blob: b6d451d642914706b9d1d09f7bc94aea2e2b078e [file] [log] [blame]
package mockhttpclient
import (
const (
// URLMock implements http.RoundTripper but returns mocked responses. It
// provides two methods for mocking responses to requests for particular URLs:
// - Mock: Adds a fake response for the given URL to be used every time a
// request is made for that URL.
// - MockOnce: Adds a fake response for the given URL to be used one time.
// MockOnce may be called multiple times for the same URL in order to
// simulate the response changing over time. Takes precedence over mocks
// specified using Mock.
// Examples:
// // Mock out a URL to always respond with the same body.
// m := NewURLMock()
// m.Mock("", MockGetDialogue([]byte("Here's a response.")))
// res, _ := m.Client().Get("")
// respBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) // respBody == []byte("Here's a response.")
// // Mock out a URL to give different responses.
// m.MockOnce("", MockGetDialogue([]byte("hi")))
// m.MockOnce("", MockGetDialogue([]byte("Second response.")))
// res1, _ := m.Client().Get("")
// body1, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res1.Body) // body1 == []byte("hi")
// res2, _ := m.Client().Get("")
// body2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res2.Body) // body2 == []byte("Second response.")
// // Fall back on the value previously set using Mock():
// res3, _ := m.Client().Get("")
// body3, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res3.Body) // body3 == []byte("Here's a response.")
type URLMock struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
mockAlways map[string]MockDialogue
mockOnce map[string][]MockDialogue
var DONT_CARE_REQUEST = []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
type MockDialogue struct {
requestMethod string
requestType string
requestPayload []byte
responseStatus string
responseCode int
responsePayload []byte
responseHeaders map[string][]string
// ResponseHeader adds the given header to the response.
func (md *MockDialogue) ResponseHeader(key, value string) {
if md.responseHeaders == nil {
md.responseHeaders = map[string][]string{}
md.responseHeaders[key] = append(md.responseHeaders[key], value)
func (md *MockDialogue) GetResponse(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if md.requestMethod != r.Method {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wrong Method, expected %q, but was %q", md.requestMethod, r.Method)
if md.requestPayload == nil {
if r.Body != nil {
requestBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No request payload expected, but was %s (%#v) ", string(requestBody), r.Body)
} else {
if ct := r.Header.Get("Content-Type"); md.requestType != ct {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Content-Type was wrong, expected %q, but was %q", md.requestType, ct)
defer util.Close(r.Body)
requestBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading request body: %s", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(md.requestPayload, DONT_CARE_REQUEST) && !reflect.DeepEqual(md.requestPayload, requestBody) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Wrong request payload, expected \n%s, but was \n%s", md.requestPayload, requestBody)
return &http.Response{
Body: &respBodyCloser{bytes.NewReader(md.responsePayload)},
Header: md.responseHeaders,
Status: md.responseStatus,
StatusCode: md.responseCode,
}, nil
// ServeHTTP implements http.Handler.
func (md MockDialogue) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resp, err := md.GetResponse(r)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), TEST_FAILED_STATUS_CODE)
defer util.Close(resp.Body)
// TODO(benjaminwagner): I don't see an easy way to include resp.Status.
_, err = io.Copy(w, resp.Body)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), TEST_FAILED_STATUS_CODE)
func MockGetDialogue(responseBody []byte) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "GET",
requestType: "",
requestPayload: nil,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: http.StatusOK,
responsePayload: responseBody,
func MockGetError(responseStatus string, responseCode int) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "GET",
requestType: "",
requestPayload: nil,
responseStatus: responseStatus,
responseCode: responseCode,
responsePayload: []byte{},
func MockGetWithRequestDialogue(requestType string, requestBody, responseBody []byte) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "GET",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: http.StatusOK,
responsePayload: responseBody,
func MockGetDialogueWithResponseHeaders(responseBody []byte, responseHeaders map[string][]string) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "GET",
requestType: "",
requestPayload: nil,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: http.StatusOK,
responsePayload: responseBody,
responseHeaders: responseHeaders,
func MockPostDialogue(requestType string, requestBody, responseBody []byte) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "POST",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: http.StatusOK,
responsePayload: responseBody,
func MockPostDialogueWithResponseCode(requestType string, requestBody, responseBody []byte, responseCode int) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "POST",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: responseCode,
responsePayload: responseBody,
func MockPostError(requestType string, requestBody []byte, responseStatus string, responseCode int) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "POST",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: responseStatus,
responseCode: responseCode,
responsePayload: []byte{},
func MockPutDialogue(requestType string, requestBody, responseBody []byte) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "PUT",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: http.StatusOK,
responsePayload: responseBody,
func MockPatchDialogue(requestType string, requestBody, responseBody []byte) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "PATCH",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: http.StatusOK,
responsePayload: responseBody,
func MockDeleteDialogueWithResponseCode(requestType string, requestBody, responseBody []byte, responseCode int) MockDialogue {
return MockDialogue{
requestMethod: "DELETE",
requestType: requestType,
requestPayload: requestBody,
responseStatus: "OK",
responseCode: responseCode,
responsePayload: responseBody,
// Mock adds a mocked response for the given URL; whenever this URLMock is used
// as a transport for an http.Client, requests to the given URL will always
// receive the given body in their responses. Mocks specified using Mock() are
// independent of those specified using MockOnce(), except that those specified
// using MockOnce() take precedence when present.
