blob: 8cbf932abfcdca63396dfe2719ee55d47331ab53 [file] [log] [blame]
package config
import (
// The Common struct is a set of configuration values that are the same across all instances.
// Not all instances will use every field in Common, but every field in Common is used in at least
// two instances (otherwise, it can be deferred to the config specific to its only user). Common
// should be embedded in all configs specific to a given instance (aka. "Specific Configs").
// If a field is defined in both Common and a given specific config, there will be problems, so
// don't do that.
type Common struct {
// One or more code review systems that we support linking to / commenting on, etc. Used also to
// identify valid CLs when ingesting data.
CodeReviewSystems []CodeReviewSystem `json:"code_review_systems"`
// Google Cloud Storage bucket name.
GCSBucket string `json:"gcs_bucket"`
// The primary branch of the git repo to track, e.g. "main".
GitRepoBranch string `json:"git_repo_branch"`
// The URL to the git repo that this instance tracks.
GitRepoURL string `json:"git_repo_url"`
// GCS path, where the known hashes file should be stored. Format: <bucket>/<path>.
KnownHashesGCSPath string `json:"known_hashes_gcs_path"`
// Metrics service address (e.g., ':20000')
PromPort string `json:"prom_port"`
// Project ID that houses the pubsub topic.
PubsubProjectID string `json:"pubsub_project_id"`
// The port to provide a web handler for /healthz and any other web requests.
ReadyPort string `json:"ready_port"`
// URL where this app is hosted.
SiteURL string `json:"site_url"`
// SQL username, host and port; typically root@localhost:26234 or root@gold-cockroachdb:26234
SQLConnection string `json:"sql_connection" optional:"true"`
// SQL Database name; typically the instance id. e.g. 'flutter', 'skia', etc
SQLDatabaseName string `json:"sql_database" optional:"true"`
// TracingProportion overrides the per-service default, which is handy for debugging.
TracingProportion float64 `json:"tracing_proportion" optional:"true"`
// Number of recent commits to include in the sliding window of data analysis. Also called the
// tile size.
WindowSize int `json:"window_size"`
// If provided (e.g. ":9002"), a port serving performance-related and other debugging RPCS will
// be opened up. This RPC will not require authentication.
DebugPort string `json:"debug_port" optional:"true"`
// If running locally (not in production).
Local bool `json:"local"`
// GroupingParamKeysByCorpus is a map from corpus name to the list of keys that comprise the
// corpus' grouping.
GroupingParamKeysByCorpus map[string][]string `json:"grouping_param_keys_by_corpus"`
// CodeReviewSystem represents the details needed to interact with a CodeReviewSystem (e.g.
// "gerrit", "github")
type CodeReviewSystem struct {
// ID is how this CRS will be identified via query arguments and ingestion data. This is arbitrary
// and can be used to distinguish between and internal and public version (e.g. "gerrit-internal")
ID string `json:"id"`
// Specifies the APIs/code needed to interact ("gerrit", "github").
Flavor string `json:"flavor"`
// A URL with %s where a CL ID should be placed to complete it.
URLTemplate string `json:"url_template"`
// URL of the Gerrit instance (if any) where we retrieve CL metadata.
GerritURL string `json:"gerrit_url" optional:"true"`
// Filepath to file containing GitHub token (if this instance needs to talk to GitHub).
GitHubCredPath string `json:"github_cred_path" optional:"true"`
// User and repo of GitHub project to connect to (if any), e.g. google/skia
GitHubRepo string `json:"github_repo" optional:"true"`
// LoadFromJSON5 reads the contents of path and tries to decode the JSON5 there into the provided
// struct. The passed in struct pointer is expected to have "json" struct tags for all fields.
// An error will be returned if any non-struct, non-bool field is its zero value *unless* it is
// tagged with `optional:"true"`.
func LoadFromJSON5(dst interface{}, commonConfigPath, specificConfigPath *string) error {
// Elem() dereferences a pointer or panics.
rType := reflect.TypeOf(dst).Elem()
if rType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return skerr.Fmt("Input must be a pointer to a struct, got %T", dst)
err := util.WithReadFile(*commonConfigPath, func(r io.Reader) error {
return json5.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&dst)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "reading common config at %s", *commonConfigPath)
err = util.WithReadFile(*specificConfigPath, func(r io.Reader) error {
return json5.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&dst)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "reading specific config at %s", *specificConfigPath)
rValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(dst))
return checkRequired(rValue)
// checkRequired returns an error if any non-struct, non-bool fields of the given value have a zero
// value *unless* they have an optional tag with value true.
func checkRequired(rValue reflect.Value) error {
rType := rValue.Type()
for i := 0; i < rValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := rType.Field(i)
if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if err := checkRequired(rValue.Field(i)); err != nil {
return err
if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Bool {
// For ease of use, booleans aren't compared against their zero value, since that would
// effectively make them required to be true always.
isJSON := field.Tag.Get("json")
if isJSON == "" {
// don't validate struct values w/o json tags (e.g. config.Duration.Duration).
isOptional := field.Tag.Get("optional")
if isOptional == "true" {
// defaults to being required
if rValue.Field(i).IsZero() {
return skerr.Fmt("Required %s to be non-zero", field.Name)
return nil
// Duration allows us to supply a duration as a human readable string.
type Duration = config.Duration