blob: 22f006970467a90a7e448ee65ecaafb0c2126b8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Package bt_tracestore implements a tracestore backed by BigTable
// See for an overview of the schema and design.
package bt_tracestore
import (
// InitBT initializes the BT instance for the given configuration. It uses the default way
// to get auth information from the environment and must be called with an account that has
// admin rights.
func InitBT(conf BTConfig) error {
return bt.InitBigtable(conf.ProjectID, conf.InstanceID, conf.TableID, btColumnFamilies)
// BTConfig contains the configuration information for the BigTable-based implementation of
// TraceStore.
type BTConfig struct {
ProjectID string
InstanceID string
TableID string
VCS vcsinfo.VCS
// BTTraceStore implements the TraceStore interface.
type BTTraceStore struct {
vcs vcsinfo.VCS
client *bigtable.Client
table *bigtable.Table
tileSize int32
shards int32
// if cacheOps is true, then cache the OrderedParamSets between calls
// where possible.
cacheOps bool
// maps rowName (string) -> *OpsCacheEntry
opsCache sync.Map
availIDsMutex sync.Mutex
availIDs []digestID
// New implements the TraceStore interface backed by BigTable. If cache is true,
// the OrderedParamSets will be cached based on the row name.
func New(ctx context.Context, conf BTConfig, cache bool) (*BTTraceStore, error) {
client, err := bigtable.NewClient(ctx, conf.ProjectID, conf.InstanceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not instantiate client: %s", err)
ret := &BTTraceStore{
vcs: conf.VCS,
client: client,
tileSize: DefaultTileSize,
shards: DefaultShards,
table: client.Open(conf.TableID),
cacheOps: cache,
availIDs: []digestID{},
return ret, nil
// Put implements the TraceStore interface.
func (b *BTTraceStore) Put(ctx context.Context, commitHash string, entries []*tracestore.Entry, ts time.Time) error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// if there are no entries this becomes a no-op.
if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil
// Accumulate all parameters into a paramset and collect all the digests.
paramSet := make(paramtools.ParamSet, len(entries[0].Params))
digestSet := make(types.DigestSet, len(entries))
for _, entry := range entries {
digestSet[entry.Digest] = true
repoIndex, err := b.vcs.IndexOf(ctx, commitHash)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not look up commit %s: %s", commitHash, err)
// Find out what tile we need to fetch and what index into that tile we need.
// Reminder that tileKeys start at 2^32-1 and decrease in value.
tileKey, commitIndex := b.getTileKey(repoIndex)
// If these entries have any params we haven't seen before, we need to store those in BigTable.
ops, err := b.updateOrderedParamSet(ctx, tileKey, paramSet)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Bad paramset: %#v", paramSet)
return skerr.Fmt("cannot update paramset: %s", err)
// Similarly, if we have some new digests (almost certainly), we need to update
// the digestMap with them in there. Of note, we store this
// map of string (types.Digest) -> int64(DigestId) in big table, then refer to
// the DigestID elsewhere in the table. DigestIds are essentially a monotonically
// increasing arbitrary number.
digestMap, err := b.updateDigestMap(ctx, digestSet)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Bad digestSet: %#v", digestSet)
return skerr.Fmt("cannot update digest map: %s", err)
if len(digestMap.Delta(digestSet)) != 0 {
// Should never happen
return skerr.Fmt("delta should be empty at this point: %v", digestMap.Delta(digestSet))
// These are two parallel arrays. mutations[i] should be applied to rowNames[i] for all i.
rowNames, mutations, err := b.createPutMutations(entries, ts, tileKey, commitIndex, ops, digestMap)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not create mutations to put data: %s", err)
// Write the trace data. We pick a batchsize based on the assumption
// that the whole batch should be 2MB large and each entry is ~200 Bytes of data.
// 2MB / 200B = 10000. This is extremely conservative but should not be a problem
// since the batches are written in parallel.
return b.applyBulkBatched(ctx, rowNames, mutations, 10000)
// createPutMutations is a helper function that returns two parallel arrays of
// the rows that need updating and the mutations to apply to those rows.
