blob: ad1bb2f7c0e3a422a89fcb904acf1432dfdbe99a [file] [log] [blame]
package rpc
import (
grpcstatus ""
// Generate the go code from the protocol buffer definitions.
//go:generate bazelisk run --config=mayberemote //:protoc -- --go_opt=paths=source_relative --twirp_out=. --go_out=. ./rpc.proto
//go:generate mv ./ ./rpc.twirp.go
//go:generate rm -rf ./
//go:generate bazelisk run --config=mayberemote //:goimports "--run_under=cd $PWD &&" -- -w rpc.pb.go
//go:generate bazelisk run --config=mayberemote //:goimports "--run_under=cd $PWD &&" -- -w rpc.twirp.go
//go:generate bazelisk run --config=mayberemote //:protoc -- --twirp_typescript_out=../../modules/rpc ./rpc.proto
// timeNowFunc allows tests to mock out time.Now() for testing.
var timeNowFunc = time.Now
// loadRollersFunc allows tests to mock out loadRollers() for testing.
var loadRollersFunc = loadRollers
// AutoRollServer implements AutoRollRPCs.
type AutoRollServer struct {
cancelPolling context.CancelFunc
cleanupDB roller_cleanup.DB
handler http.Handler
manualRollDB manual.DB
throttle unthrottle.Throttle
rollers map[string]*AutoRoller
rollersMtx sync.RWMutex
rollsDB recent_rolls.DB
// GetHandler returns the http.Handler for this AutoRollServer.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetHandler() http.Handler {
return s.handler
// NewAutoRollServer returns an AutoRollServer instance.
// If configRefreshInterval is zero, the configs are not refreshed.
func NewAutoRollServer(ctx context.Context, statusDB status.DB, configDB db.DB, rollsDB recent_rolls.DB, manualRollDB manual.DB, cleanupDB roller_cleanup.DB, throttle unthrottle.Throttle, configRefreshInterval time.Duration, plogin alogin.Login) (*AutoRollServer, error) {
rollers, cancelPolling, err := loadRollersFunc(ctx, statusDB, configDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to load roller configs from DB")
srv := &AutoRollServer{
AuthHelper: twirp_auth2.New(),
cancelPolling: cancelPolling,
cleanupDB: cleanupDB,
manualRollDB: manualRollDB,
throttle: throttle,
rollers: rollers,
rollsDB: rollsDB,
srv.handler = alogin.StatusMiddleware(plogin)(NewAutoRollServiceServer(srv, nil))
if configRefreshInterval != time.Duration(0) {
go util.RepeatCtx(ctx, configRefreshInterval, func(ctx context.Context) {
rollers, cancelPolling, err = loadRollersFunc(ctx, statusDB, configDB)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to refresh rollers: %s", err)
defer srv.rollersMtx.Unlock()
srv.rollers = rollers
srv.cancelPolling = cancelPolling
return srv, nil
// oldRollerConfigDeletionThreshold indicates that we'll delete a roller config
// from the DB if we fail to decode it and it's been two weeks since it last
// reported in. We assume that if the roller hasn't reported in for two weeks it
// has been removed.
const oldRollerConfigDeletionThreshold = 2 * 7 * 24 * time.Hour
// loadRollerConfigs loads the roller configs from the config DB. If it
// encounters errors for rollers which haven't reported their status for two
// weeks, it may delete their configs from the DB.
func loadRollerConfigs(ctx context.Context, statusDB status.DB, configDB db.DB) ([]*config.Config, error) {
var configs []*config.Config
var err error
for {
configs, err = configDB.GetAll(ctx)
if err == nil {
return configs, nil
} else {
// The config format might have changed, causing a failure to decode
// configs for defunct rollers. Determine whether the roller is likely
// turned down and delete the config from the DB if so.
if failedDecodeRoller, ok := db.IsFailedDecode(err); ok {
st, getStatusErr := statusDB.Get(ctx, failedDecodeRoller)
if getStatusErr != nil {
// Treat rollers which never checked in as defunct.
