blob: 2046b2e27f293fa50f177b1c67e8c47f3dddbb9e [file] [log] [blame]
// skiacorrectness implements the process that exposes a RESTful API used by the JS frontend.
package main
import (
gstorage ""
const (
// imgURLPrefix is path prefix used for all images (digests and diffs)
imgURLPrefix = "/img/"
// callbackPath is callback endpoint used for the OAuth2 flow
callbackPath = "/oauth2callback/"
// Arbitrarily picked.
maxSQLConnections = 20
type frontendServerConfig struct {
// A list of email addresses or domains that can log into this instance.
AuthorizedUsers []string `json:"authorized_users"`
// A string with placeholders for generating a comment message. See
// commenter.commentTemplateContext for the exact fields.
CLCommentTemplate string `json:"cl_comment_template"`
// Client secret file for OAuth2 authentication.
ClientSecretFile string `json:"client_secret_file"`
// If true, Gold will only log comments, it won't actually comment on the CRSes.
DisableCLComments bool `json:"disable_cl_comments"`
// The grpc port of the diff server.
DiffServerGRPC string `json:"diff_server_grpc"`
// The images serving address of the diff server.
DiffServerHTTP string `json:"diff_server_http"`
// If the frontend shouldn't track any CLs. For example, if we are tracking a repo that doesn't
// have a CQ.
DisableCLTracking bool `json:"disable_changelist_tracking"`
// If a trace has more unique digests than this, it will be considered flaky. If this number is
// greater than NumCommits, then no trace can ever be flaky.
FlakyTraceThreshold int `json:"flaky_trace_threshold"`
// Force the user to be authenticated for all requests.
ForceLogin bool `json:"force_login"`
// Configuration settings that will get passed to the frontend (see modules/settings.js)
FrontendConfig frontendConfig `json:"frontend"`
// If this instance is simply a mirror of another instance's data.
IsPublicView bool `json:"is_public_view"`
// The longest time negative expectations can go unused before being purged. (0 means infinity)
NegativesMaxAge config.Duration `json:"negatives_max_age" optional:"true"`
// Number of recent commits to include in the slideing window of data analysis. Also called the
// tile size.
NumCommits int `json:"num_commits"`
// HTTP service address (e.g., ':9000')
Port string `json:"port"`
// The longest time positive expectations can go unused before being purged. (0 means infinity)
PositivesMaxAge config.Duration `json:"positives_max_age" optional:"true"`
// Metrics service address (e.g., ':20000')
PromPort string `json:"prom_port"`
// If non empty, this map of rules will be applied to traces to see if they can be showed on
// this instance.
PubliclyAllowableParams publicparams.MatchingRules `json:"publicly_allowed_params" optional:"true"`
// This can be used in a CL comment to direct users to the public instance for triaging.
PublicSiteURL string `json:"public_site_url" optional:"true"`
// Path to a directory with static assets that should be served to the frontend (JS, CSS, etc.).
ResourcesPath string `json:"resources_path"`
// URL where this app is hosted.
SiteURL string `json:"site_url"`
// How often to re-fetch the tile, compute the index, and report metrics about the index.
TileFreshness config.Duration `json:"tile_freshness"`
// BigTable table ID for the traces.
TraceBTTable string `json:"trace_bt_table"`
// IsAuthoritative indicates that this instance can write to known_hashes, update CL statuses, etc.
func (fsc *frontendServerConfig) IsAuthoritative() bool {
return !fsc.Local && !fsc.IsPublicView
type frontendConfig struct {
BaseRepoURL string `json:"baseRepoURL"`
DefaultCorpus string `json:"defaultCorpus"`
Title string `json:"title"`
IsPublic bool `json:"isPublic"`
func main() {
// Command line flags.
var (
commonInstanceConfig = flag.String("common_instance_config", "", "Path to the json5 file containing the configuration that needs to be the same across all services for a given instance.")
thisConfig = flag.String("config", "", "Path to the json5 file containing the configuration specific to baseline server.")
hang = flag.Bool("hang", false, "Stop and do nothing after reading the flags. Good for debugging containers.")
// Parse the flags, so we can load the configuration files.
if *hang {
select {}
// Load configuration from common and instance-specific JSON files.
fsc := mustLoadFrontendServerConfig(commonInstanceConfig, thisConfig)
// Speculative memory usage fix?
grpc.EnableTracing = false
// Record the traces of all spans, since we expect web requests to be somewhat rare.
if err := tracing.Initialize(1.0); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not initialize tracing: %s", err)
// Needed to use TimeSortableKey(...) which relies on an RNG. See docs there.
