blob: e3f4c93d0f6fb6248e8e9b51a7e76caf4ab51ea5 [file] [log] [blame]
Common initialization for worker scripts.
package worker_common
import (
skutil ""
var (
Local = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
func Init(ctx context.Context) {
if *Local {
} else {
// Update depot_tools.
skutil.LogErr(util.ExecuteCmd(ctx, filepath.Join(util.DepotToolsDir, "update_depot_tools"), []string{}, []string{}, util.UPDATE_DEPOT_TOOLS_TIMEOUT, nil, nil))
// Add depot_tools to the PATH.
skutil.LogErr(os.Setenv("PATH", os.Getenv("PATH")+":"+util.DepotToolsDir))
// Add adb to the PATH.
skutil.LogErr(os.Setenv("PATH", os.Getenv("PATH")+":/home/chrome-bot/KOT49H-hammerhead-userdebug-insecure"))
// Bring up Xvfb on workers (for GCE instances).
if _, _, err := exec.RunIndefinitely(&exec.Command{
Name: "sudo",
Args: []string{"Xvfb", ":0", "-screen", "0", "1280x1024x24"},
Env: []string{},
InheritPath: true,
Timeout: util.XVFB_TIMEOUT,
LogStdout: true,
Stdout: nil,
LogStderr: true,
Stderr: nil,
}); err != nil {
// CT's baremetal machines will already have an active display 0.
sklog.Infof("Could not run Xvfb on Display 0: %s", err)