blob: 9d37c0c070d851c50d9c221a5153619425645c90 [file] [log] [blame]
package goldclient
import (
const (
// jsonPrefix is the path prefix in the GCS bucket that holds JSON result files
jsonPrefix = "dm-json-v1"
// imagePrefix is the path prefix in the GCS bucket that holds images.
imagePrefix = "dm-images-v1"
// knownHashesPath is path on the Gold instance to retrieve the known image hashes that do
// not need to be uploaded anymore.
knownHashesPath = "json/hashes"
// stateFile is the name of the file that holds the state in the work directory
// between calls
stateFile = "result-state.json"
// jsonTempFile is the temporary file that is created to upload results via gsutil.
jsonTempFile = "dm.json"
// goldHostTemplate constructs the URL of the Gold instance from the instance id
goldHostTemplate = ""
// bucketTemplate constructs the name of the ingestion bucket from the instance id
bucketTemplate = "skia-gold-%s"
// md5Regexp is used to check whether strings are MD5 hashes.
var md5Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-f0-9]{32}$`)
// GoldClient is the uniform interface to communicate with the Gold service.
type GoldClient interface {
// SetSharedConfig populates the config with details that will be shared
// with all tests. This is safe to be called more than once, although
// new settings will overwrite the old ones. This will cause the
// baseline and known hashes to be (re-)downloaded from Gold.
SetSharedConfig(sharedConfig jsonio.GoldResults) error
// Test adds a test result to the current testrun. If the GoldClient is configured to
// return PASS/FAIL for each test, the returned boolean indicates whether the test passed
// comparison with the expectations (this involves uploading JSON to the server).
// This will upload the image if the hash of the pixels has not been seen before -
// using auth.SetDryRun(true) can prevent that.
// additionalKeys is an optional set of key:value pairs that apply to only this test.
// This is typically a small amount of data (and can be nil). If there are many keys,
// they are likely shared between tests and should be added in SetSharedConfig.
// An error is only returned if there was a technical problem in processing the test.
Test(name types.TestName, imgFileName string, additionalKeys map[string]string) (bool, error)
// Upload the JSON file for all Test() calls previously seen.
// A no-op if configured for PASS/FAIL mode, since the JSON would have been uploaded
// on the calls to Test().
Finalize() error
// This interface contains some "optional" methods that can assist
// in debugging.
type GoldClientDebug interface {
// Returns a human-readable representation of the baseline as a string.
// This is a set of test names that each have a set of image
// digests that each have exactly one types.Label.
DumpBaseline() (string, error)
// Returns a human-readable representation of the known image digests
// which is a list of hashes.
DumpKnownHashes() (string, error)
// HTTPClient makes it easier to mock out goldclient's dependencies on
// http.Client by representing a smaller interface.
type HTTPClient interface {
Get(url string) (resp *http.Response, err error)
// cloudClient implements the GoldClient interface for the remote Gold service.
type CloudClient struct {
// workDir is a temporary directory that has to exist between related calls
workDir string
// resultState keeps track of the all the information to generate and upload a valid result.
resultState *resultState
// ready caches the result of the isReady call so we avoid duplicate work.
ready bool
// these functions are overwritable by tests
loadAndHashImage func(path string) ([]byte, types.Digest, error)
now func() time.Time
// auth stores the authentication method to use.
auth AuthOpt
httpClient HTTPClient
// GoldClientConfig is a config structure to configure GoldClient instances
type GoldClientConfig struct {
// WorkDir is a temporary directory that caches data for one run with multiple calls to GoldClient
WorkDir string
// InstanceID is the id of the backend Gold instance
InstanceID string
// PassFailStep indicates whether each call to Test(...) should return a pass/fail value.
PassFailStep bool
// FailureFile is a file on disk that will contain newline-seperated links to triage
// any failures. Only written to if PassFailStep is true
FailureFile string
// OverrideGoldURL is optional and allows to override the GoldURL for testing.
OverrideGoldURL string
// UploadOnly is a mode where we don't check expectations against the server - i.e.
// we just operate in upload mode.
UploadOnly bool
// resultState is an internal container for all information to upload results
// to Gold, including the jsonio.GoldResult structure itself.
type resultState struct {
// SharedConfig is all the data that is common test to test, for example, the
// keys about this machine (e.g. GPU, OS).
SharedConfig *jsonio.GoldResults
PerTestPassFail bool
FailureFile string
UploadOnly bool
InstanceID string
GoldURL string
Bucket string
KnownHashes types.DigestSet
Expectations types.Expectations
// NewCloudClient returns an implementation of the GoldClient that relies on the Gold service.
