blob: 78f015c656a1567393ffd28388b45a9a7c83e5d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// The search package contains the core functionality for searching
// for digests across a tile.
package search
import (
ttlcache ""
const (
// MAX_REF_DIGESTS is the maximum number of digests we want to show
// in a dotted line of traces. We assume that showing more digests yields
// no additional information, because the trace is likely to be flaky.
// TODO(kjlubick): no tests for this option yet.
// These params configure how long we should hold values in storeCache.
// They are arbitrarily defined, loosely based on the idea that data flowing
// into the store for a given CL does not change at all after ingestion is complete
// and even during ingestion, things are likely to not change much over a time period
// less than one minute.
searchCacheFreshness = 1 * time.Minute
searchCacheCleanup = 5 * time.Minute
// SearchImpl holds onto various objects needed to search the latest
// tile for digests. It implements the SearchAPI interface.
type SearchImpl struct {
diffStore diff.DiffStore
expectationsStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore
indexSource indexer.IndexSource
changeListStore clstore.Store
tryJobStore tjstore.Store
// storeCache allows for better performance by caching values from changeListStore and
// tryJobStore for a little while, before evicting them.
// See
storeCache *ttlcache.Cache
// optional. If specified, will only show the params that match this query. This is
// opt-in, to avoid leaking.
publiclyViewableParams paramtools.ParamSet
// New returns a new SearchImpl instance.
func New(ds diff.DiffStore, es expstorage.ExpectationsStore, is indexer.IndexSource, cls clstore.Store, tjs tjstore.Store, publiclyViewableParams paramtools.ParamSet) *SearchImpl {
return &SearchImpl{
diffStore: ds,
expectationsStore: es,
indexSource: is,
changeListStore: cls,
tryJobStore: tjs,
publiclyViewableParams: publiclyViewableParams,
storeCache: ttlcache.New(searchCacheFreshness, searchCacheCleanup),
// Search implements the SearchAPI interface.
func (s *SearchImpl) Search(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search) (*frontend.SearchResponse, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
if q == nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("nil query")
// Keep track if we are including reference diffs. This is going to be true
// for the majority of queries.
getRefDiffs := !q.NoDiff
// TODO(kjlubick) remove the legacy check against "0" once the frontend is updated
// not to pass it.
isChangeListSearch := q.ChangeListID != "" && q.ChangeListID != "0"
// Get the expectations and the current index, which we assume constant
// for the duration of this query.
crs := ""
if s.changeListStore != nil {
crs = s.changeListStore.System()
exp, err := s.getExpectations(ctx, q.ChangeListID, crs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
idx := s.indexSource.GetIndex()
var inter srInterMap = nil
// Find the digests (left hand side) we are interested in.
if isChangeListSearch {
if q.NewCLStore {
inter, err = s.queryChangeList(ctx, q, idx, exp)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting digests from new clstore/tjstore")
} else {
// Iterate through the tile and get an intermediate
// representation that contains all the traces matching the queries.
inter, err = s.filterTile(ctx, q, exp, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting digests from master tile")
// Convert the intermediate representation to the list of digests that we
// are going to return to the client.
ret := s.getDigestRecs(inter, exp)
// Get reference diffs unless it was specifically disabled.
if getRefDiffs {
// Diff stage: Compare all digests found in the previous stages and find
// reference points (positive, negative etc.) for each digest.
if err := s.getReferenceDiffs(ctx, ret, q.Metric, q.Match, q.RTraceValues, q.IgnoreState(), exp, idx); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching reference diffs for %#v", q)
// Post-diff stage: Apply all filters that are relevant once we have
// diff values for the digests.
ret = s.afterDiffResultFilter(ctx, ret, q)
// Sort the digests and fill the ones that are going to be displayed with
// additional data. Note we are returning all digests found, so we can do
// bulk triage, but only the digests that are going to be shown are padded
// with additional information.
displayRet, offset := s.sortAndLimitDigests(ctx, q, ret, int(q.Offset), int(q.Limit))
s.addParamsAndTraces(ctx, displayRet, inter, exp, idx)
// Return all digests with the selected offset within the result set.
searchRet := &frontend.SearchResponse{
Digests: ret,
Offset: offset,
Size: len(displayRet),
// TODO(kjlubick) maybe omit Commits for ChangeList Queries.
