blob: 3c81cd4342e07614b771cf3ff47bd7c2ad63090d [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/digest-details-sk
* @description <h2><code>digest-details-sk</code></h2>
* Displays the details about a digest. These details include comparing it to other digests in the
* same grouping (e.g. test), if those are available. It provides the affordances to triage the
* given digest and makes the POST request to triage this given digest.
* <h2>Events</h2>
* This element produces the following events:
* @evt begin-task/end-task - when a POST request is in flight to handle triaging.
* @evt triage - Emitted when the user triages the digest. e.detail contains the assigned Label.
* Children elements emit the following events of note:
* @evt show-commits - Event generated when a trace dot is clicked. e.detail contains
* the blamelist (an array of commits that could have made up that dot).
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage';
import { fromObject } from 'common-sk/modules/query';
import dialogPolyfill from 'dialog-polyfill';
import { HintableObject } from 'common-sk/modules/hintable';
import { diffDate } from 'common-sk/modules/human';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { truncate } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/string';
import {
detailHref, diffPageHref, sendBeginTask, sendEndTask, sendFetchError,
} from '../common';
import 'elements-sk/icon/group-work-icon-sk';
import '../dots-sk';
import '../dots-legend-sk';
import '../triage-sk';
import '../image-compare-sk';
import '../blamelist-panel-sk';
import '../../../infra-sk/modules/paramset-sk';
import { SearchCriteriaToHintableObject } from '../search-controls-sk';
import {
Commit, Digest, Label, ParamSet, SearchResult, SRDiffDigest, TestName, TraceGroup, TraceID, TriageHistory, TriageRequest,
} from '../rpc_types';
import { SearchCriteria, SearchCriteriaHintableObject } from '../search-controls-sk/search-controls-sk';
import { DotsSk } from '../dots-sk/dots-sk';
import { BlamelistPanelSk } from '../blamelist-panel-sk/blamelist-panel-sk';
import { TriageSk } from '../triage-sk/triage-sk';
import { ImageCompareSk, ImageComparisonData } from '../image-compare-sk/image-compare-sk';
function toggleButtonMouseover(canToggle: boolean) {
if (canToggle) {
return 'By default, Gold shows the closest image, whether it has been marked positive or '
+ 'negative. This button allows you to explicitly select the closest positive or negative.';
return 'There are no other reference image types to compare against.';
const validRefs = ['pos', 'neg'];
export class DigestDetailsSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (ele: DigestDetailsSk) => html`
<div class=container>
<div class=top_bar>
<span class=grouping_name>Test: ${ele.grouping}</span>
<span class=expand></span>
<a href=${ele.clusterHref()} target=_blank rel=noopener class=cluster_link>
<group-work-icon-sk title="Cluster view of this digest and all others for this test.">
<div class=comparison>
<div class=digest_labels>
<span class="digest_label left">Left: ${ele.digest}</span>
<span class=expand></span>
<span class="digest_label right" ?hidden=${!ele.right}>
Right: ${ele.right && ele.right.digest}
<div class=comparison_data>
?hidden=${ele._overrideRight || !ele.right}
Toggle Reference
<div ?hidden=${!ele.right || ele.right.status !== 'negative'} class=negative_warning>
Closest image is negative!
<!-- TODO(kjlubick) Comments would go here -->
<dialog class=blamelist_dialog>
<button class=close_btn @click=${ele.closeBlamelistDialog}>Close</button>
private static detailsAndTriageTemplate = (ele: DigestDetailsSk) => {
if (!ele.right) {
return html`
<div class=metrics_and_triage>
<triage-sk @change=${ele.triageChangeHandler} .value=${ele.status}></triage-sk>
// TODO(kjlubick) would it be clearer to just tell the user the images differ in size and omit
// the (probably useless metrics)? Could we also include the actual dimensions of the two?
return html`
<div class=metrics_and_triage>
<a href=${diffPageHref(
target=_blank rel=noopener class=diffpage_link>
Diff Details
<div class=size_warning ?hidden=${!ele.right.dimDiffer}>Images differ in size!</div>
<div class=metric>
<span>Diff metric:</span>
<div class=metric>
<span>Diff %:</span>
<div class=metric>
<div class=metric>
<span>Max RGBA:</span>
<triage-sk @change=${ele.triageChangeHandler} .value=${ele.status}></triage-sk>
private static triageHistoryTemplate = (ele: DigestDetailsSk) => {
if (ele.triageHistory.length === 0) return '';
const mostRecent = ele.triageHistory[0];
return html`
<div class=triage-history title="Last triaged on ${mostRecent.ts} by ${mostRecent.user}">
${diffDate(mostRecent.ts)} ago by
? mostRecent.user.substring(0, mostRecent.user.indexOf('@') + 1)
: mostRecent.user}
private static imageComparisonTemplate = (ele: DigestDetailsSk) => {
const left: ImageComparisonData = {
digest: ele.digest,
title: truncate(ele.digest, 15),
detail: detailHref(ele.grouping, ele.digest, ele.changeListID,,
if (!ele.right) {
const hasOtherDigests = (ele.traces?.digests?.length || 0) > 1;
return html`
<image-compare-sk .left=${left}
const right: ImageComparisonData = {
digest: ele.right.digest,
title: ele.right.status === 'positive' ? 'Closest Positive' : 'Closest Negative',
detail: detailHref(ele.grouping, ele.right.digest, ele.changeListID,,
if (ele._overrideRight) {
right.title = truncate(ele.right.digest, 15);
return html`
<image-compare-sk .left=${left}
private static traceInfoTemplate = (ele: DigestDetailsSk) => {
if (!ele.traces || !ele.traces.traces || !ele.traces.traces.length) {
return '';
return html`
<div class=trace_info>
.totalDigests=${ele.traces.total_digests || 0}>
private static paramsetTemplate = (ele: DigestDetailsSk) => {
if (!ele.digest || !ele.params) {
return ''; // details might not be loaded yet.