// If a new instance is created for each call to Test, the arguments of the first call are
// preserved. They are cached in a JSON file in the work directory.
func NewCloudClient(authOpt AuthOpt, config GoldClientConfig) (*CloudClient, error) {
// Make sure the workdir was given and exists.
if config.WorkDir == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("no 'workDir' provided to NewCloudClient")
workDir, err := fileutil.EnsureDirExists(config.WorkDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("error setting up workdir: %s", err)
if config.InstanceID == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("empty config passed into NewCloudClient")
ret := CloudClient{
workDir: workDir,
auth: authOpt,
loadAndHashImage: loadAndHashImage,
now: defaultNow,
resultState: newResultState(nil, &config),
if err := ret.setHttpClient(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("error setting http client: %s", err)
if config.FailureFile != "" {
if f, err := os.Create(config.FailureFile); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not make failure file %s: %s", config.FailureFile, err)
} else {
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not close failure file %s: %s", config.FailureFile, err)
// write it to disk
if err := saveJSONFile(ret.getResultStatePath(), ret.resultState); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Could not write the state to disk: %s", err)
return &ret, nil
// LoadCloudClient returns a GoldClient that has previously been stored to disk
// in the path given by workDir.
func LoadCloudClient(authOpt AuthOpt, workDir string) (*CloudClient, error) {
// Make sure the workdir was given and exists.
if workDir == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("No 'workDir' provided to LoadCloudClient")
ret := CloudClient{
workDir: workDir,
auth: authOpt,
loadAndHashImage: loadAndHashImage,
now: defaultNow,
var err error
ret.resultState, err = loadStateFromJson(ret.getResultStatePath())
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Could not load disk from state: %s", err)
if err = ret.setHttpClient(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Error setting http client: %s", err)
return &ret, nil
// SetSharedConfig implements the GoldClient interface.
func (c *CloudClient) SetSharedConfig(sharedConfig jsonio.GoldResults) error {
existingConfig := GoldClientConfig{
WorkDir: c.workDir,
if c.resultState != nil {
existingConfig.InstanceID = c.resultState.InstanceID
existingConfig.PassFailStep = c.resultState.PerTestPassFail
existingConfig.FailureFile = c.resultState.FailureFile
existingConfig.OverrideGoldURL = c.resultState.GoldURL
existingConfig.UploadOnly = c.resultState.UploadOnly
c.resultState = newResultState(&sharedConfig, &existingConfig)
if !c.resultState.UploadOnly {
// The GitHash may have changed (or been set for the first time),
// So we can now load the baseline. We can also download the hashes
// at this time, although we could have done it at any time before since
// that does not depend on the GitHash we have.
if err := c.downloadHashesAndBaselineFromGold(); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error downloading from Gold: %s", err)
return saveJSONFile(c.getResultStatePath(), c.resultState)
// Test implements the GoldClient interface.
func (c *CloudClient) Test(name types.TestName, imgFileName string, additionalKeys map[string]string) (bool, error) {
if res, err := c.addTest(name, imgFileName, additionalKeys); err != nil {
return false, err
} else {
return res, saveJSONFile(c.getResultStatePath(), c.resultState)
// addTest adds a test to results. If perTestPassFail is true it will also upload the result.
// Returns true if the test was added (and maybe uploaded) successfully.
func (c *CloudClient) addTest(name types.TestName, imgFileName string, additionalKeys map[string]string) (bool, error) {
if err := c.isReady(); err != nil {
return false, skerr.Fmt("Unable to process test result. Cloud Gold Client not ready: %s", err)
// Get an uploader. This is either based on an authenticated client or on gsutils.
uploader, err := c.auth.GetGoldUploader()
if err != nil {
return false, skerr.Fmt("Error retrieving uploader: %s", err)
// Load the PNG from disk and hash it.
imgBytes, imgHash, err := c.loadAndHashImage(imgFileName)
if err != nil {
return false, err
fmt.Printf("Given image with hash %s for test %s\n", imgHash, name)
for expectHash, expectLabel := range c.resultState.Expectations[name] {
fmt.Printf("Expectation for test: %s (%s)\n", expectHash, expectLabel.String())
var egroup errgroup.Group
// Check against known hashes and upload if needed.
if !c.resultState.KnownHashes[imgHash] {
egroup.Go(func() error {
gcsImagePath := c.resultState.getGCSImagePath(imgHash)
if err := uploader.UploadBytes(imgBytes, imgFileName, prefixGCS(gcsImagePath)); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error uploading image %s to %s. Got: %s", imgFileName, gcsImagePath, err)
return nil
// Add the result of this test.
