blob: 6b82d00dfbcf73e5dccf3da925b036e9c1eed381 [file] [log] [blame]
package cache
import (
const (
// Allocate enough space for this many tasks.
type TaskCache interface {
// GetTask returns the task with the given ID, or an error if no such task exists.
GetTask(string) (*types.Task, error)
// GetTaskMaybeExpired does the same as GetTask but tries to dig into
// the DB in case the Task is old enough to have scrolled out of the
// cache window.
GetTaskMaybeExpired(string) (*types.Task, error)
// GetTaskForCommit retrieves the task with the given name which ran at the
// given commit, or nil if no such task exists.
GetTaskForCommit(string, string, string) (*types.Task, error)
// GetTasksByKey returns the tasks with the given TaskKey, sorted
// by creation time.
GetTasksByKey(*types.TaskKey) ([]*types.Task, error)
// GetTasksForCommits retrieves all tasks which included[1] each of the
// given commits. Returns a map whose keys are commit hashes and values are
// sub-maps whose keys are task spec names and values are tasks.
// 1) Blamelist calculation is outside the scope of the taskCache, but the
// implied assumption here is that there is at most one task for each
// task spec which has a given commit in its blamelist. The user is
// responsible for inserting tasks into the database so that this invariant
// is maintained. Generally, a more recent task will "steal" commits from an
// earlier task's blamelist, if the blamelists overlap. There are three
// cases to consider:
// 1. The newer task ran at a newer commit than the older task. Its
// blamelist consists of all commits not covered by the previous task,
// and therefore does not overlap with the older task's blamelist.
// 2. The newer task ran at the same commit as the older task. Its
// blamelist is the same as the previous task's blamelist, and
// therefore it "steals" all commits from the previous task, whose
// blamelist becomes empty.
// 3. The newer task ran at a commit which was in the previous task's
// blamelist. Its blamelist consists of the commits in the previous
// task's blamelist which it also covered. Those commits move out of
// the previous task's blamelist and into the newer task's blamelist.
GetTasksForCommits(string, []string) (map[string]map[string]*types.Task, error)
// GetTasksFromDateRange retrieves all tasks which were created in the given
// date range.
GetTasksFromDateRange(from time.Time, to time.Time) ([]*types.Task, error)
// KnownTaskName returns true iff the given task name has been seen
// before for a non-forced, non-tryjob run.
KnownTaskName(string, string) bool
// UnfinishedTasks returns a list of tasks which were not finished at
// the time of the last cache update. Fake tasks are not included.
UnfinishedTasks() ([]*types.Task, error)
// Update loads new tasks from the database.
Update() error
type taskCache struct {
db db.TaskReader
// map[repo_name][task_spec_name]Task.Created for most recent Task.
knownTaskNames map[string]map[string]time.Time
mtx sync.RWMutex
queryId string
tasks map[string]*types.Task
// map[repo_name][commit_hash][task_spec_name]*Task
tasksByCommit map[string]map[string]map[string]*types.Task
// map[TaskKey]map[task_id]*Task
tasksByKey map[types.TaskKey]map[string]*types.Task
// tasksByTime is sorted by Task.Created.
tasksByTime []*types.Task
timeWindow *window.Window
unfinished map[string]*types.Task
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) GetTask(id string) (*types.Task, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
if t, ok := c.tasks[id]; ok {
return t.Copy(), nil
return nil, db.ErrNotFound
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) GetTaskMaybeExpired(id string) (*types.Task, error) {
t, err := c.GetTask(id)
if err == nil {
return t, nil
} else if err != db.ErrNotFound {
return nil, err
// Fall back to searching the DB.
