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, mock.MatchedBy(clChecker)).Return(nil).Twice()
u := New(mc, mes, mcs)
err := u.UpdateChangeListsAsLanded(context.Background(), commits)
require.NoError(t, err)
// TestUpdateEmpty checks the common case of there being no CLExpectations
func TestUpdateEmpty(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mock_codereview.Client{}
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
mcs := &mock_clstore.Store{}
betaExp := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
defer mc.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mcs.AssertExpectations(t)
defer betaExp.AssertExpectations(t)
commits := makeCommits()[2:]
betaChanges := expectations.Expectations{}
mc.On("GetChangeListForCommit", testutils.AnyContext, commits[0]).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLBeta,
Status: code_review.Landed,
Owner: betaAuthor,
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 15, 14, 18, 12, 0, time.UTC),
}, nil)
mes.On("ForChangeList", openCLBeta, crs).Return(betaExp)
betaExp.On("Get").Return(&betaChanges, nil)
mcs.On("GetChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, openCLBeta).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLBeta,
Status: code_review.Open, // the CRS says they are landed, but the store thinks not.
Owner: betaAuthor,
}, nil)
clChecker := func(cl code_review.ChangeList) bool {
if cl.SystemID == openCLBeta {
require.Equal(t, code_review.Landed, cl.Status)
require.NotZero(t, cl.Updated)
require.Equal(t, time.May, cl.Updated.Month())
return true
return false
mcs.On("PutChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, mock.MatchedBy(clChecker)).Return(nil).Once()
u := New(mc, mes, mcs)
err := u.UpdateChangeListsAsLanded(context.Background(), commits)
require.NoError(t, err)
// TestUpdateNoTryJobsSeen checks the common case of there being no TryJobs that uploaded data
// associated with this CL (thus, it won't be in clstore)
func TestUpdateNoTryJobsSeen(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mock_codereview.Client{}
mes := &mocks.ExpectationsStore{}
mcs := &mock_clstore.Store{}
defer mc.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mes.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mcs.AssertExpectations(t)
commits := makeCommits()[2:]
mc.On("GetChangeListForCommit", testutils.AnyContext, commits[0]).Return(code_review.ChangeList{
SystemID: openCLBeta,
Status: code_review.Landed,
Owner: betaAuthor,
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 15, 14, 18, 12, 0, time.UTC),
}, nil)
mcs.On("GetChangeList", testutils.AnyContext, openCLBeta).Return(code_review.ChangeList{}, clstore.ErrNotFound)
u := New(mc, mes, mcs)
err := u.UpdateChangeListsAsLanded(context.Background(), commits)
require.NoError(t, err)
// TestUpdateNoChangeList checks the exceptional case where a commit lands without being tied to
// a ChangeList in the CRS (we should skip it and not crash).
func TestUpdateNoChangeList(t *testing.T) {
mc := &mock_codereview.Client{}
defer mc.AssertExpectations(t)
commits := makeCommits()[2:]
mc.On("GetChangeListForCommit", testutils.AnyContext, commits[0]).Return(code_review.ChangeList{}, code_review.ErrNotFound)
u := New(mc, nil, nil)
err := u.UpdateChangeListsAsLanded(context.Background(), commits)
require.NoError(t, err)
const (
crs = "github"
landedCL = "11196d8aff4cd689c2e49336d12928a8bd23cdec"
openCLAlpha = "aaa5f37f5bd91f1a7b3f080bf038af8e8fa4cab2"
openCLBeta = "bbb734d4127ab3fa7f8d08eec985e2336d5472a7"
alphaAuthor = ""
betaAuthor = ""
someTest = types.TestName("some_test")
digestOne = types.Digest("abc94d08ed22d21bc50cbe02da366b16")
digestTwo = types.Digest("1232cfd382db585f297e31dbe9a0151f")
func makeCommits() []*vcsinfo.LongCommit {
return []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: landedCL,
// All other fields are ignored
Body: "Reviewed-on:",
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: openCLAlpha,
// All other fields are ignored
Body: "Reviewed-on:",
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: openCLBeta,
// All other fields are ignored
Body: "Reviewed-on:",