blob: a09550652bba2deb2ec8ebfd6d246d2d7e337bae [file] [log] [blame]
package indexer
import (
assert ""
ds_testutil ""
tracedb ""
const (
// Directory with testdata.
TEST_DATA_DIR = "./testdata"
// Local file location of the test data.
// Folder in the testdata bucket. See go/testutils for details.
TEST_DATA_STORAGE_PATH = "gold-testdata/goldentile.json.gz"
// REPO_URL is the url of the repo to check out.
// REPO_DIR contains the location of where to check out Skia for benchmarks.
REPO_DIR = "./skia"
// N_COMMITS is the number of commits used in benchmarks.
// Database user used by benchmarks.
DB_USER = "readwrite"
// TEST_HASHES_PATH is the GCS path where the file will be written.
TEST_HASHES_PATH = "skia-infra-testdata/hash_files/testing-known-hashes.txt"
// Flags used by benchmarks. Everything else uses reasonable assumptions based
// on a local setup of tracedb and skia_ingestion.
var (
traceService = flag.String("trace_service", "localhost:9001", "The address of the traceservice endpoint.")
dbName = flag.String("db_name", "gold_skiacorrectness", "The name of the databased to use. User 'readwrite' and local test settings are assumed.")
func TestIndexer(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, err, "Unable to download testdata.")
defer testutils.RemoveAll(t, TEST_DATA_DIR)
tileBuilder := mocks.NewMockTileBuilderFromJson(t, TEST_DATA_PATH)
eventBus := eventbus.New()
expStore := expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus)
opts := &storage.GSClientOptions{
gsClient, err := storage.NewGStorageClient(mocks.GetHTTPClient(t), opts)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, gsClient)
storages := &storage.Storage{
ExpectationsStore: expStore,
MasterTileBuilder: tileBuilder,
DigestStore: &mocks.MockDigestStore{
FirstSeen: time.Now().Unix(),
OkValue: true,
DiffStore: mocks.NewMockDiffStore(),
EventBus: eventBus,
GStorageClient: gsClient,
assert.NoError(t, storages.InitBaseliner())
ixr, err := New(storages, time.Minute)
assert.NoError(t, err)
idxOne := ixr.GetIndex()
// Set up a waitgroup so we can block until the index is updated.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
eventBus.SubscribeAsync(EV_INDEX_UPDATED, func(ignore interface{}) {
// Change the classifications and wait for the indexing to propagate.
changes := getChanges(t, idxOne.tilePair.Tile)
assert.NoError(t, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changes, ""))
// Make sure the new index is different from the previous one.
idxTwo := ixr.GetIndex()
assert.NotEqual(t, idxOne, idxTwo)
func getChanges(t *testing.T, tile *tiling.Tile) types.TestExp {
ret := types.TestExp{}
labelVals := []types.Label{types.POSITIVE, types.NEGATIVE}
for _, trace := range tile.Traces {
if rand.Float32() > 0.5 {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
for _, digest := range gTrace.Values {
if digest != types.MISSING_DIGEST {
testName := gTrace.Params_[types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]
if found, ok := ret[testName]; ok {
found[digest] = labelVals[rand.Int()%2]
} else {
ret[testName] = types.TestClassification{digest: labelVals[rand.Int()%2]}
assert.True(t, len(ret) > 0)
return ret
func BenchmarkIndexer(b *testing.B) {
ctx := context.Background()
storages, expStore := setupStorages(b, ctx)
defer testutils.RemoveAll(b, REPO_DIR)
// Build the initial index.
_, err := New(storages, time.Minute*15)
assert.NoError(b, err)
// Update the expectations.
changes, err := expStore.Get()
assert.NoError(b, err)
changesTestExp := changes.TestExp()
// Wait for the indexTests to complete when we change the expectations.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
storages.EventBus.SubscribeAsync(EV_INDEX_UPDATED, func(state interface{}) {
assert.NoError(b, storages.ExpectationsStore.AddChange(changesTestExp, ""))
func setupStorages(t testutils.TestingT, ctx context.Context) (*storage.Storage, expstorage.ExpectationsStore) {
// Set up the diff store, the event bus and the DB connection.
diffStore := mocks.NewMockDiffStore()
evt := eventbus.New()
// Set up the cloud datasstore and initialize the expectations store.
cleanup := ds_testutil.InitDatastore(t, ds.KindsToBackup[ds.GOLD_SKIA_PROD_NS]...)
defer cleanup()
cloudExpStore, _, err := expstorage.NewCloudExpectationsStore(ds.DS, evt)
assert.NoError(t, err)
expStore := expstorage.NewCachingExpectationStore(cloudExpStore, evt)
git, err := gitinfo.CloneOrUpdate(context.Background(), REPO_URL, REPO_DIR, false)
assert.NoError(t, err)
traceDB, err := tracedb.NewTraceServiceDBFromAddress(*traceService, types.GoldenTraceBuilder)
assert.NoError(t, err)
masterTileBuilder, err := tracedb.NewMasterTileBuilder(ctx, traceDB, git, N_COMMITS, evt, "")
assert.NoError(t, err)
ret := &storage.Storage{
DiffStore: diffStore,
ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewMemExpectationsStore(evt),
MasterTileBuilder: masterTileBuilder,
DigestStore: &mocks.MockDigestStore{IssueIDs: []int{}, OkValue: true},
NCommits: N_COMMITS,
EventBus: evt,
ret.IgnoreStore, err = ignore.NewCloudIgnoreStore(ds.DS, expStore, ret.GetTileStreamNow(time.Minute))
assert.NoError(t, err)
tilePair, err := ret.GetLastTileTrimmed()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, len(tilePair.IgnoreRules) > 0)
return ret, expStore