blob: 151b9f4612e129f7fb262a18601be3d683053c48 [file] [log] [blame]
package search
import (
// This file contains routines to calculate reference diffs for digests.
// 'digest' is synonymous with image, because the digests are
// hashes of the pixel buffer when the image was generated.
// A 'diff' captures the difference between two digests.
// To deal with digests in a human friendly way we calculate reference
// diffs for each digest, most notably the closest positive and closest
// negative digest. But other reference diffs might make sense and
// should be added here.
const (
// REF_CLOSEST_POSTIVE identifies the diff to the closest positive digest.
// REF_CLOSEST_NEGATIVE identifies the diff to the closest negative digest.
// RefDiffer aggregates the helper objects needed to calculate reference diffs.
type RefDiffer struct {
exp ExpSlice
diffStore diff.DiffStore
idx *indexer.SearchIndex
func NewRefDiffer(exp ExpSlice, diffStore diff.DiffStore, idx *indexer.SearchIndex) *RefDiffer {
return &RefDiffer{
exp: exp,
diffStore: diffStore,
idx: idx,
// GetRefDiffs calculates the reference diffs between the given
// digest and the other digests in the same test based on the given
// metric. 'match' is the list of parameters that need to match between
// the digests that are compared, i.e. this allows to restrict comparison
// of gamma correct images to other digests that are also gamma correct.
func (r *RefDiffer) GetRefDiffs(metric string, match []string, test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, params paramtools.ParamSet, rhsQuery paramtools.ParamSet, is types.IgnoreState) (types.Digest, map[types.Digest]*SRDiffDigest) {
unavailableDigests := r.diffStore.UnavailableDigests()
if _, ok := unavailableDigests[digest]; ok {
return "", nil
paramsByDigest := r.idx.GetParamsetSummaryByTest(types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces)[test]
posDigests := r.getDigestsWithLabel(test, match, params, paramsByDigest, unavailableDigests, rhsQuery, types.POSITIVE)
negDigests := r.getDigestsWithLabel(test, match, params, paramsByDigest, unavailableDigests, rhsQuery, types.NEGATIVE)
ret := make(map[types.Digest]*SRDiffDigest, 3)
ret[REF_CLOSEST_POSTIVE] = r.getClosestDiff(metric, digest, posDigests)
ret[REF_CLOSEST_NEGATIVE] = r.getClosestDiff(metric, digest, negDigests)
// TODO(stephana): Add a diff to the previous digest in the trace.
// Find the minimum according to the diff metric.
minDigest := types.Digest("")
minDiff := float32(math.Inf(1))
dCount := r.idx.DigestCountsByTest(is)[test]
for digest, srdd := range ret {
if srdd != nil {
// Fill in the missing fields.
srdd.Status = r.exp.Classification(test, srdd.Digest).String()
srdd.ParamSet = paramsByDigest[srdd.Digest]
srdd.N = dCount[srdd.Digest]
// Find the minimum.
if srdd.DiffMetrics.Diffs[metric] < minDiff {
minDigest = digest
minDiff = srdd.DiffMetrics.Diffs[metric]
return minDigest, ret
// getDigestsWithLabel return all digests within the given test that
// have the given label assigned to them and where the parameters
// listed in 'match' match.
func (r *RefDiffer) getDigestsWithLabel(test types.TestName, match []string, params paramtools.ParamSet, paramsByDigest map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, unavailable map[types.Digest]*diff.DigestFailure, rhsQuery paramtools.ParamSet, targetLabel types.Label) types.DigestSlice {
ret := types.DigestSlice{}
for d, digestParams := range paramsByDigest {
// Accept all digests that are: available, in the set of allowed digests
// match the target label and where the required
// parameter fields match.
_, ok := unavailable[d]
if !ok &&
(len(rhsQuery) == 0 || rhsQuery.Matches(digestParams)) &&
(r.exp.Classification(test, d) == targetLabel) &&
paramSetsMatch(match, params, digestParams) {
ret = append(ret, d)
return ret
// getClosestDiff returns the closest diff between a digest and a set of digest.
func (r *RefDiffer) getClosestDiff(metric string, digest types.Digest, compDigests types.DigestSlice) *SRDiffDigest {
diffs, err := r.diffStore.Get(diff.PRIORITY_NOW, digest, compDigests)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error diffing %s %v: %s", digest, compDigests, err)
return nil
if len(diffs) == 0 {
return nil
minDiff := float32(math.Inf(1))
minDigest := types.Digest("")
for resultDigest, diffInfo := range diffs {
diffMetrics := diffInfo.(*diff.DiffMetrics)
if diffMetrics.Diffs[metric] < minDiff {
minDiff = diffMetrics.Diffs[metric]
minDigest = resultDigest
return &SRDiffDigest{
DiffMetrics: diffs[minDigest].(*diff.DiffMetrics),
Digest: minDigest,
// paramSetsMatch returns true if the two param sets have matching
// values for the parameters listed in 'match'. If one of the is nil
// there is always a match.
func paramSetsMatch(match []string, p1, p2 paramtools.ParamSet) bool {
if (p1 == nil) || (p2 == nil) {
return true
for _, paramKey := range match {
vals1, ok1 := p1[paramKey]
vals2, ok2 := p2[paramKey]
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
return false
found := false
for _, v := range vals1 {
if util.In(v, vals2) {
found = true
if !found {
return false
return true