if grpcstatus.Code(skerr.Unwrap(getStatusErr)) == codes.NotFound {
st = &status.AutoRollStatus{
AutoRollMiniStatus: status.AutoRollMiniStatus{
Timestamp: time.Time{},
} else {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to decode roller config %s and failed to retrieve status: %s", failedDecodeRoller, getStatusErr)
lastCheckin := now.Now(ctx).Sub(st.Timestamp)
if lastCheckin > oldRollerConfigDeletionThreshold {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to decode config for %s; last checked in %s ago; deleting config...", failedDecodeRoller, lastCheckin)
if err := configDB.Delete(ctx, failedDecodeRoller); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "failed to decode config for defunct roller %s and failed to delete config from the DB", failedDecodeRoller)
} else {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// loadRollers loads the roller configs from the config DB and creates the
// various databases used for each roller. Returns a map containing the rollers
// themselves and a context.CancelFunc which can be used to stop the polling
// loops for the rollers, eg. when loadRollers is to be called again.
func loadRollers(ctx context.Context, statusDB status.DB, configDB db.DB) (rv map[string]*AutoRoller, rvCancel context.CancelFunc, rvErr error) {
configs, err := loadRollerConfigs(ctx, statusDB, configDB)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rollers := make(map[string]*AutoRoller, len(configs))
// Use a cancellable context so that we can restart the polling loops when
// we reload the rollers next time.
cancellableCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
// If something went wrong, cancel the polling loops to avoid a
// goroutine leak.
if rvErr != nil {
for _, cfg := range configs {
// Set up DBs for the roller.
cfg := cfg // Capture loop variable for use by goroutines.
arbMode, err := modes.NewDatastoreModeHistory(ctx, cfg.RollerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
go util.RepeatCtx(cancellableCtx, 10*time.Second, func(_ context.Context) {
if err := arbMode.Update(ctx); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to retrieve mode history for %s: %s", cfg.RollerName, err)
arbStatus, err := status.NewCache(ctx, statusDB, cfg.RollerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
go util.RepeatCtx(cancellableCtx, 10*time.Second, func(_ context.Context) {
if err := arbStatus.Update(ctx); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to retrieve status for %s: %s", cfg.RollerName, err)
arbStrategy, err := strategy.NewDatastoreStrategyHistory(ctx, cfg.RollerName, cfg.ValidStrategies())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
go util.RepeatCtx(cancellableCtx, 10*time.Second, func(_ context.Context) {
if err := arbStrategy.Update(ctx); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to retrieve strategy history for %s: %s", cfg.RollerName, err)
rollers[cfg.RollerName] = &AutoRoller{
Cfg: cfg,
Mode: arbMode,
Status: arbStatus,
Strategy: arbStrategy,
return rollers, cancel, nil
// GetRoller retrieves the given roller.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetRoller(roller string) (*AutoRoller, error) {
defer s.rollersMtx.RUnlock()
rv, ok := s.rollers[roller]
if !ok {
return nil, twirp.NewError(twirp.NotFound, "Unknown roller")
return rv, nil
// Helper for sorting AutoRollMiniStatuses.
type autoRollMiniStatusSlice []*AutoRollMiniStatus
func (s autoRollMiniStatusSlice) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s autoRollMiniStatusSlice) Less(a, b int) bool {
return s[a].RollerId < s[b].RollerId
func (s autoRollMiniStatusSlice) Swap(a, b int) {
s[a], s[b] = s[b], s[a]
// GetRollers implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetRollers(ctx context.Context, req *GetRollersRequest) (*GetRollersResponse, error) {
defer s.rollersMtx.RUnlock()
statuses := make([]*AutoRollMiniStatus, 0, len(s.rollers))
for name, roller := range s.rollers {
mc := roller.Mode.CurrentMode()
mode := modes.ModeRunning
if mc != nil {
mode = mc.Mode
st, err := convertMiniStatus(roller.Status.GetMini(), name, mode, roller.Cfg.ChildDisplayName, roller.Cfg.ParentDisplayName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
statuses = append(statuses, st)
// Sort for testing.
