blob: c9ffe15c5d147a87ec168cf861dcfd4af0923a82 [file] [log] [blame]
package gitstore
import (
multierror ""
// shardedResults collects the results of call to iterShardedRange.
type shardedResults interface {
// Add adds the result of a shard.
Add(shard uint32, row bigtable.Row) error
// Finish indicates that the shard is done processing its results.
Finish(shard uint32)
// srIndexCommits implements the shardedResults interface for collecting results that are vcsinfo.IndexCommits
type srIndexCommits struct {
errs []*multierror.Error
results [][]*vcsinfo.IndexCommit
retSize int64
// create a new instance to collect IndexCommits.
func newSRIndexCommits(shards uint32) *srIndexCommits {
return &srIndexCommits{
results: make([][]*vcsinfo.IndexCommit, shards),
errs: make([]*multierror.Error, shards),
// Add implements the shardedResults interface.
func (s *srIndexCommits) Add(shard uint32, row bigtable.Row) error {
idx := parseIndex(keyFromRowName(row.Key()))
if idx < 0 {
return skerr.Fmt("Unable to parse index key %q. Invalid index", row.Key())
var hash string
var timeStamp bigtable.Timestamp
prefix := cfCommit + ":"
for _, col := range row[cfCommit] {
if strings.TrimPrefix(col.Column, prefix) == colHash {
hash = string(col.Value)
timeStamp = col.Timestamp
s.results[shard] = append(s.results[shard], &vcsinfo.IndexCommit{
Index: idx,
Hash: hash,
Timestamp: timeStamp.Time().UTC(),
return nil
// Finish implements the shardedResults interface.
func (s *srIndexCommits) Finish(shard uint32) {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.retSize, int64(len(s.results)))
// Sorted returns the resulting IndexCommits by Index->TimeStamp->Hash.
// Using the hash ensures results with identical timestamps are sorted stably.
func (s *srIndexCommits) Sorted() []*vcsinfo.IndexCommit {
// Concatenate the shard results into a single output and sort it.
ret := make([]*vcsinfo.IndexCommit, 0, s.retSize)
for _, sr := range s.results {
ret = append(ret, sr...)
sort.Slice(ret, func(i, j int) bool {
return ret[i].Index < ret[j].Index ||
((ret[i].Index == ret[j].Index) && ret[i].Timestamp.Before(ret[j].Timestamp)) ||
((ret[i].Index == ret[j].Index) && ret[i].Timestamp.Equal(ret[j].Timestamp) &&
(ret[i].Hash < ret[j].Hash))
return ret
// srTimestampCommits is an adaptation of srIndexCommits that extracts a different
// column family from a timestamp-based index. Otherwise it is identical.
type srTimestampCommits struct {
// newSRTimestampCommits creates a new instance to receive timestamp based IndexCommits.
func newSRTimestampCommits(shards uint32) *srTimestampCommits {
return &srTimestampCommits{
srIndexCommits: newSRIndexCommits(shards),
// Add implements the shardedResults interface and overrides the Add function in srIndexCommits.
func (s *srTimestampCommits) Add(shard uint32, row bigtable.Row) error {
prefix := cfTsCommit + ":"
for _, col := range row[cfTsCommit] {
hash := strings.TrimPrefix(col.Column, prefix)
timeStamp := col.Timestamp
s.results[shard] = append(s.results[shard], &vcsinfo.IndexCommit{
Hash: hash,
Timestamp: timeStamp.Time().UTC(),
return nil
// rawNodesResults implements the shardedResults interface for rows necessary to build the
// commit graph. It collects slices of strings, where the first string is the commit hash and
// all subsequent strings are its parents.
type rawNodesResult struct {
errs []*multierror.Error
results [][][]string
timeStamps [][]time.Time
retSize int64
// newRawNodesResult creates a new
func newRawNodesResult(shards uint32) *rawNodesResult {
return &rawNodesResult{
results: make([][][]string, shards),
timeStamps: make([][]time.Time, shards),
errs: make([]*multierror.Error, shards),
// rawNodeColPrefix is the prefix of column names.
const rawNodeColPrefix = cfCommit + ":"
// Add implements the shardedResults interface.
func (r *rawNodesResult) Add(shard uint32, row bigtable.Row) error {
var commitHash string
var parents []string
var timeStamp bigtable.Timestamp
for _, col := range row[cfCommit] {
switch strings.TrimPrefix(col.Column, rawNodeColPrefix) {
case colHash:
commitHash = string(col.Value)
timeStamp = col.Timestamp
case colParents:
if len(col.Value) > 0 {
parents = strings.Split(string(col.Value), ":")
hp := make([]string, 0, 1+len(parents))
hp = append(hp, commitHash)
hp = append(hp, parents...)
r.results[shard] = append(r.results[shard], hp)
r.timeStamps[shard] = append(r.timeStamps[shard], timeStamp.Time())
return nil
// Add implements the shardedResults interface.
func (r *rawNodesResult) Finish(shard uint32) {
atomic.AddInt64(&r.retSize, int64(len(r.results)))
// Merge merges the results of all shards into one slice of string slices. These are unordered
// since structure will be imposed by building a CommitGraph from it.
func (r *rawNodesResult) Merge() ([][]string, []time.Time) {
ret := make([][]string, 0, r.retSize)
timeStamps := make([]time.Time, 0, r.retSize)
for idx, shardResults := range r.results {
ret = append(ret, shardResults...)
timeStamps = append(timeStamps, r.timeStamps[idx]...)
return ret, timeStamps