blob: 60191030f667f4b6c950201889b434c370d823dc [file] [log] [blame]
package btts
import (
var (
cfg = &config.PerfBigTableConfig{
TileSize: 256,
Project: "test",
Instance: "test",
Table: "test",
Topic: "",
GitUrl: "",
Shards: 8,
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
defer btts_testutils.CleanUpTestTable(t)
b, err := NewBigTableTraceStoreFromConfig(ctx, cfg, &btts_testutils.MockTS{}, true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Create an OPS in a fresh tile.
tileKey := TileKeyFromOffset(1)
op, err := b.updateOrderedParamSet(tileKey, paramtools.ParamSet{
"cpu": []string{"x86", "arm"},
"config": []string{"8888", "565"},
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, op.KeyOrder, 2)
// Then update that OPS.
op, err = b.updateOrderedParamSet(tileKey, paramtools.ParamSet{
"os": []string{"linux", "win"},
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, op.KeyOrder, 3)
// Do we calculate LatestTile correctly?
latest, err := b.GetLatestTile()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int32(1), latest.Offset())
// Add an OPS for a new tile.
tileKey2 := TileKeyFromOffset(4)
op, err = b.updateOrderedParamSet(tileKey2, paramtools.ParamSet{
"os": []string{"win", "linux"},
// Do we calculate LatestTile correctly?
latest, err = b.GetLatestTile()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int32(4), latest.Offset())
// Create another instance, so it has no cache.
b2, err := NewBigTableTraceStoreFromConfig(ctx, cfg, &btts_testutils.MockTS{}, false)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// OPS for tile 4 should be a no-op since it's already in BT.
op2, err := b2.updateOrderedParamSet(tileKey2, paramtools.ParamSet{
// Note we reverse "linux", "win" order, but still get the same
// result as op.
"os": []string{"linux", "win"},
assert.Equal(t, op, op2)
func TestOPSThreaded(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
defer btts_testutils.CleanUpTestTable(t)
b, err := NewBigTableTraceStoreFromConfig(ctx, cfg, &btts_testutils.MockTS{}, true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tileKey := TileKeyFromOffset(1)
expected := paramtools.ParamSet{}
// Add multiple params to the OPS in goroutines.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, cpu := range []string{"x86", "arm"} {
for _, config := range []string{"8888", "565"} {
for _, os := range []string{"linux", "win"} {
paramset := paramtools.ParamSet{
"cpu": []string{cpu},
"config": []string{config},
"os": []string{os},
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_, err := b.updateOrderedParamSet(tileKey, paramset)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// read current OPS
entry, _, err := b.getOPS(tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, entry.ops.ParamSet)
// assertIndices asserts that the indices in the table match expectedKeys and expectedColumns.
// Returns the number of rows actually retrieved.
func assertIndices(t *testing.T, ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet, b *BigTableTraceStore, expectedKeys []string, expectedColumns map[string][]string, msg string) int {
var count int
err := b.getTable().ReadRows(context.Background(), bigtable.PrefixRange(INDEX_PREFIX), func(row bigtable.Row) bool {
count += 1
assert.Contains(t, expectedKeys, row.Key())
for _, col := range row[INDEX_FAMILY] {
// Strip off the family name which is prefixed.
rowKey := strings.Split(col.Column, ":")[3]
p, err := ops.DecodeParamsFromString(rowKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
decodedKey, err := query.MakeKeyFast(p)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, expectedColumns[col.Row], decodedKey, fmt.Sprintf("For row: %q", row.Key()))
return true
}, bigtable.RowFilter(
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(expectedKeys), b.indexed.Len())
return count
func TestTraces(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
defer btts_testutils.CleanUpTestTable(t)
now := time.Now()
b, err := NewBigTableTraceStoreFromConfig(ctx, cfg, &btts_testutils.MockTS{}, true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
tileKey := TileKeyFromOffset(1)
ops, err := b.GetOrderedParamSet(ctx, tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertIndices(t, ops, b, nil, nil, "Start empty")
paramset := paramtools.ParamSet{
"config": []string{"8888", "565"},
"cpu": []string{"x86", "arm"},
assert.NoError(t, err)
params := []paramtools.Params{
{"cpu": "x86", "config": "8888"},
{"cpu": "x86", "config": "565"},
{"cpu": "arm", "config": "8888"},
{"cpu": "arm", "config": "565"},
values := []float32{
err = b.WriteTraces(257, params, values, paramset, "gs://some/test/location", now)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Confirm that indices were written correctly.