t, err = c.db.GetTaskById(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if t == nil {
return nil, db.ErrNotFound
return t, nil
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) GetTasksByKey(k *types.TaskKey) ([]*types.Task, error) {
if !k.Valid() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("TaskKey is invalid: %v", k)
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
tasks := c.tasksByKey[*k]
rv := make([]*types.Task, 0, len(tasks))
for _, t := range tasks {
rv = append(rv, t.Copy())
return rv, nil
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) GetTasksForCommits(repo string, commits []string) (map[string]map[string]*types.Task, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
rv := make(map[string]map[string]*types.Task, len(commits))
commitMap := c.tasksByCommit[repo]
for _, commit := range commits {
if tasks, ok := commitMap[commit]; ok {
rv[commit] = make(map[string]*types.Task, len(tasks))
for k, v := range tasks {
rv[commit][k] = v.Copy()
} else {
rv[commit] = map[string]*types.Task{}
return rv, nil
// searchTaskSlice returns the index in tasks of the first Task whose Created
// time is >= ts.
func searchTaskSlice(tasks []*types.Task, ts time.Time) int {
return sort.Search(len(tasks), func(i int) bool {
return !tasks[i].Created.Before(ts)
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) GetTasksFromDateRange(from time.Time, to time.Time) ([]*types.Task, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
fromIdx := searchTaskSlice(c.tasksByTime, from)
toIdx := searchTaskSlice(c.tasksByTime, to)
rv := make([]*types.Task, toIdx-fromIdx)
for i, task := range c.tasksByTime[fromIdx:toIdx] {
rv[i] = task.Copy()
return rv, nil
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) KnownTaskName(repo, name string) bool {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
_, ok := c.knownTaskNames[repo][name]
return ok
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) GetTaskForCommit(repo, commit, name string) (*types.Task, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
commitMap, ok := c.tasksByCommit[repo]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
if tasks, ok := commitMap[commit]; ok {
if t, ok := tasks[name]; ok {
return t.Copy(), nil
return nil, nil
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) UnfinishedTasks() ([]*types.Task, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*types.Task, 0, len(c.unfinished))
for _, t := range c.unfinished {
rv = append(rv, t.Copy())
return rv, nil
// removeFromTasksByCommit removes task (which must be a previously-inserted
// Task, not a new Task) from c.tasksByCommit for all of task.Commits. Assumes
// the caller holds a lock.
func (c *taskCache) removeFromTasksByCommit(task *types.Task) {
if commitMap, ok := c.tasksByCommit[task.Repo]; ok {
for _, commit := range task.Commits {
// Shouldn't be necessary to check other.Id == task.Id, but being paranoid.
if other, ok := commitMap[commit][task.Name]; ok && other.Id == task.Id {
delete(commitMap[commit], task.Name)
if len(commitMap[commit]) == 0 {
delete(commitMap, commit)
// expireTasks removes data from c whose Created time is before the beginning
// of the Window. Assumes the caller holds a lock. This is a helper for
// expireAndUpdate.
func (c *taskCache) expireTasks() {
for repoUrl, nameMap := range c.knownTaskNames {
for name, ts := range nameMap {
if !c.timeWindow.TestTime(repoUrl, ts) {
delete(nameMap, name)
for i, task := range c.tasksByTime {
if c.timeWindow.TestTime(task.Repo, task.Created) {
c.tasksByTime = c.tasksByTime[i:]
// Tasks by ID.
delete(c.tasks, task.Id)
// Tasks by commit.
// Tasks by key.
byKey, ok := c.tasksByKey[task.TaskKey]
if ok {
delete(byKey, task.Id)
if len(byKey) == 0 {
delete(c.tasksByKey, task.TaskKey)
// Tasks by time.
c.tasksByTime[i] = nil // Allow GC.
// Unfinished tasks.
if _, ok := c.unfinished[task.Id]; ok {
sklog.Warningf("Found unfinished task that is so old it is being expired. %#v", task)
delete(c.unfinished, task.Id)
if len(c.tasksByTime) > 0 {
sklog.Warningf("All tasks expired because they are outside the window.")
c.tasksByTime = nil
// insertOrUpdateTask inserts task into the cache if it is a new task, or
// updates the existing entries if not. Assumes the caller holds a lock. This is
// a helper for expireAndUpdate.
func (c *taskCache) insertOrUpdateTask(task *types.Task) {
old, isUpdate := c.tasks[task.Id]
// Insert the new task into the main map.
c.tasks[task.Id] = task
// Insert into tasksByKey.
byKey, ok := c.tasksByKey[task.TaskKey]
if !ok {
byKey = map[string]*types.Task{}
c.tasksByKey[task.TaskKey] = byKey
byKey[task.Id] = task
if isUpdate {
// If we already know about this task, the blamelist might have changed, so
// we need to remove it from tasksByCommit and re-insert where needed.
