blob: 4645164f2d41226ab8587347491f371a6aa0ce21 [file] [log] [blame]
package db
import (
swarming_api ""
const (
// Maximum number of simultaneous GetModifiedTasks users.
// Expiration for GetModifiedTasks users.
MODIFIED_DATA_TIMEOUT = 30 * time.Minute
// Retries attempted by UpdateTasksWithRetries.
var (
ErrAlreadyExists = errors.New("Object already exists and modification not allowed.")
ErrConcurrentUpdate = errors.New("Concurrent update")
ErrNotFound = errors.New("Task/Job with given ID does not exist")
ErrTooManyUsers = errors.New("Too many users")
ErrUnknownId = types.ErrUnknownId
func IsAlreadyExists(e error) bool {
return e != nil && e.Error() == ErrAlreadyExists.Error()
func IsConcurrentUpdate(e error) bool {
return e != nil && e.Error() == ErrConcurrentUpdate.Error()
func IsNotFound(e error) bool {
return e != nil && e.Error() == ErrNotFound.Error()
func IsTooManyUsers(e error) bool {
return e != nil && e.Error() == ErrTooManyUsers.Error()
func IsUnknownId(e error) bool {
return e != nil && e.Error() == ErrUnknownId.Error()
// ModifiedTasksReader tracks which tasks have been modified and returns results
// to subscribers based on what has changed since the last call to
// GetModifiedTasks.
type ModifiedTasksReader interface {
// GetModifiedTasks returns all tasks modified since the last time
// GetModifiedTasks was run with the given id. The returned tasks are sorted
// by Created timestamp. If GetModifiedTasks returns an error, the caller
// should call StopTrackingModifiedTasks and StartTrackingModifiedTasks
// again, and load all data from scratch to be sure that no tasks were
// missed.
GetModifiedTasks(string) ([]*types.Task, error)
// GetModifiedTasksGOB returns the GOB-encoded results of GetModifiedTasks,
// keyed by Task.Id. Callers should not modify the returned byte slices.
GetModifiedTasksGOB(string) (map[string][]byte, error)
// StartTrackingModifiedTasks initiates tracking of modified tasks for
// the current caller. Returns a unique ID which can be used by the caller
// to retrieve tasks which have been modified since the last query. The ID
// expires after a period of inactivity.
StartTrackingModifiedTasks() (string, error)
// StopTrackingModifiedTasks cancels tracking of modified tasks for the
// provided ID.
// ModifiedTasks tracks which tasks have been modified and returns results to
// subscribers based on what has changed since the last call to
// GetModifiedTasks.
type ModifiedTasks interface {
// TrackModifiedTask indicates the given Task should be returned from the next
// call to GetModifiedTasks from each subscriber.
// TrackModifiedTasksGOB is a batch, GOB version of TrackModifiedTask. Given a
// map from Task.Id to GOB-encoded task, it is equivalent to GOB-decoding each
// value of gobs as a Task and calling TrackModifiedTask on each one. Values of
// gobs must not be modified after this call. The time parameter is the
// DbModified timestamp of the tasks.
TrackModifiedTasksGOB(time.Time, map[string][]byte)
// TaskReader is a read-only view of a TaskDB.
type TaskReader interface {
// GetTaskById returns the task with the given Id field. Returns nil, nil if
// task is not found.
GetTaskById(string) (*types.Task, error)
// GetTasksFromDateRange retrieves all tasks with Created in the given range.
// The returned tasks are sorted by Created timestamp. The string field is
// an optional repository; if provided, only return tasks associated with
// that repo.
GetTasksFromDateRange(time.Time, time.Time, string) ([]*types.Task, error)
// TaskDB is used by the task scheduler to store Tasks.
type TaskDB interface {
// AssignId sets the given task's Id field. Does not insert the task into the
// database.
AssignId(*types.Task) error
// PutTask inserts or updates the Task in the database. Task's Id field must
// be empty or set with AssignId. PutTask will set Task.DbModified.
PutTask(*types.Task) error
// PutTasks inserts or updates the Tasks in the database. Each Task's Id field
// must be empty or set with AssignId. Each Task's DbModified field will be
// set. All modifications are performed in a single transaction; the
// caller must determine what to do when there are too many Tasks to be
// inserted at once for a given TaskDB implementation. Use only when
// consistency is important; otherwise, callers should use
// PutTasksInChunks.
