blob: aaefbfc902c7ab679d1d9d6087d1bc34108c1f5c [file] [log] [blame]
package ingestion
import (
const (
// Limit the number of times the ingester tries to get a file before giving up.
// maxConcurrentDirPollers is the maximum number of concurrent go-routines that
// read from GCS and the file system when polling a range of directories.
maxConcurrentDirPollers = 200
// Constructor is the signature that has to be implemented to register a
// Processor implementation to be instantiated by name from a config struct.
// vcs is an instance that might be shared across multiple ingesters.
// config is ususally parsed from a JSON5 file.
// client can be assumed to be ready to serve the needs of the resulting Processor.
// eventBus is the eventbus to be used by the ingester (optional).
type Constructor func(vcs vcsinfo.VCS, config *sharedconfig.IngesterConfig, client *http.Client, eventBus eventbus.EventBus) (Processor, error)
// stores the constructors that register for instantiation from a config struct.
var constructors = map[string]Constructor{}
// used to synchronize constructor registration and instantiation.
var registrationMutex sync.Mutex
// Register registers the given constructor to create an instance of a Processor.
func Register(id string, constructor Constructor) {
defer registrationMutex.Unlock()
constructors[id] = constructor
// IngestersFromConfig creates a list of ingesters from a config struct.
// Usually the struct is created from parsing a config file.
// client is assumed to be suitable for the given application. If e.g. the
// processors of the current application require an authenticated http client,
// then it is expected that client meets these requirements.
func IngestersFromConfig(ctx context.Context, config *sharedconfig.Config, client *http.Client, eventBus eventbus.EventBus, ingestionStore IngestionStore, btConf *bt_gitstore.BTConfig) ([]*Ingester, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, errors.New("httpClient cannot be nil")
defer registrationMutex.Unlock()
ret := []*Ingester{}
// Make sure we have an eventbus since that is shared by ingesters and sources.
if eventBus == nil {
eventBus = eventbus.New()
// Set up the gitinfo object.
var vcs vcsinfo.VCS
var err error
if btConf != nil {
gitStore, err := bt_gitstore.New(ctx, btConf, config.GitRepoURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Error instantiating gitstore: %s", err)
// Set up VCS instance to track master.
gitilesRepo := gitiles.NewRepo(config.GitRepoURL, "", client)
if vcs, err = bt_vcs.New(gitStore, "master", gitilesRepo, nil, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
sklog.Infof("Created vcs client based on BigTable.")
} else {
if vcs, err = gitinfo.CloneOrUpdate(ctx, config.GitRepoURL, config.GitRepoDir, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
sklog.Infof("Created vcs client based on local checkout.")
// Instantiate the secondary repo if one was specified.
var secondaryVCS vcsinfo.VCS
var extractor depot_tools.DEPSExtractor
if config.SecondaryRepoURL != "" {
if secondaryVCS, err = gitinfo.CloneOrUpdate(ctx, config.SecondaryRepoURL, config.SecondaryRepoDir, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
extractor = depot_tools.NewRegExDEPSExtractor(config.SecondaryRegEx)
vcs.(*gitinfo.GitInfo).SetSecondaryRepo(secondaryVCS, extractor)
// for each defined ingester create an instance.
for id, ingesterConf := range config.Ingesters {
sklog.Infof("Starting to instantiate ingester: %s", id)
processorConstructor, ok := constructors[id]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown ingester: '%s'", id)
// Instantiate the sources
sources := make([]Source, 0, len(ingesterConf.Sources))
for _, dataSource := range ingesterConf.Sources {
oneSource, err := getSource(id, dataSource, client, eventBus)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error instantiating sources for ingester '%s': %s", id, err)
sources = append(sources, oneSource)
sklog.Infof("Source %s created for ingester %s", oneSource.ID(), id)
// instantiate the processor
processor, err := processorConstructor(vcs, ingesterConf, client, eventBus)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sklog.Infof("Processor constructor for ingester %s created", id)
// create the ingester and add it to the result.
ingester, err := NewIngester(id, ingesterConf, vcs, sources, processor, ingestionStore, eventBus)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, ingester)
sklog.Infof("Ingester %s created successfully", id)
return ret, nil
// getSource returns an instance of source that is either getting data from
// Google storage or the local filesystem.
