blob: 20d5d56c2aad85761121eea4c27e032f3c716654 [file] [log] [blame]
package bt_tracestore
import (
// Constants adapted from btts.go
// See for an overview of how the data is stored in BT.
const (
// Namespace for this package's data. Due to the fact that there is one table per instance,
// This makes sure we don't have collisions between traces and something else
// in BT (i.e. git info)
traceStoreNameSpace = "ts"
// Column Families.
digestMapFamily = "D" // Store a mapping of Digest->DigestID
idCounterFamily = "I" // Keeps a monotonically increasing number to generate DigestIDs
opsFamily = "O" // ops short for Ordered Param Set
traceFamily = "T" // Holds "0"..."tilesize-1" columns with a DigestID at each cell
// The columns (and rows) in the digest map family are derived from the digest, which are md5
// hashes. The row will be the first three characters of the hash and the column will
// be the remaining characters (see b.rowAndColNameFromDigest)
// All entries will have the following prefix
digestMapFamilyPrefix = digestMapFamily + ":"
// All entries are part of a global map (set tile to 0)
digestMapTile = tileKey(0)
// Columns in the ID counter family. There is only one row and one column.
idCounterColumn = "idc"
// Columns in the OrderedParamSet column family.
opsHashColumn = "H"
opsOpsColumn = "OPS"
hashFullColName = opsFamily + ":" + opsHashColumn
opsFullColName = opsFamily + ":" + opsOpsColumn
// The columns in the trace family are "0", "1", "2"..."N" where N is
// the BT tile size (default below). These values correspond to the commitOffset,
// where 0 is the first (most recent) commit in the tile and N is the last (oldest)
// commit in the tile.
// They will all have the following prefix.
traceFamilyPrefix = traceFamily + ":"
// Define the row types.
typeDigestMap = "d"
typeIdCounter = "i"
typeOPS = "o"
typeTrace = "t"
// This is the size of the tile in Big Table. That is, how many commits do we store in one tile.
// We can have up to 2^32 tiles in big table, so this would let us store 1 trillion
// commits worth of data. This tile size does not need to be related to the tile size that
// Gold operates on (although when tuning, it should be greater than, or an even divisor
// of the Gold tile size). The first commit in the repo belongs to tile 2^32-1 and tile numbers
// decrease for newer commits.
DefaultTileSize = 256
// Default number of shards used. A shard splits the traces up on a tile.
// If a trace exists on shard N in tile A, it will be on shard N for all tiles.
// Having traces on shards lets BT split up the work more evenly.
DefaultShards = 32
// To avoid many successive increment calls to the id counter cell, we request a number of
// ids at once. This number is arbitrarily picked and can be increased if need be.
numReservedIds = 256
readTimeout = 4 * time.Minute
writeTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
// BadTileKey is returned in error conditions.
badTileKey = tileKey(-1)
// missingDigestID is the id for types.MISSING_DIGEST
missingDigestID = digestID(0)
// List of families (conceptually similar to tables) we are creating in BT.
var btColumnFamilies = []string{
// We have one global digest id counter, so just hard-code it to tile 0.
var idCounterRow = unshardedRowName(typeIdCounter, 0)
// tileKey is the identifier for each tile held in BigTable.
// Note that tile keys are in the opposite order of tile offset, that is, the first commit
// in a repo goes in the first tile, which has key 2^32-1. We do this so more recent
// tiles come first in sort order.
type tileKey int32
// digestID is an arbitrary number for referring to a types.Digest (string)
// that is stored in a digestMap.
type digestID uint64
// MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface, allowing for
// us to compactly store these to BT (about 50% space savings over string representation).
func (d digestID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
rv := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
n := binary.PutUvarint(rv, uint64(d))
return rv[:n], nil
var _ encoding.BinaryMarshaler = digestID(0)
// UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface, allowing for
// us to compactly store these to BT (about 50% space savings over string representation).
func (d *digestID) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
val, n := binary.Uvarint(data)
if n != len(data) {
return skerr.Fmt("Error decoding digestID from %x; Uvarint consumed %d bytes instead of %d", data, n, len(data))
*d = digestID(val)
return nil
var _ encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler = (*digestID)(nil)
// encodedTraceID is a shortened form of a tiling.TraceId, e.g. 0=1,1=3,3=0,
// Those indices are references to the OrderedParamSet stored in encTile.