Commits: idx.Tile().GetTile(types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces).Commits,
return searchRet, nil
// GetDigestDetails implements the SearchAPI interface.
// TODO(stephana): Make the metric, match and ignores parameters for the comparison.
func (s *SearchImpl) GetDigestDetails(ctx context.Context, test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, clID string, crs string) (*frontend.DigestDetails, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
idx := s.indexSource.GetIndex()
// Make sure we have valid data, i.e. we know about that test/digest
dct := idx.DigestCountsByTest(types.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
digests, ok := dct[test]
if !ok {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("unknown test %s", test)
tile := idx.Tile().GetTile(types.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
exp, err := s.getExpectations(ctx, clID, crs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
oneInter := newSrIntermediate(test, digest, "", nil, nil)
if _, ok := digests[digest]; ok {
// We know a digest is somewhere in at least one trace. Iterate through all of them
// to find which ones.
byTrace := idx.DigestCountsByTrace(types.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
for traceId, t := range tile.Traces {
gTrace := t.(*types.GoldenTrace)
if gTrace.TestName() != test {
if _, ok := byTrace[traceId][digest]; ok {
oneInter.add(traceId, t, nil)
// If there are no traces or params then set them to nil to signal there are none.
hasTraces := len(oneInter.traces) > 0
if !hasTraces {
oneInter.traces = nil
oneInter.params = nil
// Wrap the intermediate value in a map so we can re-use the search function for this.
inter := srInterMap{test: {digest: oneInter}}
ret := s.getDigestRecs(inter, exp)
err = s.getReferenceDiffs(ctx, ret, diff.CombinedMetric, []string{types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD}, nil, types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces, exp, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Fetching reference diffs for test %s, digest %s", test, digest)
if hasTraces {
// Get the params and traces.
s.addParamsAndTraces(ctx, ret, inter, exp, idx)
return &frontend.DigestDetails{
Digest: ret[0],
Commits: tile.Commits,
}, nil
// getExpectations returns a slice of expectations that should be
// used in the given query. It will add the issue expectations if this is
// querying ChangeList results. If query is nil the expectations of the master
// tile are returned.
func (s *SearchImpl) getExpectations(ctx context.Context, clID, crs string) (expectations.Classifier, error) {
exp, err := s.expectationsStore.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "loading expectations for master")
// TODO(kjlubick) remove the legacy value "0" once frontend changes have baked in.
if clID != "" && clID != "0" {
issueExpStore := s.expectationsStore.ForChangeList(clID, crs)
tjExp, err := issueExpStore.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "loading expectations for cl %s (%s)", clID, crs)
return expectations.Join(tjExp, exp), nil
return exp, nil
// queryChangeList returns the digests associated with the ChangeList referenced by q.CRSAndCLID
// in intermediate representation. It returns the filtered digests as specified by q. The param
// exp should contain the expectations for the given ChangeList.
func (s *SearchImpl) queryChangeList(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search, idx indexer.IndexSearcher, exp expectations.Classifier) (srInterMap, error) {
// Build the intermediate map to compare against the tile
ret := srInterMap{}
// Adjust the add function to exclude digests already in the master branch
addFn := ret.AddTestParams
if !q.IncludeMaster {
talliesByTest := idx.DigestCountsByTest(q.IgnoreState())
addFn = func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, params paramtools.Params) {
// Include the digest if either the test or the digest is not in the master tile.
if _, ok := talliesByTest[test][digest]; !ok {
ret.AddTestParams(test, digest, params)
err := s.extractChangeListDigests(ctx, q, idx, exp, addFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return ret, nil
// filterAddFn is a filter and add function that is passed to the getIssueDigest interface. It will
// be called for each testName/digest combination and should accumulate the digests of interest.
type filterAddFn func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, params paramtools.Params)
// extractFilterShards dictates how to break up the filtering of extractChangeListDigests after
// they have been fetched from the TryJobStore. It was determined experimentally on
// BenchmarkExtractChangeListDigests. It sped up things by about a factor of 6 and was a good
// balance of dividing up and mutex contention.
