blob: 49cb67404de93745d6599f9057b207f04bddb922 [file] [log] [blame]
import './index';
import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { deepCopy } from 'common-sk/modules/object';
import { fromObject } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import {
searchResponse, statusResponse, paramSetResponse, changeListSummaryResponse,
} from './demo_data';
import {
setUpElementUnderTest, eventSequencePromise, eventPromise, setQueryString, expectQueryStringToEqual, noEventPromise,
} from '../../../infra-sk/modules/test_util';
import { SearchPageSk, SearchRequest, DEFAULT_SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT } from './search-page-sk';
import { SearchPageSkPO } from './search-page-sk_po';
import { Label, SearchResponse, TriageRequest } from '../rpc_types';
import { testOnlySetSettings } from '../settings';
import { SearchCriteria } from '../search-controls-sk/search-controls-sk';
import { SearchControlsSkPO } from '../search-controls-sk/search-controls-sk_po';
import { ChangelistControlsSkPO } from '../changelist-controls-sk/changelist-controls-sk_po';
import { BulkTriageSkPO } from '../bulk-triage-sk/bulk-triage-sk_po';
import { PaginationSkPO } from '../pagination-sk/pagination-sk_po';
describe('search-page-sk', () => {
const newInstance = setUpElementUnderTest<SearchPageSk>('search-page-sk');
let searchPageSk: SearchPageSk;
let searchPageSkPO: SearchPageSkPO;
let searchControlsSkPO: SearchControlsSkPO;
let changelistControlsSkPO: ChangelistControlsSkPO;
let bulkTriageSkPO: BulkTriageSkPO;
let topPaginationSkPO: PaginationSkPO;
let bottomPaginationSkPO: PaginationSkPO;
// SearchCriteria shown by the search-controls-sk component when the search page loads without any
// URL parameters.
const defaultSearchCriteria: SearchCriteria = {
corpus: 'infra',
leftHandTraceFilter: {},
rightHandTraceFilter: {},
includePositiveDigests: false,
includeNegativeDigests: false,
includeUntriagedDigests: true,
includeDigestsNotAtHead: false,
includeIgnoredDigests: false,
minRGBADelta: 0,
maxRGBADelta: 255,
mustHaveReferenceImage: false,
sortOrder: 'descending',
// Default request to the /json/v2/search RPC when the page is loaded with an empty query string.
const defaultSearchRequest: SearchRequest = {
fref: false,
frgbamax: 255,
frgbamin: 0,
head: true,
include: false,
neg: false,
pos: false,
query: 'source_type=infra',
rquery: 'source_type=infra',
sort: 'desc',
unt: true,
offset: 0,
// Query string that will produce the searchRequestWithCL defined below upon page load.
const queryStringWithCL = '?crs=gerrit&issue=123456';
// Request to the /json/v2/search RPC when URL parameters crs=gerrit and issue=123456 are present.
const searchRequestWithCL: SearchRequest = deepCopy(defaultSearchRequest); = 'gerrit';
searchRequestWithCL.issue = '123456';
// Search response when the query matches 0 digests.
const emptySearchResponse: SearchResponse = deepCopy(searchResponse);
emptySearchResponse.size = 0;
emptySearchResponse.digests = [];
// Options for the instantiate() function below.
interface InstantiationOptions {
initialQueryString: string;
expectedInitialSearchRequest: SearchRequest;
initialSearchResponse: SearchResponse;
mockAndWaitForChangelistSummaryRPC: boolean;
// Instantiation options for tests where the URL params crs=gerrit and issue=123456 are present.
const instantiationOptionsWithCL: Partial<InstantiationOptions> = {
initialQueryString: queryStringWithCL,
expectedInitialSearchRequest: searchRequestWithCL,
mockAndWaitForChangelistSummaryRPC: true,
// Instantiates the search page, sets up the necessary mock RPCs and waits for it to load.
