blob: 46719985064fb4e95f22955cf8d0462e85cd998d [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/list-page-sk
* @description <h2><code>list-page-sk</code></h2>
* This page summarizes the outputs of various tests. It shows the amount of digests produced,
* as well as a few options to configure what range of traces to enumerate.
* It is a top level element.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { stateReflector } from 'common-sk/modules/stateReflector';
import { fromObject } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import { HintableObject } from 'common-sk/modules/hintable';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { sendBeginTask, sendEndTask, sendFetchError } from '../common';
import { defaultCorpus } from '../settings';
import '../corpus-selector-sk';
import '../query-dialog-sk';
import '../sort-toggle-sk';
import 'elements-sk/checkbox-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/group-work-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/tune-icon-sk';
import { SearchCriteriaToHintableObject } from '../search-controls-sk';
import { QueryDialogSk } from '../query-dialog-sk/query-dialog-sk';
import { SortToggleSk } from '../sort-toggle-sk/sort-toggle-sk';
import { SearchCriteriaHintableObject } from '../search-controls-sk/search-controls-sk';
import { ListTestsResponse, ParamSet, TestSummary } from '../rpc_types';
const searchQuery = (corpus: string, query: string): string => {
if (!query) {
return `source_type=${corpus}`;
return `source_type=${corpus}, \n${query.split('&').join(',\n')}`;
export class ListPageSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: ListPageSk) => html`
<corpus-selector-sk .corpora=${ele.corpora}
.selectedCorpus=${ele.currentCorpus} @corpus-selected=${ele.currentCorpusChanged}>
<div class=query_params>
<button class=show_query_dialog @click=${ele.showQueryDialog}>
<pre>${searchQuery(ele.currentCorpus, ele.currentQuery)}</pre>
<checkbox-sk label="Disregard Ignore Rules" class=ignore_rules
?checked=${ele.disregardIgnoreRules} @click=${ele.toggleIgnoreRules}></checkbox-sk>
<!-- lit-html (or maybe html in general) doesn't like sort-toggle-sk to go inside the table.-->
<sort-toggle-sk id=sort_table .data=${ele.byTestCounts} @sort-changed=${ele._render}>
<th data-key=name data-sort-toggle-sk=up>Test name</th>
<th data-key=positive_digests>Positive</th>
<th data-key=negative_digests>Negative</th>
<th data-key=untriaged_digests>Untriaged</th>
<th data-key=total_digests>Total</th>
<th>Cluster View</th>
<!-- repeat was tested here; map is about twice as fast as using the repeat directive
(which moves the existing elements). This is because reusing the existing templates
is pretty fast because there isn't a lot to change.-->
${ => ListPageSk.testRow(row, ele))}
<query-dialog-sk @edit=${ele.currentQueryChanged}></query-dialog-sk>
private static testRow = (row: TestSummary, ele: ListPageSk) => {
interface MakeSearchCriteriaOpts {
positive: boolean;
negative: boolean;
untriaged: boolean;
// Returns a HintableObject for building the GET parameters to the search page.
const makeSearchCriteria = (opts: MakeSearchCriteriaOpts): SearchCriteriaHintableObject => SearchCriteriaToHintableObject({
corpus: ele.currentCorpus,
leftHandTraceFilter: { name: [] },
includePositiveDigests: opts.positive,
includeNegativeDigests: opts.negative,
includeUntriagedDigests: opts.untriaged,
includeIgnoredDigests: ele.disregardIgnoreRules,
includeDigestsNotAtHead: false,
const searchPageHref = (opts: MakeSearchCriteriaOpts) => {
const searchCriteria = makeSearchCriteria(opts);
const queryParameters = fromObject(searchCriteria as HintableObject);
return `/search?${queryParameters}`;
const clusterPageHref = () => {
const hintableObject: HintableObject = {
positive: true,
negative: true,
untriaged: true,
left_filter: '',
return `/cluster?${fromObject(hintableObject)}`;
return html`
<a href="${searchPageHref({ positive: true, negative: true, untriaged: true })}"
target=_blank rel=noopener>
<td class=center>
<a href="${searchPageHref({ positive: true, negative: false, untriaged: false })}"
target=_blank rel=noopener>
<td class=center>
<a href="${searchPageHref({ positive: false, negative: true, untriaged: false })}"
target=_blank rel=noopener>
<td class=center>
<a href="${searchPageHref({ positive: false, negative: false, untriaged: true })}"
target=_blank rel=noopener>
<td class=center>
<a href="${searchPageHref({ positive: true, negative: true, untriaged: true })}"
target=_blank rel=noopener>
<td class=center>
<a href="${clusterPageHref()}" target=_blank rel=noopener>
private corpora: string[] = [];
private paramset: ParamSet = {};
private currentQuery = '';
private currentCorpus = '';
private disregardIgnoreRules = false;
private byTestCounts: TestSummary[] = [];
private readonly stateChanged: ()=> void;
// Allows us to abort fetches if we fetch again.
private fetchController?: AbortController;
constructor() {
this.stateChanged = stateReflector(
/* getState */() => ({
// provide empty values
disregard_ignores: this.disregardIgnoreRules,
corpus: this.currentCorpus,
query: this.currentQuery,
}), /* setState */(newState) => {
if (!this._connected) {
// default values if not specified.
this.disregardIgnoreRules = newState.disregard_ignores as boolean || false;
this.currentCorpus = newState.corpus as string || defaultCorpus();
this.currentQuery = newState.query as string || '';
connectedCallback(): void {
private currentCorpusChanged(e: CustomEvent<string>) {
this.currentCorpus = e.detail;
private currentQueryChanged(e: CustomEvent<string>) {
this.currentQuery = e.detail;
private fetch() {
if (this.fetchController) {
// Kill any outstanding requests
// Make a fresh abort controller for each set of fetches.
// They cannot be re-used once aborted.
this.fetchController = new AbortController();
const extra = {
signal: this.fetchController.signal,
const base = '/json/v2/list';
let url = `${base}?corpus=${encodeURIComponent(this.currentCorpus)}`;
if (this.disregardIgnoreRules) {
url += '&include_ignored_traces=true';
if (this.currentQuery) {
url += `&trace_values=${encodeURIComponent(this.currentQuery)}`;
fetch(url, extra)
.then((response: ListTestsResponse) => {
this.byTestCounts = response.tests || [];
// By default, sort the data by name in ascending order (to match the direction set
// above).
$$<SortToggleSk<TestSummary>>('#sort_table', this)!.sort('name', 'up');
.catch((e) => sendFetchError(this, e, 'list'));
// TODO(kjlubick) when the search page gets a makeover to have just the params for the given
// corpus show up, we should do the same here. First idea is to have a separate corpora
// endpoint and then make paramset take a corpus.
const paramsURL = '/json/v2/paramset';
fetch(paramsURL, extra)
.then((paramset: ParamSet) => {
// We split the paramset into a list of corpora...
this.corpora = paramset.source_type || [];
// ...and the rest of the keys. This is to make it so the layout is
// consistent with other pages (e.g. the search page, the by blame page, etc).
delete paramset.source_type;
this.paramset = paramset;
.catch((e) => sendFetchError(this, e, 'paramset'));
private showQueryDialog() {
$$<QueryDialogSk>('query-dialog-sk')!.open(this.paramset, this.currentQuery);
private toggleIgnoreRules(e: Event) {
this.disregardIgnoreRules = !this.disregardIgnoreRules;
define('list-page-sk', ListPageSk);