blob: 4c734ee93f5c4b45b35a059743a93e3a963625c1 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
netpprof "net/http/pprof"
tracedb ""
gstorage ""
const (
// IMAGE_URL_PREFIX is path prefix used for all images (digests and diffs)
// OAUTH2_CALLBACK_PATH is callback endpoint used for the Oauth2 flow
OAUTH2_CALLBACK_PATH = "/oauth2callback/"
// WHITELIST_ALL can be provided as the value for the whitelist file to whitelist all configurations
// Command line flags.
var (
appTitle = flag.String("app_title", "Skia Gold", "Title of the deployed up on the front end.")
authoritative = flag.Bool("authoritative", false, "Indicates that this instance should write changes that could be triggered on multiple instances running in parallel.")
authWhiteList = flag.String("auth_whitelist", login.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_WHITELIST, "White space separated list of domains and email addresses that are allowed to login.")
cacheSize = flag.Int("cache_size", 1, "Approximate cachesize used to cache images and diff metrics in GiB. This is just a way to limit caching. 0 means no caching at all. Use default for testing.")
clientSecretFile = flag.String("client_secret", "", "Client secret file for OAuth2 authentication.")
cpuProfile = flag.Duration("cpu_profile", 0, "Duration for which to profile the CPU usage. After this duration the program writes the CPU profile and exits.")
defaultCorpus = flag.String("default_corpus", "gm", "The corpus identifier shown by default on the frontend.")
defaultMatchFields = flag.String("match_fields", "name", "A comma separated list of fields that need to match when finding closest images.")
diffServerGRPCAddr = flag.String("diff_server_grpc", "", "The grpc port of the diff server. 'diff_server_http also needs to be set.")
diffServerImageAddr = flag.String("diff_server_http", "", "The images serving address of the diff server. 'diff_server_grpc has to be set as well.")
dsNamespace = flag.String("ds_namespace", "", "Cloud datastore namespace to be used by this instance.")
eventTopic = flag.String("event_topic", "", "The pubsub topic to use for distributed events.")
forceLogin = flag.Bool("force_login", true, "Force the user to be authenticated for all requests.")
gsBucketNames = flag.String("gs_buckets", "skia-infra-gm,chromium-skia-gm", "Comma-separated list of google storage bucket that hold uploaded images.")
hashesGSPath = flag.String("hashes_gs_path", "", "GS path, where the known hashes file should be stored. If empty no file will be written. Format: <bucket>/<path>.")
baselineGSPath = flag.String("baseline_gs_path", "", "GS path, where the baseline file should be stored. If empty no file will be written. Format: <bucket>/<path>.")
imageDir = flag.String("image_dir", "/tmp/imagedir", "What directory to store test and diff images in.")
indexInterval = flag.Duration("idx_interval", 5*time.Minute, "Interval at which the indexer calculates the search index.")
internalPort = flag.String("internal_port", "", "HTTP service address for internal clients, e.g. probers. No authentication on this port.")
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
memProfile = flag.Duration("memprofile", 0, "Duration for which to profile memory. After this duration the program writes the memory profile and exits.")
nCommits = flag.Int("n_commits", 50, "Number of recent commits to include in the analysis.")
noCloudLog = flag.Bool("no_cloud_log", false, "Disables cloud logging. Primarily for running locally.")
port = flag.String("port", ":9000", "HTTP service address (e.g., ':9000')")
projectID = flag.String("project_id", common.PROJECT_ID, "GCP project ID.")
promPort = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':10110')")
pubWhiteList = flag.String("public_whitelist", "", fmt.Sprintf("File name of a JSON5 file that contains a query with the traces to white list. If set to '%s' everything is included. This is required if force_login is false.", WHITELIST_ALL))
redirectURL = flag.String("redirect_url", "", "OAuth2 redirect url. Only used when local=false.")
resourcesDir = flag.String("resources_dir", "", "The directory to find templates, JS, and CSS files. If blank the directory relative to the source code files will be used.")
gerritURL = flag.String("gerrit_url", gerrit.GERRIT_SKIA_URL, "URL of the Gerrit instance where we retrieve CL metadata.")