const instantiate = async (opts: Partial<InstantiationOptions> = {}) => {
const defaults: InstantiationOptions = {
initialQueryString: '',
expectedInitialSearchRequest: defaultSearchRequest,
initialSearchResponse: searchResponse,
mockAndWaitForChangelistSummaryRPC: false,
// Override defaults with the given options, if any.
opts = { ...defaults, ...opts };
fetchMock.getOnce('/json/v2/trstatus', () => statusResponse);
fetchMock.getOnce('/json/v2/paramset', () => paramSetResponse);
`/json/v2/search?${fromObject(opts.expectedInitialSearchRequest as any)}`,
() => opts.initialSearchResponse,
// We always wait for at least the three above RPCs.
const eventsToWaitFor = ['end-task', 'end-task', 'end-task'];
// This mocked RPC corresponds to the queryStringWithCL and searchRequestWithCL constants
// defined above.
if (opts.mockAndWaitForChangelistSummaryRPC) {
fetchMock.getOnce('/json/v2/changelist/gerrit/123456', () => changeListSummaryResponse);
// The search page will derive its initial search RPC from the query parameters in the URL.
// Instantiate search page and wait for all of the above mocked RPCs to complete.
const events = eventSequencePromise(eventsToWaitFor);
searchPageSk = newInstance();
await events;
searchPageSkPO = new SearchPageSkPO(searchPageSk);
searchControlsSkPO = searchPageSkPO.searchControlsSkPO;
changelistControlsSkPO = searchPageSkPO.changelistControlsSkPO;
bulkTriageSkPO = searchPageSkPO.bulkTriageSkPO;
topPaginationSkPO = searchPageSkPO.topPaginationSkPO;
bottomPaginationSkPO = searchPageSkPO.bottomPaginationSkPO;
before(() => {
title: 'Skia Infra',
defaultCorpus: 'infra',
baseRepoURL: '',
afterEach(() => {
expect(fetchMock.done()); // All mock RPCs called at least once.
// This function adds tests to ensure that a search field in the UI is correctly bound to its
// corresponding query parameter in the URL and to its corresponding field in the SearchRequest
// object.
const searchFieldIsBoundToURLAndRPC = <T>(
instantiationOpts: Partial<InstantiationOptions>,
queryStringWithSearchField: string,
uiValueGetterFn: ()=> Promise<T>,
uiValueSetterFn: ()=> Promise<void>,
expectedUiValue: T,
expectedSearchRequest: SearchRequest,
) => {
it('is read from the URL and included in the initial search RPC', async () => {
// We initialize the search page using a query string that contains the search field under
// test, so that said field is included in the initial search RPC.
// If the search RPC is not called with the expected SearchRequest, the top-level
// afterEach() hook will fail.
await instantiate({
initialQueryString: queryStringWithSearchField,
expectedInitialSearchRequest: expectedSearchRequest,
// The search field in the UI should reflect the value from the URL.
expect(await uiValueGetterFn()).to.deep.equal(expectedUiValue);
it('is reflected in the URL and included in the search RPC when set via the UI', async () => {
// We initialize the search page using the default query string.
await instantiate(instantiationOpts);
// We will trigger a search RPC when we set the value of the field under test via the UI.
// If the RPC is not called with the expected SearchRequest, the top-level afterEach() hook
// will fail.
`/json/v2/search?${fromObject(expectedSearchRequest as any)}`, () => searchResponse,
// Set the search field under test via the UI and wait for the above RPC to complete.
const event = eventPromise('end-task');
await uiValueSetterFn();
await event;
// The search field under test should now be reflected in the URL.
describe('loading indicator', () => {
it('is visible only while the search results are loading', async () => {
await instantiate();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSummary()).to.not.equal('Loading...');
// We will trigger a search RPC using the pagination-sk element's "next" button. The exact
// element does not matter as long as a search RPC is triggered.
