blob: 46dc90db9bad2b2e6234f1ceaf9f06c9cdb13579 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package query provides tools for searching over structured keys.
// One example of such a structured key is a Trace id. A key is simply a
// string, but with a very specific format. The parameters are serialized so
// that the parameter names appear in alphabetical order, and each name=value
// pair is delimited by a comma. For example, this map:
// a := map[string]string{"d": "w", "a": "b", "c": "d"}
// Would be serialized as this key:
// ,a=b,c=d,d=w,
// Structured keys are a serialization of a map[string]string, so duplicate
// parameter names are not allowed.
// Structuctured key parameter names and values are restricted to the following
// chars:
// [a-zA-Z0-9._-]
package query
import (
var (
invalidChar = regexp.MustCompile("([^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-])")
keyRe = regexp.MustCompile("^,([a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]+=[a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]+,)+$")
paramRe = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]+$")
QueryWillNeverMatch = errors.New("Query will never match.")
func clean(s string) string {
return invalidChar.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "_")
// ForceValid ensures that the resulting map will make a valid structured key.
func ForceValid(m map[string]string) map[string]string {
ret := make(map[string]string, len(m))
for key, value := range m {
ret[clean(key)] = clean(value)
return ret
// ValidateKey returns true if a key is valid, i.e. if the parameter names are
// in alphabetical order and if the param names and values are restricted to
// valid values.
func ValidateKey(key string) bool {
if !keyRe.MatchString(key) {
return false
parts := strings.Split(key, ",")
if len(parts) < 3 {
return true
parts = parts[1 : len(parts)-1]
if !sort.IsSorted(sort.StringSlice(parts)) {
return false
lastName := ""
for _, s := range parts {
pair := strings.Split(s, "=")
if len(pair) != 2 {
return false
if lastName == pair[0] {
return false
lastName = pair[0]
return true
// MakeKey returns a structured key from the given map[string]string, or a
// non-nil error if the parameter names or values violate the structured key
// restrictions.
func MakeKey(m map[string]string) (string, error) {
if len(m) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Map must have at least one entry.")
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
if !paramRe.MatchString(k) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Key contains invalid characters: %q", k)
keys = append(keys, k)
ret := ","
for _, k := range keys {
if !paramRe.MatchString(m[k]) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Value contains invalid characters: %q", m[k])
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s,", k, m[k])
return ret, nil
// MakeKeyFast returns a structured key from the given map[string]string. It
// does no validation on names or values. This is important if you are making
// keys from a large number of go routines, as regexp doesn't handle that case
// very well. See
func MakeKeyFast(m map[string]string) (string, error) {
ret := []string{","}
if len(m) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Map must have at least one entry.")
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
ret = append(ret, k, "=", m[k], ",")
return strings.Join(ret, ""), nil
// ParseKey parses the structured key, and if valid, returns the parsed values
// as a map[string]string, otherwise is returns a non-nil error.
func ParseKey(key string) (map[string]string, error) {
if !keyRe.MatchString(key) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Key is not valid, fails to match regex: %s", key)
ret := map[string]string{}
parts := strings.Split(key, ",")
if len(parts) < 3 {
// Maybe should be an error?
return map[string]string{}, nil
parts = parts[1 : len(parts)-1]
if !sort.IsSorted(sort.StringSlice(parts)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Key is not valid, params are unsorted: %v", parts)
lastName := ""
for _, s := range parts {
pair := strings.Split(s, "=")
if len(pair) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid key=value pair: %s", s)
if lastName == pair[0] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Duplicate key: %s", s)
ret[pair[0]] = pair[1]
lastName = pair[0]
return ret, nil
// queryParam represents a query on a particular parameter in a key.
type queryParam struct {
keyMatch string // The param key, including the leading "," and trailing "=".
keyMatchLen int // The length of keyMatch.
isWildCard bool // True if this is a wildcard value match.
isRegex bool // True if this is a regex value match.
isNegative bool // True if this is a negative value match.
values []string // The potential matches for the value.
reg *regexp.Regexp // The regexp to match against, if a regexp search.
// Query represents a query against a key, i.e. Query.Matches can return true
// or false if a given key matches the query. For example, this query will find all
// keys that have a value of 565 for 'config' and true for 'debug':
// q := New(url.Values{"config": []string{"565"}, "debug": []string{"true"}})
// This will find all keys that have a value of '565' or '8888':
// q := New(url.Values{"config": []string{"565", "8888"}})
// If the first parameter value is preceeded with an '!' then the match is negated,
// i.e. this query will match all keys that have a 'config' param, but whose value
// is not '565'.
// q := New(url.Values{"config": []string{"!565"}})
// If the parameter value is '*' then the match will match all keys that have
// that parameter name. I.e. this will match all keys that have a parameter
// named 'config', regardless of the value:
// q := New(url.Values{"config": []string{"*"}})
// If the parameter value begins with '~' then the rest of the value is interpreted
// as a regular expression. I.e. this will match all keys that have a parameter
// named 'arch' that begin with 'x':
// q := New(url.Values{"arch": []string{"~^x"}})
// Here is more complex example that matches all tests that have the 'name'
// parameter with a value of 'desk_nytimes.skp', a 'config' param that does not
// equal '565' or '8888', and has an 'extra_config' parameter of any value.
