blob: 6f9f35f2793b9e22a3181562f3f39d27b8c581e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package continuous looks for Regressions in the background based on the
// new data arriving and the currently configured Alerts.
package continuous
import (
perfgit ""
const (
// maxParallelReceives is the maximum number of Go routines used when
// receiving PubSub messages.
maxParallelReceives = 1
// pollingClusteringDelay is the time to wait between clustering runs, but
// only when not doing event driven regression detection.
pollingClusteringDelay = 5 * time.Second
checkIfRegressionIsDoneDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond
doNotOverrideQuery = ""
timeoutForProcessAlertConfigPerTrace time.Duration = time.Minute
// Continuous is used to run clustering on the last numCommits commits and
// look for regressions.
type Continuous struct {
perfGit perfgit.Git
shortcutStore shortcut.Store
store regression.Store
provider alerts.ConfigProvider
notifier notify.Notifier
paramsProvider regression.ParamsetProvider
urlProvider urlprovider.URLProvider
dfBuilder dataframe.DataFrameBuilder
pollingDelay time.Duration
instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig
flags *config.FrontendFlags
mutex sync.Mutex // Protects current.
current *alerts.Alert
regressionCounter metrics2.Counter
// New creates a new *Continuous.
// provider - Produces the slice of alerts.Config's that determine the clustering to perform.
// numCommits - The number of commits to run the clustering over.
// radius - The number of commits on each side of a commit to include when clustering.
func New(
perfGit perfgit.Git,
shortcutStore shortcut.Store,
provider alerts.ConfigProvider,
store regression.Store,
notifier notify.Notifier,
paramsProvider regression.ParamsetProvider,
urlProvider urlprovider.URLProvider,
dfBuilder dataframe.DataFrameBuilder,
instanceConfig *config.InstanceConfig,
flags *config.FrontendFlags) *Continuous {
return &Continuous{
perfGit: perfGit,
store: store,
provider: provider,
notifier: notifier,
shortcutStore: shortcutStore,
current: &alerts.Alert{},
paramsProvider: paramsProvider,
urlProvider: urlProvider,
dfBuilder: dfBuilder,
pollingDelay: pollingClusteringDelay,
instanceConfig: instanceConfig,
flags: flags,
regressionCounter: metrics2.GetCounter("continuous_regression_found"),
func (c *Continuous) reportRegressions(ctx context.Context, req *regression.RegressionDetectionRequest, resps []*regression.RegressionDetectionResponse, cfg *alerts.Alert) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "regression.continuous.reportRegressions")
defer span.End()
key := cfg.IDAsString
for _, resp := range resps {
headerLength := len(resp.Frame.DataFrame.Header)
midPoint := headerLength / 2
commitNumber := resp.Frame.DataFrame.Header[midPoint].Offset
details, err := c.perfGit.CommitFromCommitNumber(ctx, commitNumber)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to look up commit %d: %s", commitNumber, err)
// It's possible that we don't have data for every single commit, so we
// really need to know the range of commits that this regression
// represents. So we go back to the previous sample we have in the trace
// and find that commit. That is, the regression may have been created
// on any commit in (previousCommitNumber, commitNumber] (inclusive of
// commitNumber but exclusive of previousCommitNumber). This is way that
// Gitiles and the Android build site work by default.
previousCommitNumber := resp.Frame.DataFrame.Header[midPoint-1].Offset
previousCommitDetails, err := c.perfGit.CommitFromCommitNumber(ctx, previousCommitNumber)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to look up commit %d: %s", previousCommitNumber, err)
originalDataFrame := *resp.Frame.DataFrame
for _, cl := range resp.Summary.Clusters {
// Slim the DataFrame down to just the matching traces.
df := dataframe.NewEmpty()
df.Header = originalDataFrame.Header
for _, key := range cl.Keys {
df.TraceSet[key] = originalDataFrame.TraceSet[key]
resp.Frame.DataFrame = df
// Update database if regression at the midpoint is found.
if cl.StepPoint.Offset == commitNumber {
// TODO(jcgregorio) Also load existing stored regressions and if
// the detected regression has gone away then also send a
// follow-up email.
var isNewRegression, isRegressionFound bool
var notificationID string
if cl.StepFit.Status == stepfit.LOW && len(cl.Keys) >= cfg.MinimumNum && (cfg.DirectionAsString == alerts.DOWN || cfg.DirectionAsString == alerts.BOTH) {
sklog.Infof("Found Low regression at %s. StepFit: %v Shortcut: %s AlertID: %s req: %#v", details.Subject, *cl.StepFit, cl.Shortcut, c.current.IDAsString, *req)
// TODO( Move the logic to a helper function to
// use for both SetLow and SetHigh calls.