expectedKeys := []string{
expectedColumns := map[string][]string{
"i2147483646:config:565": {",config=565,cpu=x86,", ",config=565,cpu=arm,"},
"i2147483646:config:8888": {",config=8888,cpu=x86,", ",config=8888,cpu=arm,"},
"i2147483646:cpu:arm": {",config=565,cpu=arm,", ",config=8888,cpu=arm,"},
"i2147483646:cpu:x86": {",config=565,cpu=x86,", ",config=8888,cpu=x86,"},
ops, err = b.GetOrderedParamSet(ctx, tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
count := assertIndices(t, ops, b, expectedKeys, expectedColumns, "First write")
assert.Equal(t, 4, count)
indexCount, err := b.CountIndices(context.Background(), tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), indexCount)
q, err := query.New(url.Values{"config": []string{"8888"}})
assert.NoError(t, err)
results, err := b.QueryTraces(ctx, tileKey, q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
vec1 := vec32.New(256)
vec1[1] = 1.0
vec2 := vec32.New(256)
vec2[1] = 1.2
expected := types.TraceSet{
",config=8888,cpu=x86,": vec1,
",config=8888,cpu=arm,": vec2,
assert.Equal(t, expected, results)
results, err = b.QueryTracesByIndex(context.Background(), tileKey, q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, results)
keys, err := b.TileKeys(ctx, tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []string{",config=565,cpu=arm,", ",config=565,cpu=x86,", ",config=8888,cpu=arm,", ",config=8888,cpu=x86,"}, keys)
// Now overwrite a value.
params = []paramtools.Params{
{"cpu": "x86", "config": "8888"},
values = []float32{
err = b.WriteTraces(257, params, values, paramset, "gs://some/other/test/location", now)
assert.NoError(t, err)
ops, err = b.GetOrderedParamSet(ctx, tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
count = assertIndices(t, ops, b, expectedKeys, expectedColumns, "Overwrite")
assert.Equal(t, 4, count)
// Query again to get the updated value.
results, err = b.QueryTraces(context.Background(), tileKey, q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
vec1 = vec32.New(256)
vec1[1] = 2.0
vec2 = vec32.New(256)
vec2[1] = 1.2
expected = types.TraceSet{
",config=8888,cpu=x86,": vec1,
",config=8888,cpu=arm,": vec2,
assert.Equal(t, expected, results)
results, err = b.QueryTracesByIndex(context.Background(), tileKey, q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, results)
// Write in the next column.
params = []paramtools.Params{
{"cpu": "x86", "config": "8888"},
values = []float32{
err = b.WriteTraces(258, params, values, paramset, "gs://some/other/test/location", now)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Query again to get the updated value.
results, err = b.QueryTraces(context.Background(), tileKey, q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
vec1 = vec32.New(256)
vec1[1] = 2.0
vec1[2] = 3.0
vec2 = vec32.New(256)
vec2[1] = 1.2
expected = types.TraceSet{
",config=8888,cpu=x86,": vec1,
",config=8888,cpu=arm,": vec2,
assert.Equal(t, expected, results)
count = assertIndices(t, ops, b, expectedKeys, expectedColumns, "Write new value.")
assert.Equal(t, 4, count)
results, err = b.QueryTracesByIndex(context.Background(), tileKey, q)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected, results)
// Write to a new trace.
params = []paramtools.Params{
{"cpu": "risc-v", "config": "8888"},
values = []float32{
err = b.WriteTraces(258, params, values, paramset, "gs://some/other/test/location", now)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Add new trace to expectations.
expectedKeys = append(expectedKeys, "i2147483646:cpu:risc-v")
expectedColumns["i2147483646:cpu:risc-v"] = []string{",config=8888,cpu=risc-v,"}
expectedColumns["i2147483646:config:8888"] = append(expectedColumns["i2147483646:config:8888"], ",config=8888,cpu=risc-v,")
ops, err = b.GetOrderedParamSet(ctx, tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
count = assertIndices(t, ops, b, expectedKeys, expectedColumns, "Add new trace")
assert.Equal(t, 5, count)
// Remove indices and repopulate with WriteIndices.