const titles = [truncate(ele.digest, 15)];
const paramsets = [ele.params];
if (ele.right && ele.right.paramset) {
titles.push(truncate(ele.right.digest, 15));
return html`
<paramset-sk .titles=${titles}
private grouping: TestName = '';
private digest: Digest = '';
private status: Label = 'untriaged';
private triageHistory: TriageHistory[] = [];
private params: ParamSet | null = null;
private traces: TraceGroup | null = null;
private refDiffs: { [key: string]: SRDiffDigest | null } = {};
private _changeListID = '';
private _crs = '';
private _commits: Commit[] = [];
// This tracks which ref we are showing on the right. It will default to the closest one, but
// can be changed with the toggle.
private _rightRef = '';
private _overrideRight: SRDiffDigest | null= null;
private _highlightedParams: { [key: string]: string } = {};
private _fullSizeImages = false;
constructor() {
connectedCallback(): void {
* An array of the commits in the tile. Used to compute the blamelist for representing traces.
get commits(): Commit[] { return this._commits; }
set commits(arr: Commit[]) {
this._commits = arr;
/** SearchResult from which to pull the digest details to show. */
set details(obj: SearchResult) {
this.grouping = obj.test || '';
this.digest = obj.digest || '';
this.traces = obj.traces || {};
this.params = obj.paramset;
this.refDiffs = obj.refDiffs || {};
this._rightRef = obj.closestRef || '';
this.status = obj.status || '';
this.triageHistory = obj.triage_history || [];
/** The changelist id (or empty string if this is the master branch). */
get changeListID(): string { return this._changeListID; }
set changeListID(id: string) {
this._changeListID = id;
/** The Code Review System (e.g. "gerrit") if changeListID is set. */
get crs(): string { return this._crs; }
set crs(c: string) {
this._crs = c;
/** Forces the left image to be compared to the given ref. */
get right(): SRDiffDigest | null {
if (this._overrideRight) {
return this._overrideRight;
return this.refDiffs[this._rightRef] || null;
set right(override: SRDiffDigest | null) {
this._overrideRight = override;
/** Whether to show thumbnails or full size images. */
get fullSizeImages(): boolean {
return this._fullSizeImages;
set fullSizeImages(val: boolean) {
this._fullSizeImages = val;
private canToggle(): boolean {
let totalRefs = 0;
for (const ref of validRefs) {
if (this.refDiffs[ref]) {
return totalRefs > 1;
private clearTraceHighlights() {
this._highlightedParams = {};
private closeBlamelistDialog() {
private clusterHref() {
if (!this.grouping || !this.params || !this.params.source_type
|| this.params.source_type.length === 0) {
return '';
const searchCriteria: Partial<SearchCriteria> = {
corpus: this.params.source_type[0],
includePositiveDigests: true,
includeNegativeDigests: true,
includeUntriagedDigests: true,
includeDigestsNotAtHead: true,
const clusterState: SearchCriteriaHintableObject & {grouping?: TestName} = SearchCriteriaToHintableObject(searchCriteria);
clusterState.grouping = this.grouping;
return `/cluster?${fromObject(clusterState as HintableObject)}`;
private hoverOverTrace(e: CustomEvent<TraceID>) {
// Find the matching trace in details.traces.
const trace = this.traces?.traces?.find((trace) => trace.label === e.detail);
this._highlightedParams = trace?.params || {};
protected _render() {
// By default, the browser will show this long trace scrolled all the way to the left. This
// is the oldest traces and typically not helpful, so after we load, we ask the traces to
// scroll itself to the left, which it will do once (and not repeatedly on each render).
private showBlamelist(e: CustomEvent<Commit[]>) {
const dialog = this.querySelector<HTMLDialogElement>('dialog.blamelist_dialog')!;
const blamelist = dialog.querySelector<BlamelistPanelSk>('blamelist-panel-sk')!;
blamelist.commits = e.detail;
private toggleRightRef() {
if (!this.canToggle()) {
let idx = validRefs.indexOf(this._rightRef);
let newRight = '';
while (!this.refDiffs[newRight]) {
idx = (idx + 1) % validRefs.length;
newRight = validRefs[idx];
this._rightRef = newRight;
private triageChangeHandler(e: CustomEvent<Label>) {
const newLabel = e.detail;
setTriaged(label: Label): void {
new CustomEvent<Label>('triage', { bubbles: true, detail: label }),
const triageRequest: TriageRequest = {
testDigestStatus: {
[this.grouping]: {
[this.digest]: label,
changelist_id: this.changeListID,
const url = '/json/v2/triage';
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(triageRequest),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then((resp: Response) => {
if (resp.ok) {
// Triaging was successful.
this.status = label;
user: 'me',
ts: new Date(,
} else {
// Triaging did not work (possibly because the user was not logged in). We want to set
// the status of the triage-sk back to what it was to give a visual indication it did not
// go through. Additionally, toast error message should catch the user's attention.
`Unexpected error triaging: ${resp.status} ${resp.statusText} `
+ '(Are you logged in with the right account?)', 8000,
this.querySelector<TriageSk>('triage-sk')!.value = this.status;
}).catch((e) => {
sendFetchError(this, e, 'triaging');
openZoom(): void {
const compare = this.querySelector<ImageCompareSk>('image-compare-sk');
if (!compare) {
define('digest-details-sk', DigestDetailsSk);