blob: 0f90d436dee57d631435324e7ad6ca88a4c8654b [file] [log] [blame]
package eventbus
import (
const (
// maxConcurrentPublishers is the maximum number of go-routines that can publish
// events concurrently.
maxConcurrentPublishers = 1000
// SYN_STORAGE_EVENT is the event type for synthetic storage events that are sent via the
// PublishStorageEvent function.
SYN_STORAGE_EVENT = "eventbus:synthetic-storage-event"
// storageEventPrefix is the prefix of all storage channel IDs to
// distinguish them from user defined channels.
storageChannelIDPrefix = "--storage-channel-"
// invalidObjectPrefix is used to as a sentinel value in the case of an invalid
// notification id (see below) to prevent fake events from being fired.
// '..' was chosen because it is actually illegal in GCS to name an object that so it will
// never occur in a result coming from GCS.
invalidObjectPrefix = ".."
// CallbackFn defines the signature of all callback functions used for
// callbacks by the EventBus interface.
type CallbackFn func(data interface{})
// EventBus defines an interface for a generic event that
// allows to send arbitrary data on multiple channels.
type EventBus interface {
// Publish sends the given data to all functions that have
// registered for the given channel. Each callback function is
// called on a separate go-routine.
// globally indicates whether the event should distributed across machines
// if the event bus implementation support this. It is ignored otherwise.
// If the message cannot be sent for some reason an error will be logged.
Publish(channelID string, data interface{}, globally bool)
// SubscribeAsync allows to register a callback function for the given
// channel. It is assumed that the subscriber and publisher know what
// types are sent on each channel.
SubscribeAsync(channelID string, callback CallbackFn)
// RegisterStorageEvents registers to receive storage events for the given
// bucket.
// bucketName - global name of the target bucket
// objectPrefix - filter objects (server side) that have this prefix.
// objectRegEx - only include objects where the name matches this regular
// expression (can be nil). Client side filtering.
// client - Google storage client that has permission to create a
// pubsub based event subscription for the given bucket.
// Returns: channel ID to use in the SubscribeAsync call to receive events
// for this combination of (bucketName, objectPrefix, objectRegEx), e.g.
// chanID := RegisterStorageEvents("bucket-name", "tests", regexp.MustCompile(`\.json$`))
// eventBus.SubscribeAsync(chanID, func(data interface{}) {
// storageEvtData := data.(*eventbus.StorageEvent)
// ... handle the storage event ...
// })
// Note: objectPrefix filters events on the server side, i.e. they never reach
// cause a PubSub event to be fired. objectRegEx filter events on the
// client side by matching against an objects name,
// e.g. ".*\.json$" would only include JSON files.
// Currently it is implied that the GCS event type is always
// storage.ObjectFinalizeEvent which indicates that an object was created.
RegisterStorageEvents(bucketName string, objectPrefix string, objectRegEx *regexp.Regexp, client *storage.Client) (string, error)
// PublishStorageEvent publishes a synthetic storage event that is handled by
// registered storage event handlers. All storage events are global.
PublishStorageEvent(evtData *StorageEvent)
// StorageEvent is the type of object that is published by GCS storage events.
// Note: These events need to be registered with RegisterStorageEvents.
type StorageEvent struct {
// GCSEventType is the event type supplied by GCS.
// See
GCSEventType string
// BucketID is the name of the bucket that create the event.
BucketID string
// ObjectID is the name/path of the object that triggered the event.
ObjectID string
// The generation number of the object that was overwritten by the object
// that this notification pertains to. This attribute only appears in
// OBJECT_FINALIZE events in the case of an overwrite.
OverwroteGeneration string
// MD5 is the MD5 hash of the object as a hex encoded string.
MD5 string
// TimeStamp is the time of the last update in Unix time (seconds since the epoch).
