blob: 7587e63a2501b69c3b01df80c1406666768b1522 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package vec32 has some basic functions on slices of float32.
package vec32
import (
const (
// MissingDataSentinel signifies a missing sample value.
// JSON doesn't support NaN or +/- Inf, so we need a valid float32 to signal
// missing data that also has a compact JSON representation.
MissingDataSentinel float32 = 1e32
// maxStdDevRatio is the largest magnitude value that StdDevRatio can return.
maxStdDevRatio = 1000
// New creates a new []float32 of the given size pre-populated
// with MissingDataSentinenl.
func New(size int) []float32 {
ret := make([]float32, size)
for i := range ret {
ret[i] = MissingDataSentinel
return ret
// MeanAndStdDev returns the mean, stddev, and if an error occurred while doing
// the calculation. MissingDataSentinenls are ignored.
func MeanAndStdDev(a []float32) (float32, float32, error) {
count := 0
sum := float32(0.0)
for _, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
count += 1
sum += x
if count == 0 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("Slice of length zero.")
mean := sum / float32(count)
vr := float32(0.0)
for _, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
vr += (x - mean) * (x - mean)
stddev := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(vr / float32(count))))
return mean, stddev, nil
// RemoveMissingDataSentinel returns a new slice with all the values that are
// equal to the MissingDataSentinel removed.
func RemoveMissingDataSentinel(arr []float32) []float32 {
ret := make([]float32, 0, len(arr))
for _, x := range arr {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
ret = append(ret, x)
return ret
type float32Slice []float32
func (p float32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p float32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p float32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
// TwoSidedStdDev returns the median, and the stddev of all the points below and
// above the median respectively.
// That is, the vector is sorted, the median found, and then the stddev of all
// the points below the median are returned, along with the stddev of all the
// points above the median.
// This is useful because performance measurements are inherintly asymmetric. A
// benchmark can always run 2x slower, or 10x slower, there's no upper bound. On
// the other hand a performance metric can only run 100% faster, i.e. have a
// value of 0. This implies that the distribution of samples from a benchmark
// are skewed.
// MissingDataSentinenls are ignored.
// The median is chosen as the midpoint instead of the mean because that ensures
// that both sides have the same number of points (+/- 1).
func TwoSidedStdDev(arr []float32) (float32, float32, float32, error) {
values := RemoveMissingDataSentinel((arr))
count := len(values)
if count < 4 {
return 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("Insufficient number of points, at least 4 are needed: %d", len(values))
mid := len(values) / 2
var median float32
if len(values)%2 == 1 {
median = values[mid]
} else {
median = (values[mid-1] + values[mid]) / 2
return median, StdDev(values[:mid], median), StdDev(values[mid:], median), nil
// StdDevRatio returns the number of standard deviations that the last point in
// arr is away from the median of the remaining points in arr.
// Does not presume that arr is sorted.
// In detail, this calculates a measure of how likely the last point in the
// slice is to come from the population, as represented by the remaining
// elements of the slice.
// We calculate TwoSidedStdDev:
// median, lower, upper = TwoSidedStdDev(values)
// Then calculate the std dev ratio (d):
// d = (x-median)/[lower|upper]
// The value of d is the difference between the last point in arr (x) and the
// median, divided by the lower or upper standard deviation. If x > median then
// we divide by upper, else we divide by lower.
// This d is a unitless dimension, the number of standard deviations the trybot
// value is either above or below the median.
// Returns the stddevRatio, median, lower, upper, and an error if one occurred.
func StdDevRatio(arr []float32) (float32, float32, float32, float32, error) {
length := len(arr)
if length < 5 {
// Last point is 'x' and TwoSidedStdDev requires four points.
return 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("Insufficient number of points.")
x := arr[len(arr)-1]
if x == MissingDataSentinel {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("Can't calculate StdDevRatio for MissingDataSentinel.")
median, lower, upper, err := TwoSidedStdDev(arr[:length-1])
if err != nil {
return 0, median, lower, upper, err
var stddevRatio float32
if x < median {
stddevRatio = (median - x) / lower
if stddevRatio > maxStdDevRatio {
stddevRatio = maxStdDevRatio
stddevRatio *= -1
} else {
stddevRatio = (x - median) / upper
if stddevRatio > maxStdDevRatio {
stddevRatio = maxStdDevRatio
if math.IsNaN(float64(stddevRatio)) {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("Got NaN calculating StdDevRatio")
return stddevRatio, median, lower, upper, nil
// ScaleBy divides each non-sentinel value in the slice by 'b', converting
// resulting NaNs and Infs into sentinel values.
func ScaleBy(a []float32, b float32) {
for i, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
scaled := a[i] / b
if math.IsNaN(float64(scaled)) || math.IsInf(float64(scaled), 0) {
a[i] = MissingDataSentinel
} else {
a[i] = scaled
// IQRR sets each outlier, as computed by the interquartile rule, to the missing
// data sentinel.