// q := New(url.Values{
// "name": "desk_nytimes.skp",
// "config": []string{"!565", "8888"},
// "extra_config": []string{"*"}})
type Query struct {
// These are in alphabetical order of parameter name.
params []queryParam
// String returns a minimal string representation of the Query.
func (q *Query) String() string {
ret := []string{}
for _, p := range q.params {
ret = append(ret, p.values...)
ret = append(ret, " ")
return strings.Join(ret, "")
// New creates a Query from the given url.Values. It represents a query to be
// used against keys.
func New(q url.Values) (*Query, error) {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(q))
for k := range q {
keys = append(keys, k)
params := make([]queryParam, 0, len(q))
for _, key := range keys {
keyMatch := "," + key + "="
isWildCard := false
isRegex := false
isNegative := false
values := q[key]
var reg *regexp.Regexp
var err error
// Is this param query a wildcard?
if len(q[key]) == 1 {
if q[key][0] == "*" {
isWildCard = true
if q[key][0][:1] == "~" {
isRegex = true
reg, err = regexp.Compile(q[key][0][1:])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error compiling regexp %q: %s", q[key][0][1:], err)
// Is this param query a negative match?
if len(q[key]) >= 1 {
if strings.HasPrefix(q[key][0], "!") {
isNegative = true
values = []string{}
for _, v := range q[key] {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "!") {
values = append(values, v[1:])
} else {
values = append(values, v)
params = append(params, queryParam{
keyMatch: keyMatch,
keyMatchLen: len(keyMatch),
isWildCard: isWildCard,
isRegex: isRegex,
isNegative: isNegative,
values: values,
reg: reg,
return &Query{params: params}, nil
// Empty returns true of the Query is empty, i.e. it will match any trace.
func (q *Query) Empty() bool {
return len(q.params) == 0
// Matches returns true if the given structured key matches the query.
func (q *Query) Matches(s string) bool {
// Search forward in the given structured key. Since q.params are in
// alphabetical order and structured keys have their params in alphabetical
// order we can always search forward in the structured key, i.e. once
// we've matched to a certain index in the string we can shorten the string
// and only search the remaining chars.
for _, part := range q.params {
// First find the key.
keyIndex := strings.Index(s, part.keyMatch)
if keyIndex == -1 {
return false
// Truncate to the key.
s = s[keyIndex+part.keyMatchLen:]
if part.isWildCard {
// Extract the value string.
valueIndex := strings.Index(s, ",")
value := s[:valueIndex]
if part.isRegex {
if !part.reg.MatchString(value) {
return false
} else if part.isNegative == util.In(value, part.values) {
return false
// Truncate to the value.
s = s[valueIndex:]
return true
// appendRegexForFilter will attach a regex to 'ret' for every value in
// 'values' that matches the given 'filter'.
func appendRegexForFilter(keyIndex string, values []string, part queryParam, ret *[]string, filter func(string) bool) error {
toBeORd := []string{}
for index, value := range values {
if filter(value) {
toBeORd = append(toBeORd, fmt.Sprintf(`(,%s=%s\b)`, keyIndex, strconv.Itoa(index)))
if len(toBeORd) == 0 {
return QueryWillNeverMatch
*ret = append(*ret, "(", strings.Join(toBeORd, "|"), ").*")
return nil
// Regexp returns a *regexp.Regex that can be used against OrderedParamSet
// encoded Params, which are structured keys of indicies.
// Note that the returned regexp is RE2 compliant
// ( and can be used in Cloud BigTable.
// That is, if you have a Params:
// Params{"config":"8888", "arch":"x86"}
// And an OrderedParamSet:
// ops := &paramtools.OrderedParamSet{
// KeyOrder: []string{"config", "foo", "arch"},
// ParamSet: paramtools.ParamSet{
// "config": []string{"565", "8888", "gpu"},
// "arch": []string{"x86", "arm", "riscv"},
// "foo": []string{"bar"},
// },
// }
// It would encode that Params as:
// ,0=1,2=0,
// Then a query of the form:
// url.Values{"arch": []string{"x86", "riscv"}, "config": []string{"*"}}
// Would produce a Regexp using that OrderedParamSet:
// ,0=[^,]+\b.*((,2=0\b)|(,2=2\b)).*
// Which does match the Encoded Params:
// ,0=1,2=0,
func (q *Query) Regexp(ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
// ret is the strings that make up the regular expression we are building.
ret := []string{}
// Loop over KeyOrder, we don't care about the q.params order.
for index, key := range ops.KeyOrder {
for _, part := range q.params {
// Strip the , and = from part.keyMatch.
partKey := part.keyMatch[1 : len(part.keyMatch)-1]
if partKey == key {
// WildCard, Regex and Negative are all mutually exclusive.
keyIndex := strconv.Itoa(index)
values := ops.ParamSet[key]
var err error = nil
if part.isWildCard {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf(`,%s=[^,]+\b`, keyIndex))
} else if part.isRegex {
err = appendRegexForFilter(keyIndex, values, part, &ret, func(value string) bool {
return part.reg.MatchString(value)
} else if part.isNegative {
err = appendRegexForFilter(keyIndex, values, part, &ret, func(value string) bool {
return !util.In(value, part.values)
} else {
err = appendRegexForFilter(keyIndex, values, part, &ret, func(value string) bool {
return util.In(value, part.values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return regexp.Compile(strings.Join(ret, ""))