blob: c84f5fb6e73402cf34d504a4147c485a9cdbd692 [file] [log] [blame]
package expstorage
import (
// Events emitted by this package.
const (
// Event emitted when expectations change.
// Callback argument: []string with the names of changed tests.
EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED = "expstorage:changed"
func init() {
// Register the codec for EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED so we can have distributed events.
gevent.RegisterCodec(EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED, util.JSONCodec(&EventExpectationChange{}))
// Defines the storage interface for expectations.
type ExpectationsStore interface {
// Get the current classifications for image digests. The keys of the
// expectations map are the test names.
Get() (exp types.Expectations, err error)
// AddChange writes the given classified digests to the database and records the
// user that made the change.
AddChange(changes types.TestExp, userId string) error
// QueryLog allows to paginate through the changes in the expectations.
// If details is true the result will include a list of triage operations
// that were part a change.
QueryLog(offset, size int, details bool) ([]*TriageLogEntry, int, error)
// UndoChange reverts a change by setting all testname/digest pairs of the
// original change to the label they had before the change was applied.
// A new entry is added to the log with a reference to the change that was
// undone.
UndoChange(changeID int64, userID string) (types.TestExp, error)
// Clear deletes all expectations in this ExpectationsStore. This is mostly
// used for testing, but also to delete the expectations for a Gerrit issue.
// See the tryjobstore package.
Clear() error
// removeChange removes the given digests from the expectations store.
// The key in changes is the test name which maps to a list of digests
// to remove. Used for testing only.
removeChange(changes types.TestExp) error
// TriageDetails represents one changed digest and the label that was
// assigned as part of the triage operation.
type TriageDetail struct {
TestName string `json:"test_name"`
Digest string `json:"digest"`
Label string `json:"label"`
// TriageLogEntry represents one change in the expectation store.
type TriageLogEntry struct {
// Note: The ID is a string because an int64 cannot be passed back and
// forth to the JS frontend.
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
TS int64 `json:"ts"`
ChangeCount int `json:"changeCount"`
Details []*TriageDetail `json:"details"`
UndoChangeID int64 `json:"undoChangeId"`
func (t *TriageLogEntry) GetChanges() types.TestExp {
ret := types.TestExp{}
for _, d := range t.Details {
label := types.LabelFromString(d.Label)
if found, ok := ret[d.TestName]; !ok {
ret[d.TestName] = types.TestClassification{d.Digest: label}
} else {
found[d.Digest] = label
return ret
// Implements ExpectationsStore in memory for prototyping and testing.
type MemExpectationsStore struct {
expectations types.Expectations
readCopy types.Expectations
eventBus eventbus.EventBus
// Protects expectations.
mutex sync.RWMutex
// New instance of memory backed expectation storage.
func NewMemExpectationsStore(eventBus eventbus.EventBus) ExpectationsStore {
ret := &MemExpectationsStore{
eventBus: eventBus,
_ = ret.Clear()
return ret
// ------------- In-memory implementation
// See ExpectationsStore interface.
func (m *MemExpectationsStore) Get() (types.Expectations, error) {
defer m.mutex.RUnlock()
return m.readCopy, nil
// See ExpectationsStore interface.
func (m *MemExpectationsStore) AddChange(changedTests types.TestExp, userId string) error {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
if m.eventBus != nil {
m.eventBus.Publish(EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED, evExpChange(changedTests, masterIssueID, nil), true)
m.readCopy = types.NewExpectations(m.expectations.TestExp().DeepCopy())
return nil
// removeChange, see ExpectationsStore interface.
func (m *MemExpectationsStore) removeChange(changedDigests types.TestExp) error {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
testExp := m.expectations.TestExp().DeepCopy()
for testName, digests := range changedDigests {
for digest := range digests {
delete(testExp[testName], digest)
if len(testExp[testName]) == 0 {
delete(testExp, testName)
// Replace the current expectations.
m.expectations = types.NewExpectations(testExp)
if m.eventBus != nil {
m.eventBus.Publish(EV_EXPSTORAGE_CHANGED, evExpChange(changedDigests, masterIssueID, nil), true)
m.readCopy = types.NewExpectations(m.expectations.TestExp().DeepCopy())
return nil
// See ExpectationsStore interface.
func (m *MemExpectationsStore) QueryLog(offset, size int, details bool) ([]*TriageLogEntry, int, error) {
sklog.Fatal("MemExpectation store does not support querying the logs.")
return nil, 0, nil
// See ExpectationsStore interface.
func (m *MemExpectationsStore) UndoChange(changeID int64, userID string) (types.TestExp, error) {
sklog.Fatal("MemExpectation store does not support undo.")
return nil, nil
// See ExpectationsStore interface.
func (m *MemExpectationsStore) Clear() error {
defer m.mutex.Unlock()
m.expectations = types.NewExpectations(nil)
m.readCopy = types.NewExpectations(nil)
return nil