// Insert the task into tasksByCommits.
commitMap, ok := c.tasksByCommit[task.Repo]
if !ok {
commitMap = map[string]map[string]*types.Task{}
c.tasksByCommit[task.Repo] = commitMap
for _, commit := range task.Commits {
if _, ok := commitMap[commit]; !ok {
commitMap[commit] = map[string]*types.Task{}
commitMap[commit][task.Name] = task
if isUpdate {
// Loop in case there are multiple tasks with the same Created time.
for i := searchTaskSlice(c.tasksByTime, task.Created); i < len(c.tasksByTime); i++ {
other := c.tasksByTime[i]
if other.Id == task.Id {
c.tasksByTime[i] = task
if !other.Created.Equal(task.Created) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("taskCache inconsistent; c.tasks contains task not in c.tasksByTime. old: %v, task: %v", old, task))
} else {
// If profiling indicates this code is slow or GCs too much, see
// for a different implementation.
// Most common case is that the new task should be inserted at the end.
if len(c.tasksByTime) == 0 {
c.tasksByTime = append(make([]*types.Task, 0, TASKS_INIT_CAPACITY), task)
} else if lastTask := c.tasksByTime[len(c.tasksByTime)-1]; !task.Created.Before(lastTask.Created) {
c.tasksByTime = append(c.tasksByTime, task)
} else {
insertIdx := searchTaskSlice(c.tasksByTime, task.Created)
// Extend size by one:
c.tasksByTime = append(c.tasksByTime, nil)
// Move later elements out of the way:
copy(c.tasksByTime[insertIdx+1:], c.tasksByTime[insertIdx:])
// Assign at the correct index:
c.tasksByTime[insertIdx] = task
// Unfinished tasks.
if !task.Done() && !task.Fake() {
c.unfinished[task.Id] = task
} else if isUpdate {
delete(c.unfinished, task.Id)
// Known task names.
if !task.IsForceRun() && !task.IsTryJob() {
if nameMap, ok := c.knownTaskNames[task.Repo]; ok {
if ts, ok := nameMap[task.Name]; !ok || ts.Before(task.Created) {
nameMap[task.Name] = task.Created
} else {
c.knownTaskNames[task.Repo] = map[string]time.Time{task.Name: task.Created}
// expireAndUpdate removes Tasks outside the window from the cache and inserts
// new/updated tasks into the cache. Assumes the caller holds a lock. Assumes
// tasks are sorted by Created timestamp.
func (c *taskCache) expireAndUpdate(tasks []*types.Task) {
for _, t := range tasks {
if c.timeWindow.TestTime(t.Repo, t.Created) {
// reset re-initializes c. Assumes the caller holds a lock.
func (c *taskCache) reset() error {
if c.queryId != "" {
queryId, err := c.db.StartTrackingModifiedTasks()
if err != nil {
return err
tasks, err := db.GetTasksFromWindow(c.db, c.timeWindow, time.Now())
if err != nil {
return err
c.knownTaskNames = map[string]map[string]time.Time{}
c.queryId = queryId
c.tasks = map[string]*types.Task{}
c.tasksByCommit = map[string]map[string]map[string]*types.Task{}
c.tasksByKey = map[types.TaskKey]map[string]*types.Task{}
c.unfinished = map[string]*types.Task{}
return nil
// See documentation for TaskCache interface.
func (c *taskCache) Update() error {
defer c.mtx.Unlock()
newTasks, err := c.db.GetModifiedTasks(c.queryId)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Connection to db lost; re-initializing cache from scratch.")
if err := c.reset(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
// NewTaskCache returns a local cache which provides more convenient views of
// task data than the database can provide.
func NewTaskCache(d db.TaskReader, timeWindow *window.Window) (TaskCache, error) {
tc := &taskCache{
db: d,
timeWindow: timeWindow,
if err := tc.reset(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return tc, nil
type JobCache interface {
// GetAllCachedJobs returns every job in the cache.