// Specifically, the mutations will add the given entries to BT, clearing out
// anything that was there previously.
func (b *BTTraceStore) createPutMutations(entries []*tracestore.Entry, ts time.Time, tk tileKey, commitIndex int, ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet, dm *digestMap) ([]string, []*bigtable.Mutation, error) {
// These mutations...
mutations := make([]*bigtable.Mutation, 0, len(entries))
// .. should be applied to these rows.
rowNames := make([]string, 0, len(entries))
btTS := bigtable.Time(ts)
before := bigtable.Time(ts.Add(-1 * time.Millisecond))
for _, entry := range entries {
// To save space, traceID isn't the long form tiling.TraceId
// (e.g. ,foo=bar,baz=gm,), it's a string of key-value numbers
// that refer to the params.(e.g. ,0=3,2=18,)
// See params.paramsEncoder
sTrace, err := ops.EncodeParamsAsString(entry.Params)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("invalid params: %s", err)
traceID := encodedTraceID(sTrace)
rowName := b.calcShardedRowName(tk, typeTrace, string(traceID))
rowNames = append(rowNames, rowName)
dID, err := dm.ID(entry.Digest)
if err != nil {
// this should never happen, the digest map should know about every digest already.
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("could not fetch id for digest %s: %s", entry.Digest, err)
// Create a mutation that puts the given digest at the given row
// (i.e. the trace combined with the tile), at the given column
// (i.e. the commit offset into this tile).
mut := bigtable.NewMutation()
column := strconv.Itoa(commitIndex)
dBytes, err := dID.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
// this should never happen, we are just marshalling an int to binary
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("could not encode digest id %d to bytes: %s", dID, err)
mut.Set(traceFamily, column, btTS, dBytes)
// Delete anything that existed at this cell before now.
mut.DeleteTimestampRange(traceFamily, column, 0, before)
mutations = append(mutations, mut)
return rowNames, mutations, nil
// GetTile implements the TraceStore interface.
// Of note, due to this request possibly spanning over multiple tiles, the ParamsSet may have a
// set of params that does not actually correspond to a trace (this shouldn't be a problem, but is
// worth calling out). For example, suppose a trace with param " device=alpha" abruptly ends on
// tile 4, commit 7 (where the device was removed from testing). If we are on tile 5 and need to
// query both tile 4 starting at commit 10 and tile 5 (the whole thing), we'll just merge the
// paramsets from both tiles, which includes the "device=alpha" params, but they don't exist in
// any traces seen in the tile (since it ended prior to our cutoff point).
func (b *BTTraceStore) GetTile(ctx context.Context, nCommits int) (*tiling.Tile, []*tiling.Commit, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Look up the commits we need to query from BT
idxCommits := b.vcs.LastNIndex(nCommits)
if len(idxCommits) == 0 {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("No commits found.")
// These commits could span across multiple tiles, so derive the tiles we need to query.
c := idxCommits[0]
startTileKey, startCommitIndex := b.getTileKey(c.Index)
c = idxCommits[len(idxCommits)-1]
endTileKey, endCommitIndex := b.getTileKey(c.Index)
var egroup errgroup.Group
var commits []*tiling.Commit
egroup.Go(func() error {
hashes := make([]string, 0, len(idxCommits))
for _, ic := range idxCommits {
hashes = append(hashes, ic.Hash)
var err error
commits, err = b.makeTileCommits(ctx, hashes)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not load tile commits: %s", err)
return nil
var traces traceMap
var params paramtools.ParamSet
egroup.Go(func() error {
var err error
traces, params, err = b.getTracesInRange(ctx, startTileKey, endTileKey, startCommitIndex, endCommitIndex)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not load tile commits: %s", err)
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("could not load last %d commits into tile: %s", nCommits, err)
ret := &tiling.Tile{
Traces: traces,
ParamSet: params,
Commits: commits,
Scale: 0,
return ret, commits, nil
// getTracesInRange returns a traceMap with data from the given start and stop points (tile and index).