func getSource(id string, dataSource *sharedconfig.DataSource, client *http.Client, eventBus eventbus.EventBus) (Source, error) {
if dataSource.Dir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Datasource for %s is missing a directory.", id)
if dataSource.Bucket != "" {
return NewGoogleStorageSource(id, dataSource.Bucket, dataSource.Dir, client, eventBus)
return nil, sklog.FmtErrorf("Unable to create source. At least a bucket and directory must be supplied")
// validIngestionFile returns true if the given file name matches basic rules.
func validIngestionFile(fName string) bool {
return targetFileRegExp.Match([]byte(fName))
// targetFileRegExp must be matched for a file to be considered for ingestion.
var targetFileRegExp = regexp.MustCompile(`.*\.json`)
// GoogleStorageSource implements the Source interface for Google Storage.
type GoogleStorageSource struct {
bucket string
rootDir string
id string
storageClient *storage.Client
eventBus eventbus.EventBus
// NewGoogleStorageSource returns a new instance of GoogleStorageSource based
// on the bucket and directory provided. The id is used to identify the Source
// and is generally the same id as the ingester.
func NewGoogleStorageSource(baseName, bucket, rootDir string, client *http.Client, eventBus eventbus.EventBus) (Source, error) {
storageClient, err := storage.NewClient(context.Background(), option.WithHTTPClient(client))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create a Google Storage API client: %s", err)
return &GoogleStorageSource{
bucket: bucket,
rootDir: rootDir,
id: fmt.Sprintf("%s:gs://%s/%s", baseName, bucket, rootDir),
storageClient: storageClient,
eventBus: eventBus,
}, nil
// See Source interface.
func (g *GoogleStorageSource) Poll(startTime, endTime int64) <-chan ResultFileLocation {
dirs := fileutil.GetHourlyDirs(g.rootDir, startTime, endTime)
ch := make(chan ResultFileLocation, maxConcurrentDirPollers)
concurrentPollers := make(chan bool, maxConcurrentDirPollers)
go func() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, dir := range dirs {
concurrentPollers <- true
go func(dir string) {
defer func() {
err := gcs.AllFilesInDir(g.storageClient, g.bucket, dir, func(item *storage.ObjectAttrs) {
if validIngestionFile(item.Name) && (item.Updated.Unix() > startTime) {
ch <- newGCSResultFileLocation(item.Bucket,
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error occurred while retrieving files from %s/%s: %s", g.bucket, dir, err)
return ch
// See Source interface.
func (g *GoogleStorageSource) ID() string {
// SetEventChannel implements the Source interface.
func (g *GoogleStorageSource) SetEventChannel(resultCh chan<- ResultFileLocation) error {
if g.eventBus != nil {
eventType, err := g.eventBus.RegisterStorageEvents(g.bucket, g.rootDir, targetFileRegExp, g.storageClient)
if err != nil {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Unable to register storage event: %s", err)
g.eventBus.SubscribeAsync(eventType, func(evData interface{}) {
file := evData.(*eventbus.StorageEvent)
resultCh <- newGCSResultFileLocation(file.BucketID, file.ObjectID, file.TimeStamp, file.MD5, g.storageClient)
sklog.Infof("Registered for storage event type: %q", eventType)
return nil
// gsResultFileLocation implements the ResultFileLocation for Google storage.
type gsResultFileLocation struct {
bucket string
name string
lastUpdated int64
md5 string
storageClient *storage.Client
content []byte
func newGCSResultFileLocation(bucketID, objectID string, lastUpdated int64, md5 string, storageClient *storage.Client) ResultFileLocation {
return &gsResultFileLocation{
bucket: bucketID,
name: objectID,
lastUpdated: lastUpdated,
md5: md5,
storageClient: storageClient,
// See ResultFileLocation interface.
func (g *gsResultFileLocation) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
// If we have read this before, then just return a reader.
if g.content != nil {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(g.content)), nil
if g.content == nil {
var reader io.Reader
var err error
for i := 0; i < MAX_URI_GET_TRIES; i++ {
reader, err = g.storageClient.Bucket(g.bucket).Object(
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("New reader failed for %s/%s: %s", g.bucket,, err)
// Read the entire file into memory and return a buffer.