notificationID, _ =, commitNumber, key)
if notificationID != "" {
cl.NotificationID = notificationID
isNewRegression = false
} else {
isRegressionFound = true
isNew, regressionID, err :=, commitNumber, key, resp.Frame, cl)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to save newly found cluster: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Regression is detected by SetLow: %s. IsNew: %s", regressionID, isNew)
isNewRegression = isNew
if isNew {
notificationID, err = c.notifier.RegressionFound(ctx, details, previousCommitDetails, cfg, cl, resp.Frame, regressionID)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to send notification: %s", err)
cl.NotificationID = notificationID
if notificationID != "" {
_, _, err :=, commitNumber, key, resp.Frame, cl)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("save cluster with notification: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("SetLow successful! NotificationID:%s, isNew:%b", notificationID, isNewRegression)
if cl.StepFit.Status == stepfit.HIGH && len(cl.Keys) >= cfg.MinimumNum && (cfg.DirectionAsString == alerts.UP || cfg.DirectionAsString == alerts.BOTH) {
sklog.Infof("Found High regression at %s. StepFit: %v Shortcut: %s AlertID: %s req: %#v", details.Subject, *cl.StepFit, cl.Shortcut, c.current.IDAsString, *req)
notificationID, _ =, commitNumber, key)
if notificationID != "" {
cl.NotificationID = notificationID
isNewRegression = false
} else {
isRegressionFound = true
isNew, regressionID, err :=, commitNumber, key, resp.Frame, cl)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to save newly found cluster for alert %q length=%d: %s", key, len(cl.Keys), err)
sklog.Infof("Regression is detected by SetHigh: %s. IsNew: %s", regressionID, isNew)
isNewRegression = isNew
if isNew {
notificationID, err = c.notifier.RegressionFound(ctx, details, previousCommitDetails, cfg, cl, resp.Frame, regressionID)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to send notification: %s", err)
cl.NotificationID = notificationID
if notificationID != "" {
_, _, err :=, commitNumber, key, resp.Frame, cl)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("save cluster with notification: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("SetHigh successful! NotificationID:%s, isNew:%b", notificationID, isNewRegression)
if !isNewRegression && isRegressionFound && notificationID != "" {
err = c.notifier.UpdateNotification(ctx, details, previousCommitDetails, cfg, cl, resp.Frame, notificationID)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error updating notification with id %s: %v", notificationID, err)
sklog.Infof("Notification updated! NotificationID:%s", notificationID)
func (c *Continuous) setCurrentConfig(cfg *alerts.Alert) {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
c.current = cfg
// configsAndParamset is the type of channel that feeds Continuous.Run().
type configsAndParamSet struct {
configs []*alerts.Alert
paramset paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet
// configTracesMap provides a map of all the matching traces for a given
// alert config.
type configTracesMap map[alerts.Alert][]string
// getPubSubSubscription returns a pubsub.Subscription or an error if the
// subscription can't be established.
func (c *Continuous) getPubSubSubscription() (*pubsub.Subscription, error) {
if c.instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.FileIngestionTopicName == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Subscription name isn't set.")
ctx := context.Background()
return sub.New(ctx, c.flags.Local, c.instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.SourceConfig.Project, c.instanceConfig.IngestionConfig.FileIngestionTopicName, maxParallelReceives)
func (c *Continuous) callProvider(ctx context.Context) ([]*alerts.Alert, error) {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, config.QueryMaxRunTime)
defer cancel()
return c.provider.GetAllAlertConfigs(timeoutCtx, false)
func (c *Continuous) buildTraceConfigsMapChannelEventDriven(ctx context.Context) <-chan configTracesMap {
ret := make(chan configTracesMap)
sub, err := c.getPubSubSubscription()
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to create pubsub subscription, not doing event driven regression detection: %s", err)
} else {
// nackCounter is the number files we weren't able to ingest.
nackCounter := metrics2.GetCounter("nack", nil)
// ackCounter is the number files we were able to ingest.
ackCounter := metrics2.GetCounter("ack", nil)
go func() {
for {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
sklog.Info("Channel context error %s", err)
// Wait for PubSub events.
err := sub.Receive(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.Message) {
sklog.Info("Received incoming Ingestion event.")