// It also includes the ParamSet for that range.
func (b *BTTraceStore) getTracesInRange(ctx context.Context, startTileKey, endTileKey tileKey, startCommitIndex, endCommitIndex int) (traceMap, paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
// Query those tiles.
nTiles := int(startTileKey - endTileKey + 1)
nCommits := int(startTileKey-endTileKey)*int(b.tileSize) + (endCommitIndex - startCommitIndex) + 1
encTiles := make([]*encTile, nTiles)
var egroup errgroup.Group
tk := startTileKey
for idx := 0; idx < nTiles; idx++ {
func(idx int, tk tileKey) {
egroup.Go(func() error {
var err error
encTiles[idx], err = b.loadTile(ctx, tk)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not load tile with key %d to index %d: %s", tk, idx, err)
return nil
}(idx, tk)
var digestMap *digestMap
egroup.Go(func() error {
var err error
digestMap, err = b.getDigestMap(ctx)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not load digestMap: %s", err)
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("could not load %d tiles: %s", nTiles, err)
// This is the full tile we are going to return.
tileTraces := make(traceMap, len(encTiles[0].traces))
paramSet := paramtools.ParamSet{}
commitIDX := 0
for idx, encTile := range encTiles {
// Determine the offset within the tile that we should consider.
endOffset := int(b.tileSize - 1)
if idx == (len(encTiles) - 1) {
// If we are on the last tile, stop early (that is, at endCommitIndex)
endOffset = endCommitIndex
segLen := endOffset - startCommitIndex + 1
for encodedKey, encValues := range encTile.traces {
// at this point, the encodedKey looks like ,0=1,1=3,3=0,
// See params.paramsEncoder
params, err := encTile.ops.DecodeParamsFromString(string(encodedKey))
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Incomplete OPS: %#v\n", encTile.ops)
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("corrupted trace key - could not decode %s: %s", encodedKey, err)
// Turn the params into the tiling.TraceId we expect elsewhere.
traceKey := tracestore.TraceIDFromParams(params)
if _, ok := tileTraces[traceKey]; !ok {
tileTraces[traceKey] = types.NewGoldenTraceN(nCommits)
gt := tileTraces[traceKey].(*types.GoldenTrace)
gt.Keys = params
// Build up the total set of params
// Convert the digests from integer IDs to strings.
digestIDs := encValues[startCommitIndex : startCommitIndex+segLen]
digests, err := digestMap.DecodeIDs(digestIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("corrupted digest id - could not decode: %s", err)
copy(gt.Digests[commitIDX:commitIDX+segLen], digests)
// After the first tile we always start at the first entry and advance the
// overall commit index by the segment length.
commitIDX += segLen
startCommitIndex = 0
// Sort the params for determinism.
return tileTraces, paramSet, nil
// GetDenseTile implements the TraceStore interface. It fetches the most recent tile and sees if
// there is enough non-empty data, then queries the next oldest tile until it has nCommits
// non-empty commits.
func (b *BTTraceStore) GetDenseTile(ctx context.Context, nCommits int) (*tiling.Tile, []*tiling.Commit, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Figure out what index we are on.
idxCommits := b.vcs.LastNIndex(1)
if len(idxCommits) == 0 {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("No commits found.")
c := idxCommits[0]
tKey, endIdx := b.getTileKey(c.Index)
tileStartCommitIdx := c.Index - endIdx
// commitsWithData is a slice of indexes of commits that have data. These indexes are
// relative to the repo itself, with index 0 being the first (oldest) commit in the repo.
commitsWithData := make([]int, 0, nCommits)
paramSet := paramtools.ParamSet{}
allTraces := traceMap{}
// Start at the most recent tile and step backwards until we have enough commits with data.
for {
traces, params, err := b.getTracesInRange(ctx, tKey, tKey, 0, endIdx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("could not load commits from tile %d: %s", tKey, err)
// filledCommits are the indexes in the traces that have data.
