blob: a9d57529b384c9c847391265081e42ad62bafac2 [file] [log] [blame]
// capture_skps_on_workers is an application that captures SKPs of the
// specified patchset type on all CT workers and uploads the results to Google
// Storage. The requester is emailed when the task is done.
package main
import (
skutil ""
const (
var (
emails = flag.String("emails", "", "The comma separated email addresses to notify when the task is picked up and completes.")
description = flag.String("description", "", "The description of the run as entered by the requester.")
taskID = flag.Int64("task_id", -1, "The key of the CT task in CTFE. The task will be updated when it is started and also when it completes.")
pagesetType = flag.String("pageset_type", "", "The type of pagesets to use. Eg: 10k, Mobile10k, All.")
chromiumBuild = flag.String("chromium_build", "", "The chromium build to use for this capture SKPs run.")
targetPlatform = flag.String("target_platform", util.PLATFORM_LINUX, "The platform the benchmark will run on (Android / Linux).")
runOnGCE = flag.Bool("run_on_gce", true, "Run on Linux GCE instances.")
runID = flag.String("run_id", "", "The unique run id (typically requester + timestamp).")
taskCompletedSuccessfully = false
func sendEmail(recipients []string) {
// Send completion email.
emailSubject := fmt.Sprintf("Capture SKPs cluster telemetry task has completed (#%d)", *taskID)
failureHtml := ""
if !taskCompletedSuccessfully {
emailSubject += " with failures"
failureHtml = util.GetFailureEmailHtml(*runID)
bodyTemplate := `
The Capture SKPs task on %s pageset has completed. %s.<br/>
Run description: %s<br/>
You can schedule more runs <a href="%s">here</a>.<br/><br/>
emailBody := fmt.Sprintf(bodyTemplate, *pagesetType, util.GetSwarmingLogsLink(*runID), *description, failureHtml, frontend.CaptureSKPsTasksWebapp)
if err := util.SendEmail(recipients, emailSubject, emailBody); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error while sending email: %s", err)
func updateWebappTask() {
vars := capture_skps.UpdateVars{}
vars.Id = *taskID
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// Send start email.
emailsArr := util.ParseEmails(*emails)
emailsArr = append(emailsArr, util.CtAdmins...)
if len(emailsArr) == 0 {
sklog.Error("At least one email address must be specified")
skutil.LogErr(frontend.UpdateWebappTaskSetStarted(&capture_skps.UpdateVars{}, *taskID, *runID))
skutil.LogErr(util.SendTaskStartEmail(*taskID, emailsArr, "Capture SKPs", *runID, *description))
// Ensure webapp is updated and completion email is sent even if task
// fails.
defer updateWebappTask()
defer sendEmail(emailsArr)
// Finish with glog flush and how long the task took.
defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Running capture skps task on workers")
defer sklog.Flush()
if *pagesetType == "" {
sklog.Error("Must specify --pageset_type")
if *chromiumBuild == "" {
sklog.Error("Must specify --chromium_build")
if *runID == "" {
sklog.Error("Must specify --run_id")
// Empty the remote dir before the workers upload to it.
gs, err := util.NewGcsUtil(nil)
if err != nil {
skpGCSBaseDir := filepath.Join(util.SWARMING_DIR_NAME, util.SKPS_DIR_NAME, *pagesetType, *chromiumBuild)
// Trigger both the skpinfo build and isolate telemetry tasks in parallel.
group := skutil.NewNamedErrGroup()
var skpinfoRemotePath string
group.Go("build skpinfo", func() error {
cipdPackage, err := util.GetCipdPackageFromAsset("clang_linux")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not get cipd package for clang_linux: %s", err)
remoteDirNames, err := util.TriggerBuildRepoSwarmingTask(
ctx, "build_skpinfo", *runID, "skiaSKPInfo", util.PLATFORM_LINUX, *master_common.ServiceAccountFile, []string{}, []string{}, []string{cipdPackage}, true, *master_common.Local, 3*time.Hour, 1*time.Hour)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error encountered when swarming build skpinfo task: %s", err)
skpinfoRemoteDirName := remoteDirNames[0]
skpinfoRemotePath = path.Join(util.BINARIES_DIR_NAME, skpinfoRemoteDirName, util.BINARY_SKPINFO)
return nil
// Isolate telemetry
isolateDeps := []string{}
group.Go("isolate telemetry", func() error {
tokens := strings.Split(*chromiumBuild, "-")
chromiumHash := tokens[0]
telemetryHash, err := util.TriggerIsolateTelemetrySwarmingTask(ctx, "isolate_telemetry", *runID, chromiumHash, *master_common.ServiceAccountFile, []string{}, 1*time.Hour, 1*time.Hour, *master_common.Local)
if err != nil {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Error encountered when swarming isolate telemetry task: %s", err)
if telemetryHash == "" {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Found empty telemetry hash!")
isolateDeps = append(isolateDeps, telemetryHash)
return nil
// Wait for skpinfo build task and isolate telemetry task to complete.
if err := group.Wait(); err != nil {
// Archive, trigger and collect swarming tasks.
isolateExtraArgs := map[string]string{
"CHROMIUM_BUILD": *chromiumBuild,
"RUN_ID": *runID,
"SKPINFO_REMOTE_PATH": skpinfoRemotePath,
if _, err := util.TriggerSwarmingTask(ctx, *pagesetType, "capture_skps", util.CAPTURE_SKPS_ISOLATE, *runID, *master_common.ServiceAccountFile, 3*time.Hour, 1*time.Hour, util.TASKS_PRIORITY_LOW, MAX_PAGES_PER_SWARMING_BOT_CAPTURE_SKPS, util.PagesetTypeToInfo[*pagesetType].NumPages, isolateExtraArgs, *runOnGCE, *master_common.Local, 1, isolateDeps); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error encountered when swarming tasks: %s", err)
taskCompletedSuccessfully = true