blob: 64a0e7188b9db0a89e163f644607651b0d8a9d5c [file] [log] [blame]
// paramsets keeps a running summary of paramsets per test, digest pair.
package paramsets
import (
// ParamSummary keep precalculated paramsets for each test, digest pair.
// It is not thread safe. The client of this package needs to make sure there
// are no conflicts.
type ParamSummary struct {
// map [test]map[digest] paramset.
byTrace map[string]map[string]paramtools.ParamSet
byTraceIncludeIgnored map[string]map[string]paramtools.ParamSet
// byTraceForTile calculates all the paramsets from the given tile and tallies.
func byTraceForTile(tile *tiling.Tile, traceTally map[string]tally.Tally) map[string]map[string]paramtools.ParamSet {
ret := map[string]map[string]paramtools.ParamSet{}
for id, t := range traceTally {
if tr, ok := tile.Traces[id]; ok {
test := tr.Params()[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
for digest := range t {
if foundTest, ok := ret[test]; !ok {
ret[test] = map[string]paramtools.ParamSet{digest: paramtools.NewParamSet(tr.Params())}
} else if foundDigest, ok := foundTest[digest]; !ok {
foundTest[digest] = paramtools.NewParamSet(tr.Params())
} else {
return ret
// New creates a new ParamSummary.
func New() *ParamSummary {
return &ParamSummary{}
// Calculate sets the values the ParamSummary based on the given tile.
func (s *ParamSummary) Calculate(tilePair *types.TilePair, tallies *tally.Tallies, talliesWithIgnores *tally.Tallies) {
defer timer.New("paramsets").Stop()
s.byTrace = byTraceForTile(tilePair.Tile, tallies.ByTrace())
s.byTraceIncludeIgnored = byTraceForTile(tilePair.TileWithIgnores, talliesWithIgnores.ByTrace())
// Get returns the paramset for the given digest. If 'include' is true
// then the paramset is calculated including ignored traces.
func (s *ParamSummary) Get(test, digest string, include bool) map[string][]string {
useMap := s.byTrace
if include {
useMap = s.byTraceIncludeIgnored
if foundTest, ok := useMap[test]; ok {
return foundTest[digest]
return nil
// GetByTest returns the parameter sets organized by tests and digests:
// map[test_name]map[digest]ParamSet
func (s *ParamSummary) GetByTest(includeIngores bool) map[string]map[string]paramtools.ParamSet {
if includeIngores {
return s.byTraceIncludeIgnored
return s.byTrace