// That is, they are the indexes of commits in this tile.
// It will be sorted from low indexes to high indexes
filledCommits := traces.CommitIndicesWithData()
if len(filledCommits)+len(commitsWithData) > nCommits {
targetLength := nCommits - len(commitsWithData)
// trim filledCommits so we get to exactly nCommits
filledCommits = filledCommits[len(filledCommits)-targetLength:]
for _, tileIdx := range filledCommits {
commitsWithData = append(commitsWithData, tileStartCommitIdx+tileIdx)
cTraces := traces.MakeFromCommitIndexes(filledCommits)
if len(commitsWithData) >= nCommits || tKey == tileKeyFromIndex(0) {
tKey++ // go backwards in time one tile
endIdx = int(b.tileSize - 1) // fetch the whole previous tile
tileStartCommitIdx -= int(b.tileSize)
if len(commitsWithData) == 0 {
return &tiling.Tile{}, nil, nil
// put them in oldest to newest order
oldestIdx := commitsWithData[0]
oldestCommit, err := b.vcs.ByIndex(ctx, oldestIdx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("invalid oldest index %d: %s", oldestIdx, err)
hashes := b.vcs.From(oldestCommit.Timestamp.Add(-1 * time.Millisecond))
// There's no guarantee that hashes[0] == oldestCommit[0] (e.g. two commits at same timestamp)
// So we trim hashes down if necessary
for i := 0; i < len(hashes); i++ {
if hashes[i] == oldestCommit.Hash {
hashes = hashes[i:]
allCommits, err := b.makeTileCommits(ctx, hashes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("could not make tile commits: %s", err)
denseCommits := make([]*tiling.Commit, len(commitsWithData))
for i, idx := range commitsWithData {
denseCommits[i] = allCommits[idx-oldestIdx]
ret := &tiling.Tile{
Traces: allTraces,
ParamSet: paramSet,
Commits: denseCommits,
Scale: 0,
return ret, allCommits, nil
// getTileKey retrieves the tile key and the index of the commit in the given tile (commitIndex)
// given the index of a commit in the repo (repoIndex).
// commitIndex starts at 0 for the oldest commit in the tile.
func (b *BTTraceStore) getTileKey(repoIndex int) (tileKey, int) {
tileIndex := int32(repoIndex) / b.tileSize
commitIndex := repoIndex % int(b.tileSize)
return tileKeyFromIndex(tileIndex), commitIndex
// loadTile returns an *encTile corresponding to the tileKey.
func (b *BTTraceStore) loadTile(ctx context.Context, tileKey tileKey) (*encTile, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
var egroup errgroup.Group
// Load the OrderedParamSet so the caller can decode the data from the tile.
var ops *paramtools.OrderedParamSet
egroup.Go(func() error {
opsEntry, _, err := b.getOPS(ctx, tileKey)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not load OPS: %s", err)
ops = opsEntry.ops
return nil
var traces map[encodedTraceID][]digestID
egroup.Go(func() error {
var err error
traces, err = b.loadEncodedTraces(ctx, tileKey)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not load traces: %s", err)
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &encTile{
ops: ops,
traces: traces,
}, nil
// loadEncodedTraces returns all traces belonging to the given tileKey.
// As outlined in, the trace ids and the digest ids they
// map to are in an encoded form and will need to be expanded prior to use.
func (b *BTTraceStore) loadEncodedTraces(ctx context.Context, tileKey tileKey) (map[encodedTraceID][]digestID, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
var egroup errgroup.Group
shardResults := make([]map[encodedTraceID][]digestID, b.shards)
traceCount := int64(0)
// Query all shards in parallel.
for shard := int32(0); shard < b.shards; shard++ {
func(shard int32) {
egroup.Go(func() error {
// This prefix will match all traces belonging to the
// current shard in the current tile.