if g.content, err = ioutil.ReadAll(reader); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error reading content of %s/%s: %s", g.bucket,, err)
g.content = nil
sklog.Infof("GCSFILE READ %s/%s", g.bucket,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed fetching %s/%s after %d attempts", g.bucket,, MAX_URI_GET_TRIES)
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(g.content)), nil
// See ResultFileLocation interface.
func (g *gsResultFileLocation) Name() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("gs://%s/%s", g.bucket,
// StorageIDs implements the ResultFileLocation interface.
func (g *gsResultFileLocation) StorageIDs() (string, string) {
return g.bucket,
// See ResultFileLocation interface.
func (g *gsResultFileLocation) MD5() string {
return g.md5
// See ResultFileLocation interface.
func (g *gsResultFileLocation) TimeStamp() int64 {
return g.lastUpdated
// See ResultFileLocation interface.
func (g *gsResultFileLocation) Content() []byte {
return g.content
// TODO(stephana): Remove FileSystemSource since it's mostly used for testing, but
// ingestion has now moved to being event driven, a mode that is not supported by it.
// FileSystemSource implements the Source interface to read from the local
// file system.
type FileSystemSource struct {
rootDir string
id string
func NewFileSystemSource(baseName, rootDir string) (Source, error) {
return &FileSystemSource{
rootDir: rootDir,
id: fmt.Sprintf("%s:fs:%s", baseName, rootDir),
}, nil
// See Source interface.
func (f *FileSystemSource) Poll(startTime, endTime int64) <-chan ResultFileLocation {
retCh := make(chan ResultFileLocation, maxConcurrentDirPollers)
go func() {
// Get all the directories we should walk to get the results.
dirs := fileutil.GetHourlyDirs(f.rootDir, startTime, endTime)
for _, dir := range dirs {
// Inject dir into a closure.
func(dir string) {
walkFn := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
// We swallow the error to continue processing, but make sure it's
// shows up in the logs.
sklog.Errorf("Error walking %s: %s", path, err)
return nil
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
updateTimestamp := info.ModTime().Unix()
if validIngestionFile(path) && (updateTimestamp > startTime) {
rf, err := FileSystemResult(path, f.rootDir)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Unable to create file system result: %s", err)
return nil
retCh <- rf
return nil
// Only walk the tree if the top directory exists.
if fileutil.FileExists(dir) {
if err := filepath.Walk(dir, walkFn); err != nil {
sklog.Infof("Unable to read the local dir %s: %s", dir, err)
return retCh
// See Source interface.
func (f *FileSystemSource) ID() string {
// SetEventChannel implements the Source interface.
func (f *FileSystemSource) SetEventChannel(resultCh chan<- ResultFileLocation) error {
// Note: Events are not supported for the file system right now. Since it's mostly used for testing.
return sklog.FmtErrorf("FileSystemSource does not implement SetEventChannel")
// fsResultFileLocation implements the ResultFileLocation interface for
// the local filesystem.
type fsResultFileLocation struct {
path string
buf []byte
md5 string
lastUpdated int64
// FileSystemResult returns a ResultFileLocation for files. path is the path
// where the target file resides and rootDir is the root of all paths.
func FileSystemResult(path, rootDir string) (ResultFileLocation, error) {
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Read file into buffer and calculate the md5 in the process.
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer util.Close(file)
var buf bytes.Buffer
md5, err := util.MD5FromReader(file, &buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get MD5 hash of %s: %s", path, err)
absRootDir, err := filepath.Abs(rootDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &fsResultFileLocation{
path: strings.TrimPrefix(absPath, absRootDir+"/"),
buf: buf.Bytes(),
md5: hex.EncodeToString(md5),
lastUpdated: fileInfo.ModTime().Unix(),
}, nil
// see ResultFileLocation interface.
func (f *fsResultFileLocation) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(f.buf)), nil
// see ResultFileLocation interface.
func (f *fsResultFileLocation) Name() string {
return f.path
// StorageIDs implements the ResultFileLocation interface.
func (f *fsResultFileLocation) StorageIDs() (string, string) {
return "--fsResultFileLocation", f.path
// see ResultFileLocation interface.
func (f *fsResultFileLocation) MD5() string {
return f.md5
// see ResultFileLocation interface.
func (f *fsResultFileLocation) TimeStamp() int64 {
return f.lastUpdated
// see ResultFileLocation interface.
func (f *fsResultFileLocation) Content() []byte {
return f.buf