blob: 59ab8e80031d6b04f474a895efcc847d26762cde [file] [log] [blame]
# Does the absolute minimum for an RPI with an SD card that's been configured
# via //infra/skolo/rasperry-pi/switchboard/
# Once this is run then the 'rpi.yml' playbook can be run to finish/update the
# machine.
- hosts: '{{ variable_hosts }}'
user: root
gather_facts: no
# First install python3 so we can use more issue more than 'raw' commands.
- name: install python3
'apt update && apt -y install sudo python3 python3-apt python3-distutils'
# We can gather facts now that python3 is installed.
# Needed for create_chrome_bot_user.
- name: gather facts
- set_root_password
- create_chrome_bot_user
- copy_authorized_keys