const extractFilterShards = 16
// extractChangeListDigests loads the ChangeList referenced by q.CRSAndCLID and the TryJobResults
// associated with it. Then, it filters those results with the given query. For each
// testName/digest pair that matches the query, it calls addFn (which the supplier will likely use
// to build up a list of those results.
func (s *SearchImpl) extractChangeListDigests(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search, idx indexer.IndexSearcher, exp expectations.Classifier, addFn filterAddFn) error {
clID := q.ChangeListID
// We know xps is sorted by order, if it is non-nil.
xps, err := s.getPatchSets(ctx, clID)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting PatchSets for CL %s", clID)
if len(xps) == 0 {
return skerr.Fmt("No data for CL %s", clID)
// Default to the latest PatchSet
ps := xps[len(xps)-1]
if len(q.PatchSets) > 0 {
// legacy code used to request multiple patchsets at once - we don't do that
// so we just look at the first one mentioned by the query.
psOrder := int(q.PatchSets[0])
found := false
for _, p := range xps {
if p.Order == psOrder {
ps = p
found = true
if !found {
return skerr.Fmt("Could not find PS with order %d in CL %s", psOrder, clID)
id := tjstore.CombinedPSID{
CL: ps.ChangeListID,
CRS: s.changeListStore.System(),
PS: ps.SystemID,
xtr, err := s.getTryJobResults(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting tryjob results for %v", id)
addMutex := sync.Mutex{}
chunkSize := len(xtr) / extractFilterShards
// Very small shards are likely not worth the overhead.
if chunkSize < 50 {
chunkSize = 50
queryParams := paramtools.ParamSet(q.TraceValues)
ignoreMatcher := idx.GetIgnoreMatcher()
return util.ChunkIterParallel(ctx, len(xtr), chunkSize, func(ctx context.Context, start, stop int) error {
sliced := xtr[start:stop]
for _, tr := range sliced {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
tn := types.TestName(tr.ResultParams[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD])
// Filter by classification.
c := exp.Classification(tn, tr.Digest)
if q.ExcludesClassification(c) {
p := make(paramtools.Params, len(tr.ResultParams)+len(tr.GroupParams)+len(tr.Options))
// Filter the ignored results
if !q.IncludeIgnores {
// Because ignores can happen on a mix of params from Result, Group, and Options,
// we have to invoke the matcher the whole set of params.
if ignoreMatcher.MatchAnyParams(p) {
// If we've been given a set of PubliclyViewableParams, only show those.
if len(s.publiclyViewableParams) > 0 {
if !s.publiclyViewableParams.MatchesParams(p) {
// Filter by query.
if queryParams.MatchesParams(p) {
func() {
addFn(tn, tr.Digest, p)
return nil
// getPatchSets returns the PatchSets for a given CL either from the store or from the cache.
func (s *SearchImpl) getPatchSets(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]code_review.PatchSet, error) {
key := "patchsets_" + id
if xtr, ok := s.storeCache.Get(key); ok {
return xtr.([]code_review.PatchSet), nil
xps, err := s.changeListStore.GetPatchSets(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.storeCache.SetDefault(key, xps)
return xps, nil
// getTryJobResults returns the TryJobResults for a given CL either from the store or
// from the cache.
func (s *SearchImpl) getTryJobResults(ctx context.Context, id tjstore.CombinedPSID) ([]tjstore.TryJobResult, error) {
key := "tjresults_" + id.Key()
if xtr, ok := s.storeCache.Get(key); ok {
return xtr.([]tjstore.TryJobResult), nil
xtr, err := s.tryJobStore.GetResults(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.storeCache.SetDefault(key, xtr)
return xtr, nil
// DiffDigests implements the SearchAPI interface.
func (s *SearchImpl) DiffDigests(ctx context.Context, test types.TestName, left, right types.Digest, clID string, crs string) (*frontend.DigestComparison, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Get the diff between the two digests
diffResult, err := s.diffStore.Get(ctx, left, types.DigestSlice{right})
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Return an error if we could not find the diff.
if len(diffResult) != 1 {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not find diff between %s and %s", left, right)
exp, err := s.getExpectations(ctx, clID, crs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
idx := s.indexSource.GetIndex()
psLeft := idx.GetParamsetSummary(test, left, types.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
psRight := idx.GetParamsetSummary(test, right, types.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
return &frontend.DigestComparison{
Left: &frontend.SRDigest{
Test: test,
Digest: left,
Status: exp.Classification(test, left).String(),
ParamSet: psLeft,
Right: &frontend.SRDiffDigest{
Digest: right,
Status: exp.Classification(test, right).String(),
ParamSet: psRight,
DiffMetrics: diffResult[right],
}, nil
// TODO(kjlubick): The filterTile function should be merged with the
// filterTileCompare (see search.go).
