blob: 6f418b455caed9ce3d8d0815c2f51d90637b9190 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage: img1 img2
# Helper script that calculates the DiffMetric between two given images.
# For debugging purposes only.
# Note: This requires PIL or Pillow to be installed.
import sys
from PIL import Image
## Main program.
img1_path = sys.argv[1]
img2_path = sys.argv[2]
img1 =
img2 =
has_alpha = (img1.mode == img2.mode)
xMin = min(img1.size[0], img2.size[0])
yMin = min(img1.size[1], img2.size[1])
xMax = max(img1.size[0], img2.size[0])
yMax = max(img1.size[1], img2.size[1])
px_img1 = img1.load()
px_img2 = img2.load()
num_diff_pixel = xMax * yMax
max_rgba_diff = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for x in xrange(xMin):
for y in xrange(yMin):
p1 = (px_img1[x, y] + (0xFF,))[:4]
p2 = (px_img2[x, y] + (0xFF,))[:4]
if (p1 != p2) or not has_alpha:
for channel in range(len(p1)):
pdiff = abs(p1[channel]-p2[channel])
max_rgba_diff[channel] = max(max_rgba_diff[channel], pdiff)
num_diff_pixel -= 1
image_sizes_differ = (
(img1.size[0] != img2.size[0]) or
(img1.size[1] != img2.size[1]))
total_px = xMax * yMax
pixel_diff_percent = (num_diff_pixel / float(total_px)) * 100
if pixel_diff_percent > 100.0:
print "Error: Percent difference > 100%"
print "Image Sizes Differ:", image_sizes_differ
print "TotalNumPixels: ", total_px
print "NumDiffPixels: ", num_diff_pixel
print "PixelDiffPercent: ", pixel_diff_percent
print "MaxRGBADiffs: ", max_rgba_diff