prefixRange := bigtable.PrefixRange(shardedRowName(shard, typeTrace, tileKey, ""))
target := map[encodedTraceID][]digestID{}
shardResults[shard] = target
var parseErr error
err := b.table.ReadRows(ctx, prefixRange, func(row bigtable.Row) bool {
// The encoded trace id is the "subkey" part of the row name.
traceKey := encodedTraceID(extractSubkey(row.Key()))
// If this is the first time we've seen the trace, initialize the
// slice of digest ids for it.
if _, ok := target[traceKey]; !ok {
target[traceKey] = make([]digestID, b.tileSize)
atomic.AddInt64(&traceCount, 1)
for _, col := range row[traceFamily] {
// The columns are something like T:35 where the part
// after the colon is the commitIndex i.e. the index
// of this commit in the current tile.
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(col.Column, traceFamilyPrefix))
if err != nil {
// Should never happen
parseErr = err
return false
var dID digestID
if err := dID.UnmarshalBinary(col.Value); err != nil {
// This should never happen
parseErr = err
return false
if idx < 0 || idx >= int(b.tileSize) {
// This would happen if the tile size changed from a past
// value. It shouldn't be changed, even if the Gold tile size
// (n_commits) changes.
parseErr = skerr.Fmt("got index %d that is outside of the target slice of length %d", idx, len(target))
return false
target[traceKey][idx] = dID
return true
}, bigtable.RowFilter(bigtable.LatestNFilter(1)))
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("could not read rows: %s", err)
return parseErr
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Merge all the results together
ret := make(map[encodedTraceID][]digestID, traceCount)
for _, r := range shardResults {
for traceKey, digestIDs := range r {
// different shards should never share results for a tracekey
// since a trace always maps to the same shard.
ret[traceKey] = digestIDs
return ret, nil
// applyBulkBatched writes the given rowNames/mutation pairs to BigTable in batches that are
// maximally of size 'batchSize'. The batches are written in parallel.
func (b *BTTraceStore) applyBulkBatched(ctx context.Context, rowNames []string, mutations []*bigtable.Mutation, batchSize int) error {
var egroup errgroup.Group
err := util.ChunkIter(len(rowNames), batchSize, func(chunkStart, chunkEnd int) error {
egroup.Go(func() error {
tctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, writeTimeout)
defer cancel()
rowNames := rowNames[chunkStart:chunkEnd]
mutations := mutations[chunkStart:chunkEnd]
errs, err := b.table.ApplyBulk(tctx, rowNames, mutations)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("error writing batch [%d:%d]: %s", chunkStart, chunkEnd, err)
if errs != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("error writing some portions of batch [%d:%d]: %s", chunkStart, chunkEnd, errs)
return nil
return nil
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("error running ChunkIter: %s", err)
return egroup.Wait()
// calcShardedRowName deterministically assigns a shard for the given subkey (e.g. traceID)
// Once this is done, the shard, rowtype, tileKey and the subkey are combined into a
// single string to be used as a row name in BT.
func (b *BTTraceStore) calcShardedRowName(tileKey tileKey, rowType, subkey string) string {
shard := int32(crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(subkey)) % uint32(b.shards))
return shardedRowName(shard, rowType, tileKey, subkey)
// To avoid having one monolithic row, we take the first three characters of the digest
// and use it as a subkey in the row. Then, what remains is used as the column name.
// In practice this means our digests will be split using three hexadecimal characters, so
// we will have 16^3 = 4096 rows for our digest map.
func (b *BTTraceStore) rowAndColNameFromDigest(digest types.Digest) (string, string) {
subkey := string(digest[:3])
colName := string(digest[3:])
return b.calcShardedRowName(digestMapTile, typeDigestMap, subkey), colName
// getDigestMap gets the global (i.e. same for all tiles) digestMap.
func (b *BTTraceStore) getDigestMap(ctx context.Context) (*digestMap, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Query all shards in parallel.