// filterTile iterates over the tile and accumulates the traces
// that match the given query creating the initial search result.
func (s *SearchImpl) filterTile(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search, exp expectations.Classifier, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) (srInterMap, error) {
var acceptFn acceptFn = nil
if q.FGroupTest == GROUP_TEST_MAX_COUNT {
maxDigestsByTest := idx.MaxDigestsByTest(q.IgnoreState())
acceptFn = func(params paramtools.Params, digests types.DigestSlice) (bool, interface{}) {
testName := types.TestName(params[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD])
for _, d := range digests {
if maxDigestsByTest[testName][d] {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Add digest/trace to the result.
ret := srInterMap{}
mutex := sync.Mutex{}
addFn := func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, traceID tiling.TraceID, trace *types.GoldenTrace, _ interface{}) {
defer mutex.Unlock()
ret.Add(test, digest, traceID, trace, nil)
if err := iterTile(ctx, q, addFn, acceptFn, exp, idx); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return ret, nil
// getDigestRecs takes the intermediate results and converts them to the list
// of records that will be returned to the client.
func (s *SearchImpl) getDigestRecs(inter srInterMap, exp expectations.Classifier) []*frontend.SRDigest {
// Get the total number of digests we have at this point.
nDigests := 0
for _, digestInfo := range inter {
nDigests += len(digestInfo)
retDigests := make([]*frontend.SRDigest, 0, nDigests)
for _, testDigests := range inter {
for _, interValue := range testDigests {
retDigests = append(retDigests, &frontend.SRDigest{
Test: interValue.test,
Digest: interValue.digest,
Status: exp.Classification(interValue.test, interValue.digest).String(),
ParamSet: interValue.params,
return retDigests
// getReferenceDiffs compares all digests collected in the intermediate representation
// and compares them to the other known results for the test at hand.
func (s *SearchImpl) getReferenceDiffs(ctx context.Context, resultDigests []*frontend.SRDigest, metric string, match []string, rhsQuery paramtools.ParamSet, is types.IgnoreState, exp expectations.Classifier, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) error {
defer shared.NewMetricsTimer("getReferenceDiffs").Stop()
refDiffer := ref_differ.New(exp, s.diffStore, idx)
errGroup, gCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
sklog.Infof("Going to spawn %d goroutines to get reference diffs", len(resultDigests))
for _, retDigest := range resultDigests {
func(d *frontend.SRDigest) {
errGroup.Go(func() error {
err := refDiffer.FillRefDiffs(gCtx, d, metric, match, rhsQuery, is)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Remove the paramset since it will not be necessary for all results.
d.ParamSet = nil
return nil
return skerr.Wrap(errGroup.Wait())
// afterDiffResultFilter filters the results based on the diff results in 'digestInfo'.
func (s *SearchImpl) afterDiffResultFilter(ctx context.Context, digestInfo []*frontend.SRDigest, q *query.Search) []*frontend.SRDigest {
newDigestInfo := make([]*frontend.SRDigest, 0, len(digestInfo))
filterRGBADiff := (q.FRGBAMin > 0) || (q.FRGBAMax < 255)
filterDiffMax := q.FDiffMax >= 0
for _, digest := range digestInfo {
ref, ok := digest.RefDiffs[digest.ClosestRef]
// Filter all digests where MaxRGBA is within the given band.
if filterRGBADiff {
// If there is no diff metric we exclude the digest.
if !ok {
rgbaMaxDiff := int32(util.MaxInt(ref.MaxRGBADiffs[:]...))
if (rgbaMaxDiff < q.FRGBAMin) || (rgbaMaxDiff > q.FRGBAMax) {
// Filter all digests where the diff is below the given threshold.
if filterDiffMax && (!ok || (ref.Diffs[q.Metric] > q.FDiffMax)) {
// If selected only consider digests that have a reference to compare to.