GetAllCachedJobs() []*types.Job
// GetJob returns the job with the given ID, or an error if no such job exists.
GetJob(string) (*types.Job, error)
// GetJobMaybeExpired does the same as GetJob but tries to dig into the
// DB in case the Job is old enough to have scrolled out of the cache
// window.
GetJobMaybeExpired(string) (*types.Job, error)
// GetJobsByRepoState retrieves all known jobs with the given name at
// the given RepoState. Does not search the underlying DB.
GetJobsByRepoState(string, types.RepoState) ([]*types.Job, error)
// GetMatchingJobsFromDateRange retrieves all jobs which were created
// in the given date range and match one of the given job names.
GetMatchingJobsFromDateRange(names []string, from time.Time, to time.Time) (map[string][]*types.Job, error)
// ScheduledJobsForCommit indicates whether or not we triggered any jobs
// for the given repo/commit.
ScheduledJobsForCommit(string, string) (bool, error)
// UnfinishedJobs returns a list of jobs which were not finished at
// the time of the last cache update.
UnfinishedJobs() ([]*types.Job, error)
// Update loads new jobs from the database.
Update() error
type jobCache struct {
db db.JobReader
getRevisionTimestamp db.GetRevisionTimestamp
mtx sync.RWMutex
queryId string
jobs map[string]*types.Job
jobsByNameAndState map[types.RepoState]map[string]map[string]*types.Job
timeWindow *window.Window
triggeredForCommit map[string]map[string]bool
unfinished map[string]*types.Job
// getJobTimestamp returns the timestamp of a Job for purposes of cache
// expiration.
func (c *jobCache) getJobTimestamp(job *types.Job) time.Time {
return job.Created
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) GetAllCachedJobs() []*types.Job {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*types.Job, 0, len(
for _, j := range {
rv = append(rv, j.Copy())
return rv
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) GetJob(id string) (*types.Job, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
if j, ok :=[id]; ok {
return j.Copy(), nil
return nil, db.ErrNotFound
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) GetJobMaybeExpired(id string) (*types.Job, error) {
j, err := c.GetJob(id)
if err == nil {
return j, nil
if err != db.ErrNotFound {
return nil, err
return c.db.GetJobById(id)
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) GetJobsByRepoState(name string, rs types.RepoState) ([]*types.Job, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
jobs := c.jobsByNameAndState[rs][name]
rv := make([]*types.Job, 0, len(jobs))
for _, j := range jobs {
rv = append(rv, j)
return rv, nil
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) GetMatchingJobsFromDateRange(names []string, from time.Time, to time.Time) (map[string][]*types.Job, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
m := make(map[string]bool, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
m[name] = true
rv := make(map[string][]*types.Job, len(names))
for _, job := range {
if !from.After(job.Created) && job.Created.Before(to) && m[job.Name] {
rv[job.Name] = append(rv[job.Name], job)
return rv, nil
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) ScheduledJobsForCommit(repo, rev string) (bool, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
return c.triggeredForCommit[repo][rev], nil
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) UnfinishedJobs() ([]*types.Job, error) {
defer c.mtx.RUnlock()
rv := make([]*types.Job, 0, len(c.unfinished))
for _, t := range c.unfinished {
rv = append(rv, t.Copy())
return rv, nil
// expireJobs removes data from c where getJobTimestamp or getRevisionTimestamp
// is before start. Assumes the caller holds a lock. This is a helper for
// expireAndUpdate.
func (c *jobCache) expireJobs() {
expiredUnfinishedCount := 0
for _, job := range {
if !c.timeWindow.TestTime(job.Repo, c.getJobTimestamp(job)) {
delete(, job.Id)
delete(c.unfinished, job.Id)
byName := c.jobsByNameAndState[job.RepoState]
byId := byName[job.Name]
delete(byId, job.Id)
if len(byId) == 0 {
delete(byName, job.Name)
if len(byName) == 0 {
delete(c.jobsByNameAndState, job.RepoState)
if !job.Done() {
if expiredUnfinishedCount > 0 {
sklog.Infof("Expired %d unfinished jobs created before window.", expiredUnfinishedCount)
for repo, revMap := range c.triggeredForCommit {
for rev := range revMap {
ts, err := c.getRevisionTimestamp(repo, rev)
if err != nil {
// TODO(borenet): Only warn for skcms, since we
// exclude it in datahopper due to DB load times.