muts := []*bigtable.Mutation{}
for range expectedKeys {
mut := bigtable.NewMutation()
muts = append(muts, mut)
errs, err := b.getTable().ApplyBulk(ctx, expectedKeys, muts)
assert.NoError(t, err)
for _, e := range errs {
assert.NoError(t, e)
count = assertIndices(t, ops, b, expectedKeys, expectedColumns, "Add new trace")
assert.Equal(t, 0, count)
err = b.WriteIndices(ctx, tileKey)
assert.NoError(t, err)
count = assertIndices(t, ops, b, expectedKeys, expectedColumns, "Add new trace")
assert.Equal(t, 5, count)
// Source
traceId, err := query.MakeKey(paramtools.Params{"cpu": "x86", "config": "8888"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
s, err := b.GetSource(context.Background(), 258, traceId)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "gs://some/other/test/location", s)
s, err = b.GetSource(context.Background(), 259, traceId)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", s)
func TestTileKey(t *testing.T) {
numShards := int32(3)
tileKey := TileKeyFromOffset(0)
assert.Equal(t, int32(math.MaxInt32), int32(tileKey))
assert.Equal(t, int32(0), tileKey.Offset())
assert.Equal(t, "@2147483647", tileKey.OpsRowName())
assert.Equal(t, "2:2147483647:", tileKey.TraceRowPrefix(2))
assert.Equal(t, "1:2147483647:,0=1,", tileKey.TraceRowName(",0=1,", numShards))
tileKey = TileKeyFromOffset(1)
assert.Equal(t, int32(math.MaxInt32-1), int32(tileKey))
assert.Equal(t, "@2147483646", tileKey.OpsRowName())
assert.Equal(t, "3:2147483646:", tileKey.TraceRowPrefix(3))
assert.Equal(t, "1:2147483646:,0=1,", tileKey.TraceRowName(",0=1,", numShards))
tileKey = TileKeyFromOffset(-1)
assert.Equal(t, BadTileKey, tileKey)
var err error
tileKey, err = TileKeyFromOpsRowName("2147483646")
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, BadTileKey, tileKey)
tileKey, err = TileKeyFromOpsRowName("@2147483637")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "@2147483637", tileKey.OpsRowName())
const rowJson = `{
"D": [
"Row": "@2147483643",
"Column": "D:H",
"Timestamp": 1536145696388000,
"Row": "@2147483643",
"Column": "D:OPS",
"Timestamp": 1536145696388000,
func TestOpsCacheEntry(t *testing.T) {
// Entry for an empty OPS.
o, err := NewOpsCacheEntry()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(o.ops.KeyOrder))
assert.Equal(t, "c011636276b346664a4d3a473ff07fc5", o.hash)
// Entry for an OPS with just one key-value pair:
ops := o.ops.Copy()
ops.Update(paramtools.ParamSet{"config": []string{"8888"}})
o2, err := opsCacheEntryFromOPS(ops)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"config"}, o2.ops.KeyOrder)
assert.Equal(t, "7a59e4600a8f20900c933037d8e0011a", o2.hash)
// From a BigTable row.
goodRow := bigtable.Row{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(rowJson), &goodRow)
assert.NoError(t, err)
o3, err := NewOpsCacheEntryFromRow(goodRow)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"os"}, o3.ops.KeyOrder)
assert.Equal(t, "5f6049e9787b0710aace616345774b59", o3.hash)
// Empty BT row.
row := bigtable.Row{}
_, err = NewOpsCacheEntryFromRow(row)
assert.Error(t, err)
// Nothing missing.
row = bigtable.Row{
"D": []bigtable.ReadItem{
_, err = NewOpsCacheEntryFromRow(row)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Missing H.
row = bigtable.Row{
"D": []bigtable.ReadItem{
_, err = NewOpsCacheEntryFromRow(row)
assert.Error(t, err)
// Missing OPS.
row = bigtable.Row{
"D": []bigtable.ReadItem{
_, err = NewOpsCacheEntryFromRow(row)
assert.Error(t, err)