`/json/v2/search?${fromObject({ ...defaultSearchRequest, offset: 50})}`,
() => searchResponse, // This test does not care about the search response. Any is fine.
const beginTaskEvent = eventPromise('begin-task');
const endTaskEvent = eventPromise('end-task');
// Trigger a search RPC using the pagination-sk element's "next" button.
await beginTaskEvent;
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSummary()).to.equal('Loading...');
// The loading indicator should go away once the results are loaded.
await endTaskEvent;
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSummary()).to.not.equal('Loading...');
describe('search-controls-sk', () => {
const itIsBoundToURLAndRPC = (
queryString: string,
searchCriteria: Partial<SearchCriteria>,
serachRequest: Partial<SearchRequest>,
) => {
const expectedSearchCriteria: SearchCriteria = { ...defaultSearchCriteria, ...searchCriteria };
const expectedSearchRequest: SearchRequest = { ...defaultSearchRequest, ...serachRequest };
/* initializationOpts= */ {},
() => searchControlsSkPO.getSearchCriteria(),
() => searchControlsSkPO.setSearchCriteria(expectedSearchCriteria!),
describe('field "corpus"', () => {
{ corpus: 'my-corpus' },
{ query: 'source_type=my-corpus', rquery: 'source_type=my-corpus' },
describe('field "left-hand trace filter"', () => {
{ leftHandTraceFilter: { name: ['am_email-chooser-sk'] } },
{ query: 'name=am_email-chooser-sk&source_type=infra' },
describe('field "right-hand trace filter"', () => {
{ rightHandTraceFilter: { name: ['am_email-chooser-sk'] } },
{ rquery: 'name=am_email-chooser-sk&source_type=infra' },
describe('field "include positive digests"', () => {
{ includePositiveDigests: true },
{ pos: true },
describe('field "include negative digests"', () => {
{ includeNegativeDigests: true },
{ neg: true },
describe('field "include untriaged digests"', () => {
// This field is true by default, so we set it to false.
{ includeUntriagedDigests: false },
{ unt: false },
describe('field "include digests not at head"', () => {
{ includeDigestsNotAtHead: true },
{ head: false },
); // SearchRequest field "head" means "at head only".
describe('field "include ignored digests"', () => {
{ includeIgnoredDigests: true },
{ include: true },
describe('field "min RGBA delta"', () => {
{ minRGBADelta: 10 },
{ frgbamin: 10 },
describe('field "max RGBA delta"', () => {
{ maxRGBADelta: 200 },
{ frgbamax: 200 },
describe('field "max RGBA delta"', () => {
{ maxRGBADelta: 200 },
{ frgbamax: 200 },
describe('field "must have reference image"', () => {
{ mustHaveReferenceImage: true },
{ fref: true },
describe('field "sort order"', () => {
{ sortOrder: 'ascending' },
{ sort: 'asc' },
describe('changelist-controls-sk', () => {
it('is hidden if no CL is provided in the query string', async () => {
// When instantiated without URL parameters "crs" and "issue", the search page does not make
// an RPC to /json/v2/changelist, therefore there is no changelist summary for the
// changelist-controls-sk component to display.
await instantiate();
expect(await changelistControlsSkPO.isVisible());
'is visible if a CL is provided in the query string and /json/v2/changelist returns a '
+ 'non-empty response',
async () => {
// We instantiate the serach page with URL parameters "crs" and "issue", which causes it to
// make an RPC to /json/v2/changelist. The returned changelist summary is passed to the
// changelist-controls-sk component, which then makes itself visible.
await instantiate(instantiationOptionsWithCL);
expect(await changelistControlsSkPO.isVisible());
describe('field "patchset"', () => {
() => changelistControlsSkPO.getPatchset(),
() => changelistControlsSkPO.setPatchset('PS 1'),
/* expectedUiValue= */ 'PS 1',
{ ...searchRequestWithCL, patchsets: 1 },
describe('radio "exclude results from primary branch"', () => {
// When this radio is clicked, the "master" parameter is removed from the URL if present, so
// we need to test this backwards by starting with "master=true" in the URL (which means the
// initial search RPC will include "master=true" in the SearchRequest as well) and then
// asserting that "master" is removed from both the URL and the SearchRequest when the radio
// is clicked.