return &GetRollersResponse{
Rollers: statuses,
}, nil
// GetRolls implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetRolls(ctx context.Context, req *GetRollsRequest) (*GetRollsResponse, error) {
if _, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId); err != nil {
return nil, err
rolls, cursor, err := s.rollsDB.GetRolls(ctx, req.RollerId, req.Cursor)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rollsConv, err := convertRollCLs(rolls)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &GetRollsResponse{
Rolls: rollsConv,
Cursor: cursor,
}, nil
// GetMiniStatus implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetMiniStatus(ctx context.Context, req *GetMiniStatusRequest) (*GetMiniStatusResponse, error) {
roller, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ms, err := convertMiniStatus(roller.Status.GetMini(), req.RollerId, roller.Mode.CurrentMode().Mode, roller.Cfg.ChildDisplayName, roller.Cfg.ParentDisplayName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &GetMiniStatusResponse{
Status: ms,
}, nil
// getStatus retrieves the status for the given roller.
func (s *AutoRollServer) getStatus(ctx context.Context, rollerID string) (*AutoRollStatus, error) {
roller, err := s.GetRoller(rollerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st := roller.Status.Get()
var manualReqs []*manual.ManualRollRequest
if roller.Cfg.SupportsManualRolls {
manualReqs, err = s.manualRollDB.GetRecent(roller.Cfg.RollerName, recent_rolls.RecentRollsLength)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cleanup, err := s.cleanupDB.History(ctx, rollerID, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return convertStatus(st, roller.Cfg, roller.Mode.CurrentMode(), roller.Strategy.CurrentStrategy(), manualReqs, cleanup)
// GetStatus implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetStatus(ctx context.Context, req *GetStatusRequest) (*GetStatusResponse, error) {
st, err := s.getStatus(ctx, req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &GetStatusResponse{
Status: st,
}, nil
// SetMode implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) SetMode(ctx context.Context, req *SetModeRequest) (*SetModeResponse, error) {
// Verify that the user has edit access.
user, err := s.GetEditor(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
roller, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mode string
switch req.Mode {
case Mode_RUNNING:
mode = modes.ModeRunning
case Mode_STOPPED:
mode = modes.ModeStopped
case Mode_DRY_RUN:
mode = modes.ModeDryRun
case Mode_OFFLINE:
mode = modes.ModeOffline
return nil, twirp.InvalidArgumentError("mode", "invalid mode")
if len(roller.Cfg.ValidModes) > 0 {
// Note: this assumes that the Mode enums in rpc.proto and config.proto
// are in sync.
modeConv := config.Mode(req.Mode)
isValidMode := false
validModeStrs := make([]string, 0, len(roller.Cfg.ValidModes))
for _, validMode := range roller.Cfg.ValidModes {
validModeStrs = append(validModeStrs, validMode.String())
if modeConv == validMode {
isValidMode = true
if !isValidMode {
return nil, twirp.InvalidArgumentError("mode", fmt.Sprintf("requested mode is not allowed for this roller; valid modes: %v", validModeStrs))
if err := roller.Mode.Add(ctx, mode, user, req.Message); err != nil {
return nil, err
st, err := s.getStatus(ctx, req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SetModeResponse{
Status: st,
}, nil
// GetModeHistory implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetModeHistory(ctx context.Context, req *GetModeHistoryRequest) (*GetModeHistoryResponse, error) {
roller, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
history, nextOffset, err := roller.Mode.GetHistory(ctx, int(req.Offset))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
historyConv := make([]*ModeChange, 0, len(history))
for _, entry := range history {
mc, err := convertModeChange(entry)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
historyConv = append(historyConv, mc)
return &GetModeHistoryResponse{
History: historyConv,
NextOffset: int32(nextOffset),
}, nil
// SetStrategy implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) SetStrategy(ctx context.Context, req *SetStrategyRequest) (*SetStrategyResponse, error) {
// Verify that the user has edit access.
