blob: 96988f3630ef736dcfcf8444af2c9e4ddd2eb9d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/corpus-selector-sk
* @description <h2><code>corpus-selector-sk</code></h2>
* An element that allows the user to select a corpus from a list of available corpora.
* Events:
* corpus-selected: Emitted when the user selects a corpus. The event details contains the
* selected corpus.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
* Takes a corpus object and returns a string used to represent the corpus on the CorpusSelectorSk
* element's UI.
export type CorpusRendererFn<T extends Object> = (corpus: T)=> string;
* An element that allows the user to select a corpus from a list of available corpora.
* Corpora are objects of the generic type T, and are transformed to text to be displayed in the UI
* using T#toString(). This behavior can be overriden by providing a custom CorpusRendererFn<T> via
* the customRendererFn property.
export class CorpusSelectorSk<T extends Object> extends ElementSk {
private static template =
<T>(el: CorpusSelectorSk<T>) => (el._corpora.length
? html`
<ul>${ => CorpusSelectorSk.corpusTemplate(el, corpus))}</ul>`
: html`<p>Loading corpora details...</p>`);
private static corpusTemplate =
<T>(el: CorpusSelectorSk<T>, corpus: T) => html`
<li class=${el._selectedCorpus === corpus ? 'selected' : ''}
@click=${() => el._handleCorpusClick(corpus)}>
private _corpora: T[] = [];
// Default to the corpus object's toString() method.
private _corpusRendererFn: CorpusRendererFn<T> = (corpus) => corpus.toString();
private _selectedCorpus: T | null = null;
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
/** The corpora available for the user to select from. */
get corpora() { return this._corpora; }
set corpora(value) {
this._corpora = value;
/** A function that takes a corpus and returns the text to display on the UI. */
get corpusRendererFn() { return this._corpusRendererFn; }
set corpusRendererFn(fn) {
this._corpusRendererFn = fn;
/** The currently selected corpus. */
get selectedCorpus() { return this._selectedCorpus; }
set selectedCorpus(corpus) {
this._selectedCorpus = corpus;
private _handleCorpusClick(corpus: T) {
if (this.selectedCorpus !== corpus) {
this.selectedCorpus = corpus;
private _sendCorpusSelected() {
new CustomEvent<T>('corpus-selected', {
detail: this._selectedCorpus!,
bubbles: true,
define('corpus-selector-sk', CorpusSelectorSk);