// If we are running this, we really don't want to talk to the emulator.
// Initialize service.
_, appName := filepath.Split(os.Args[0])
common.InitWithMust(appName, common.PrometheusOpt(&fsc.PromPort))
ctx := context.Background()
client := mustMakeAuthenticatedHTTPClient(fsc.Local)
sqlDB := mustInitSQLDatabase(ctx, fsc)
diffStore := mustMakeDiffStore(ctx, fsc)
gitStore := mustMakeGitStore(ctx, fsc, appName)
vcs := mustMakeVCS(ctx, fsc, gitStore)
traceStore := mustMakeTraceStore(ctx, fsc, vcs)
gsClient := mustMakeGCSClient(ctx, fsc, client)
fsClient := mustMakeFirestoreClient(ctx, fsc)
expStore, expChangeHandler := mustMakeExpectationsStore(ctx, fsClient)
publiclyViewableParams := mustMakePubliclyViewableParams(fsc)
ignoreStore := mustMakeIgnoreStore(ctx, fsc, fsClient, sqlDB)
tjs := mustMakeTryJobStore(fsClient, sqlDB)
reviewSystems := mustInitializeReviewSystems(fsc, fsClient, client, sqlDB)
tileSource := mustMakeTileSource(ctx, fsc, expStore, ignoreStore, traceStore, vcs, publiclyViewableParams, reviewSystems)
ixr := mustMakeIndexer(ctx, fsc, expStore, expChangeHandler, diffStore, gsClient, reviewSystems, tileSource, tjs)
// TODO(kjlubick) include non-nil comment.Store when it is implemented.
searchAPI := search.New(diffStore, expStore, expChangeHandler, ixr, reviewSystems, tjs, nil, publiclyViewableParams, fsc.FlakyTraceThreshold, sqlDB)
sklog.Infof("Search API created")
mustStartCommenters(ctx, fsc, reviewSystems, searchAPI)
statusWatcher := mustMakeStatusWatcher(ctx, vcs, expStore, expChangeHandler, tileSource)
mustStartExpectationsCleanupProcess(ctx, fsc, expStore, ixr)
handlers := mustMakeWebHandlers(diffStore, expStore, gsClient, ignoreStore, ixr, reviewSystems, searchAPI, statusWatcher, tileSource, tjs, vcs)
rootRouter := mustMakeRootRouter(fsc, handlers, diffStore)
// Start the server
sklog.Infof("Serving on" + fsc.Port)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fsc.Port, rootRouter))
// mustLoadFrontendServerConfig parses the common and instance-specific JSON configuration files.
func mustLoadFrontendServerConfig(commonInstanceConfig *string, thisConfig *string) *frontendServerConfig {
var fsc frontendServerConfig
if err := config.LoadFromJSON5(&fsc, commonInstanceConfig, thisConfig); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Reading config: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Loaded config %#v", fsc)
return &fsc
// mustStartDebugServer starts an internal HTTP server for debugging purposes if requested.
func mustStartDebugServer(fsc *frontendServerConfig) {
// Start the internal server on the internal port if requested.
if fsc.DebugPort != "" {
// Add the profiling endpoints to the internal router.
internalRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// Set up the health check endpoint.
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
// Register pprof handlers
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/{profile}", pprof.Index)
go func() {
sklog.Infof("Internal server on" + fsc.DebugPort)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fsc.DebugPort, internalRouter))
// mustSetUpOAuth2Login initializes the OAuth 2.0 login system.
func mustSetUpOAuth2Login(fsc *frontendServerConfig) {
// Set up login
redirectURL := fsc.SiteURL + "/oauth2callback/"
if fsc.Local {
redirectURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost%s/oauth2callback/", fsc.Port)
sklog.Infof("The allowed list of users is: %q", fsc.AuthorizedUsers)
if err := login.Init(redirectURL, strings.Join(fsc.AuthorizedUsers, " "), fsc.ClientSecretFile); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize the login system: %s", err)
// mustMakeAuthenticatedHTTPClient returns an http.Client with the credentials required by the
// services that Gold communicates with.
func mustMakeAuthenticatedHTTPClient(local bool) *http.Client {
// Get the token source for the service account with access to the services
// we need to operate.
tokenSource, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(local, auth.SCOPE_USERINFO_EMAIL, gstorage.CloudPlatformScope, auth.SCOPE_GERRIT)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to authenticate service account: %s", err)
return httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(tokenSource).Client()
// mustInitSQLDatabase initializes a SQL database. If there are any errors, it will panic via
// sklog.Fatal.