c.addResult(name, imgHash, additionalKeys)
// At this point the result should be correct for uploading.
if _, err := c.resultState.SharedConfig.Validate(false); err != nil {
return false, err
// If we do per test pass/fail then upload the result and compare it to the baseline.
ret := true
if c.resultState.PerTestPassFail {
egroup.Go(func() error {
return c.uploadResultJSON(uploader)
ret = c.resultState.Expectations[name][imgHash] == types.POSITIVE
if !ret {
link := fmt.Sprintf("%s/detail?test=%s&digest=%s\n", c.resultState.GoldURL, name, imgHash)
fmt.Printf("Untriaged or negative image: %s", link)
ff := c.resultState.FailureFile
if ff != "" {
egroup.Go(func() error {
f, err := os.OpenFile(ff, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not open failure file %s: %s", ff, err)
if _, err := f.WriteString(link); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not write to failure file %s: %s", ff, err)
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not close failure file %s: %s", ff, err)
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return false, err
return ret, nil
// Finalize implements the GoldClient interface.
func (c *CloudClient) Finalize() error {
if err := c.isReady(); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Cannot finalize - client not ready: %s", err)
uploader, err := c.auth.GetGoldUploader()
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error retrieving uploader: %s", err)
return c.uploadResultJSON(uploader)
// uploadResultJSON uploads the results (which live in SharedConfig, specifically
// SharedConfig.Results), to GCS.
func (c *CloudClient) uploadResultJSON(uploader GoldUploader) error {
localFileName := filepath.Join(c.workDir, jsonTempFile)
resultFilePath := c.resultState.getResultFilePath(
if err := uploader.UploadJSON(c.resultState.SharedConfig, localFileName, resultFilePath); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error uploading JSON file to GCS path %s: %s", resultFilePath, err)
return nil
// setHttpClient sets authenticated httpClient, if authentication was configured via SetAuthConfig.
// It also retrieves a token of the configured source to make sure it works.
func (c *CloudClient) setHttpClient() error {
// If no auth option was set, we return an unauthenticated client.
client, err := c.auth.GetHTTPClient()
if err != nil {
return err
c.httpClient = client
return nil
// saveAuthOpt assumes that auth has been set. It saves it to the work directory for retrieval
// during later calls.
func (c *CloudClient) saveAuthOpt() error {
outFile := filepath.Join(c.workDir, authFile)
return saveJSONFile(outFile, c.auth)
// isReady returns true if the instance is ready to accept test results (all necessary info has been
// configured)
func (c *CloudClient) isReady() error {
if c.ready {
return nil
// if resultState hasn't been set yet, then we are simply not ready.
if c.resultState == nil {
return skerr.Fmt("No result state object available")
// Check whether we have some means of uploading results
if c.auth == nil {
return skerr.Fmt("No authentication information provided.")
if err := c.auth.Validate(); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Invalid auth: %s", err)
// Check if the GoldResults instance is complete once results are added.
if _, err := c.resultState.SharedConfig.Validate(true); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Gold results fields invalid: %s", err)
c.ready = true
return nil
// getResultStatePath returns the path of the temporary file where the state is cached as JSON
func (c *CloudClient) getResultStatePath() string {
return filepath.Join(c.workDir, stateFile)
// addResult adds the given test to the overall results.
func (c *CloudClient) addResult(name types.TestName, imgHash types.Digest, additionalKeys map[string]string) {
newResult := &jsonio.Result{
Digest: imgHash,
Key: map[string]string{types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(name)},
// We need to specify this is a png, otherwise the backend will refuse
// to ingest it.
Options: map[string]string{"ext": "png"},
for k, v := range additionalKeys {
newResult.Key[k] = v
// Set the CORPUS_FIELD (e.g. source_type) to the default value of the instanceID
// if it is not set. Many clients will not need to set this.
if _, ok := c.resultState.SharedConfig.Key[types.CORPUS_FIELD]; !ok {
newResult.Key[types.CORPUS_FIELD] = c.resultState.InstanceID
c.resultState.SharedConfig.Results = append(c.resultState.SharedConfig.Results, newResult)
// downloadHashesAndBaselineFromGold downloads the hashes and baselines
// and stores them to resultState.
func (c *CloudClient) downloadHashesAndBaselineFromGold() error {
// What hashes have we seen already (to avoid uploading them again).