var egroup errgroup.Group
shardResults := make([]map[types.Digest]digestID, b.shards)
total := int64(0)
for shard := int32(0); shard < b.shards; shard++ {
func(shard int32) {
egroup.Go(func() error {
prefRange := bigtable.PrefixRange(shardedRowName(shard, typeDigestMap, digestMapTile, ""))
var idx int64
var parseErr error = nil
ret := map[types.Digest]digestID{}
err := b.table.ReadRows(ctx, prefRange, func(row bigtable.Row) bool {
digestPrefix := extractSubkey(row.Key())
for _, col := range row[digestMapFamily] {
idx, parseErr = strconv.ParseInt(string(col.Value), 10, 64)
if parseErr != nil {
// Should never happen
return false
digest := types.Digest(digestPrefix + strings.TrimPrefix(col.Column, digestMapFamilyPrefix))
ret[digest] = digestID(idx)
return true
}, bigtable.RowFilter(bigtable.LatestNFilter(1)))
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("problem fetching shard %d of digestmap: %s", shard, err)
if parseErr != nil {
return parseErr
shardResults[shard] = ret
atomic.AddInt64(&total, int64(len(ret)))
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("problem fetching digestmap: %s", err)
ret := newDigestMap(int(total))
for _, dm := range shardResults {
if err := ret.Add(dm); err != nil {
// put the digest map latter in case it gets truncated
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not build DigestMap: %s \nresults %#v", err, dm)
return ret, nil
// getIDs returns a []DigestID of length n where each of the
// digestIDs are unique (even between processes).
func (b *BTTraceStore) getIDs(ctx context.Context, n int) ([]digestID, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Extract up to n ids from those we have already cached.
defer b.availIDsMutex.Unlock()
toExtract := util.MinInt(len(b.availIDs), n)
ids := make([]digestID, 0, n)
ids = append(ids, b.availIDs[:toExtract]...)
b.availIDs = b.availIDs[toExtract:]
// missing is how many ids we are short
missing := int64(n - len(ids))
if missing == 0 {
return ids, nil
// For performance reasons, make a few big requests for ids instead of many small ones.
// That is, always request numReservedIds extra.
toRequest := missing + numReservedIds
// Reserve new IDs via the ID counter
rmw := bigtable.NewReadModifyWrite()
rmw.Increment(idCounterFamily, idCounterColumn, toRequest)
row, err := b.table.ApplyReadModifyWrite(ctx, idCounterRow, rmw)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not fetch counter from BT: %s", err)
// ri are the cells in Row of the given counter family
// This should be 1 cell belonging to 1 column.
ri, ok := row[idCounterFamily]
if !ok {
// should never happen
return nil, skerr.Fmt("malformed response - no id counter family: %#v", ri)
if len(ri) != 1 {
// should never happen
return nil, skerr.Fmt("malformed response - expected 1 cell: %#v", ri)
maxID := digestID(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(ri[0].Value))
lastID := maxID - digestID(toRequest)
// ID of 0 is a special case - it's already assigned to MISSING_DIGEST, so skip it.
if lastID == missingDigestID {
for i := lastID; i < maxID; i++ {
// Give the first ids to the current allocation request...
if missing > 0 {
ids = append(ids, i)
} else {
// ... and put the remainder in the store for later.
b.availIDs = append(b.availIDs, i)
return ids, nil
// returnIDs can be called with a []DigestID of ids that were not actually
// assigned to digests. This allows them to be used by future requests to
// getIDs.
func (b *BTTraceStore) returnIDs(unusedIDs []digestID) {
defer b.availIDsMutex.Unlock()
b.availIDs = append(b.availIDs, unusedIDs...)
// getOrAddDigests fills the given digestMap with the given digests
// assigned to a DigestID if they don't already have an assignment.