func mustInitSQLDatabase(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig) *pgxpool.Pool {
if fsc.SQLDatabaseName == "" {
sklog.Fatalf("Must have SQL Database Information")
url := sql.GetConnectionURL(fsc.SQLConnection, fsc.SQLDatabaseName)
conf, err := pgxpool.ParseConfig(url)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("error getting postgres config %s: %s", url, err)
conf.MaxConns = maxSQLConnections
db, err := pgxpool.ConnectConfig(ctx, conf)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("error connecting to the database: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Connected to SQL database %s", fsc.SQLDatabaseName)
return db
// mustMakeDiffStore returns a diff.DiffStore that speaks to a remote diff server via gRPC.
func mustMakeDiffStore(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig) diff.DiffStore {
// Create the client connection and connect to the server.
conn, err := grpc.Dial(fsc.DiffServerGRPC,
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to connect to grpc service: %s", err)
diffStore, err := diffstore.NewNetDiffStore(ctx, conn, fsc.DiffServerHTTP)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to initialize NetDiffStore: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("DiffStore: NetDiffStore initiated.")
return diffStore
// mustMakeGitStore instantiates a BigTable-backed gitstore.GitStore using the BigTable specified
// via the JSON configuration files.
func mustMakeGitStore(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, appName string) *bt_gitstore.BigTableGitStore {
if fsc.Local {
appName = bt.TestingAppProfile
btConf := &bt_gitstore.BTConfig{
InstanceID: fsc.BTInstance,
ProjectID: fsc.BTProjectID,
TableID: fsc.GitBTTable,
AppProfile: appName,
gitStore, err := bt_gitstore.New(ctx, btConf, fsc.GitRepoURL)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error instantiating gitstore: %s", err)
return gitStore
// mustMakeVCS returns a vcsinfo.VCS that wraps the given BigTable-backed GitStore.
func mustMakeVCS(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, gitStore *bt_gitstore.BigTableGitStore) *bt_vcs.BigTableVCS {
// TODO(kjlubick): remove gitilesRepo and the GetFile() from vcsinfo (unused and
// leaky abstraction).
gitilesRepo := gitiles.NewRepo("", nil)
vcs, err := bt_vcs.New(ctx, gitStore, fsc.GitRepoBranch, gitilesRepo)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error creating BT-backed VCS instance: %s", err)
return vcs
// mustMakeTraceStore returns a BigTable-backed tracestore.TraceStore.
func mustMakeTraceStore(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, vcs *bt_vcs.BigTableVCS) *bt_tracestore.BTTraceStore {
btc := bt_tracestore.BTConfig{
InstanceID: fsc.BTInstance,
ProjectID: fsc.BTProjectID,
TableID: fsc.TraceBTTable,
VCS: vcs,
if err := bt_tracestore.InitBT(ctx, btc); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not initialize BigTable tracestore with config %#v: %s", btc, err)
traceStore, err := bt_tracestore.New(ctx, btc, false)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not instantiate BT tracestore: %s", err)
return traceStore
// mustMakeGCSClient returns a storage.GCSClient that uses the given http.Client. If the Gold
// instance is not authoritative (e.g. when running locally) the client won't actually write any
// files.
func mustMakeGCSClient(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, client *http.Client) storage.GCSClient {
gsClientOpt := storage.GCSClientOptions{
KnownHashesGCSPath: fsc.KnownHashesGCSPath,
Dryrun: !fsc.IsAuthoritative(),
gsClient, err := storage.NewGCSClient(ctx, client, gsClientOpt)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create GCSClient: %s", err)
return gsClient
// mustMakeFirestoreClient returns a firestore.Client using the settings from the JSON configuration
// files.
func mustMakeFirestoreClient(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig) *firestore.Client {
// Auth note: the underlying firestore.NewClient looks at the
// GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable, so we don't need to supply
// a token source.
fsClient, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, fsc.FirestoreProjectID, "gold", fsc.FirestoreNamespace, nil)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to configure Firestore: %s", err)
return fsClient
// mustMakeExpectationsStore returns a Firestore-backed expectations.Store and a corresponding
// change event dispatcher.
func mustMakeExpectationsStore(ctx context.Context, fsClient *firestore.Client) (*fs_expectationstore.Store, *expectations.ChangeEventDispatcher) {
// Set up the cloud expectations store
expChangeHandler := expectations.NewEventDispatcher()
expStore := fs_expectationstore.New(fsClient, expChangeHandler, fs_expectationstore.ReadWrite)
if err := expStore.Initialize(ctx); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to initialize fs_expstore: %s", err)
return expStore, expChangeHandler
// mustMakePubliclyViewableParams validates and computes a publicparams.Matcher from the publicly
// allowed params specified in the JSON configuration files.
