blob: 66e2f15e2bde21f0a274b3c820ac8bc8191fe2f6 [file] [log] [blame]
package util
import (
const (
KEY_FILE = "id_rsa"
WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD = "{{worker_num}}"
type workerResp struct {
hostname string
output string
func executeCmd(cmd, hostname string, config *ssh.ClientConfig, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
// Dial up TCP connection to remote machine.
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", hostname+":22")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to ssh connect to %s. Make sure \"PubkeyAuthentication yes\" is in your sshd_config: %s", hostname, err)
defer util.Close(conn)
// Create new SSH client connection.
sshConn, sshChan, req, err := ssh.NewClientConn(conn, hostname+":22", config)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to ssh connect to %s: %s", hostname, err)
// Use client connection to create new client.
client := ssh.NewClient(sshConn, sshChan, req)
// Client connections can support multiple interactive sessions.
session, err := client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to ssh connect to %s: %s", hostname, err)
var stdoutBuf bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &stdoutBuf
if err := session.Run(cmd); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Errored or Timeout out while running \"%s\" on %s: %s", cmd, hostname, err)
return stdoutBuf.String(), nil
func getKeyFile() (key ssh.Signer, err error) {
usr, _ := user.Current()
file := usr.HomeDir + "/.ssh/" + KEY_FILE
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
key, err = ssh.ParsePrivateKey(buf)
if err != nil {
// SshToBareMetalMachines connects to the specified workers and runs the specified
// command. If the command does not complete in the given duration then all
// remaining workers are considered timed out. SSH also automatically substitutes
// the sequential number of the worker for the WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD since it is a
// common use case.
func SshToBareMetalMachines(cmd string, workers []string, timeout time.Duration) (map[string]string, error) {
sklog.Infof("Running \"%s\" on %s with timeout of %s", cmd, workers, timeout)
numWorkers := len(workers)
// Ensure that the key file exists.
key, err := getKeyFile()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get key file: %s", err)
// Initialize the structure with the configuration for ssh.
config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: CtUser,
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// m protects workersWithOutputs and remainingWorkers
var m sync.Mutex
// Will be populated and returned by this function.
workersWithOutputs := map[string]string{}
// Keeps track of which workers are still pending.
remainingWorkers := map[string]int{}
// Kick off a goroutine on all workers.
for i, hostname := range workers {
remainingWorkers[hostname] = 1
go func(index int, hostname string) {
defer wg.Done()
updatedCmd := strings.Replace(cmd, WORKER_NUM_KEYWORD, strconv.Itoa(index+1), -1)
output, err := executeCmd(updatedCmd, hostname, config, timeout)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not execute ssh cmd: %s", err)
defer m.Unlock()
workersWithOutputs[hostname] = output
delete(remainingWorkers, hostname)
sklog.Infof("[%d/%d] Worker %s has completed execution", numWorkers-len(remainingWorkers), numWorkers, hostname)
sklog.Infof("Remaining workers: %v", remainingWorkers)
}(i, hostname)
sklog.Infof("Finished running \"%s\" on all %d workers", cmd, numWorkers)
defer m.Unlock()
return workersWithOutputs, nil