siteURL = flag.String("site_url", "", "URL where this app is hosted.")
storageDir = flag.String("storage_dir", "/tmp/gold-storage", "Directory to store reproducible application data.")
gitRepoDir = flag.String("git_repo_dir", "../../../skia", "Directory location for the Skia repo.")
gitRepoURL = flag.String("git_repo_url", "", "The URL to pass to git clone for the source repository.")
serviceAccountFile = flag.String("service_account_file", "", "Credentials file for service account.")
showBotProgress = flag.Bool("show_bot_progress", true, "Query for the progress of bot results.")
sparseInput = flag.Bool("sparse", false, "Sparse input expected. Filter out 'empty' commits.")
traceservice = flag.String("trace_service", "localhost:10000", "The address of the traceservice endpoint.")
func main() {
var err error
// Needed to use TimeSortableKey(...) which relies on an RNG. See docs there.
mainTimer := timer.New("main init")
// Setup DB flags. But don't specify a default host or default database
// to avoid accidental writes.
dbConf := database.ConfigFromFlags("", db.PROD_DB_PORT, database.USER_RW, "", db.MigrationSteps())
// Parse the options. So we can configure logging.
// Set up the logging options.
logOpts := []common.Opt{
// Should we disable cloud logging.
if !*noCloudLog {
logOpts = append(logOpts, common.CloudLoggingOpt())
_, appName := filepath.Split(os.Args[0])
common.InitWithMust(appName, logOpts...)
// TODO(stephana): Running the setup process in the a parallel go-routine is an ugly hack and
// should be removed as soon as the setup process is fast enough to complete within 10 seconds.
// Run the setup process in the background so we can quickly expose a URL for health checks.
// This is currently necessary to ease deployment on Kubernetes. It renders the initial
// readyness check meaningless, but not subsequent health checks once the setup is completed.
var openSite bool
var handlers web.WebHandlers
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
ctx := context.Background()
// Enable the memory profiler if memProfile was set.
// TODO(stephana): This should be moved to a HTTP endpoint that
// only responds to internal IP addresses/ports.
if *memProfile > 0 {
time.AfterFunc(*memProfile, func() {
sklog.Infof("Writing Memory Profile")
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("./", "memory-profile")
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create memory profile file: %s", err)
if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to write memory profile file: %v", err)
sklog.Infof("Memory profile written to %s", f.Name())
if *cpuProfile > 0 {
sklog.Infof("Writing CPU Profile")
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("./", "cpu-profile")
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create cpu profile file: %s", err)
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to write cpu profile file: %v", err)
time.AfterFunc(*cpuProfile, func() {
sklog.Infof("CPU profile written to %s", f.Name())
// Set the resource directory if it's empty. Useful for running locally.
if *resourcesDir == "" {
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
*resourcesDir = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(filename), "../..")
*resourcesDir += "/frontend"
// Set up login
useRedirectURL := *redirectURL
if *local {
useRedirectURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost%s/oauth2callback/", *port)
authWhiteList := metadata.GetWithDefault(metadata.AUTH_WHITE_LIST, login.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_WHITELIST)
if err := login.Init(useRedirectURL, authWhiteList, *clientSecretFile); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize the login system: %s", err)
// Get the token source for the service account with access to GCS, the Monorail issue tracker,
// cloud pubsub, and datastore.
tokenSource, err := auth.NewJWTServiceAccountTokenSource("", *serviceAccountFile, gstorage.CloudPlatformScope, "")
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to authenticate service account: %s", err)
// TODO(dogben): Ok to add request/dial timeouts?
client := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(tokenSource).WithoutRetries().Client()
// serviceName uniquely identifies this host and app and is used as ID for other services.
nodeName, err := gevent.GetNodeName(appName, *local)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error getting unique service name: %s", err)
// If the addresses for a remote DiffStore were given, then set it up
// otherwise create an embedded DiffStore instance.
var diffStore diff.DiffStore = nil
if (*diffServerGRPCAddr != "") || (*diffServerImageAddr != "") {
// Create the client connection and connect to the server.
conn, err := grpc.Dial(*diffServerGRPCAddr,
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to connect to grpc service: %s", err)
codec := diffstore.MetricMapCodec{}
diffStore, err = diffstore.NewNetDiffStore(conn, *diffServerImageAddr, codec)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to initialize NetDiffStore: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("DiffStore: NetDiffStore initiated.")