PutTasks([]*types.Task) error
// PutTasksInChunks is like PutTasks but inserts Tasks in multiple
// transactions. Not appropriate for updates in which consistency is
// important.
PutTasksInChunks([]*types.Task) error
// UpdateTasksWithRetries wraps a call to db.PutTasks with retries. It calls
// db.PutTasks(f()) repeatedly until one of the following happen:
// - f or db.PutTasks returns an error, which is then returned from
// UpdateTasksWithRetries;
// - PutTasks succeeds, in which case UpdateTasksWithRetries returns the updated
// Tasks returned by f;
// - retries are exhausted, in which case UpdateTasksWithRetries returns
// ErrConcurrentUpdate.
// Within f, tasks should be refreshed from the DB, e.g. with
// db.GetModifiedTasks or db.GetTaskById.
func UpdateTasksWithRetries(db TaskDB, f func() ([]*types.Task, error)) ([]*types.Task, error) {
var lastErr error
for i := 0; i < NUM_RETRIES; i++ {
t, err := f()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lastErr = db.PutTasks(t)
if lastErr == nil {
return t, nil
} else if !IsConcurrentUpdate(lastErr) {
return nil, lastErr
sklog.Warningf("UpdateWithRetries: %d consecutive ErrConcurrentUpdate.", NUM_RETRIES)
return nil, lastErr
// UpdateTaskWithRetries reads, updates, and writes a single Task in the DB. It:
// 1. reads the task with the given id,
// 2. calls f on that task, and
// 3. calls db.PutTask() on the updated task
// 4. repeats from step 1 as long as PutTasks returns ErrConcurrentUpdate and
// retries have not been exhausted.
// Returns the updated task if it was successfully updated in the DB.
// Immediately returns ErrNotFound if db.GetTaskById(id) returns nil.
// Immediately returns any error returned from f or from PutTasks (except
// ErrConcurrentUpdate). Returns ErrConcurrentUpdate if retries are exhausted.
func UpdateTaskWithRetries(db TaskDB, id string, f func(*types.Task) error) (*types.Task, error) {
tasks, err := UpdateTasksWithRetries(db, func() ([]*types.Task, error) {
t, err := db.GetTaskById(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if t == nil {
return nil, ErrNotFound
err = f(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*types.Task{t}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return tasks[0], nil
// ModifiedJobsReader tracks which tasks have been modified and returns results
// to subscribers based on what has changed since the last call to
// GetModifiedJobs.
type ModifiedJobsReader interface {
// GetModifiedJobs returns all jobs modified since the last time
// GetModifiedJobs was run with the given id. The returned jobs are sorted by
// Created timestamp. If GetModifiedJobs returns an error, the caller
// should call StopTrackingModifiedJobs and StartTrackingModifiedJobs
// again, and load all data from scratch to be sure that no jobs were
// missed.
GetModifiedJobs(string) ([]*types.Job, error)
// GetModifiedJobsGOB returns the GOB-encoded results of GetModifiedJobs,
// keyed by Job.Id. Callers should not modify the returned byte slices.
GetModifiedJobsGOB(string) (map[string][]byte, error)
// StartTrackingModifiedJobs initiates tracking of modified jobs for
// the current caller. Returns a unique ID which can be used by the caller
// to retrieve jobs which have been modified since the last query. The ID
// expires after a period of inactivity.
StartTrackingModifiedJobs() (string, error)
// StopTrackingModifiedJobs cancels tracking of modified jobs for the
// provided ID.
// ModifiedJobs tracks which tasks have been modified and returns results to
// subscribers based on what has changed since the last call to
// GetModifiedJobs.
type ModifiedJobs interface {
// TrackModifiedJob indicates the given Job should be returned from the next
// call to GetModifiedJobs from each subscriber.
// TrackModifiedJobsGOB is a batch, GOB version of TrackModifiedJob. Given a
// map from Job.Id to GOB-encoded task, it is equivalent to GOB-decoding each
// value of gobs as a Job and calling TrackModifiedJob on each one. Values of
// gobs must not be modified after this call. The time parameter is the
// DbModified timestamp of the jobs.
TrackModifiedJobsGOB(time.Time, map[string][]byte)
// JobReader is a read-only view of a JobDB.
type JobReader interface {
// GetJobById returns the job with the given Id field. Returns nil, nil if
// job is not found.