// Set success to true if we should Ack the PubSub
// message, otherwise the message will be Nack'd, and
// PubSub will try to send the message again.
success := false
defer func() {
if success {
} else {
// Decode the event body.
ie, err := ingestevents.DecodePubSubBody(msg.Data)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to decode ingestion PubSub event: %s", err)
// Data is malformed, ack it so we don't see it again.
success = true
sklog.Infof("IngestEvent received for : %q", ie.Filename)
matchingConfigs, err := c.getTraceIdConfigsForIngestEvent(ctx, ie)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed retrieving relevant configs for incoming event.")
success = false
// If any configs match then emit the configsAndParamSet.
if len(matchingConfigs) > 0 {
ret <- matchingConfigs
success = true
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed receiving pubsub message: %s", err)
sklog.Info("Started event driven clustering.")
return ret
func (c *Continuous) getTraceIdConfigsForIngestEvent(ctx context.Context, ie *ingestevents.IngestEvent) (configTracesMap, error) {
// Filter all the configs down to just those that match
// the incoming traces.
configs, err := c.callProvider(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to get list of configs: %s", err)
return nil, err
return matchingConfigsFromTraceIDs(ie.TraceIDs, configs), nil
// buildConfigAndParamsetChannel returns a channel that will feed the configs
// and paramset that continuous regression detection should run over. In the
// future when Continuous.eventDriven is true this will be driven by PubSub
// events.
func (c *Continuous) buildConfigAndParamsetChannel(ctx context.Context) <-chan configsAndParamSet {
ret := make(chan configsAndParamSet)
go func() {
for range time.Tick(c.pollingDelay) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
sklog.Info("Channel context error %s", err)
configs, err := c.callProvider(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to get list of configs: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Found %d configs.", len(configs))
// Shuffle the order of the configs.
// If we are running parallel continuous regression detectors then
// shuffling means that we move through the configs in a different
// order in each parallel Go routine and so find errors quicker,
// otherwise we are just wasting cycles running the same exact
// configs at the same exact time.
rand.Shuffle(len(configs), func(i, j int) {
configs[i], configs[j] = configs[j], configs[i]
sklog.Info("Configs shuffled")
ret <- configsAndParamSet{
configs: configs,
paramset: c.paramsProvider(),
return ret
// matchingConfigsFromTraceIDs returns a slice of Alerts that match at least one
// trace from the given traceIDs slice.
// Note that the Alerts returned may contain more restrictive Query values if
// the original Alert contains GroupBy parameters, while the original Alert
// remains unchanged.
func matchingConfigsFromTraceIDs(traceIDs []string, configs []*alerts.Alert) configTracesMap {
matchingConfigs := map[alerts.Alert][]string{}
if len(traceIDs) == 0 {
return matchingConfigs
for _, config := range configs {
q, err := query.NewFromString(config.Query)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("An alert %q has an invalid query %q: %s", config.IDAsString, config.Query, err)
// If any traceID matches the query in the alert then it's an alert we should run.
for _, key := range traceIDs {
if q.Matches(key) {
query, err := getConfigQueryForTrace(config, key)
if err != nil {
configCopy := *config
configCopy.Query = query
_, ok := matchingConfigs[configCopy]
if !ok {
// Encountered this traceID for the first time.
matchingConfigs[configCopy] = []string{}
matchingConfigs[configCopy] = append(matchingConfigs[configCopy], key)
return matchingConfigs
func getConfigQueryForTrace(config *alerts.Alert, traceID string) (string, error) {
parsed, err := query.ParseKey(traceID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
query := config.Query
if config.GroupBy != "" {
// If we are in a GroupBy Alert then we should be able to
// restrict the number of traces we look at by making the
// Query more precise.
for _, key := range config.GroupedBy() {
if value, ok := parsed[key]; ok {
query += fmt.Sprintf("&%s=%s", key, value)
return query, nil
// Run starts the continuous running of clustering over the last numCommits
// commits.
// Note that it never returns so it should be called as a Go routine.
func (c *Continuous) Run(ctx context.Context) {
// TODO(jcgregorio) Add liveness metrics.
sklog.Infof("Continuous starting.")
if c.flags.EventDrivenRegressionDetection {
} else {
// RunEventDrivenClustering executes the regression detection based on events
// received from data ingestion.
func (c *Continuous) RunEventDrivenClustering(ctx context.Context) {
// Range over a channel that returns a map containing the traceId as the key
// and a list of matching alert configs as the value. These are processed
// from the file that was just ingested and notification received over pubsub.
for traceConfigMap := range c.buildTraceConfigsMapChannelEventDriven(ctx) {
for config, traces := range traceConfigMap {
sklog.Infof("Clustering over %d traces for config %s", len(traces), config.IDAsString)
// If the alert specifies StepFitGrouping (i.e Individual instead of KMeans)
// we need to only query the paramset of the incoming data point instead of
// the entire query in the alert.