user, err := s.GetEditor(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
roller, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var strat string
switch req.Strategy {
case Strategy_BATCH:
strat = strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_BATCH
case Strategy_N_BATCH:
strat = strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_N_BATCH
case Strategy_SINGLE:
strat = strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_SINGLE
return nil, twirp.InvalidArgumentError("strategy", "invalid strategy")
if err := roller.Strategy.Add(ctx, strat, user, req.Message); err != nil {
return nil, err
st, err := s.getStatus(ctx, req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SetStrategyResponse{
Status: st,
}, nil
// GetStrategyHistory implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetStrategyHistory(ctx context.Context, req *GetStrategyHistoryRequest) (*GetStrategyHistoryResponse, error) {
roller, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
history, nextOffset, err := roller.Strategy.GetHistory(ctx, int(req.Offset))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
historyConv := make([]*StrategyChange, 0, len(history))
for _, entry := range history {
mc, err := convertStrategyChange(entry)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
historyConv = append(historyConv, mc)
return &GetStrategyHistoryResponse{
History: historyConv,
NextOffset: int32(nextOffset),
}, nil
// CreateManualRoll implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) CreateManualRoll(ctx context.Context, req *CreateManualRollRequest) (*CreateManualRollResponse, error) {
// Verify that the user has edit access.
user, err := s.GetEditor(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check that the roller exists.
if _, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId); err != nil {
return nil, err
m := &manual.ManualRollRequest{
RollerName: req.RollerId,
Revision: req.Revision,
Requester: user,
DryRun: req.DryRun,
m.Status = manual.STATUS_PENDING
m.Timestamp = firestore.FixTimestamp(timeNowFunc())
if err := s.manualRollDB.Put(m); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := convertManualRollRequest(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &CreateManualRollResponse{
Roll: resp,
}, nil
// Unthrottle implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) Unthrottle(ctx context.Context, req *UnthrottleRequest) (*UnthrottleResponse, error) {
// Verify that the user has edit access.
if _, err := s.GetEditor(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check that the roller exists.
if _, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.throttle.Unthrottle(ctx, req.RollerId); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &UnthrottleResponse{}, nil
// AddCleanupRequest implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) AddCleanupRequest(ctx context.Context, req *AddCleanupRequestRequest) (*AddCleanupRequestResponse, error) {
// Verify that the user has edit access.
user, err := s.GetEditor(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check that the roller exists.
if _, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId); err != nil {
return nil, err
cr := &roller_cleanup.CleanupRequest{
RollerID: req.RollerId,
NeedsCleanup: true,
User: user,
Timestamp: firestore.FixTimestamp(timeNowFunc()),
Justification: req.Justification,
if err := s.cleanupDB.RequestCleanup(ctx, cr); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AddCleanupRequestResponse{}, nil
// GetCleanupHistory implements AutoRollRPCs.
func (s *AutoRollServer) GetCleanupHistory(ctx context.Context, req *GetCleanupHistoryRequest) (*GetCleanupHistoryResponse, error) {
// Check that the roller exists.
if _, err := s.GetRoller(req.RollerId); err != nil {
return nil, err
history, err := s.cleanupDB.History(ctx, req.RollerId, int(req.Limit))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv := make([]*CleanupRequest, 0, len(history))
for _, cr := range history {
rv = append(rv, &CleanupRequest{
NeedsCleanup: cr.NeedsCleanup,
User: cr.User,
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(cr.Timestamp),
Justification: cr.Justification,
return &GetCleanupHistoryResponse{
History: rv,
}, nil
// AutoRoller provides interactions with a single roller.
type AutoRoller struct {
Cfg *config.Config
// Interactions with the roller through the DB.