expectedInitialSearchRequest: { ...searchRequestWithCL, master: true, patchsets: 2 },
initialQueryString: `${queryStringWithCL}&master=true&patchsets=2`,
() => changelistControlsSkPO.isExcludeResultsFromPrimaryRadioChecked(),
() => changelistControlsSkPO.clickExcludeResultsFromPrimaryRadio(),
/* expectedUiValue= */ true,
{ ...searchRequestWithCL, patchsets: 2 },
describe('radio "show all results"', () => {
() => changelistControlsSkPO.isShowAllResultsRadioChecked(),
() => changelistControlsSkPO.clickShowAllResultsRadio(),
/* expectedUiValue= */ true,
{ ...searchRequestWithCL, master: true, patchsets: 2 },
const testPaginationSk = (getPaginationSkPO: () => PaginationSkPO) => {
// Returns the current page displayed by both the top and bottom pagination-sk elements as a
// single pipe-separated string (e.g. "4|4"). This allows us to test that both elements show
// the same page number.
const getCurrentPageFromBothPaginationSkElements = async (): Promise<string> => {
const top = await topPaginationSkPO.getCurrentPage();
const bottom = await bottomPaginationSkPO.getCurrentPage();
return `${top}|${bottom}`;
describe('button "next" with no explicit "limit" URL parameter', () => {
initialQueryString: '',
expectedInitialSearchRequest: { ...defaultSearchRequest },
() => getPaginationSkPO().clickNextBtn(),
/* expectedUiValue= */ '2|2',
{ ...defaultSearchRequest, offset: 50 },
describe('button "next"', () => {
initialQueryString: '?limit=3',
expectedInitialSearchRequest: { ...defaultSearchRequest, limit: 3 },
() => getPaginationSkPO().clickNextBtn(),
/* expectedUiValue= */ '2|2',
{ ...defaultSearchRequest, limit: 3, offset: 3 },
describe('button "skip"', () => {
initialQueryString: '?limit=3',
expectedInitialSearchRequest: { ...defaultSearchRequest, limit: 3 },
() => getPaginationSkPO().clickSkipBtn(),
/* expectedUiValue= */ '6|6',
{ ...defaultSearchRequest, limit: 3, offset: 15 },
describe('button "prev"', () => {
initialQueryString: '?limit=3&offset=12',
expectedInitialSearchRequest: { ...defaultSearchRequest, limit: 3, offset: 12 },
() => getPaginationSkPO().clickPrevBtn(),
/* expectedUiValue= */ '4|4',
{ ...defaultSearchRequest, limit: 3, offset: 9 },
describe('top pagination-sk', () => {
testPaginationSk(() => topPaginationSkPO);
describe('bottom pagination-sk', () => {
testPaginationSk(() => bottomPaginationSkPO);
describe('search results', () => {
it('shows empty search results', async () => {
await instantiate({ initialSearchResponse: emptySearchResponse });
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSummary())
.to.equal('No results matched your search criteria.');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigests());
expect(await topPaginationSkPO.isEmpty());
expect(await bottomPaginationSkPO.isEmpty());
it('shows search results', async () => {
await instantiate();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSummary()).to.equal('Showing results 1 to 3 (out of 85).');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigests()).to.deep.equal([
'Left: fbd3de3fff6b852ae0bb6751b9763d27',
'Left: 2fa58aa430e9c815755624ca6cca4a72',
'Left: ed4a8cf9ea9fbb57bf1f302537e07572',
expect(await topPaginationSkPO.getCurrentPage()).to.equal(1);
expect(await bottomPaginationSkPO.getCurrentPage()).to.equal(1);
it('shows search results with changelist information', async () => {
await instantiate(instantiationOptionsWithCL);
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigests()).to.deep.equal([
'Left: fbd3de3fff6b852ae0bb6751b9763d27',
'Left: 2fa58aa430e9c815755624ca6cca4a72',
'Left: ed4a8cf9ea9fbb57bf1f302537e07572',
expect(await topPaginationSkPO.getCurrentPage()).to.equal(1);
expect(await bottomPaginationSkPO.getCurrentPage()).to.equal(1);
const diffDetailsHrefs = await searchPageSkPO.getDiffDetailsHrefs();
// TODO(lovisolo): Add some sort of indication in the UI when searching by blame.