if repo == common.REPO_SKCMS {
} else {
if !c.timeWindow.TestTime(repo, ts) {
delete(revMap, rev)
// insertOrUpdateJob inserts the new/updated job into the cache. Assumes the
// caller holds a lock. This is a helper for expireAndUpdate.
func (c *jobCache) insertOrUpdateJob(job *types.Job) {
// Insert the new job into the main map.[job.Id] = job
// Map by RepoState, Name, and ID.
byName, ok := c.jobsByNameAndState[job.RepoState]
if !ok {
byName = map[string]map[string]*types.Job{}
c.jobsByNameAndState[job.RepoState] = byName
byId, ok := byName[job.Name]
if !ok {
byId = map[string]*types.Job{}
byName[job.Name] = byId
byId[job.Id] = job
// ScheduledJobsForCommit.
if !job.IsForce && !job.IsTryJob() {
if _, ok := c.triggeredForCommit[job.Repo]; !ok {
c.triggeredForCommit[job.Repo] = map[string]bool{}
c.triggeredForCommit[job.Repo][job.Revision] = true
// Unfinished jobs.
if job.Done() {
delete(c.unfinished, job.Id)
} else {
c.unfinished[job.Id] = job
// expireAndUpdate removes Jobs before the window and inserts the
// new/updated jobs into the cache. Assumes the caller holds a lock.
func (c *jobCache) expireAndUpdate(jobs []*types.Job) {
for _, job := range jobs {
ts := c.getJobTimestamp(job)
if !c.timeWindow.TestTime(job.Repo, ts) {
//sklog.Warningf("Updated job %s after expired. getJobTimestamp returned %s. %#v", job.Id, ts, job)
} else {
// reset re-initializes c. Assumes the caller holds a lock.
func (c *jobCache) reset() error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
if c.queryId != "" {
queryId, err := c.db.StartTrackingModifiedJobs()
if err != nil {
return err
now := time.Now()
start := c.timeWindow.EarliestStart()
sklog.Infof("Reading Jobs from %s to %s.", start, now)
t0 := time.Now()
jobs, err := c.db.GetJobsFromDateRange(start, now)
if err != nil {
return err
c.queryId = queryId = map[string]*types.Job{}
c.jobsByNameAndState = map[types.RepoState]map[string]map[string]*types.Job{}
c.triggeredForCommit = map[string]map[string]bool{}
c.unfinished = map[string]*types.Job{}
sklog.Infof("Read %d jobs in %s", len(jobs), time.Now().Sub(t0))
return nil
// See documentation for JobCache interface.
func (c *jobCache) Update() error {
defer c.mtx.Unlock()
newJobs, err := c.db.GetModifiedJobs(c.queryId)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Connection to db lost; re-initializing cache from scratch.")
if err := c.reset(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
// NewJobCache returns a local cache which provides more convenient views of
// job data than the database can provide.
func NewJobCache(d db.JobReader, timeWindow *window.Window, getRevisionTimestamp db.GetRevisionTimestamp) (JobCache, error) {
tc := &jobCache{
db: d,
getRevisionTimestamp: getRevisionTimestamp,
timeWindow: timeWindow,
if err := tc.reset(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return tc, nil
// GitRepoGetRevisionTimestamp returns a GetRevisionTimestamp function that gets
// the revision timestamp from repos, which maps repo name to *repograph.Graph.
func GitRepoGetRevisionTimestamp(repos repograph.Map) db.GetRevisionTimestamp {
return func(repo, revision string) (time.Time, error) {
r, ok := repos[repo]
if !ok {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("Unknown repo %s", repo)
c := r.Get(revision)
if c == nil {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("Unknown commit %s@%s", repo, revision)
return c.Timestamp, nil