blob: c4ed6623c13a195a2685065004ff1ada41b90b75 [file] [log] [blame]
package sql
import (
// DigestToBytes returns the given digest as bytes. It returns an error if a missing digest is
// passed in or if the bytes are otherwise invalid.
func DigestToBytes(d types.Digest) (schema.DigestBytes, error) {
if len(d) != 32 {
return schema.DigestBytes{}, skerr.Fmt("Empty/missing/invalid digest passed in %q", d)
out := make(schema.DigestBytes, md5.Size)
_, err := hex.Decode(out, []byte(d))
return out, skerr.Wrap(err)
// SerializeMap returns the given map in JSON and the MD5 of that json string. nil maps will be
// treated as empty maps. Keys will be sorted lexicographically.
func SerializeMap(m map[string]string) (string, []byte) {
var jsonBytes []byte
if len(m) == 0 {
jsonBytes = []byte("{}")
} else {
jsonBytes = jsonutils.MarshalStringMap(m)
h := md5.Sum(jsonBytes)
return string(jsonBytes), h[:]
// TraceValuesShards is the number of shards we use in the TraceValues Table.
const TraceValuesShards = 8
// ComputeTraceValueShard computes a shard in the range [0,TraceValuesShards) based off the given
// trace hash bytes. This shard range was chosen to be a small number (relative to the thousands
// of ranges that the TraceValues database occupies) that is larger than the number of nodes in the
// cockroachdb cluster. See the overall design doc (go/skia-gold-sql) for more explanation about
// data locality and sharding.
func ComputeTraceValueShard(traceID schema.TraceID) byte {
return traceID[0] % TraceValuesShards
// AsMD5Hash returns the given byte slice as an MD5Hash (for easier use with maps)
func AsMD5Hash(b []byte) schema.MD5Hash {
var m schema.MD5Hash
copy(m[:], b)
return m
// FromMD5Hash returns the given byte array a slice of bytes. The copy is required when dealing
// with a loop variable, as a naive slice won't work.
func FromMD5Hash(m schema.MD5Hash) []byte {
b := make([]byte, len(m))
copy(b, m[:])
return b
// GetConnectionURL returns a full connection URL with the correct protocol and connection options
// given the username, host, port, and database name.
func GetConnectionURL(userHostPort, dbName string) string {
// We choose not to use SSL because all communication should be in the same k8s cluster
// and the cumbersomeness of using https is not yet worth it.
return fmt.Sprintf("postgresql://%s/%s?sslmode=disable", userHostPort, dbName)
// Qualify prefixes the given CL, PS or TJ id with the given system. In the SQL database, we use
// these qualified IDs to make the queries easier, that is, we don't have to do a join over id
// and system, we can just use the combined ID.
func Qualify(system, id string) string {
return system + "_" + id
// Unqualify removes the system prefix that was added with Qualify. If the id was not qualified,
// the input string is returned unchanged.
func Unqualify(id string) string {
pieces := strings.SplitAfterN(id, "_", 2)
if len(pieces) != 2 {
return id
return pieces[1]
// Sanitize removes unsafe characters from strings to avoid SQL injections. Namely quotes.
func Sanitize(s string) string {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, `'`, ``)
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, `"`, ``)