// This is a helper function for updateDigestMap
// TODO(kjlubick): This currently makes a lot of requests to BT -
// Should there be some caching done here to prevent that?
func (b *BTTraceStore) getOrAddDigests(ctx context.Context, digests []types.Digest, digestMap *digestMap) (*digestMap, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
availIDs, err := b.getIDs(ctx, len(digests))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
now := bigtable.Time(time.Now())
newIDMapping := make(map[types.Digest]digestID, len(digests))
unusedIDs := make([]digestID, 0, len(availIDs))
for idx, digest := range digests {
idVal := availIDs[idx]
if _, err := digestMap.ID(digest); err == nil {
// digestMap already has a mapping for this digest, no need to check
// if BT has seen it yet (because it has).
// Should never happen because we we've already done this check in updateDigestMap.
unusedIDs = append(unusedIDs, idVal)
rowName, colName := b.rowAndColNameFromDigest(digest)
// This mutation says "Add an entry to the map for digest -> idVal iff
// the digest doesn't already have a mapping".
addMut := bigtable.NewMutation()
addMut.Set(digestMapFamily, colName, now, []byte(strconv.FormatInt(int64(idVal), 10)))
filter := bigtable.ColumnFilter(colName)
// Note that we only add the value if filter is false, i.e. the column does not
// already exist.
condMut := bigtable.NewCondMutation(filter, nil, addMut)
var digestAlreadyHadId bool
if err := b.table.Apply(ctx, rowName, condMut, bigtable.GetCondMutationResult(&digestAlreadyHadId)); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not check if row %s col %s already had a DigestID: %s", rowName, colName, err)
// We didn't need this ID so let's re-use it later.
if digestAlreadyHadId {
unusedIDs = append(unusedIDs, idVal)
} else {
newIDMapping[digest] = idVal
// If all ids were added to BT, then we know our newIDMapping can simply be added
// to what we already have, since there were no collisions between digests and what
// was in the table already.
if len(unusedIDs) == 0 {
if err := digestMap.Add(newIDMapping); err != nil {
return nil, err
return digestMap, nil
// At this point, some of the digests already had ids, so we should reload
// the entire digestMap to make sure we have the full picture.
// TODO(kjlubick): Can we not just add what new ones we saw to what we already have?
// Return the unused IDs for later use.
return b.getDigestMap(ctx)
// updateDigestMap returns the current global DigestMap after making sure the given
// digests are a part of it.
func (b *BTTraceStore) updateDigestMap(ctx context.Context, digests types.DigestSet) (*digestMap, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
// Load the digest map from BT.
// TODO(kjlubick): should we cache this map and first check to see if the digests
// are all in there?
digestMap, err := b.getDigestMap(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
delta := digestMap.Delta(digests)
if len(delta) == 0 {
return digestMap, nil
return b.getOrAddDigests(ctx, delta, digestMap)
// Copied from btts.go in infra/perf
// UpdateOrderedParamSet will add all params from 'p' to the OrderedParamSet
// for 'tileKey' and write it back to BigTable.
func (b *BTTraceStore) updateOrderedParamSet(ctx context.Context, tileKey tileKey, p paramtools.ParamSet) (*paramtools.OrderedParamSet, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
tctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, writeTimeout)
defer cancel()
var newEntry *opsCacheEntry
for {
// Get OPS.
entry, existsInBT, err := b.getOPS(ctx, tileKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("failed to get OPS: %s", err)
// If the OPS contains our paramset then we're done.
if delta := entry.ops.Delta(p); len(delta) == 0 {
return entry.ops, nil
// Create a new updated ops.
ops := entry.ops.Copy()
newEntry, err = opsCacheEntryFromOPS(ops)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("failed to create cache entry: %s", err)
encodedOps, err := newEntry.ops.Encode()
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("failed to encode new ops: %s", err)
now := bigtable.Time(time.Now())
condTrue := false
if existsInBT {
// Create an update that avoids the lost update problem.
cond := bigtable.ChainFilters(
updateMutation := bigtable.NewMutation()
updateMutation.Set(opsFamily, opsHashColumn, now, []byte(newEntry.hash))
updateMutation.Set(opsFamily, opsOpsColumn, now, encodedOps)
// Add a mutation that cleans up old versions.