} else {
mapper := diffstore.NewGoldDiffStoreMapper(&diff.DiffMetrics{})
diffStore, err = diffstore.NewMemDiffStore(client, *imageDir, strings.Split(*gsBucketNames, ","), diffstore.DEFAULT_GCS_IMG_DIR_NAME, *cacheSize, mapper)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Allocating local DiffStore failed: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("DiffStore: MemDiffStore initiated.")
digestStore, err := digeststore.New(*storageDir)
if err != nil {
git, err := gitinfo.CloneOrUpdate(ctx, *gitRepoURL, *gitRepoDir, false)
if err != nil {
// Set up the event bus which can either be in-process or distributed
// depending whether an PubSub topic was defined.
var evt eventbus.EventBus = nil
if *eventTopic != "" {
evt, err = gevent.New(*projectID, *eventTopic, nodeName, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create global event client. Got error: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Global eventbus for topic '%s' and subscriber '%s' created.", *eventTopic, nodeName)
} else {
evt = eventbus.New()
// If this is an authoritative instance we need an authenticated Gerrit client
// because it needs to write.
gitcookiesPath := ""
if *authoritative {
// Set up an authenticated Gerrit client.
gitcookiesPath = gerrit.DefaultGitCookiesPath()
if !*local {
if gitcookiesPath, err = gerrit.GitCookieAuthDaemonPath(); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error retrieving git_cookie_authdaemon path: %s", err)
gerritAPI, err := gerrit.NewGerrit(*gerritURL, gitcookiesPath, nil)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create Gerrit client: %s", err)
// Connect to traceDB and create the builders.
db, err := tracedb.NewTraceServiceDBFromAddress(*traceservice, types.GoldenTraceBuilder)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to connect to tracedb: %s", err)
masterTileBuilder, err := tracedb.NewMasterTileBuilder(ctx, db, git, *nCommits, evt, filepath.Join(*storageDir, "cached-last-tile"))
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to build trace/db.DB: %s", err)
gsClientOpt := &storage.GSClientOptions{
HashesGSPath: *hashesGSPath,
BaselineGSPath: *baselineGSPath,
gsClient, err := storage.NewGStorageClient(client, gsClientOpt)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create GStorageClient: %s", err)
if err := ds.InitWithOpt(*projectID, *dsNamespace, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource)); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to configure cloud datastore: %s", err)
// Set up the cloud expectations store, since at least the issue portion
// will be used even if we use MySQL.
expStore, issueExpStoreFactory, err := expstorage.NewCloudExpectationsStore(ds.DS, evt)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to configure cloud expectations store: %s", err)
// Check if we should set up a MySQL backend for some of the stores.
useMySQL := (dbConf.Host != "") && (dbConf.Name != "")
var vdb *database.VersionedDB
// Set up MySQL if requested.
if useMySQL {
if !*local {
if err := dbConf.GetPasswordFromMetadata(); err != nil {
vdb, err = dbConf.NewVersionedDB()
if err != nil {
if !vdb.IsLatestVersion() {
sklog.Fatal("Wrong DB version. Please updated to latest version.")
// This uses MySQL to manage expecations for the master branch.
expStore = expstorage.NewSQLExpectationStore(vdb)
tryjobStore, err := tryjobstore.NewCloudTryjobStore(ds.DS, issueExpStoreFactory, evt)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to instantiate tryjob store: %s", err)
// Extract the site URL
storages := &storage.Storage{
DiffStore: diffStore,
ExpectationsStore: expstorage.NewCachingExpectationStore(expStore, evt),
IssueExpStoreFactory: issueExpStoreFactory,
TraceDB: db,
MasterTileBuilder: masterTileBuilder,
DigestStore: digestStore,
NCommits: *nCommits,
EventBus: evt,
TryjobStore: tryjobStore,
TryjobMonitor: tryjobs.NewTryjobMonitor(tryjobStore, gerritAPI, *siteURL, evt, *authoritative),
GerritAPI: gerritAPI,
GStorageClient: gsClient,
Git: git,
IsAuthoritative: *authoritative,
SiteURL: *siteURL,
IsSparseTile: *sparseInput,
// Initialize the Baseliner instance from the values set above.