func mustMakePubliclyViewableParams(fsc *frontendServerConfig) publicparams.Matcher {
var publiclyViewableParams publicparams.Matcher
var err error
// Load the publiclyViewable params if configured and disable querying for issues.
if len(fsc.PubliclyAllowableParams) > 0 {
if publiclyViewableParams, err = publicparams.MatcherFromRules(fsc.PubliclyAllowableParams); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not load list of public params: %s", err)
// Check if this is public instance. If so, make sure we have a non-nil Matcher.
if fsc.IsPublicView && publiclyViewableParams == nil {
sklog.Fatal("A non-empty map of publiclyViewableParams must be provided if is public view.")
return publiclyViewableParams
// mustMakeIgnoreStore returns a new ignore.Store and starts a monitoring routine that counts the
// the number of expired ignore rules and exposes this as a metric.
func mustMakeIgnoreStore(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, fsClient *firestore.Client, db *pgxpool.Pool) ignore.Store {
var ignoreStore ignore.Store
if db != nil {
ignoreStore = sqlignorestore.New(db)
sklog.Info("Using new SQL Ignore store")
} else {
ignoreStore = fs_ignorestore.New(ctx, fsClient)
sklog.Info("Using deprecated Firestore Ignore store")
if err := ignore.StartMetrics(ctx, ignoreStore, fsc.TileFreshness.Duration); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to start monitoring for expired ignore rules: %s", err)
return ignoreStore
// mustMakeTryJobStore returns a new tjstore.Store
func mustMakeTryJobStore(client *firestore.Client, db *pgxpool.Pool) tjstore.Store {
fireTS := fs_tjstore.New(client)
sqlTS := sqltjstore.New(db)
return dualtjstore.New(sqlTS, fireTS)
// mustInitializeReviewSystems validates and instantiates one clstore.ReviewSystem for each CRS
// specified via the JSON configuration files.
func mustInitializeReviewSystems(fsc *frontendServerConfig, fc *firestore.Client, hc *http.Client, sqlDB *pgxpool.Pool) []clstore.ReviewSystem {
rs := make([]clstore.ReviewSystem, 0, len(fsc.CodeReviewSystems))
for _, cfg := range fsc.CodeReviewSystems {
var crs code_review.Client
if cfg.Flavor == "gerrit" {
if cfg.GerritURL == "" {
sklog.Fatal("You must specify gerrit_url")
return nil
gerritClient, err := gerrit.NewGerrit(cfg.GerritURL, hc)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not create gerrit client for %s", cfg.GerritURL)
return nil
crs = gerrit_crs.New(gerritClient)
} else if cfg.Flavor == "github" {
if cfg.GitHubRepo == "" || cfg.GitHubCredPath == "" {
sklog.Fatal("You must specify github_repo and github_cred_path")
return nil
gBody, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfg.GitHubCredPath)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Couldn't find githubToken in %s: %s", cfg.GitHubCredPath, err)
return nil
gToken := strings.TrimSpace(string(gBody))
githubTS := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: gToken})
c := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().With2xxOnly().WithTokenSource(githubTS).Client()
crs = github_crs.New(c, cfg.GitHubRepo)
} else {
sklog.Fatalf("CRS flavor %s not supported.", cfg.Flavor)
return nil
fireCS := fs_clstore.New(fc, cfg.ID)
sqlCS := sqlclstore.New(sqlDB, cfg.ID)
rs = append(rs, clstore.ReviewSystem{
ID: cfg.ID,
Client: crs,
Store: dualclstore.New(sqlCS, fireCS),
URLTemplate: cfg.URLTemplate,
return rs
// mustMakeTileSource returns a new tilesource.TileSource.
func mustMakeTileSource(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, expStore expectations.Store, ignoreStore ignore.Store, traceStore *bt_tracestore.BTTraceStore, vcs vcsinfo.VCS, publiclyViewableParams publicparams.Matcher, reviewSystems []clstore.ReviewSystem) tilesource.TileSource {
var clUpdater code_review.ChangelistLandedUpdater
if fsc.IsAuthoritative() && !fsc.DisableCLTracking {
clUpdater = updater.New(expStore, reviewSystems)
ctc := tilesource.CachedTileSourceConfig{
CLUpdater: clUpdater,
IgnoreStore: ignoreStore,
NCommits: fsc.NumCommits,
PubliclyViewableParams: publiclyViewableParams,
TraceStore: traceStore,
VCS: vcs,
tileSource := tilesource.New(ctc)
sklog.Infof("Fetching tile")
// Blocks until tile is fetched
if err := tileSource.StartUpdater(ctx, 2*time.Minute); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not fetch initial tile: %s", err)
return tileSource
// mustMakeIndexer makes a new indexer.Indexer.
