blob: 4843985a6abf9de34fb35ad811804a6b7197ee56 [file] [log] [blame]
package mirrors
import (
var (
// This config path is only used for asserting the start command. It does
// not have to exist and will not be created.
testVerdaccioConfigPath = "/tmp/test-config-path1"
func TestStartVerdaccioMirror_VerdaccioStartCommandIsCalled_Success(t *testing.T) {
// Mock the executil call.
ctx := executil.FakeTestsContext("Test_FakeExe_Verdaccio_Start_Cmd")
m := &VerdaccioMirror{
verdaccioConfigPath: testVerdaccioConfigPath,
m.startVerdaccioMirror(ctx, 1111, nil)
require.Equal(t, executil.FakeCommandsReturned(ctx), 1)
func TestDownloadedPackageTarballs(t *testing.T) {
m := &VerdaccioMirror{downloadedPackageTarballs: map[string]interface{}{}}
require.False(t, m.IsPackageTarballDownloaded("pkg1.tgz"))
require.True(t, m.IsPackageTarballDownloaded("pkg1.tgz"))
func TestGetDownloadedPackageNames(t *testing.T) {
storageDir := testutils.TestDataDir(t)
m := &VerdaccioMirror{verdaccioStorageDir: storageDir}
packages, err := m.GetDownloadedPackageNames()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []string{"pkg1", "pkg2"}, packages)
func TestGetTarballsInMirrorStorage(t *testing.T) {
storageDir := testutils.TestDataDir(t)
tarballs, err := GetTarballsInMirrorStorage(storageDir)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, pkg1ok := tarballs["pkg1.tgz"]
require.True(t, pkg1ok)
_, pkg2ok := tarballs["pkg2.tgz"]
require.True(t, pkg2ok)
_, pkg3ok := tarballs["pkg3.tgz"]
require.False(t, pkg3ok)
// This is not a real test, but a fake implementation of the executable in question.
// By convention, we prefix these with FakeExe to make that clear.
func Test_FakeExe_Verdaccio_Start_Cmd(t *testing.T) {
// Since this is a normal go test, it will get run on the usual test suite. We check for the
// special environment variable and if it is not set, we do nothing.
if !executil.IsCallingFakeCommand() {
// Check the input arguments to make sure they were as expected.
args := executil.OriginalArgs()
require.Equal(t, []string{"verdaccio", fmt.Sprintf("--config=%s", testVerdaccioConfigPath), "--listen=1111", "--audit-level=high"}, args)
os.Exit(0) // exit 0 prevents golang from outputting test stuff like "=== RUN", "---Fail".