describe('"blame" URL parameter', () => {
it('is reflected in the initial search RPC', async () => {
// No explicit assertions are necessary because if the search RPC is not called with the
// expected SearchRequest then the fetchMock.done() call in the top-level afterEach() hook
// will fail.
await instantiate({
expectedInitialSearchRequest: {
blame: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
describe('help dialog', () => {
it('is closed by default', async () => {
await instantiate();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen());
it('opens when clicking the "Help" button', async () => {
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickHelpBtn();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen());
it('closes when the "Close" button is clicked', async () => {
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickHelpBtn();
await searchPageSkPO.clickHelpDialogCancelBtn();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen());
describe('bulk triage dialog', () => {
describe('opening and closing', () => {
it('is closed by default', async () => {
await instantiate();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isBulkTriageDialogOpen());
it('opens when clicking the "Bulk Triage" button', async () => {
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isBulkTriageDialogOpen());
it('closes when the "Cancel" button is clicked', async () => {
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickCancelBtn();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isBulkTriageDialogOpen());
it('closes when the "Triage ..." button is clicked', async () => {'/json/v2/triage', 200); // We ignore the TriageRequest in this test.
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageBtn();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isBulkTriageDialogOpen());
describe('affected CL', () => {
it('does not show an affected CL if none is provided', async () => {
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
expect(await bulkTriageSkPO.isAffectedChangelistIdVisible());
it('shows the affected CL if one is provided', async () => {
await instantiate(instantiationOptionsWithCL);
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
expect(await bulkTriageSkPO.isAffectedChangelistIdVisible());
expect(await bulkTriageSkPO.getAffectedChangelistId()).to.equal(
'This affects Changelist 123456.',
describe('RPCs', () => {
describe('search results from current page only', () => {
const expectedTriageRequest: TriageRequest = {
testDigestStatus: {
'gold_search-controls-sk_right-hand-trace-filter-editor': {
fbd3de3fff6b852ae0bb6751b9763d27: 'positive',
'perf_alert-config-sk': {
'2fa58aa430e9c815755624ca6cca4a72': 'positive',
ed4a8cf9ea9fbb57bf1f302537e07572: 'positive',
changelist_id: '',
crs: '',
it('can bulk-triage without a CL', async () => {'/json/v2/triage', 200, { body: expectedTriageRequest });
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickPositiveBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageBtn();
it('can bulk-triage with a CL', async () => {'/json/v2/triage', 200, {
body: {
changelist_id: '123456',
crs: 'gerrit',
await instantiate(instantiationOptionsWithCL);
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickPositiveBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageBtn();
describe('all search results', () => {
const expectedTriageRequest: TriageRequest = {
testDigestStatus: {
'gold_details-page-sk': {
'29f31f703510c2091840b5cf2b032f56': 'positive',
'7c0a393e57f14b5372ec1590b79bed0f': 'positive',
'971fe90fa07ebc2c7d0c1a109a0f697c': 'positive',
e49c92a2cff48531810cc5e863fad0ee: 'positive',
'gold_search-controls-sk_right-hand-trace-filter-editor': {
'5d8c80eda80e015d633a4125ab0232dc': 'positive',
d20f37006e436fe17f50ecf49ff2bdb5: 'positive',
fbd3de3fff6b852ae0bb6751b9763d27: 'positive',
'perf_alert-config-sk': {
'2fa58aa430e9c815755624ca6cca4a72': 'positive',
ed4a8cf9ea9fbb57bf1f302537e07572: 'positive',
changelist_id: '',
crs: '',
it('can bulk-triage without a CL', async () => {'/json/v2/triage', 200, { body: expectedTriageRequest });
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageAllCheckbox();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickPositiveBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageBtn();
it('can bulk-triage with a CL', async () => {'/json/v2/triage', 200, {
body: {
changelist_id: '123456',
crs: 'gerrit',
await instantiate(instantiationOptionsWithCL);
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageAllCheckbox();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickPositiveBtn();
await bulkTriageSkPO.clickTriageBtn();
describe('keyboard shortcuts', () => {
// TODO(lovisolo): Clean this up after digest-details-sk is ported to TypeScript and we have
// a DigestDetailsSkPO.