func mustMakeIndexer(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, expStore expectations.Store, expChangeHandler expectations.ChangeEventRegisterer, diffStore diff.DiffStore, gsClient storage.GCSClient, reviewSystems []clstore.ReviewSystem, tileSource tilesource.TileSource, tjs tjstore.Store) *indexer.Indexer {
psc, err := pubsub.NewClient(ctx, fsc.PubsubProjectID)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("initializing pubsub client for project %s: %s", fsc.PubsubProjectID, err)
dwp := diff.Calculator(&noopDiffPublisher{})
if !fsc.IsPublicView {
dwp = &pubsubDiffPublisher{client: psc, topic: fsc.DiffWorkTopic}
ic := indexer.IndexerConfig{
DiffWorkPublisher: dwp,
DiffStore: diffStore,
ExpChangeListener: expChangeHandler,
ExpectationsStore: expStore,
GCSClient: gsClient,
ReviewSystems: reviewSystems,
TileSource: tileSource,
TryJobStore: tjs,
Warmer: warmer.New(),
// Rebuild the index every few minutes.
sklog.Infof("Starting indexer to run every %s", fsc.TileFreshness)
ixr, err := indexer.New(ctx, ic, fsc.TileFreshness.Duration)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create indexer: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Indexer created.")
return ixr
type pubsubDiffPublisher struct {
client *pubsub.Client
topic string
// CalculateDiffs publishes a WorkerMessage to the configured PubSub topic so that a worker
// (see diffcalculator) can pick it up and calculate the diffs.
func (p *pubsubDiffPublisher) CalculateDiffs(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, left, right []types.Digest) error {
body, err := json.Marshal(diff.WorkerMessage{
Version: diff.WorkerMessageVersion,
Grouping: grouping,
AdditionalLeft: left,
AdditionalRight: right,
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err) // should never happen because JSON input is well-formed.
pr := p.client.Topic(p.topic).Publish(ctx, &pubsub.Message{
Data: body,
// Blocks until message actual sent
_, err = pr.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
return nil
type noopDiffPublisher struct{}
// CalculateDiffs does nothing, but implements the diff.Calculator interface.
func (p *noopDiffPublisher) CalculateDiffs(_ context.Context, _ paramtools.Params, _, _ []types.Digest) error {
return nil
// mustStartCommenters starts a background process that comments on CLs for each of the review
// systems specified in the JSON configuration files, unless the Gold instance is not authoritative
// (e.g. when running locally) or when CL tracking is disabled via the JSON configuration.
func mustStartCommenters(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, reviewSystems []clstore.ReviewSystem, searchAPI search.SearchAPI) {
if fsc.IsAuthoritative() && !fsc.DisableCLTracking {
for _, rs := range reviewSystems {
clCommenter, err := commenter.New(rs, searchAPI, fsc.CLCommentTemplate, fsc.SiteURL, fsc.PublicSiteURL, fsc.DisableCLComments)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not initialize commenter: %s", err)
startCommenter(ctx, clCommenter)
// startCommenter begins the background process that comments on CLs.
func startCommenter(ctx context.Context, cmntr code_review.ChangelistCommenter) {
go func() {
// TODO(kjlubick): tune this time, maybe make it a flag
util.RepeatCtx(ctx, 3*time.Minute, func(ctx context.Context) {
if err := cmntr.CommentOnChangelistsWithUntriagedDigests(ctx); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not comment on CLs with Untriaged Digests: %s", err)
// mustMakeStatusWatcher returns a new status.StatusWatcher.
func mustMakeStatusWatcher(ctx context.Context, vcs vcsinfo.VCS, expStore expectations.Store, expChangeHandler expectations.ChangeEventRegisterer, tileSource tilesource.TileSource) *status.StatusWatcher {
swc := status.StatusWatcherConfig{
ExpChangeListener: expChangeHandler,
ExpectationsStore: expStore,
TileSource: tileSource,
VCS: vcs,
statusWatcher, err := status.New(ctx, swc)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize status watcher: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("statusWatcher created")
return statusWatcher
// mustStartExpectationsCleanupProcess starts a process that will garbage-collect any stale
// expectations, unless the Gold instance is not authoritative (e.g. when running locally).