if q.FRef && !ok {
newDigestInfo = append(newDigestInfo, digest)
return newDigestInfo
// sortAndLimitDigests sorts the digests based on the settings in the Query
// instance. It then paginates the digests according to the query and returns
// the slice that should be shown on the page with its offset in the entire
// result set.
func (s *SearchImpl) sortAndLimitDigests(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search, digestInfo []*frontend.SRDigest, offset, limit int) ([]*frontend.SRDigest, int) {
fullLength := len(digestInfo)
if offset >= fullLength {
return []*frontend.SRDigest{}, 0
sortSlice := sort.Interface(newSRDigestSlice(q.Metric, digestInfo))
if q.Sort == query.SortDescending {
sortSlice = sort.Reverse(sortSlice)
// Fill in the extra information for the traces we are interested in.
if limit <= 0 {
limit = fullLength
end := util.MinInt(fullLength, offset+limit)
return digestInfo[offset:end], offset
// addParamsAndTraces adds information to the given result that is necessary
// to draw them, i.e. the information what digest/image appears at what commit and
// what were the union of parameters that generate the digest. This should be
// only done for digests that are intended to be displayed.
func (s *SearchImpl) addParamsAndTraces(ctx context.Context, digestInfo []*frontend.SRDigest, inter srInterMap, exp expectations.Classifier, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) {
tile := idx.Tile().GetTile(types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces)
last := tile.LastCommitIndex()
for _, di := range digestInfo {
// Add the parameters and the drawable traces to the result.
di.ParamSet = inter[di.Test][di.Digest].params
di.Traces = s.getDrawableTraces(di.Test, di.Digest, last, exp, inter[di.Test][di.Digest].traces)
di.Traces.TileSize = len(tile.Commits)
// getDrawableTraces returns an instance of TraceGroup which allows us
// to draw the traces for the given test/digest.
func (s *SearchImpl) getDrawableTraces(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, last int, exp expectations.Classifier, traces map[tiling.TraceID]*types.GoldenTrace) *frontend.TraceGroup {
// Get the information necessary to draw the traces.
traceIDs := make([]tiling.TraceID, 0, len(traces))
for traceID := range traces {
traceIDs = append(traceIDs, traceID)
sort.Slice(traceIDs, func(i, j int) bool {
return traceIDs[i] < traceIDs[j]
// Get the status for all digests in the traces.
digestStatuses := make([]frontend.DigestStatus, 0, MAX_REF_DIGESTS)
digestStatuses = append(digestStatuses, frontend.DigestStatus{
Digest: digest,
Status: exp.Classification(test, digest).String(),
outputTraces := make([]frontend.Trace, len(traces))
for i, traceID := range traceIDs {
// Create a new trace entry.
oneTrace := traces[traceID]
tr := &outputTraces[i]
tr.ID = traceID
tr.Params = oneTrace.Params()
tr.Data = make([]frontend.Point, last+1)
insertNext := last
for j := last; j >= 0; j-- {
d := oneTrace.Digests[j]
if d == types.MISSING_DIGEST {
refDigestStatus := 0
if d != digest {
if index := digestIndex(d, digestStatuses); index != -1 {
refDigestStatus = index
} else {
if len(digestStatuses) < MAX_REF_DIGESTS {
digestStatuses = append(digestStatuses, frontend.DigestStatus{
Digest: d,
Status: exp.Classification(test, d).String(),
refDigestStatus = len(digestStatuses) - 1
} else {
// Fold this into the last digest.
refDigestStatus = MAX_REF_DIGESTS - 1
// Insert the trace points from last to first.
tr.Data[insertNext] = frontend.Point{
X: j,
Y: i,
S: refDigestStatus,
// Trim the leading traces if necessary.
tr.Data = tr.Data[insertNext+1:]
return &frontend.TraceGroup{
Digests: digestStatuses,
Traces: outputTraces,
// digestIndex returns the index of the digest d in digestInfo, or -1 if not found.
func digestIndex(d types.Digest, digestInfo []frontend.DigestStatus) int {
for i, di := range digestInfo {
if di.Digest == d {
return i
return -1
// Make sure SearchImpl fulfills the SearchAPI interface.
var _ SearchAPI = (*SearchImpl)(nil)