const firstDigest = 'Left: fbd3de3fff6b852ae0bb6751b9763d27';
const secondDigest = 'Left: 2fa58aa430e9c815755624ca6cca4a72';
const thirdDigest = 'Left: ed4a8cf9ea9fbb57bf1f302537e07572';
const expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe = async (firstLabel: Label, secondLabel: Label, thirdLabel: Label) => {
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getLabelForDigest(firstDigest)).to.equal(firstLabel);
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getLabelForDigest(secondDigest)).to.equal(secondLabel);
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getLabelForDigest(thirdDigest)).to.equal(thirdLabel);
describe('navigation', () => {
it('initially has an empty selection', async () => {
await instantiate();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest());
it('can navigate between digests with keys "J" and "K"', async () => {
await instantiate();
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest());
// Forward.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(firstDigest);
// Forward.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(secondDigest);
// Forward.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(thirdDigest);
// Forward. Nothing happens because we're at the last search result.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(thirdDigest);
// Back.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('k');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(secondDigest);
// Back.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('k');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(firstDigest);
// Back. Nothing happens because we're at the first search result.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('k');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(firstDigest);
it('resets the selection when the search results change', async () => {
await instantiate();
// Select the first search result.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
// Refresh the results by changing a search parameter.
fetchMock.get('glob:/json/v2/search?*', searchResponse);
const event = eventPromise('end-task');
await searchControlsSkPO.clickIncludePositiveDigestsCheckbox();
await event;
// Search results should be non-empty, but selection should be empty.
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigests());
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest());
describe('triaging', () => {
it('cannot triage with "A", "S" and "D" keys when the selection is empty', async () => {
await instantiate();
// Check initial labels.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Triaging as positive should have no effect.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('a');
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Triaging as negative should have no effect.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('s');
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Triaging as untriaged should have no effect.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('d');
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
it('can triage the selected digest with keys "A", "S" and "D"', async () => {'/json/v2/triage', 200); // We ignore the TriageRequest in this test.
await instantiate();
// Check initial labels.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Select the second search result.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
// We will also test that, when the user triages a digest, the new label remains in place
// even after the search-page-sk component is re-rendered with the same (now stale)
// cached SearchResults from an earlier RPC to /json/v2/search. The SearchResults are now
// stale because they reflect the RPC response prior to the user's triage action.
// This behavior is important to test because it exercises logic in search-page-sk that
// patches the cached SearchResults with a new label when the user triages a digest via the
// digest-details-sk component, or via the "A", "S" or "D" keyboard shortcuts.
// Currently there are no situations that would cause the search page to be re-rendered with
// cached SearchResults. It used to be the case that navigating between search results with
// the "J" and "K" keyboard shortcuts would trigger a re-render in order to redraw the box
// around the selected search result. However, this turned out to be slow for pages with
// many search results. So this is now done in an ad-hoc way by manually updating the
// affected DOM nodes, which is much faster than calling lit-html's render() function.
// We still want to test this behavior in case we decide to revert the above optimization
// (e.g. if we add pagination, therefore limiting the number of results displayed at once),
// or if we decide to implement new features that might require re-rendering the page with
// cached SearchResults. We exercise this behavior by forcing a page re-render via the
// _render() method.
// We test this behavior here via keyboard shortcuts for convenience.
