blob: d474a035fdc32e0636231cb824459a0a5ef2fa88 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/bulk-triage-sk
* @description <h2><code>bulk-triage-sk</code></h2>
* An element (meant for use in a dialog) which facilitates triaging multiple digests
* at once. It supports two modes - all the digests on this page of results or all
* digests that match the search results.
* @evt bulk_triage_cancelled - if the cancel button is clicked.
* @evt bulk_triage_invoked - Sent just before the triage RPC is hit.
* @evt bulk_triage_finished - Sent if the triage RPC returns success.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import 'elements-sk/checkbox-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/cancel-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/check-circle-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/help-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/view-agenda-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons';
import { sendBeginTask, sendEndTask, sendFetchError } from '../common';
import { Label, TriageRequest, TriageRequestData } from '../rpc_types';
* The label to apply to the selected digests via the bulk triage dialog, or 'closest' to apply the
* label of the closest triaged reference digest.
export type BulkTriageLabel = Label | 'closest';
export class BulkTriageSk extends ElementSk {
private static template = (el: BulkTriageSk) => html`
<h2>Bulk Triage</h2>
<p>Assign the status to all images on this page at once.</p>
${el.changeListID ? html`<p class=cl>This affects Changelist ${el.changeListID}.</p>` : ''}
<div class=status>
<button class="positive ${el.value === 'positive' ? 'selected' : ''}"
@click=${() => el._setDesiredLabel('positive')}
title="Triage all the left-hand images as positive." >
<button class="negative ${el.value === 'negative' ? 'selected' : ''}"
@click=${() => el._setDesiredLabel('negative')}
title="Triage all the left-hand images as negative.">
<button class="untriaged ${el.value === 'untriaged' ? 'selected' : ''}"
@click=${() => el._setDesiredLabel('untriaged')}
title="Unset the triage status of all left-hand images.">
<button class="closest ${el.value === 'closest' ? 'selected' : ''}"
@click=${() => el._setDesiredLabel('closest')}
title="Triage all the left-hand images the same as the closest image.">
<checkbox-sk @change=${el._toggleAll} label="Triage all ${el._allDigestCount} digests"
title='Choose whether to triage just the digests on this page or all that match the query'
?checked=${el._triageAll} class=triage_all></checkbox-sk>
<div class=controls>
<button @click=${el._cancel} class=cancel>
Cancel (do nothing)
<button @click=${el._triage} class="action triage">
Triage ${el._triageAll ? el._allDigestCount : el._pageDigestCount} digests as ${el._value}
private _changeListID = '';
private _crs = '';
private _value: BulkTriageLabel = 'closest';
private _triageAll = false;
private _pageDigests: TriageRequestData = {};
private _pageDigestCount = 0;
private _allDigests: TriageRequestData = {};
private _allDigestCount = 0;
constructor() {
connectedCallback(): void {
* The label to apply ("positive", "negative", "untriaged"), or "closest" to apply the label of
* of the closest triaged reference digest in each case.
get value(): BulkTriageLabel {
return this._value;
set value(newValue: BulkTriageLabel) {
if (!['positive', 'negative', 'untriaged', 'closest'].includes(newValue)) {
throw new RangeError(`Invalid bulk-triage-sk value: "${newValue}".`);
this._value = newValue;
* The ID of the changelist to which these expectations should belong, or the empty string if
* none.
get changeListID(): string {
return this._changeListID;
set changeListID(newValue: string) {
this._changeListID = newValue;
* The Code Review System (e.g. "gerrit") associated with the provided changelist ID, or the empty
* string if none.
get crs(): string {
return this._crs;
set crs(c: string) {
this._crs = c;
// Notes:
// Currently the /json/v1/search endpoint returns a SearchResponse struct where the
// bulk_triage_data field is populated with the empty string instead of a valid expectations.Label
// to indicate that a digest does not have a closest triaged reference digest:
// An empty string is technically not a valid expectations.Label (nor the corresponding Label type
// in rpc_types.ts) because the only allowed values are "positive", "negative" or "untriaged".
