blob: bca75c3ea1a904493e3f810ec5a516e8c6701e68 [file] [log] [blame]
package issues
import (
// bugReportingPackage is a struct containing the pieces of a fuzz that may need to have
// a bug filed or updated.
type IssueReportingPackage struct {
FuzzName string
CommitRevision string
Category string
type IssuesManager struct {
client *http.Client
func NewManager(c *http.Client) *IssuesManager {
return &IssuesManager{
client: c,
type newBug struct {
Category string
PrettyCategory string
Description string
Name string
Hash string
Revision string
Params string
var newBugTemplate = template.Must(template.New("new_bug").Parse(`# Description here about fuzz found in {{.PrettyCategory}}
To replicate, build target "fuzz" at the specified commit and run:
out/Release/fuzz {{.Params}} ~/Downloads/{{.Name}}
The problem may only be revealed by an ASAN build, in which case you would need to run:
gn gen out/ASAN --args='cc="/usr/bin/clang" cxx="/usr/bin/clang++" sanitize="ASAN"'
gn gen out/ASAN --args='cc="/usr/bin/clang" cxx="/usr/bin/clang++" sanitize="ASAN" is_debug=false'
prior to building.
# tracking metadata below:
fuzz_category: {{.Category}}
fuzz_commit: {{.Revision}}
func (im *IssuesManager) CreateBadBugIssue(p IssueReportingPackage, desc string) error {
tracker := issues.NewMonorailIssueTracker(im.client, issues.PROJECT_SKIA)
m, err := issueMessage(p, desc)
if err != nil {
return err
req := issues.IssueRequest{
Labels: append(common.ExtraBugLabels(p.Category), "FromSkiaFuzzer", "Restrict-View-Google", "Type-Defect", "Priority-Medium"),
Status: "New",
Summary: "New crash found in " + common.PrettifyCategory(p.Category) + " by fuzzer",
Description: m,
CC: []issues.MonorailPerson{
Name: "",
if groomer := common.Groomer(p.Category); groomer != common.UNCLAIMED {
req.Owner = issues.MonorailPerson{
Name: groomer + "",
return tracker.AddIssue(req)
func (im *IssuesManager) CreateBadBugURL(p IssueReportingPackage) (string, error) {
// Monorail expects a single, comma seperated list of query params for labels.
labels := append(common.ExtraBugLabels(p.Category), "FromSkiaFuzzer", "Restrict-View-Google", "Type-Defect", "Priority-Medium")
q := url.Values{
"labels": []string{strings.Join(labels, ",")},
"status": []string{"New"},
"summary": []string{"New crash found in " + common.PrettifyCategory(p.Category) + " by fuzzer"},
"cc": []string{""},
if groomer := common.Groomer(p.Category); groomer != common.UNCLAIMED {
q["owner"] = []string{groomer + ""}
m, err := issueMessage(p, "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
q.Add("comment", m)
return "" + q.Encode(), nil
func issueMessage(p IssueReportingPackage, desc string) (string, error) {
b := newBug{
Category: p.Category,
PrettyCategory: common.PrettifyCategory(p.Category),
Description: desc,
Name: common.CategoryReminder(p.Category) + "-" + p.FuzzName,
Hash: p.FuzzName,
Params: common.ReplicationArgs(p.Category),
Revision: p.CommitRevision,
var t bytes.Buffer
if err := newBugTemplate.Execute(&t, b); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not create template with %#v", b)
return t.String(), nil