if err := storages.InitBaseliner(); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error initializing baseliner: %s", err)
// Load the whitelist if there is one and disable querying for issues.
if *pubWhiteList != "" && *pubWhiteList != WHITELIST_ALL {
if err := storages.LoadWhiteList(*pubWhiteList); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Empty or invalid white list file. A non-empty white list must be provided if force_login=false.")
// Check if this is public instance. If so make sure there is a white list.
if !*forceLogin && (*pubWhiteList == "") {
sklog.Fatalf("Empty whitelist file. A non-empty white list must be provided if force_login=false.")
// openSite indicates whether this can expose all end-points. The user still has to be authenticated.
openSite = (*pubWhiteList == WHITELIST_ALL) || *forceLogin
// TODO(stephana): Remove this workaround to avoid circular dependencies once the 'storage' module is cleaned up.
// If MySQL is configured we use it to store the ignore rules.
if useMySQL {
storages.IgnoreStore = ignore.NewSQLIgnoreStore(vdb, storages.ExpectationsStore, storages.GetTileStreamNow(time.Minute))
} else if storages.IgnoreStore, err = ignore.NewCloudIgnoreStore(ds.DS, storages.ExpectationsStore, storages.GetTileStreamNow(time.Minute)); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create ignorestore: %s", err)
if err := ignore.Init(storages.IgnoreStore); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to start monitoring for expired ignore rules: %s", err)
// Rebuild the index every two minutes.
ixr, err := indexer.New(storages, *indexInterval)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create indexer: %s", err)
searchAPI, err := search.NewSearchAPI(storages, ixr)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to create instance of search API: %s", err)
issueTracker := issues.NewMonorailIssueTracker(client)
statusWatcher, err := status.New(storages)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to initialize status watcher: %s", err)
handlers = web.WebHandlers{
Storages: storages,
StatusWatcher: statusWatcher,
Indexer: ixr,
IssueTracker: issueTracker,
SearchAPI: searchAPI,
// TODO(stephana): Running the setup process in the a parallel go-routine is an ugly hack and the
// code below to set up a temporary server should also be removed asap.
// Set up a server that indicates that the server is ready until the
// startup work is finished.
readyRouter := mux.NewRouter()
readyRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
srv := http.Server{Addr: *port, Handler: readyRouter}
go func() {
sklog.Infof("Start serving ready endpoint.")
err := srv.ListenAndServe()
if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
sklog.Fatalf("Unexpected error closing ready server: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Finished serving ready endpoint.")
// Wait until the various storage objects are set up correctly.
if err := srv.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Error shutting down ready server: %s", err)
// Set up the endpoints of the app.
router := mux.NewRouter()
// Set up the resource to serve the image files.
imgHandler, err := handlers.Storages.DiffStore.ImageHandler(IMAGE_URL_PREFIX)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to get image handler: %s", err)
// New Polymer based UI endpoints.
router.HandleFunc(OAUTH2_CALLBACK_PATH, login.OAuth2CallbackHandler)
// TODO(stephana): remove "/_/hashes" in favor of "/json/hashes" once all clients have switched.
// /_/hashes is used by the bots to find hashes it does not need to upload.
router.HandleFunc("/_/hashes", handlers.TextAllHashesHandler).Methods("GET")
router.HandleFunc("/json/version", skiaversion.JsonHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/loginstatus/", login.StatusHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/logout/", login.LogoutHandler)
// Set up a subrouter for the '/json' routes which make up the Gold API.