if err := c.resultState.loadKnownHashes(c.httpClient); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Loaded %d known hashes\n", len(c.resultState.KnownHashes))
// Fetch the baseline (may be empty but should not fail).
if err := c.resultState.loadExpectations(c.httpClient); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Loaded %d tests from the baseline\n", len(c.resultState.Expectations))
return nil
// loadAndHashImage loads an image from disk and hashes the internal Pixel buffer. It returns
// the bytes of the encoded image and the MD5 hash as hex encoded string.
func loadAndHashImage(fileName string) ([]byte, types.Digest, error) {
// Load the image
reader, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
defer util.Close(reader)
imgBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", skerr.Fmt("Error loading file %s: %s", fileName, err)
img, err := png.Decode(bytes.NewBuffer(imgBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", skerr.Fmt("Error decoding PNG in file %s: %s", fileName, err)
nrgbaImg := diff.GetNRGBA(img)
md5Hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(nrgbaImg.Pix))
return imgBytes, types.Digest(md5Hash), nil
// defaultNow returns what time it is now in UTC
func defaultNow() time.Time {
return time.Now().UTC()
// newResultState creates a new instance of resultState
func newResultState(sharedConfig *jsonio.GoldResults, config *GoldClientConfig) *resultState {
// TODO(stephana): Move deriving the URLs and the bucket to a central place in the backend
// or get rid of the bucket entirely and expose an upload URL (requires authentication)
goldURL := config.OverrideGoldURL
if goldURL == "" {
goldURL = getHostURL(config.InstanceID)
ret := &resultState{
SharedConfig: sharedConfig,
PerTestPassFail: config.PassFailStep,
FailureFile: config.FailureFile,
InstanceID: config.InstanceID,
UploadOnly: config.UploadOnly,
GoldURL: goldURL,
Bucket: getBucket(config.InstanceID),
return ret
// loadStateFromJson loads a serialization of a resultState instance that was previously written
// via the save method.
func loadStateFromJson(fileName string) (*resultState, error) {
ret := &resultState{}
exists, err := loadJSONFile(fileName, ret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !exists {
return nil, nil
return ret, nil
const maxAttempts = 5
// getWithRetries makes a get request with retries to work around the rare
// unexpected EOF error. See
// httpClient should do retries with an exponential backoff
// for transient failures - this covers other failures.
func getWithRetries(httpClient HTTPClient, url string) ([]byte, error) {
var lastErr error
for attempts := 0; attempts < maxAttempts; attempts++ {
if lastErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("Retry attempt #%d after error: %s\n", attempts, lastErr)
// reset the error
lastErr = nil
// Sleep to give the server time to recover, if needed.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(500+rand.Int31n(1000)) * time.Millisecond)
// wrap in a function to make sure the defer resp.Body.Close() can
// happen before we try again.
b, err := func() ([]byte, error) {
resp, err := httpClient.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("error on get %s: %s", url, err)
if resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusBadRequest {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("GET %s resulted in a %d: %s", url, resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
defer func() {
if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Warning while closing HTTP response for %s: %s", url, err)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("error reading body %s: %s", url, err)
return b, nil
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return b, nil
return nil, lastErr
// loadKnownHashes loads the list of known hashes from the Gold instance.
func (r *resultState) loadKnownHashes(httpClient HTTPClient) error {
r.KnownHashes = types.DigestSet{}
// Fetch the known hashes via http
hashesURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.GoldURL, knownHashesPath)
body, err := getWithRetries(httpClient, hashesURL)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("even with retries, got error getting known hashes %s: %s", hashesURL, err)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
for scanner.Scan() {
// Ignore empty lines and lines that are not valid MD5 hashes
line := bytes.TrimSpace(scanner.Bytes())
if len(line) > 0 && md5Regexp.Match(line) {
r.KnownHashes[types.Digest(line)] = true
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("error scanning response of HTTP request: %s", err)
return nil
// loadExpectations fetches the expectations from Gold to compare to tests.
func (r *resultState) loadExpectations(httpClient HTTPClient) error {
urlPath := strings.Replace(shared.EXPECTATIONS_ROUTE, "{commit_hash}", r.SharedConfig.GitHash, 1)
if r.SharedConfig.Issue > 0 {
urlPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s?issue=%d", urlPath, r.SharedConfig.Issue)
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.GoldURL, strings.TrimLeft(urlPath, "/"))
jsonBytes, err := getWithRetries(httpClient, url)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("even with retries, got error getting expectations %s: %s", url, err)
exp := &baseline.Baseline{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, exp); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Fetched from %s\n", url)
if len(jsonBytes) > 200 {
fmt.Printf(`Invalid JSON: "%s..."`, string(jsonBytes[0:200]))
} else {
fmt.Printf(`Invalid JSON: "%s"`, string(jsonBytes))
return skerr.Fmt("Error parsing JSON; this sometimes means auth issues: %s", err)
r.Expectations = exp.Expectations
return nil
// getResultFilePath returns that path in GCS where the result file should be stored.