Mode modes.ModeHistory
Status *status.Cache
Strategy strategy.StrategyHistory
func convertMiniStatus(inp *status.AutoRollMiniStatus, roller, mode, childName, parentName string) (*AutoRollMiniStatus, error) {
m, err := convertMode(mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AutoRollMiniStatus{
RollerId: roller,
Mode: m,
CurrentRollRev: inp.CurrentRollRev,
LastRollRev: inp.LastRollRev,
ChildName: childName,
ParentName: parentName,
NumFailed: int32(inp.NumFailedRolls),
NumBehind: int32(inp.NumNotRolledCommits),
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(inp.Timestamp),
LastSuccessfulRollTimestamp: timestamppb.New(inp.LastSuccessfulRollTimestamp),
}, nil
func convertRollCLs(inp []*autoroll.AutoRollIssue) ([]*AutoRollCL, error) {
rv := make([]*AutoRollCL, 0, len(inp))
for _, v := range inp {
cl, err := convertRollCL(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv = append(rv, cl)
return rv, nil
func convertRollCLResult(res string) (AutoRollCL_Result, error) {
switch res {
return AutoRollCL_IN_PROGRESS, nil
case autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_SUCCESS:
return AutoRollCL_SUCCESS, nil
case autoroll.ROLL_RESULT_FAILURE:
return AutoRollCL_FAILURE, nil
return AutoRollCL_DRY_RUN_IN_PROGRESS, nil
return AutoRollCL_DRY_RUN_SUCCESS, nil
return AutoRollCL_DRY_RUN_FAILURE, nil
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid roll result %q", res))
func convertRollCL(inp *autoroll.AutoRollIssue) (*AutoRollCL, error) {
if inp == nil {
return nil, nil
tjs, err := convertTryJobs(inp.TryResults)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := convertRollCLResult(inp.Result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AutoRollCL{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("%d", inp.Issue),
Result: res,
Subject: inp.Subject,
RollingTo: inp.RollingTo,
RollingFrom: inp.RollingFrom,
Created: timestamppb.New(inp.Created),
Modified: timestamppb.New(inp.Modified),
TryJobs: tjs,
}, nil
func convertTryJobs(inp []*autoroll.TryResult) ([]*TryJob, error) {
if inp == nil {
return nil, nil
rv := make([]*TryJob, 0, len(inp))
for _, v := range inp {
tj, err := convertTryJob(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv = append(rv, tj)
return rv, nil
func convertTryJobStatus(st string) (TryJob_Status, error) {
v, ok := TryJob_Status_value[st]
if !ok {
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid tryjob status %q", st))
return TryJob_Status(v), nil
func convertTryJobResult(st string) (TryJob_Result, error) {
// Special case: "" -> UNKNOWN
if st == "" {
return TryJob_UNKNOWN, nil
v, ok := TryJob_Result_value[st]
if !ok {
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid tryjob result %q", st))
return TryJob_Result(v), nil
func convertTryJob(inp *autoroll.TryResult) (*TryJob, error) {
st, err := convertTryJobStatus(inp.Status)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := convertTryJobResult(inp.Result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TryJob{
Name: inp.Builder,
Status: st,
Result: res,
Url: inp.Url,
Category: inp.Category,
}, nil
func convertMode(m string) (Mode, error) {
switch m {
case modes.ModeRunning:
return Mode_RUNNING, nil
case modes.ModeStopped:
return Mode_STOPPED, nil
case modes.ModeDryRun:
return Mode_DRY_RUN, nil
case modes.ModeOffline:
return Mode_OFFLINE, nil
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid mode %q", m))
func convertModeChange(inp *modes.ModeChange) (*ModeChange, error) {
mode, err := convertMode(inp.Mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ModeChange{
Message: inp.Message,
Mode: mode,
RollerId: inp.Roller,
Time: timestamppb.New(inp.Time),
User: inp.User,
}, nil
func convertStrategy(s string) (Strategy, error) {
switch s {
case strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_BATCH:
return Strategy_BATCH, nil
case strategy.ROLL_STRATEGY_N_BATCH:
return Strategy_N_BATCH, nil
return Strategy_SINGLE, nil
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid strategy %q", s))
func convertStrategyChange(inp *strategy.StrategyChange) (*StrategyChange, error) {
strat, err := convertStrategy(inp.Strategy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StrategyChange{
Message: inp.Message,
RollerId: inp.Roller,
Strategy: strat,
Time: timestamppb.New(inp.Time),
User: inp.User,
}, nil
func convertRevision(inp *revision.Revision) *Revision {
return &Revision{
Description: inp.Description,