// The legacy, Polymer-based search-page-sk passes the contents of bulk_triage_data as-is to this
// component as the allDigests argument to a call to the setDigests() method defined below:
// The legacy search page also builds the pageDigests argument to the setDigests() method using
// the empty string as a Label in the same exact way as in the bulk_triage_data field:
// To preserve backwards-compatibility with the legacy search page, this component turns a blind
// eye to said invalid Label values, and passes the labels as-is to the /json/v1/triage endpoint,
// which ignores any digests for which the expectations.Label is set to the empty string:
// This is messy because neither the Golang nor the TypeScript types involved in the above RPCs
// capture the possibility of empty labels. In other words, the types do not correctly describe
// the actual data, which can be a source of confusion and potential bugs in the future.
// Once we delete the legacy search page, we can clean things up by making the following changes:
// 1. Change the search RPC to use "untriaged" instead of the empty string to indicate that a
// digest does not have a closest triaged reference digest.
// 2. Change bulk-triage-sk to exclude any such digests from the /json/v1/triage RPC when
// triaging by "closest".
// 3. Delete any code in the /json/v1/triage endpoint that handles empty labels.
// TODO(lovisolo): Execute the above plan after the legacy search page is deleted.
* The digests in the current page of search results, mapped to the labels of their closest
* triaged reference digests.
* The labels will be applied when using the "closest" bulk triage option.
get currentPageDigests(): TriageRequestData { return this._pageDigests; }
set currentPageDigests(digests: TriageRequestData) {
this._pageDigests = digests;
this._pageDigestCount = BulkTriageSk.countDigests(digests);
* All the digests matching the current search (not just the ones in the current page of search
* results), mapped to the labels of their closest triaged reference digests.
* The labels will be applied when using the "closest" bulk triage option.
get allDigests(): TriageRequestData { return this._allDigests; }
set allDigests(digests: TriageRequestData) {
this._allDigests = digests;
this._allDigestCount = BulkTriageSk.countDigests(digests);
private static countDigests(testDigestLabelMap: TriageRequestData): number {
let count = 0;
if (!testDigestLabelMap) {
return 0;
for (const testName of Object.keys(testDigestLabelMap)) {
const digests = testDigestLabelMap[testName];
if (!digests) {
count += Object.keys(digests).length;
return count;
private _setDesiredLabel(newValue: BulkTriageLabel) {
this.value = newValue;
private _cancel() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bulk_triage_cancelled', { bubbles: true }));
* This creates an object that can be sent to the triage RPC on the Gold server. The labels
* will be set to match the current value. See frontend.TriageRequest for more.
private _getTriageStatuses(): TriageRequestData {
let baseDigests = this._pageDigests;
if (this._triageAll) {
baseDigests = this._allDigests;
if (this.value === 'closest' || !baseDigests) {
return baseDigests || {};
const copyWithSameValue: TriageRequestData = {};
for (const testName of Object.keys(baseDigests)) {
copyWithSameValue[testName] = {};
for (const digest of Object.keys(baseDigests[testName] || [])) {
copyWithSameValue[testName]![digest] = this.value;
return copyWithSameValue;
private _triage() {
const triageRequest: TriageRequest = {
testDigestStatus: this._getTriageStatuses(),
changelist_id: this.changeListID,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bulk_triage_invoked', { bubbles: true }));
const url = '/json/v2/triage';
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify(triageRequest),
}).then(() => {
// Even if we get back a non-200 code, we want to say we finished.
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bulk_triage_finished', { bubbles: true }));
}).catch((e) => sendFetchError(this, e, 'bulk triaging'));
private _toggleAll(e: Event) {
this._triageAll = !this._triageAll;
define('bulk-triage-sk', BulkTriageSk);