// Triage as positive.
let event = eventPromise('end-task');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('a');
await event;
// It should be positive, and the label should stick after the page is re-rendered.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'positive', 'untriaged');
(searchPageSk as any)._render(); // We cast to "any" because _render is not public.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'positive', 'untriaged');
// Triage as negative.
event = eventPromise('end-task');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('s');
await event;
// It should be negative, and the label should stick after the page is re-rendered.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
(searchPageSk as any)._render(); // We cast to "any" because _render is not public.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Triage as untriaged.
event = eventPromise('end-task');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('d');
await event;
// It should be untriaged, and the label should stick after the page is re-rendered.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'untriaged', 'untriaged');
(searchPageSk as any)._render(); // We cast to "any" because _render is not public.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'untriaged', 'untriaged');
describe('zoom', () => {
it('cannot zoom with the "W" key when the selection is empty', async () => {
await instantiate();
// Check that there is no open zoom dialog.
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigestWithOpenZoomDialog());
// The keyboard shortcut should have no effect as no digest is selected.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('w');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigestWithOpenZoomDialog());
it('can zoom into the selected digest with the "W" key', async () => {
await instantiate();
// Select the second search result.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
// The zoom dialog for the second search result should open.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('w');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigestWithOpenZoomDialog()).to.equal(secondDigest);
it('shows the help dialog when pressing the "?" key', async () => {
await instantiate();
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('?');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen());
describe('shortcuts are disabled when a dialog is open', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await instantiate();
// Select the second search result. The expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled() helper below
// relies on this.
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
const expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled = async () => {
// Navigation shortcuts should have no effect.
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(secondDigest);
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('j');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(secondDigest);
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('k');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getSelectedDigest()).to.equal(secondDigest);
// Check initial triage labels.
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Shortcut for triaging as positive should have no effect.
let noEvent = noEventPromise('begin-task');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('a');
await noEvent;
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Shortcut for triaging as negative should have no effect.
noEvent = noEventPromise('begin-task');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('s');
await noEvent;
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Shortcut for triaging as untriagaed should have no effect.
noEvent = noEventPromise('begin-task');
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('d');
await noEvent;
await expectLabelsForFirstSecondAndThirdDigestsToBe('positive', 'negative', 'untriaged');
// Shortcut for the help dialog should have no effect, but we can only test this if the
// help dialog is not already open, otherwise the shortcut has no effect.
if (!(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen())) {
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('?');
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen());
it('disables keyboard shortcuts when the help dialog is open', async () => {
await searchPageSkPO.clickHelpBtn(); // Open help dialog.
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isHelpDialogOpen());
await expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled();
it('disables keyboard shortcuts when the bulk triage dialog is open', async () => {
await searchPageSkPO.clickBulkTriageBtn(); // Open bulk triage dialog.
expect(await searchPageSkPO.isBulkTriageDialogOpen());
await expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled();
it('disables keyboard shortcuts when the left-hand trace filter dialog is open', async () => {
const leftHandTraceFilterSkPO = await searchControlsSkPO.traceFilterSkPO;
await leftHandTraceFilterSkPO.clickEditBtn(); // Open left-hand trace filter dialog.
expect(await leftHandTraceFilterSkPO.isQueryDialogSkOpen());
await expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled();
it('disables keyboard shortcuts when the more filters dialog is open', async () => {
const filterDialogSkPO = await searchControlsSkPO.filterDialogSkPO;
await searchControlsSkPO.clickMoreFiltersBtn(); // Open more filters dialog.
expect(await filterDialogSkPO.isDialogOpen());
await expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled();
'disables keyboard shortcuts when the right-hand trace filter dialog is open',
async () => {
const filterDialogSkPO = await searchControlsSkPO.filterDialogSkPO;
await searchControlsSkPO.clickMoreFiltersBtn(); // Open more filters dialog.
const rightHandTraceFilterSkPO = await filterDialogSkPO.traceFilterSkPO;
await rightHandTraceFilterSkPO.clickEditBtn(); // Open right-hand trace filter dialog.
expect(await filterDialogSkPO.isDialogOpen());
expect(await rightHandTraceFilterSkPO.isQueryDialogSkOpen());
await expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled();
it('disables keyboard shortcuts when the zoom dialog is open', async () => {
await searchPageSkPO.typeKey('w'); // Open zoom dialog.
expect(await searchPageSkPO.getDigestWithOpenZoomDialog());
await expectKeyboardShortcutsToBeDisabled();