if config.Algo == types.StepFitGrouping {
c.ProcessAlertConfigForTraces(ctx, config, traces)
} else {
c.ProcessAlertConfig(ctx, &config, doNotOverrideQuery)
sklog.Infof("Done with clustering over %d traces for config %s", len(traces), config.IDAsString)
// ProcessAlertConfigForTrace runs the alert config on a specific trace id
func (c *Continuous) ProcessAlertConfigForTraces(ctx context.Context, config alerts.Alert, traceIds []string) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "regression.continuous.ProcessAlertConfigForTraces")
defer span.End()
// Convert each traceId into a query for regression detection.
for _, traceId := range traceIds {
sklog.Debugf("[AG] Processing trace id: %s", traceId)
paramset := paramtools.NewParamSet()
queryOverride := c.urlProvider.GetQueryStringFromParameters(paramset)
c.ProcessAlertConfig(ctx, &config, queryOverride)
// RunContinuousClustering runs the regression detection on a continuous basis.
func (c *Continuous) RunContinuousClustering(ctx context.Context) {
runsCounter := metrics2.GetCounter("perf_clustering_runs", nil)
clusteringLatency := metrics2.NewTimer("perf_clustering_latency", nil)
configsCounter := metrics2.GetCounter("perf_clustering_configs", nil)
// Range over a channel here that supplies a slice of configs and a paramset
// representing all the traceids we should be running over. The paramset is
// the full paramset and the slice of configs is the full slice of configs in
// the database.
for cnp := range c.buildConfigAndParamsetChannel(ctx) {
for _, cfg := range cnp.configs {
c.ProcessAlertConfig(ctx, cfg, doNotOverrideQuery)
// ProcessAlertConfig processes the supplied alert config to detect regressions
func (c *Continuous) ProcessAlertConfig(ctx context.Context, cfg *alerts.Alert, queryOverride string) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeoutForProcessAlertConfigPerTrace)
defer cancel()
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "regression.continuous.ProcessAlertConfig")
defer span.End()
alertConfigLatencyTimer := metrics2.NewTimer(
"configName": cfg.DisplayName,
defer alertConfigLatencyTimer.Stop()
// Smoketest the query, but only if we are not in event driven mode.
if cfg.GroupBy != "" && !c.flags.EventDrivenRegressionDetection {
sklog.Infof("Alert contains a GroupBy, doing a smoketest first: %q", cfg.DisplayName)
u, err := url.ParseQuery(cfg.Query)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Alert failed smoketest: Alert contains invalid query: %q: %s", cfg.Query, err)
q, err := query.New(u)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Alert failed smoketest: Alert contains invalid query: %q: %s", cfg.Query, err)
var matches int64
ctxutil.WithContextTimeout(ctx, config.QueryMaxRunTime, func(ctx context.Context) {
matches, err = c.dfBuilder.NumMatches(ctx, q)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Alert failed smoketest: %q Failed while trying generic query: %s", cfg.DisplayName, err)
if matches == 0 {
sklog.Warningf("Alert failed smoketest: %q Failed to get any traces for generic query.", cfg.DisplayName)
sklog.Infof("Alert %q passed smoketest.", cfg.DisplayName)
} else {
sklog.Info("Not a GroupBy Alert.")
clusterResponseProcessor := func(ctx context.Context, req *regression.RegressionDetectionRequest, resps []*regression.RegressionDetectionResponse, message string) {
c.reportRegressions(ctx, req, resps, cfg)
if cfg.Radius == 0 {
cfg.Radius = c.flags.Radius
domain := types.Domain{
N: int32(c.flags.NumContinuous),
End: time.Time{},
req := regression.NewRegressionDetectionRequest()
req.Alert = cfg
req.Domain = domain
expandBaseRequest := regression.ExpandBaseAlertByGroupBy
if c.flags.EventDrivenRegressionDetection {
// Alert configs generated through
// EventDrivenRegressionDetection are already given more precise
// queries that take into account their GroupBy values and the
// traces they matched.
expandBaseRequest = regression.DoNotExpandBaseAlertByGroupBy
if queryOverride != doNotOverrideQuery {
var err error
ctxutil.WithContextTimeout(ctx, config.QueryMaxRunTime, func(ctx context.Context) {
err = regression.ProcessRegressions(ctx, req, clusterResponseProcessor, c.perfGit, c.shortcutStore, c.dfBuilder, c.paramsProvider(), expandBaseRequest, regression.ContinueOnError, c.instanceConfig.AnomalyConfig)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Failed regression detection: Query: %q Error: %s", req.Query, err)