// See
func IQRR(a []float32) {
float64Arr := []float64{}
for _, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
float64Arr = append(float64Arr, float64(x))
values := stats.Sample{Xs: float64Arr}
q1 := values.Quantile(0.25)
q3 := values.Quantile(0.75)
if math.IsNaN(q1) || math.IsNaN(q3) {
if math.IsInf(q1, 0) || math.IsInf(q3, 0) {
lo := float32(q1 - 1.5*(q3-q1))
hi := float32(q3 + 1.5*(q3-q1))
for i, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
if x < lo || x > hi {
a[i] = MissingDataSentinel
// Norm normalizes the slice to a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.0.
// The minStdDev is the minimum standard deviation that is normalized. Slices
// with a standard deviation less than that are not normalized for variance.
func Norm(a []float32, minStdDev float32) {
mean, stddev, err := MeanAndStdDev(a)
if err != nil {
// Normalize the data to a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.0.
for i, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
newX := x - mean
if stddev > minStdDev {
newX = newX / stddev
a[i] = newX
// Fill in non-sentinel values with nearby points.
// Sentinel values are filled with points later in the array, except for the
// end of the array where we can't do that, so we fill those points in
// using the first non sentinel found when searching backwards from the end.
// So
// [1e32, 1e32, 2, 3, 1e32, 5]
// becomes
// [2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5]
// and
// [3, 1e32, 5, 1e32, 1e32]
// becomes
// [3, 5, 5, 5, 5]
// Note that a vector filled with all sentinels will be filled with 0s.
func Fill(a []float32) {
// Find the first non-sentinel data point.
last := float32(0.0)
for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if a[i] != MissingDataSentinel {
last = a[i]
// Now fill.
for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if a[i] == MissingDataSentinel {
a[i] = last
} else {
last = a[i]
// FillAt returns the value at the given index of a vector, using non-sentinel
// values with nearby points if the original is MissingDataSentinenl.
// Note that the input vector is unchanged.
// Returns non-nil error if the given index is out of bounds.
func FillAt(a []float32, i int) (float32, error) {
l := len(a)
if i < 0 || i >= l {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("FillAt index %d out of bound %d.\n", i, l)
b := make([]float32, l, l)
copy(b, a)
return b[i], nil
// Dup a slice of float32.
func Dup(a []float32) []float32 {
ret := make([]float32, len(a), len(a))
copy(ret, a)
return ret
// Mean calculates and returns the Mean value of the given []float32.
// Returns 0 for an array with no non-MissingDataSentinenl values.
func Mean(xs []float32) float32 {
ret := MeanE(xs)
if ret == MissingDataSentinel {
return 0
return ret
// MeanE calculates and returns the Mean value of the given []float32.
// Returns MissingDataSentinenl for an array with no non-MissingDataSentinenl values.
func MeanE(xs []float32) float32 {
total := float32(0.0)
n := 0
for _, v := range xs {
if v != MissingDataSentinel {
total += v
if n == 0 {
return MissingDataSentinel
return total / float32(n)
// Sum calculates and returns the sum of the given []float32.
// Returns 0 for an array with no non-MissingDataSentinenl values.
func Sum(xs []float32) float32 {
total := SumE(xs)
if total == MissingDataSentinel {
return 0
return total
// SumE calculates and returns the sum of the given []float32.
// Returns MissingDataSentinenl for an array with no non-MissingDataSentinenl values.
func SumE(xs []float32) float32 {
total := float32(0)
count := 0
for _, v := range xs {
if v != MissingDataSentinel {
total += v
if count == 0 {
return MissingDataSentinel
return total
// MeanMissing calculates and returns the Mean value of the given []float32.
// Returns MissingDataSentinenl for an array with all MissingDataSentinenl values.
func MeanMissing(xs []float32) float32 {
total := float32(0.0)
n := 0
for _, v := range xs {
if v != MissingDataSentinel {
total += v
if n == 0 {
return MissingDataSentinel
return total / float32(n)
// FillMeanMissing fills the slice with the mean of all the values in the slice
// using MeanMissing.
func FillMeanMissing(a []float32) {
value := MeanMissing(a)
// Now fill.
for i := range a {
a[i] = value
// FillStdDev fills the slice with the Standard Deviation of the values in the slice.