func mustStartExpectationsCleanupProcess(ctx context.Context, fsc *frontendServerConfig, expStore *fs_expectationstore.Store, ixr *indexer.Indexer) {
// reminder: this exp will be updated whenever expectations change.
exp, err := expStore.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to get master-branch expectations: %s", err)
if fsc.IsAuthoritative() {
policy := cleanup.Policy{
PositiveMaxLastUsed: fsc.PositivesMaxAge.Duration,
NegativeMaxLastUsed: fsc.NegativesMaxAge.Duration,
if err := cleanup.Start(ctx, ixr, expStore, exp, policy); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not start expectation cleaning process %s", err)
// mustMakeWebHandlers returns a new web.Handlers.
func mustMakeWebHandlers(diffStore diff.DiffStore, expStore expectations.Store, gsClient storage.GCSClient, ignoreStore ignore.Store, ixr *indexer.Indexer, reviewSystems []clstore.ReviewSystem, searchAPI search.SearchAPI, statusWatcher *status.StatusWatcher, tileSource tilesource.TileSource, tjs tjstore.Store, vcs vcsinfo.VCS) *web.Handlers {
handlers, err := web.NewHandlers(web.HandlersConfig{
Baseliner: simple_baseliner.New(expStore),
DiffStore: diffStore,
ExpectationsStore: expStore,
GCSClient: gsClient,
IgnoreStore: ignoreStore,
Indexer: ixr,
ReviewSystems: reviewSystems,
SearchAPI: searchAPI,
StatusWatcher: statusWatcher,
TileSource: tileSource,
TryJobStore: tjs,
VCS: vcs,
}, web.FullFrontEnd)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize web handlers: %s", err)
return handlers
// mustMakeRootRouter returns a mux.Router that can be used to serve Gold's web UI and JSON API.
func mustMakeRootRouter(fsc *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers, diffStore diff.DiffStore) *mux.Router {
rootRouter := mux.NewRouter()
rootRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
// loggedRouter contains all the endpoints that are logged. See the call below to
// LoggingGzipRequestResponse.
loggedRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// Set up the resource to serve the image files.
imgHandler, err := diffStore.ImageHandler(imgURLPrefix)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to get image handler: %s", err)
// Login endpoints.
loggedRouter.HandleFunc(callbackPath, login.OAuth2CallbackHandler)
loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/loginstatus/", login.StatusHandler)
loggedRouter.HandleFunc("/logout/", login.LogoutHandler)
// JSON endpoints.
addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes(loggedRouter, fsc, handlers)
addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes(rootRouter, fsc, handlers)
// Routes to serve the UI, static assets, etc.
addUIRoutes(loggedRouter, fsc, handlers)
// set up the app router that might be authenticated and logs almost everything.
appRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// Images should not be served gzipped, which can sometimes have issues
// when serving an image from a NetDiffstore with HTTP2. Additionally, is wasteful
// given PNGs typically have zlib compression anyway.
// Use the appRouter as a handler and wrap it into middleware that enforces authentication if
// necessary it was requested via the force_login flag.
appHandler := http.Handler(appRouter)
if fsc.ForceLogin {
appHandler = login.ForceAuth(appRouter, callbackPath)
// The appHandler contains all application specific routes that are have logging and
// authentication configured. Now we wrap it into the router that is exposed to the host
// (aka the K8s container) which requires that some routes are never logged or authenticated.
return rootRouter
// addUIRoutes adds the necessary routes to serve Gold's web pages and static assets such as JS and
// CSS bundles, static images (digest and diff images are handled elsewhere), etc.
func addUIRoutes(router *mux.Router, fsc *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers) {
// Serve static assets (JS and CSS Webpack bundles, images, etc.).
// Note that this includes the raw HTML templates (e.g. /dist/byblame.html) with unpopulated
// placeholders such as {{.Title}}. These aren't used directly by client code. We should probably
// unexpose them and only serve the JS/CSS Webpack bundles from this route (and any other static
// assets such as the favicon).
router.PathPrefix("/dist/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/dist/", http.HandlerFunc(web.MakeResourceHandler(fsc.ResourcesPath))))
var templates *template.Template
loadTemplates := func() {
templates = template.Must(template.New("").ParseGlob(filepath.Join(fsc.ResourcesPath, "*.html")))
fsc.FrontendConfig.BaseRepoURL = fsc.GitRepoURL
fsc.FrontendConfig.IsPublic = fsc.IsPublicView
templateHandler := func(name string) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
httputils.AddOriginTrialHeader(w, fsc.Local)
// Reload the template if we are running locally.