GetJobById(string) (*types.Job, error)
// GetJobsFromDateRange retrieves all jobs with Created in the given range.
// The returned jobs are sorted by Created timestamp.
GetJobsFromDateRange(time.Time, time.Time) ([]*types.Job, error)
// JobDB is used by the task scheduler to store Jobs.
type JobDB interface {
// PutJob inserts or updates the Job in the database. Job's Id field
// must be empty if it is a new Job. PutJob will set Job.DbModified.
PutJob(*types.Job) error
// PutJobs inserts or updates the Jobs in the database. Each Jobs' Id
// field must be empty if it is a new Job. Each Jobs' DbModified field
// will be set. All modifications are performed in a single transaction;
// the caller must determine what to do when there are too many Jobs to
// be inserted at once for a given JobDB implementation. Use only when
// consistency is important; otherwise, callers should use
// PutJobsInChunks.
PutJobs([]*types.Job) error
// PutJobsInChunks is like PutJobs but inserts Jobs in multiple
// transactions. Not appropriate for updates in which consistency is
// important.
PutJobsInChunks([]*types.Job) error
// ModifiedData combines ModifiedTasks, ModifiedJobs, and ModifiedComments.
type ModifiedData interface {
// modifiedData implements ModifiedData.
type modifiedData struct {
// NewModifiedData returns a ModifiedData which combines the given
// ModifiedTasks, ModifiedJobs, and ModifiedComments.
func NewModifiedData(t ModifiedTasks, j ModifiedJobs, c ModifiedComments) ModifiedData {
return &modifiedData{
ModifiedTasks: t,
ModifiedJobs: j,
ModifiedComments: c,
// JobSearchParams are parameters on which Jobs may be searched. All fields
// are optional; if a field is not provided, the search will return Jobs with
// any value for that field. If either of TimeStart or TimeEnd is not provided,
// the search defaults to the last 24 hours.
type JobSearchParams struct {
BuildbucketBuildId *int64 `json:"buildbucket_build_id,string,omitempty"`
IsForce *bool `json:"is_force,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Status types.JobStatus `json:"status"`
TimeStart time.Time `json:"time_start"`
TimeEnd time.Time `json:"time_end"`
// searchBoolEqual compares the two bools and returns true if the first is
// nil or equal to the second.
func searchBoolEqual(search *bool, test bool) bool {
if search == nil {
return true
return *search == test
// searchInt64Equal compares the two int64s and returns true if the first is
// either nil or equal to the second.
func searchInt64Equal(search *int64, test int64) bool {
if search == nil {
return true
return *search == test
// searchStringEqual compares the two strings and returns true if the first is
// either not provided or equal to the second.
func searchStringEqual(search, test string) bool {
if search == "" {
return true
return search == test
// matchJobs returns Jobs which match the given search parameters.
func matchJobs(jobs []*types.Job, p *JobSearchParams) ([]*types.Job, error) {
// We accept a regex for the job name.
nameRe, err := regexp.Compile(p.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv := []*types.Job{}
for _, j := range jobs {
// Compare all attributes which are provided.
if true &&
!p.TimeStart.After(j.Created) &&
j.Created.Before(p.TimeEnd) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Issue, j.Issue) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Patchset, j.Patchset) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Server, j.Server) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Repo, j.Repo) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Revision, j.Revision) &&
nameRe.MatchString(j.Name) &&
searchStringEqual(string(p.Status), string(j.Status)) &&
searchBoolEqual(p.IsForce, j.IsForce) &&
searchInt64Equal(p.BuildbucketBuildId, j.BuildbucketBuildId) {
rv = append(rv, j)
return rv, nil
// SearchJobs returns Jobs in the given time range which match the given search
// parameters.
func SearchJobs(db JobReader, p *JobSearchParams) ([]*types.Job, error) {
if util.TimeIsZero(p.TimeStart) || util.TimeIsZero(p.TimeEnd) {
p.TimeEnd = time.Now()
p.TimeStart = p.TimeEnd.Add(-24 * time.Hour)
jobs, err := db.GetJobsFromDateRange(p.TimeStart, p.TimeEnd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return matchJobs(jobs, p)
// matchTasks returns Tasks which match the given search parameters.
