blob: d3c8094c22394f5d6429e567e6f30640b0140458 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
Program for automating creation and setup of Swarming bot VMs.
import (
skia_instance_types ""
var (
// Flags.
instances = flag.String("instances", "", "Which instances to create/delete, eg. \"2,3-10,22\"")
windowsInstance = flag.Bool("windows", false, "Whether the created instances should be windows.")
androidBuilder = flag.Bool("android-builder", false, "Whether or not this is an android builder instance.")
linuxBuilder = flag.Bool("linux-builder", false, "Whether or not this is a linux builder instance.")
windowsBuilder = flag.Bool("windows-builder", false, "Whether or not this is a windows builder instance.")
create = flag.Bool("create", false, "Create the instance. Either --create or --delete is required.")
delete = flag.Bool("delete", false, "Delete the instance. Either --create or --delete is required.")
deleteDataDisk = flag.Bool("delete-data-disk", false, "Delete the data disk. Only valid with --delete")
ignoreExists = flag.Bool("ignore-exists", false, "Do not fail out when creating a resource which already exists or deleting a resource which does not exist.")
workdir = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Working directory.")
// Scripts for creating Windows instances.
winSetupScript string
winStartupScript string
winChromebotScript string
func main() {
// Validation.
if *create == *delete {
sklog.Fatal("Please specify --create or --delete, but not both.")
if *androidBuilder && *linuxBuilder {
sklog.Fatal("Cannot specify both --android-builder and --linux-builder.")
} else if *androidBuilder && *windowsBuilder {
sklog.Fatal("Cannot specify both --android-builder and --windows-builder.")
} else if *linuxBuilder && *windowsBuilder {
sklog.Fatal("Cannot specify both --linux-builder and --windows-builder.")
if *windowsBuilder && !*windowsInstance {
sklog.Fatal("--windows must be specified if --windows-builder is specified.")
ctx := context.Background()
// Get the absolute workdir.
wdAbs, err := filepath.Abs(*workdir)
if err != nil {
// Set Windows scripts if we need to create Windows instances.
if *windowsInstance {
if err := setWindowsScripts(ctx, wdAbs); err != nil {
instanceNums, err := util.ParseIntSet(*instances)
if err != nil {
if len(instanceNums) == 0 {
sklog.Fatal("Please specify at least one instance number via --instances.")
verb := "Creating"
if *delete {
verb = "Deleting"
sklog.Infof("%s instances: %v", verb, instanceNums)
// Create the GCloud object.
g, err := gce.NewLocalGCloud(gce.PROJECT_ID_CT_SWARMING, gce.ZONE_CT)
if err != nil {
if err := g.CheckSsh(); err != nil {
// Perform the requested operation.
group := util.NewNamedErrGroup()
for _, num := range instanceNums {
var vm *gce.Instance
if *androidBuilder {
vm = instance_types.CTAndroidBuilderInstance(num)
} else if *linuxBuilder {
vm = instance_types.CTLinuxBuilderInstance(num)
} else if *windowsInstance {
if *windowsBuilder {
vm = instance_types.CTWindowsBuilderInstance(num, winSetupScript, winStartupScript, winChromebotScript)
} else {
vm = instance_types.CTWindowsInstance(num, winSetupScript, winStartupScript, winChromebotScript)
} else {
vm = instance_types.CTInstance(num)
group.Go(vm.Name, func() error {
if *create {
return g.CreateAndSetup(ctx, vm, *ignoreExists)
} else {
return g.Delete(vm, *ignoreExists, *deleteDataDisk)
if err := group.Wait(); err != nil {
func setWindowsScripts(ctx context.Context, workDir string) error {
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
checkoutRoot := path.Dir(path.Dir(path.Dir(path.Dir(filename))))
var err error
winSetupScript, winStartupScript, winChromebotScript, err = skia_instance_types.GetWindowsScripts(ctx, checkoutRoot, workDir)
if err != nil {
return err
// Set .netrc contents in the setup script.
// TODO(rmistry): This should NOT be required. Investigate how to give the
// service account all required permissions.
netrcContents, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, ".", "gsutil", "cat", instance_types.GS_URL_NETRC)
if err != nil {
return err
input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(winSetupScript)
if err != nil {
return err
output := bytes.Replace(input, []byte("INSERTFILE(/tmp/.netrc)"), []byte(netrcContents), -1)
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(winSetupScript, output, 0666); err != nil {
return err
return nil