before := bigtable.Time(now.Time().Add(-1 * time.Second))
updateMutation.DeleteTimestampRange(opsFamily, opsHashColumn, 0, before)
updateMutation.DeleteTimestampRange(opsFamily, opsOpsColumn, 0, before)
condUpdate := bigtable.NewCondMutation(cond, updateMutation, nil)
if err := b.table.Apply(tctx, tileKey.OpsRowName(), condUpdate, bigtable.GetCondMutationResult(&condTrue)); err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Failed to apply: %s", err)
return nil, err
// If !condTrue then we need to try again,
// and clear our local cache.
if !condTrue {
sklog.Warningf("Exists !condTrue - clearing cache and trying again.")
} else {
// Create an update that only works if the ops entry doesn't exist yet.
// I.e. only apply the mutation if the HASH column doesn't exist for this row.
cond := bigtable.ChainFilters(
updateMutation := bigtable.NewMutation()
updateMutation.Set(opsFamily, opsHashColumn, now, []byte(newEntry.hash))
updateMutation.Set(opsFamily, opsOpsColumn, now, encodedOps)
condUpdate := bigtable.NewCondMutation(cond, nil, updateMutation)
if err := b.table.Apply(tctx, tileKey.OpsRowName(), condUpdate, bigtable.GetCondMutationResult(&condTrue)); err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Failed to apply: %s", err)
// clear cache and try again
// If condTrue then we need to try again,
// and clear our local cache.
if condTrue {
sklog.Warningf("First Write condTrue - clearing cache and trying again.")
// Successfully wrote OPS, so update the cache.
if b.cacheOps {
b.opsCache.Store(tileKey.OpsRowName(), newEntry)
return newEntry.ops, nil
// getOps returns the OpsCacheEntry for a given tile.
// Note that it will create a new OpsCacheEntry if none exists.
// getOps returns false if the OPS in BT was empty, true otherwise (even if cached).
func (b *BTTraceStore) getOPS(ctx context.Context, tileKey tileKey) (*opsCacheEntry, bool, error) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
if b.cacheOps {
entry, ok := b.opsCache.Load(tileKey.OpsRowName())
if ok {
return entry.(*opsCacheEntry), true, nil
tctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, readTimeout)
defer cancel()
row, err := b.table.ReadRow(tctx, tileKey.OpsRowName(), bigtable.RowFilter(bigtable.LatestNFilter(1)))
if err != nil {
return nil, false, skerr.Fmt("failed to read OPS from BigTable for %s: %s", tileKey.OpsRowName(), err)
// If there is no entry in BigTable then return an empty OPS.
if len(row) == 0 {
sklog.Warningf("Failed to read OPS from BT for %s.", tileKey.OpsRowName())
entry, err := newOpsCacheEntry()
return entry, false, err
entry, err := newOpsCacheEntryFromRow(row)
if err == nil && b.cacheOps {
b.opsCache.Store(tileKey.OpsRowName(), entry)
return entry, true, err
// makeTileCommits creates a slice of tiling.Commit from the given git hashes.
// Specifically, we need to look up the details to get the author information.
func (b *BTTraceStore) makeTileCommits(ctx context.Context, hashes []string) ([]*tiling.Commit, error) {
longCommits, err := b.vcs.DetailsMulti(ctx, hashes, false)
if err != nil {
// put hashes second in case they get truncated for being quite long.
return nil, skerr.Fmt("could not fetch commit data for commits %s (hashes: %q)", err, hashes)
commits := make([]*tiling.Commit, len(hashes))
for i, lc := range longCommits {
if lc == nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("commit %s not found from VCS", hashes[i])
commits[i] = &tiling.Commit{
Hash: lc.Hash,
Author: lc.Author,
CommitTime: lc.Timestamp.Unix(),
return commits, nil
// Make sure BTTraceStore fulfills the TraceStore Interface
var _ tracestore.TraceStore = (*BTTraceStore)(nil)