if fsc.Local {
if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, fsc.FrontendConfig); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to expand template %s : %s", name, err)
// These routes serve the web UI.
router.HandleFunc("/", templateHandler("byblame.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/changelists", templateHandler("changelists.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/cluster", templateHandler("cluster.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/triagelog", templateHandler("triagelog.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/ignores", templateHandler("ignorelist.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/diff", templateHandler("diff.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/detail", templateHandler("details.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/details", templateHandler("details.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/list", templateHandler("by_test_list.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/help", templateHandler("help.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/search", templateHandler("search.html"))
router.HandleFunc("/cl/{system}/{id}", handlers.ChangelistSearchRedirect)
// addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes populates the given router with the subset of Gold's JSON RPC routes
// that require authentication.
func addAuthenticatedJSONRoutes(router *mux.Router, fsc *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers) {
// Set up a subrouter for the '/json' routes which make up the Gold API.
// This makes routing faster, but also returns a failure when an /json route is
// requested that doesn't exist. If we did this differently a call to a non-existing endpoint
// would be handled by the route that handles the returning the index template and make
// debugging confusing.
pathPrefix := "/json"
jsonRouter := router.PathPrefix(pathPrefix).Subrouter()
add := func(jsonRoute string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc, method string) {
addJSONRoute(jsonRoute, handlerFunc, jsonRouter, pathPrefix).Methods(method)
add("/json/byblame", handlers.ByBlameHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/byblame", handlers.ByBlameHandler, "GET")
add("/json/changelists", handlers.ChangelistsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/changelists", handlers.ChangelistsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/clusterdiff", handlers.ClusterDiffHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/clusterdiff", handlers.ClusterDiffHandler, "GET")
add("/json/commits", handlers.CommitsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/commits", handlers.CommitsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/debug/digestsbytestname/{corpus}/{testName}", handlers.GetPerTraceDigestsByTestName, "GET")
add("/json/v1/debug/digestsbytestname/{corpus}/{testName}", handlers.GetPerTraceDigestsByTestName, "GET")
add("/json/debug/flakytraces/{minUniqueDigests}", handlers.GetFlakyTracesData, "GET")
add("/json/v1/debug/flakytraces/{minUniqueDigests}", handlers.GetFlakyTracesData, "GET")
add("/json/details", handlers.DetailsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/details", handlers.DetailsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/diff", handlers.DiffHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/diff", handlers.DiffHandler, "GET")
add("/json/digests", handlers.DigestListHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/digests", handlers.DigestListHandler, "GET")
add("/json/export", handlers.ExportHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/export", handlers.ExportHandler, "GET")
add("/json/latestpositivedigest/{traceId}", handlers.LatestPositiveDigestHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/latestpositivedigest/{traceId}", handlers.LatestPositiveDigestHandler, "GET")
add("/json/list", handlers.ListTestsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/list", handlers.ListTestsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/paramset", handlers.ParamsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/paramset", handlers.ParamsHandler, "GET")
add("/json/search", handlers.SearchHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/search", handlers.SearchHandler, "GET")
add("/json/triage", handlers.TriageHandler, "POST")
add("/json/v1/triage", handlers.TriageHandler, "POST")
add("/json/triagelog", handlers.TriageLogHandler, "GET")
add("/json/v1/triagelog", handlers.TriageLogHandler, "GET")
add("/json/triagelog/undo", handlers.TriageUndoHandler, "POST")
add("/json/v1/triagelog/undo", handlers.TriageUndoHandler, "POST")
add("/json/whoami", handlers.Whoami, "GET")
add("/json/v1/whoami", handlers.Whoami, "GET")
// Routes shared with the baseline server. These usually don't see traffic because the envoy
// routing directs these requests to the baseline servers, if there are some.
add(shared.KnownHashesRoute, handlers.TextKnownHashesProxy, "GET")
add(shared.KnownHashesRouteV1, handlers.TextKnownHashesProxy, "GET")
// Retrieving that baseline for master and an Gerrit issue are handled the same way
// These routes can be served with baseline_server for higher availability.
add(shared.ExpectationsRoute, handlers.BaselineHandlerV1, "GET")
add(shared.ExpectationsRouteV1, handlers.BaselineHandlerV1, "GET")
add(shared.ExpectationsRouteV2, handlers.BaselineHandlerV2, "GET")
// Only expose these endpoints if this instance is not a public view. The reason we want to hide
// ignore rules is so that we don't leak params that might be in them.