// If slice is filled with only MissingDataSentinenl then the slice will be
// filled with MissingDataSentinenl.
func FillStdDev(a []float32) {
_, stddev, err := MeanAndStdDev(a)
if err != nil {
stddev = MissingDataSentinel
// Now fill.
for i := range a {
a[i] = stddev
// FillCov fills the slice with the Coefficient of Variation of the values in the slice.
// If the mean is 0 or the slice is filled with only MissingDataSentinenl then
// the slice will be filled with MissingDataSentinenl.
func FillCov(a []float32) {
mean, stddev, err := MeanAndStdDev(a)
cov := MissingDataSentinel
if err == nil {
cov = stddev / mean
if math.IsNaN(float64(cov)) || math.IsInf(float64(cov), 0) {
cov = MissingDataSentinel
// Now fill.
for i := range a {
a[i] = cov
// ssen calculates and returns the sum squared error from the given base of []float32.
// Returns 0 for an array with no non-MissingDataSentinenl values.
func ssen(xs []float32, base float32) (float32, int) {
total := float32(0.0)
n := 0
for _, v := range xs {
if v != MissingDataSentinel {
total += (v - base) * (v - base)
return total, n
// SSE calculates and returns the sum squared error from the given base of []float32.
// Returns 0 for an array with no non-MissingDataSentinenl values.
func SSE(xs []float32, base float32) float32 {
total, _ := ssen(xs, base)
return total
// StdDev returns the sample standard deviation.
func StdDev(xs []float32, base float32) float32 {
n := len(xs)
if n < 2 {
return 0
sse, n := ssen(xs, base)
return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(sse / float32(n-1))))
// FillStep fills the slice with the step function value, i.e. the ratio of
// the ave of the first half of the trace values divided by the ave of the
// second half of the trace values.
// If the second mean is 0 or the slice is filled with only MissingDataSentinenl then
// the slice will be filled with MissingDataSentinenl.
func FillStep(a []float32) {
mid := len(a) / 2
step := MissingDataSentinel
meanFirst := MeanMissing(a[:mid])
meanLast := MeanMissing(a[mid:])
if meanLast != MissingDataSentinel && meanFirst != MissingDataSentinel {
step = meanFirst / meanLast
if math.IsNaN(float64(step)) || math.IsInf(float64(step), 0) {
step = MissingDataSentinel
// Now fill.
for i := range a {
a[i] = step
// ToFloat64 creates a slice of float64 from the given slice of float32.
func ToFloat64(in []float32) []float64 {
ret := make([]float64, len(in))
for i, x := range in {
ret[i] = float64(x)
return ret
// Geo takes the geomentric mean of all the values in the trace, ignoring
// negative values and MissingDataSentinels. If no values match that critera
// then it returns 0.
func Geo(a []float32) float32 {
ret := GeoE(a)
if ret == MissingDataSentinel {
return 0
return ret
// GeoE takes the geomentric mean of all the values in the trace, ignoring
// negative values and MissingDataSentinels. If no values match that critera
// then it returns MissingDataSentinel.
func GeoE(a []float32) float32 {
var ret float32 = MissingDataSentinel
count := 0
sumLog := 0.0
for _, x := range a {
if x >= 0 && x != MissingDataSentinel {
sumLog += math.Log(float64(x))
if count > 0 {
// The geometric mean is the N-th root of the product of N terms.
// In log-space, the root becomes a division, then we translate back to normal space.
ret = float32(math.Exp(sumLog / float64(count)))
return ret
// Count the number of non MissingDataSentinel values in a vector.
func Count(a []float32) float32 {
count := 0
for _, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
return float32(count)
// Min returns the smallest value in the vector, or math.MaxFloat32 if no
// non-MissingDataSentinel values are found.
func Min(a []float32) float32 {
ret := float32(math.MaxFloat32)
for _, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
if x < ret {
ret = x
return ret
// Max returns the largest value in the vector, or math.MinFloat32 if no
// non-MissingDataSentinel values are found.
func Max(a []float32) float32 {
ret := float32(-math.MaxFloat32)
for _, x := range a {
if x != MissingDataSentinel {
if x > ret {
ret = x
return ret