TimeStamp int64
// NewStorageEvent is a convenience method to create a new StorageEvent. Currently all
// instances have storage.ObjectFinalizeEvent as GCSEventType. This indicates a new object
// being created.
func NewStorageEvent(bucketID, objectID string, lastUpdated int64, md5 string) *StorageEvent {
return &StorageEvent{
GCSEventType: storage.ObjectFinalizeEvent,
BucketID: bucketID,
ObjectID: objectID,
TimeStamp: lastUpdated,
MD5: md5,
// MemEventBus implement the EventBus interface for an in-process event bus.
type MemEventBus struct {
// Map of handlers keyed by channel. This is used to keep track of subscriptions.
handlers map[string]channelHandler
// concurrentPub is used to limit the number of go-routines that can concurrently
// publish events. Since each Publish call can spin up multiple go-routines we avoid
// creating too many. In most cases the maximum will never be reached.
concurrentPub chan bool
// Used to protect handlers.
mutex sync.Mutex
// storageNotifications keep track of storage notifications. Mainly used for
// testing with this implementation of EventBus.
storageNotifications *NotificationsMap
// Internal type to keep track of the handlers for a single channel.
type channelHandler []CallbackFn
// New returns a new in-process event bus that can used to notify
// different components about events.
func New() EventBus {
ret := &MemEventBus{
handlers: map[string]channelHandler{},
concurrentPub: make(chan bool, maxConcurrentPublishers),
storageNotifications: NewNotificationsMap(),
return ret
// Publish implements the EventBus interface.
func (e *MemEventBus) Publish(channel string, arg interface{}, globally bool) {
// If this is a synthethic storage event then reframe it as an actual storage event.
if channel == SYN_STORAGE_EVENT {
evt := arg.(*StorageEvent)
channelIDs := e.storageNotifications.Matches(evt.BucketID, evt.ObjectID)
for _, channelID := range channelIDs {
e.Publish(channelID, arg, true)
// It is essential that this runs in its own go-routine in case the calling go-routine
// is itself a handler of an event. Specifically, deadlock can occur if the caller were blocked
// by 'e.concurrentPub <- true' below.
go func() {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
if callbacks, ok := e.handlers[channel]; ok {
for _, callback := range callbacks {
e.concurrentPub <- true
go func(callback CallbackFn) {
defer func() { <-e.concurrentPub }()
// SubscribeAsync implements the EventBus interface.
func (e *MemEventBus) SubscribeAsync(channel string, callback CallbackFn) {
defer e.mutex.Unlock()
if callbacks, ok := e.handlers[channel]; ok {
e.handlers[channel] = append(callbacks, callback)
} else {
e.handlers[channel] = []CallbackFn{callback}
// RegisterStorageEvent implements the EventBus interface.
func (e *MemEventBus) RegisterStorageEvents(bucketName string, objectPrefix string, objectRegEx *regexp.Regexp, client *storage.Client) (string, error) {
notificationsID := GetNotificationID(bucketName, objectPrefix)
return e.storageNotifications.Add(notificationsID, objectRegEx), nil
// PublishStorageEvent implements the EventBus interface.
func (e *MemEventBus) PublishStorageEvent(evtData *StorageEvent) {
e.Publish(SYN_STORAGE_EVENT, evtData, true)
// NotificationsMap is a helper type that keep track of storage events.
// It is intended to be used by the MemEventBus and distEventBus (see gevent package)
// implementations of EventBus
// It assumes that storage events mainly consist of buckets and objects and
// related meta data.
// It uses the notion of a 'notification ID' which is a combination of a bucket and object prefix to
// keep track of server side storage events. Regular expressions are used to filter storage events
// on the client side.
// A channel ID (as defined by the EventBus interface) is a prefixed combination of the
// notification ID and a regular expression. For each notification ID (= a server side subscription
// to storage events) there can be an arbitrary number of regular expressions.
// NotificationsMap keeps track of the notification IDs and the associated regular expressions.