// See params.paramsEncoder
type encodedTraceID string
// encTile contains an encoded tile.
type encTile struct {
// maps a trace id to the list of digest ids. The list corresponds to the commits, with index
// 0 being the oldest commit and the last commit being the most recent.
traces map[encodedTraceID][]digestID
ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet
// When ingesting we keep a cache of the OrderedParamSets we have seen per-tile.
type opsCacheEntry struct {
ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet
hash string // md5 has of the serialized ops - used for deterministic querying.
// opsCacheEntryFromOPS creates and fills in an OpsCacheEntry from the given
// OrderedParamSet and sets the hash appropriately.
func opsCacheEntryFromOPS(ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet) (*opsCacheEntry, error) {
buf, err := ops.Encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not encode the given ops to bytes: %s", err)
hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(buf))
return &opsCacheEntry{
ops: ops,
hash: hash,
}, nil
// newOpsCacheEntry returns an empty OpsCacheEntry.
func newOpsCacheEntry() (*opsCacheEntry, error) {
return opsCacheEntryFromOPS(paramtools.NewOrderedParamSet())
// newOpsCacheEntryFromRow loads the appropriate data from the given BT row
// and returns a OpsCacheEntry with that data.
func newOpsCacheEntryFromRow(row bigtable.Row) (*opsCacheEntry, error) {
family := row[opsFamily]
if len(family) != 2 {
// This should never happen
return nil, skerr.Fmt("incorrect number of of OPS columns in BT for key %s, %d != 2", row.Key(), len(family))
ops := &paramtools.OrderedParamSet{}
hash := ""
for _, col := range family {
if col.Column == opsFullColName {
var err error
ops, err = paramtools.NewOrderedParamSetFromBytes(col.Value)
if err != nil {
// should never happen
return nil, skerr.Fmt("corrupted paramset in BT for key %s: %s", row.Key(), err)
} else if col.Column == hashFullColName {
hash = string(col.Value)
if hash == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing hash for OPS for key %s: %#v", row.Key(), ops)
// You might be tempted to use opsCacheEntryFromOps and
// check that entry.hash == hash here, but that will fail
// because GoB encoding of maps is not deterministic.
entry := opsCacheEntry{
ops: ops,
hash: hash,
return &entry, nil
// A digestMap keeps track of the mapping between encoded digestID and their corresponding
// types.Digest.
type digestMap struct {
intMap map[digestID]types.Digest
strMap map[types.Digest]digestID
// newDigestMap creates an empty digestMap with the given capacity.
func newDigestMap(cap int) *digestMap {
ret := &digestMap{
intMap: make(map[digestID]types.Digest, cap),
strMap: make(map[types.Digest]digestID, cap),
ret.intMap[missingDigestID] = types.MISSING_DIGEST
ret.strMap[types.MISSING_DIGEST] = missingDigestID
return ret
// Delta returns a []types.Digest of those passed in digests that are
// not in this mapping currently.
func (d *digestMap) Delta(digests map[types.Digest]bool) []types.Digest {
ret := make([]types.Digest, 0, len(digests))
for digest := range digests {
if _, ok := d.strMap[digest]; !ok {
ret = append(ret, digest)
return ret
// Add expands the map with the given entries. It fails if any key or any value
// is already in the mapping.