if !fsc.IsPublicView {
add("/json/ignores", handlers.ListIgnoreRules, "GET")
add("/json/v1/ignores", handlers.ListIgnoreRules, "GET")
add("/json/ignores/add/", handlers.AddIgnoreRule, "POST")
add("/json/v1/ignores/add/", handlers.AddIgnoreRule, "POST")
add("/json/ignores/del/{id}", handlers.DeleteIgnoreRule, "POST")
add("/json/v1/ignores/del/{id}", handlers.DeleteIgnoreRule, "POST")
add("/json/ignores/save/{id}", handlers.UpdateIgnoreRule, "POST")
add("/json/v1/ignores/save/{id}", handlers.UpdateIgnoreRule, "POST")
// Make sure we return a 404 for anything that starts with /json and could not be found.
jsonRouter.HandleFunc("/{ignore:.*}", http.NotFound)
router.HandleFunc(pathPrefix, http.NotFound)
// addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes populates the given router with the subset of Gold's JSON RPC routes
// that do not require authentication.
func addUnauthenticatedJSONRoutes(router *mux.Router, _ *frontendServerConfig, handlers *web.Handlers) {
add := func(jsonRoute string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc) {
addJSONRoute(jsonRoute, httputils.CorsHandler(handlerFunc), router, "").Methods("GET")
add("/json/changelist/{system}/{id}/{patchset}/untriaged", handlers.ChangelistUntriagedHandler)
add("/json/v1/changelist/{system}/{id}/{patchset}/untriaged", handlers.ChangelistUntriagedHandler)
add("/json/trstatus", handlers.StatusHandler)
add("/json/v1/trstatus", handlers.StatusHandler)
add("/json/changelist/{system}/{id}", handlers.ChangelistSummaryHandler)
add("/json/v1/changelist/{system}/{id}", handlers.ChangelistSummaryHandler)
var (
unversionedJSONRouteRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`/json/(?P<path>.+)`)
versionedJSONRouteRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`/json/v(?P<version>\d+)/(?P<path>.+)`)
// addJSONRoute adds a handler function to a router for the given JSON RPC route, which must be of
// the form "/json/<path>" or "/json/v<n>/<path>", and increases a counter to track RPC and version
// usage every time the RPC is invoked.
// If the given routerPathPrefix is non-empty, it will be removed from the JSON RPC route before the
// handler function is added to the router (useful with subrouters for path prefixes, e.g. "/json").
// It panics if jsonRoute does not start with '/json', or if the routerPathPrefix is not a prefix of
// the jsonRoute, or if the jsonRoute uses version 0 (e.g. /json/v0/foo), which is reserved for
// unversioned RPCs.
// This function has been designed to take the full JSON RPC route as an argument, including the
// RPC version number and the subrouter path prefix, if any (e.g. "/json/v2/my/rpc" vs. "/my/rpc").
// This results in clearer code at the callsite because the reader can immediately see what the
// final RPC route will look like from outside the HTTP server.
func addJSONRoute(jsonRoute string, handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc, router *mux.Router, routerPathPrefix string) *mux.Route {
// Make sure the jsonRoute agrees with the router path prefix (which can be the empty string).
if !strings.HasPrefix(jsonRoute, routerPathPrefix) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`Prefix "%s" not found in JSON RPC route: %s`, routerPathPrefix, jsonRoute))
// Parse the JSON RPC route, which can be of the form "/json/v<n>/<path>" or "/json/<path>", and
// extract <path> and <n>, defaulting to 0 for the unversioned case.
var path string
version := 0 // Default value is used for unversioned JSON RPCs.
if matches := versionedJSONRouteRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(jsonRoute); matches != nil {
var err error
version, err = strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
if err != nil {
// Should never happen.
panic("Failed to convert RPC version to integer (indicates a bug in the regexp): " + jsonRoute)
if version == 0 {
// Disallow /json/v0/* because we indicate unversioned RPCs with version 0.
panic("JSON RPC version cannot be 0: " + jsonRoute)
path = matches[2]
} else if matches := unversionedJSONRouteRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(jsonRoute); matches != nil {
path = matches[1]
} else {
// The path is neither a versioned nor an unversioned JSON RPC route. This is a coding error.
panic("Unrecognized JSON RPC route format: " + jsonRoute)
counter := metrics2.GetCounter(web.RPCCallCounterMetric, map[string]string{
"route": "/" + path,
"version": fmt.Sprintf("v%d", version),
return router.HandleFunc(strings.TrimPrefix(jsonRoute, routerPathPrefix), func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handlerFunc(w, r)