blob: 803769ea3b7b3bb16273d1897fb2b0e36a3e4d87 [file] [log] [blame]
package search
import (
assert ""
const (
// TEST_DATA_DIR_PARSE is the directory where test data for the parse
// function are downloaded.
TEST_DATA_DIR_PARSE = "testdata_parse"
func TestParseCTQuery(t *testing.T) {
testQuery := CTQuery{
RowQuery: &Query{
Pos: true,
Neg: false,
Head: true,
Unt: true,
IncludeIgnores: true,
QueryStr: "source_type=gm&param=value",
Limit: 20,
ColumnQuery: &Query{
Pos: true,
Neg: false,
Head: true,
Unt: true,
IncludeIgnores: true,
QueryStr: "source_type=gm&param=value",
Match: []string{"gamma_correct"},
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(&testQuery)
assert.NoError(t, err)
var ctQuery CTQuery
assert.NoError(t, ParseCTQuery(ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBytes)), 9, &ctQuery))
exp := url.Values{"source_type": []string{"gm"}, "param": []string{"value"}}
assert.True(t, util.In(types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD, ctQuery.Match))
assert.Equal(t, exp, ctQuery.RowQuery.Query)
assert.Equal(t, exp, ctQuery.ColumnQuery.Query)
assert.Equal(t, int32(9), ctQuery.ColumnQuery.Limit)
testQuery.RowQuery.QueryStr = ""
jsonBytes, err = json.Marshal(&testQuery)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Error(t, ParseCTQuery(ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBytes)), 10, &ctQuery))
func TestParseQuery(t *testing.T) {
checkParsedQuery(t, true, "fdiffmax=-1&fref=false&frgbamax=-1&head=true&include=false&issue=2370153003&limit=50&match=gamma_correct&match=name&metric=combined&neg=false&pos=false&query=source_type%3Dgm&sort=desc&unt=true")
checkParsedQuery(t, true, "fdiffmax=-1&fref=false&frgbamax=-1&head=true&include=false&limit=50&match=gamma_correct&match=name&metric=combined&neg=false&pos=false&query=source_type%3Dgm&sort=desc&unt=true")
checkParsedQuery(t, false, "fdiffmax=abc&fref=false&frgbamax=-1&head=true&include=false&limit=50&")
func TestParseQueryLarge(t *testing.T) {
// Reuse the paths from the SearchAPI benchmarks.
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, TEST_DATA_DIR_PARSE)
// Download the list of queries.
assert.NoError(t, gcs_testutils.DownloadTestDataFile(t, gcs_testutils.TEST_DATA_BUCKET, cloudQueriesPath, localQueriesPath))
// Load the list of of live queries.
queries, err := fileutil.ReadLines(localQueriesPath)
assert.NoError(t, err)
q := &Query{}
wrongQueries := 0
for _, qStr := range queries {
err := clearParseQuery(q, qStr)
if err != nil {
// Accept as long as 10% of all queries are wrong.
errFraction := float64(wrongQueries) / float64(len(queries))
fmt.Printf("\n\nWrong Queries: %d / %d\n", wrongQueries, len(queries))
assert.True(t, errFraction < 0.1, fmt.Sprintf("Fraction of wrong queries is too high: %f > %f", errFraction, 0.1))
func checkParsedQuery(t *testing.T, isCorrect bool, qStr string) {
assertFn := assert.NoError
if !isCorrect {
assertFn = assert.Error
q := &Query{}
assertFn(t, clearParseQuery(q, qStr))
func clearParseQuery(q *Query, qStr string) error {
*q = Query{}
r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/?"+qStr, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return ParseQuery(r, q)