func (d *digestMap) Add(newEntries map[types.Digest]digestID) error {
for digest, id := range newEntries {
if digest == types.MISSING_DIGEST || id == 0 {
return skerr.Fmt("invalid input id or digest: (%q -> %d)", digest, id)
foundID, strExists := d.strMap[digest]
foundDigest, intExists := d.intMap[id]
if strExists && intExists {
if (foundID != id) || (foundDigest != digest) {
return skerr.Fmt("inconsistent data - got (%q -> %d) when (%q -> %d) was expected", digest, id, foundDigest, foundID)
// Already contained so this is a no-op.
return nil
if strExists || intExists {
return skerr.Fmt("internal inconsistency - expected forward mapping (%q -> %d) and reverse mapping (%d -> %q) to both be present", digest, foundID, id, foundDigest)
// New mapping. Add it.
d.intMap[id] = digest
d.strMap[digest] = id
return nil
// ID returns the DigestID for a given types.Digest.
func (d *digestMap) ID(digest types.Digest) (digestID, error) {
ret, ok := d.strMap[digest]
if !ok {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("unable to find id for %q", digest)
return ret, nil
// DecodeIDs is like Digest but in bulk.
func (d *digestMap) DecodeIDs(ids []digestID) ([]types.Digest, error) {
ret := make([]types.Digest, len(ids))
var ok bool
for idx, id := range ids {
ret[idx], ok = d.intMap[id]
if !ok {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("unable to find id %d in intMap", id)
return ret, nil
// Digest returns the types.Digest for a given DigestID.
func (d *digestMap) Digest(id digestID) (types.Digest, error) {
ret, ok := d.intMap[id]
if !ok {
return "", skerr.Fmt("unable to find digest for %d", id)
return ret, nil
// Len returns how many map entries are in this map.
func (d *digestMap) Len() int {
return len(d.strMap)
// Define this as a type so we can define some helper functions.
type traceMap map[tiling.TraceId]tiling.Trace
// CommitIndicesWithData returns the indexes of the commits with at least one non-missing
// digest in at least one trace.
func (t traceMap) CommitIndicesWithData() []int {
if len(t) == 0 {
return nil
numCommits := 0
for _, trace := range t {
gt := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
numCommits = len(gt.Digests)
var haveData []int
for i := 0; i < numCommits; i++ {
for _, trace := range t {
gt := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
if !gt.IsMissing(i) {
haveData = append(haveData, i)
return haveData
// MakeFromCommitIndexes creates a new traceMap from the data in this one that
// only has the digests belonging to the given commit indices. Conceptually,
// this grabs a subset of the commit columns from the tile.
func (t traceMap) MakeFromCommitIndexes(indices []int) traceMap {
if len(indices) == 0 {
return traceMap{}
r := make(traceMap, len(t))
for id, trace := range t {
gt := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
newDigests := make([]types.Digest, len(indices))
for i, idx := range indices {
newDigests[i] = gt.Digests[idx]
r[id] = &types.GoldenTrace{
Keys: gt.Keys,
Digests: newDigests,
return r
// PrependTraces augments this traceMap with the data from the given one.
// Specifically, it prepends that data, assuming the "other" data came
// before the data in this map.
// TODO(kjlubick): Deduplicate this with tiling.Merge
func (t traceMap) PrependTraces(other traceMap) {
numCommits := 0
for _, trace := range t {
gt := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
numCommits = len(gt.Digests)
numOtherCommits := 0
for id, trace := range other {
numOtherCommits = trace.Len()
original, ok := t[id]
if ok {
// Keys are constant and are what the id is derived from
t[id] = trace.Merge(original)
} else {
// if we stopped seeing the trace in t, we need to pad the end with MISSING_DIGEST
trace.Grow(numOtherCommits+numCommits, tiling.FILL_AFTER) // Assumes we can modify other
t[id] = trace
// if we saw a trace in t, but not in other, we need to pad the beginning with MISSING_DIGEST
for id, trace := range t {
if _, ok := other[id]; !ok {
trace.Grow(numOtherCommits+numCommits, tiling.FILL_BEFORE)