Display: inp.Display,
Id: inp.Id,
Time: timestamppb.New(inp.Timestamp),
Url: inp.URL,
InvalidReason: inp.InvalidReason,
func convertRevisions(inp []*revision.Revision) []*Revision {
rv := make([]*Revision, 0, len(inp))
for _, v := range inp {
rv = append(rv, convertRevision(v))
return rv
func convertConfig(inp *config.Config) *AutoRollConfig {
var validModes []Mode
if len(inp.ValidModes) > 0 {
validModes = make([]Mode, 0, len(inp.ValidModes))
for _, m := range inp.ValidModes {
validModes = append(validModes, Mode(m))
return &AutoRollConfig{
ChildBugLink: inp.ChildBugLink,
ParentBugLink: inp.ParentBugLink,
ParentWaterfall: inp.ParentWaterfall,
RollerId: inp.RollerName,
SupportsManualRolls: inp.SupportsManualRolls,
TimeWindow: inp.TimeWindow,
ValidModes: validModes,
func convertManualRollRequests(inp []*manual.ManualRollRequest) ([]*ManualRoll, error) {
rv := make([]*ManualRoll, 0, len(inp))
for _, v := range inp {
req, err := convertManualRollRequest(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv = append(rv, req)
return rv, nil
func convertManualRollResult(s manual.ManualRollResult) (ManualRoll_Result, error) {
switch manual.ManualRollResult(s) {
case manual.RESULT_UNKNOWN:
return ManualRoll_UNKNOWN, nil
case manual.RESULT_FAILURE:
return ManualRoll_FAILURE, nil
case manual.RESULT_SUCCESS:
return ManualRoll_SUCCESS, nil
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid manual roll result %q", s))
func convertManualRollStatus(s manual.ManualRollStatus) (ManualRoll_Status, error) {
switch manual.ManualRollStatus(s) {
case manual.STATUS_PENDING:
return ManualRoll_PENDING, nil
case manual.STATUS_STARTED:
return ManualRoll_PENDING, nil
case manual.STATUS_COMPLETE:
return ManualRoll_COMPLETED, nil
return -1, twirp.InternalError(fmt.Sprintf("invalid manual roll status %q", s))
func convertManualRollRequest(inp *manual.ManualRollRequest) (*ManualRoll, error) {
res, err := convertManualRollResult(inp.Result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st, err := convertManualRollStatus(inp.Status)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ManualRoll{
Id: inp.Id,
RollerId: inp.RollerName,
Revision: inp.Revision,
Requester: inp.Requester,
Result: res,
Status: st,
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(inp.Timestamp),
Url: inp.Url,
Canary: inp.Canary,
DryRun: inp.DryRun,
NoEmail: inp.NoEmail,
NoResolveRevision: inp.NoResolveRevision,
}, nil
func convertStatus(st *status.AutoRollStatus, cfg *config.Config, modeChange *modes.ModeChange, strat *strategy.StrategyChange, manualReqs []*manual.ManualRollRequest, cleanupHistory []*roller_cleanup.CleanupRequest) (*AutoRollStatus, error) {
mode := modes.ModeRunning
if modeChange != nil {
mode = modeChange.Mode
ms, err := convertMiniStatus(&st.AutoRollMiniStatus, cfg.RollerName, mode, cfg.ChildDisplayName, cfg.ParentDisplayName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mc *ModeChange
if modeChange != nil {
mc, err = convertModeChange(modeChange)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sc *StrategyChange
if strat != nil {
sc, err = convertStrategyChange(strat)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lastRoll, err := convertRollCL(st.LastRoll)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
currentRoll, err := convertRollCL(st.CurrentRoll)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
recentRolls, err := convertRollCLs(st.Recent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var manualRolls []*ManualRoll
if manualReqs != nil {
manualRolls, err = convertManualRollRequests(manualReqs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var cleanupReq *CleanupRequest
if len(cleanupHistory) != 0 && cleanupHistory[0].NeedsCleanup {
cleanupReq = &CleanupRequest{
NeedsCleanup: cleanupHistory[0].NeedsCleanup,
User: cleanupHistory[0].User,
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(cleanupHistory[0].Timestamp),
Justification: cleanupHistory[0].Justification,
rv := &AutoRollStatus{
CleanupRequested: cleanupReq,
MiniStatus: ms,
Status: st.Status,
Config: convertConfig(cfg),
FullHistoryUrl: st.FullHistoryUrl,
IssueUrlBase: st.IssueUrlBase,
Mode: mc,
Strategy: sc,
NotRolledRevisions: convertRevisions(st.NotRolledRevisions),
CurrentRoll: currentRoll,
LastRoll: lastRoll,
RecentRolls: recentRolls,
ManualRolls: manualRolls,
Error: st.Error,
ThrottledUntil: timestamppb.New(time.Unix(st.ThrottledUntil, 0)),
return rv, nil