func matchTasks(tasks []*types.Task, p *TaskSearchParams) []*types.Task {
rv := []*types.Task{}
for _, t := range tasks {
// Compare all attributes which are provided.
if true &&
!p.TimeStart.After(t.Created) &&
t.Created.Before(p.TimeEnd) &&
searchInt64Equal(p.Attempt, int64(t.Attempt)) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Issue, t.Issue) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Patchset, t.Patchset) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Server, t.Server) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Repo, t.Repo) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Revision, t.Revision) &&
searchStringEqual(p.Name, t.Name) &&
searchStringEqual(string(p.Status), string(t.Status)) &&
searchStringEqual(p.ForcedJobId, t.ForcedJobId) {
rv = append(rv, t)
return rv
// TaskSearchParams are parameters on which Tasks may be searched. All fields
// are optional; if a field is not provided, the search will return Tasks with
// any value for that field. If either of TimeStart or TimeEnd is not provided,
// the search defaults to the last 24 hours.
type TaskSearchParams struct {
Attempt *int64 `json:"attempt,string,omitempty"`
Status types.TaskStatus `json:"status"`
TimeStart time.Time `json:"time_start"`
TimeEnd time.Time `json:"time_end"`
// SearchTasks returns Tasks in the given time range which match the given search
// parameters.
func SearchTasks(db TaskReader, p *TaskSearchParams) ([]*types.Task, error) {
if util.TimeIsZero(p.TimeStart) || util.TimeIsZero(p.TimeEnd) {
p.TimeEnd = time.Now()
p.TimeStart = p.TimeEnd.Add(-24 * time.Hour)
tasks, err := db.GetTasksFromDateRange(p.TimeStart, p.TimeEnd, p.Repo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return matchTasks(tasks, p), nil
// RemoteDB allows retrieving tasks and jobs and full access to comments.
type RemoteDB interface {
// DB implements TaskDB, JobDB, and CommentDB.
type DB interface {
// DBCloser is a DB that must be closed when no longer in use.
type DBCloser interface {
// federatedDB joins an independent TaskDB, JobDB, and CommentDB into a DB.
type federatedDB struct {
// NewDB returns a DB that delegates to independent TaskDB, JobDB, and
// CommentDB.
func NewDB(tdb TaskDB, jdb JobDB, cdb CommentDB) DB {
return &federatedDB{
TaskDB: tdb,
JobDB: jdb,
CommentDB: cdb,
// BackupDBCloser is a DBCloser that provides backups.
type BackupDBCloser interface {
// WriteBackup writes a backup of the DB to the given io.Writer.
WriteBackup(io.Writer) error
// SetIncrementalBackupTime marks the given time as a checkpoint for
// incremental backups.
SetIncrementalBackupTime(time.Time) error
// GetIncrementalBackupTime returns the most recent time provided to
// SetIncrementalBackupTime. Any incremental backups taken after the returned
// time should be reapplied to the DB.
GetIncrementalBackupTime() (time.Time, error)
// GetTasksFromWindow returns all tasks matching the given Window from the
// TaskReader.
func GetTasksFromWindow(db TaskReader, w *window.Window, now time.Time) ([]*types.Task, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
startTimesByRepo := w.StartTimesByRepo()
if len(startTimesByRepo) == 0 {
// If the timeWindow has no associated repos, default to loading
// tasks for all repos from the beginning of the timeWindow.
startTimesByRepo[""] = w.EarliestStart()
tasks := make([]*types.Task, 0, 1024)
for repo, start := range startTimesByRepo {
sklog.Infof("Reading Tasks from %s to %s.", start, now)
t0 := time.Now()
t, err := db.GetTasksFromDateRange(start, now, repo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sklog.Infof("Read %d tasks in %s", len(t), time.Now().Sub(t0))
tasks = append(tasks, t...)
return tasks, nil
var errNotModified = errors.New("Task not modified")
// UpdateDBFromSwarmingTask updates a task in db from data in s.
func UpdateDBFromSwarmingTask(db TaskDB, s *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskResult) error {
id, err := swarming.GetTagValue(s, types.SWARMING_TAG_ID)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = UpdateTaskWithRetries(db, id, func(task *types.Task) error {
modified, err := task.UpdateFromSwarming(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if !modified {
return errNotModified
return nil
if err == errNotModified {
return nil
} else {
return err