// The path follows the path described here:
// The file name of the path also contains a timestamp to make it unique since all
// calls within the same test run are written to the same output path.
func (r *resultState) getResultFilePath(now time.Time) string {
year, month, day := now.Date()
hour := now.Hour()
// Assemble a path that looks like this:
// <path_prefix>/YYYY/MM/DD/HH/<git_hash>/<build_id>/<time_stamp>/<per_run_file_name>.json
// The first segments up to 'HH' are required so the Gold ingester can scan these prefixes for
// new files. The later segments are necessary to make the path unique within the runs of one
// hour and increase readability of the paths for troubleshooting.
// It is vital that the times segments of the path are based on UTC location.
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("dm-%d.json", now.UnixNano())
segments := []interface{}{
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%04d/%02d/%02d/%02d/%s/%d/%d/%s", segments...)
if r.SharedConfig.Issue > 0 {
path = "trybot/" + path
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.Bucket, path)
// getGCSImagePath returns the path in GCS where the image with the given hash should be stored.
func (r *resultState) getGCSImagePath(imgHash types.Digest) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s.png", r.Bucket, imagePrefix, imgHash)
// loadJSONFile loads and parses the JSON in 'fileName'. If the file doesn't exist it returns
// (false, nil). If the first return value is true, 'data' contains the parse JSON data.
func loadJSONFile(fileName string, data interface{}) (bool, error) {
if !fileutil.FileExists(fileName) {
return false, nil
err := util.WithReadFile(fileName, func(r io.Reader) error {
return json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(data)
if err != nil {
return false, skerr.Fmt("Error reading/parsing JSON file: %s", err)
return true, nil
// saveJSONFile stores the given 'data' in a file with the given name
func saveJSONFile(fileName string, data interface{}) error {
err := util.WithWriteFile(fileName, func(w io.Writer) error {
return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error writing/serializing to JSON: %s", err)
return nil
const (
// Skia's naming conventions are old and don't follow the patterns that
// newer clients do. One day, it might be nice to align the skia names
// to match the rest.
bucketSkiaLegacy = "skia-infra-gm"
hostSkiaLegacy = ""
instanceIDSkiaLegacy = "skia-legacy"
hostFuchsiaLegacy = ""
instanceIDFuchsia = "fuchsia"
// getBucket returns the bucket name for a given instance id.
// This is usually a formulaic transform, but there are some special cases.
func getBucket(instanceID string) string {
if instanceID == instanceIDSkiaLegacy {
return bucketSkiaLegacy
return fmt.Sprintf(bucketTemplate, instanceID)
// getHostURL returns the hostname for a given instance id.
// This is usually a formulaic transform, but there are some special cases.
func getHostURL(instanceID string) string {
if instanceID == instanceIDSkiaLegacy {
return hostSkiaLegacy
if instanceID == instanceIDFuchsia {
return hostFuchsiaLegacy
return fmt.Sprintf(goldHostTemplate, instanceID)
// DumpBaseline fulfills the GoldClientDebug interface
func (c *CloudClient) DumpBaseline() (string, error) {
if c.resultState == nil || c.resultState.Expectations == nil {
return "", errors.New("Not instantiated - call init?")
return c.resultState.Expectations.String(), nil
// DumpKnownHashes fulfills the GoldClientDebug interface
func (c *CloudClient) DumpKnownHashes() (string, error) {
if c.resultState == nil || c.resultState.KnownHashes == nil {
return "", errors.New("Not instantiated - call init?")
hashes := []string{}
for h := range c.resultState.KnownHashes {
hashes = append(hashes, string(h))
s := strings.Builder{}
_, _ = s.WriteString("Hashes:\n\t")
_, _ = s.WriteString(strings.Join(hashes, "\n\t"))
_, _ = s.WriteString("\n")
return s.String(), nil
// Make sure CloudClient fulfills the GoldClient interface
var _ GoldClient = (*CloudClient)(nil)
// Make sure CloudClient fulfills the GoldClientDebug interface
var _ GoldClientDebug = (*CloudClient)(nil)