// This makes routing faster, but also returns a failure when an /json route is
// requested that doesn't exit.
jsonRouter := router.PathPrefix("/json").Subrouter()
trim := func(r string) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(r, "/json") }
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/hashes"), handlers.TextAllHashesHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/byblame"), handlers.JsonByBlameHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/list"), handlers.JsonListTestsHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/paramset"), handlers.JsonParamsHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/commits"), handlers.JsonCommitsHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/diff"), handlers.JsonDiffHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/details"), handlers.JsonDetailsHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/triage"), handlers.JsonTriageHandler).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/clusterdiff"), handlers.JsonClusterDiffHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/cmp"), handlers.JsonCompareTestHandler).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/triagelog"), handlers.JsonTriageLogHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/triagelog/undo"), handlers.JsonTriageUndoHandler).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/failure"), handlers.JsonListFailureHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/failure/clear"), handlers.JsonClearFailureHandler).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/cleardigests"), handlers.JsonClearDigests).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/search"), handlers.JsonSearchHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/export"), handlers.JsonExportHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/tryjob"), handlers.JsonTryjobListHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/tryjob/{id}"), handlers.JsonTryjobSummaryHandler).Methods("GET")
// Retrieving that baseline for master and an Gerrit issue are handled the same way
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim(shared.EXPECATIONS_ROUTE), handlers.JsonBaselineHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim(shared.EXPECATIONS_ISSUE_ROUTE), handlers.JsonBaselineHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/refresh/{id}"), handlers.JsonRefreshIssue).Methods("GET")
// Only expose these endpoints if login is enforced across the app or this an open site.
if openSite {
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/ignores"), handlers.JsonIgnoresHandler).Methods("GET")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/ignores/add/"), handlers.JsonIgnoresAddHandler).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/ignores/del/{id}"), handlers.JsonIgnoresDeleteHandler).Methods("POST")
jsonRouter.HandleFunc(trim("/json/ignores/save/{id}"), handlers.JsonIgnoresUpdateHandler).Methods("POST")
// Make sure we return a 404 for anything that starts with /json and could not be found.
jsonRouter.HandleFunc("/{ignore:.*}", http.NotFound)
router.HandleFunc("/json", http.NotFound)
// For everything else serve the same markup.
indexFile := *resourcesDir + "/index.html"
indexTemplate := template.Must(template.New("").ParseFiles(indexFile)).Lookup("index.html")
// appConfig is injected into the header of the index file.
appConfig := &struct {
BaseRepoURL string `json:"baseRepoURL"`
DefaultCorpus string `json:"defaultCorpus"`
DefaultMatchFields []string `json:"defaultMatchFields"`
ShowBotProgress bool `json:"showBotProgress"`
Title string `json:"title"`
IsPublic bool `json:"isPublic"` // If true this is not open but restrictions apply.
BaseRepoURL: *gitRepoURL,
DefaultCorpus: *defaultCorpus,
DefaultMatchFields: strings.Split(*defaultMatchFields, ","),
ShowBotProgress: *showBotProgress,
Title: *appTitle,
IsPublic: !openSite,
router.PathPrefix("/").HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
// Reload the template if we are running locally.
if *local {
indexTemplate = template.Must(template.New("").ParseFiles(indexFile)).Lookup("index.html")
if err := indexTemplate.Execute(w, appConfig); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to expand template: %s", err)
// set up a router that logs for all URLs except the status and the health endpoints.
appRouter := mux.NewRouter()
appRouter.HandleFunc("/json/trstatus", handlers.JsonStatusHandler)
appRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
// Wrap all other routes in in logging middleware.
// Set up the external handler to enforce authentication if necessary.
externalHandler := http.Handler(appRouter)
if *forceLogin {
externalHandler = login.ForceAuth(appRouter, OAUTH2_CALLBACK_PATH)
// Start the internal server on the internal port if requested.
if *internalPort != "" {
// Add the profiling endpoints to the internal router.
internalRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// Register pprof handlers
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", netpprof.Index)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/cmdline", netpprof.Cmdline)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", netpprof.Profile)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", netpprof.Symbol)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/trace", netpprof.Trace)
// Add the rest of the application.
go func() {
sklog.Infof("Internal server on" + *internalPort)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*internalPort, internalRouter))
// Start the server
sklog.Infof("Serving on" + *port)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*port, externalHandler))