func (m *URLMock) Mock(url string, md MockDialogue) {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
m.mockAlways[url] = md
// MockOnce adds a mocked response for the given URL, to be used exactly once.
// Mocks are stored in a FIFO queue and removed from the queue as they are
// requested. Therefore, multiple requests to the same URL must each correspond
// to a call to MockOnce, in the same order that the requests will be made.
// Mocks specified this way are independent of those specified using Mock(),
// except that those specified using MockOnce() take precedence when present.
func (m *URLMock) MockOnce(url string, md MockDialogue) {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
if _, ok := m.mockOnce[url]; !ok {
m.mockOnce[url] = []MockDialogue{}
m.mockOnce[url] = append(m.mockOnce[url], md)
// Client returns an http.Client instance which uses the URLMock.
func (m *URLMock) Client() *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Transport: m,
// RoundTrip is an implementation of http.RoundTripper.RoundTrip. It fakes
// responses for requests to URLs based on past calls to Mock() and MockOnce().
func (m *URLMock) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
url := r.URL.String()
var md *MockDialogue
// Unlock not deferred because we want to be able to handle multiple
// requests simultaneously.
closest := "(no mocked URLs)"
if resps, ok := m.mockOnce[url]; ok {
if resps != nil && len(resps) > 0 {
md = &resps[0]
m.mockOnce[url] = m.mockOnce[url][1:]
} else if data, ok := m.mockAlways[url]; ok {
md = &data
} else {
// For debugging; find the closest match.
min := math.MaxInt32
for mocked := range m.mockOnce {
d := levenshtein.DistanceForStrings([]rune(url), []rune(mocked), levenshtein.DefaultOptions)
if d < min {
min = d
closest = mocked
for mocked := range m.mockAlways {
d := levenshtein.DistanceForStrings([]rune(url), []rune(mocked), levenshtein.DefaultOptions)
if d < min {
min = d
closest = mocked
if md == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown URL %q; closest match: %s", url, closest)
return md.GetResponse(r)
// Empty returns true iff all of the URLs registered via MockOnce() have been
// used.
func (m *URLMock) Empty() bool {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
for url, resps := range m.mockOnce {
if resps != nil && len(resps) > 0 {
sklog.Errorf("not empty: %s", url)
return false
return true
// List returns the list of all URLs registered via MockOnce.
func (m *URLMock) List() []string {
rv := []string{}
for url, resps := range m.mockOnce {
if resps != nil && len(resps) > 0 {
rv = append(rv, url)
return rv
// respBodyCloser is a wrapper which lets us pretend to implement io.ReadCloser
// by wrapping a bytes.Reader.
type respBodyCloser struct {
// Close is a stub method which lets us pretend to implement io.ReadCloser.
func (r respBodyCloser) Close() error {
return nil
// NewURLMock returns an empty URLMock instance.
func NewURLMock() *URLMock {
return &URLMock{
mockAlways: map[string]MockDialogue{},
mockOnce: map[string][]MockDialogue{},
// New returns a new mocked HTTPClient.
func New(urlMap map[string]MockDialogue) *http.Client {
m := NewURLMock()
for k, v := range urlMap {
m.Mock(k, v)
return m.Client()