// It can then be used to match storage events against notification IDs (= subscriptions) and
// their regular expressions.
type NotificationsMap struct {
// notifications maps notificationID -> map[string_repr_of_regexp]Regexp
notifications map[string]map[string]*regexp.Regexp
mutex sync.Mutex
// GetNotificationID returns a string that is a combination of a bucket and an object prefix
// representing a server-side subscription to storage events.
func GetNotificationID(bucketName, objectPrefix string) string {
return bucketName + "/" + strings.TrimLeft(objectPrefix, "/")
// NewNotifications creates a new instance of NotificationsMap
func NewNotificationsMap() *NotificationsMap {
return &NotificationsMap{notifications: map[string]map[string]*regexp.Regexp{}}
// Add adds a notification to the map that consists of a notification id
// (created via GetNotificationID) and regular expression. The regex can be nil. If not nil,
// it will be used for client side filtering of object IDs that are delivered by events.
// It returns a channelID that should be used as the return value of the
// RegisterStorageEvents(...) method that called Add(...) in the first place.
func (n *NotificationsMap) Add(notifyID string, objectRegEx *regexp.Regexp) string {
defer n.mutex.Unlock()
// If no regex was provided we add a single entry.
regexStr := ""
if objectRegEx != nil {
regexStr = objectRegEx.String()
if _, ok := n.notifications[notifyID]; !ok {
n.notifications[notifyID] = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{}
n.notifications[notifyID][regexStr] = objectRegEx
return getChannelID(notifyID, objectRegEx)
// MatchesByID assumes that the given objectID matches the object prefix encoded in notification ID.
// This is usually the case when the objectID was delivered as a PubSub event together with the
// notificationID (see the gevent package as an example). It will then check whether the objectID
// matches the regular expressions associated with the notification id.
// It returns a list of channel IDs to which events should be sent.
func (n *NotificationsMap) MatchesByID(notificationID, objectID string) []string {
defer n.mutex.Unlock()
// Find the notification ID. If it's not registered no channel IDs are returned.
regexes, ok := n.notifications[notificationID]
if !ok {
return []string{}
return getChannelIDsFromRegexps(notificationID, objectID, regexes)
// Matches checks whether the given bucketID and objectID are in the recorded
// list of notifications and the regular expressions associated with them.
// It returns the channel IDs that match the found events.
func (n *NotificationsMap) Matches(bucketID, objectID string) []string {
defer n.mutex.Unlock()
// Iterate over all notifications and check if they match.
ret := []string{}
for notifyID, regexes := range n.notifications {
notifyBucketID, objectPrefix := splitNotificationID(notifyID)
if bucketID == notifyBucketID && strings.HasPrefix(objectID, objectPrefix) {
ret = append(ret, getChannelIDsFromRegexps(notifyID, objectID, regexes)...)
return ret
// getChannelID returns a unique channel id for the given pair of notificationID and
// regular expression. It will eventually be returned by an implementation of the
// RegisterStorageEvents method and can be used by the caller to subscribe to storage
// events connected to the channel.
func getChannelID(notificationID string, regEx *regexp.Regexp) string {
regexStr := ""
if regEx != nil {
regexStr = regEx.String()
return storageChannelIDPrefix + notificationID + "/" + regexStr
// splitNotificationID is the inverse operation of GetNotificationID in that it returns the
// bucket and object prefix of a notification subscription.
func splitNotificationID(notificationID string) (string, string) {
parts := strings.SplitN(notificationID, "/", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
sklog.Errorf("Logic error. Received notificationID '%s' without a '/'", notificationID)
return "", invalidObjectPrefix
return parts[0], parts[1]
// getChannelIDsFromRegexps check whether the given objectID matches the regular expressions
// and generates channel IDs. This assumes that the objectID has already been confirmed as
// matching the prefix encoded in the notificationID.
func getChannelIDsFromRegexps(notificationID, objectID string, regexes map[string]*regexp.Regexp) []string {
// Check the objectID against the regular expressions.
ret := make([]string, 0, len(regexes))
for id, oneRegEx := range regexes {
if id == "" || oneRegEx.MatchString(objectID) {
ret = append(ret, getChannelID(notificationID, oneRegEx))
return ret