blob: ec5a8392c30a21f28deccc2387eaf207e5d52069 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"Unit testing with Karma"
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:providers.bzl", "JSModuleInfo", "JSNamedModuleInfo", "NpmPackageInfo", "node_modules_aspect")
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//internal/js_library:js_library.bzl", "write_amd_names_shim")
"bootstrap": attr.label_list(
doc = """JavaScript files to include *before* the module loader (require.js).
For example, you can include Reflect,js for TypeScript decorator metadata reflection,
or UMD bundles for third-party libraries.""",
allow_files = [".js"],
"config_file": attr.label(
doc = """User supplied Karma configuration file. Bazel will override
certain attributes of this configuration file. Attributes that are
overridden will be outputted to the test log.""",
allow_single_file = True,
"configuration_env_vars": attr.string_list(
doc = """Pass these configuration environment variables to the resulting binary.
Chooses a subset of the configuration environment variables (taken from ctx.var), which also
includes anything specified via the --define flag.
Note, this can lead to different outputs produced by this rule.""",
default = [],
"data": attr.label_list(
doc = "Runtime dependencies",
allow_files = True,
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = "Other targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library`",
allow_files = True,
aspects = [node_modules_aspect],
"karma": attr.label(
doc = "karma binary label",
default = "//infra-sk/karma_mocha_test:karma_bin",
executable = True,
cfg = "target",
allow_files = True,
"runtime_deps": attr.label_list(
doc = """Dependencies which should be loaded after the module loader but before the srcs and deps.
These should be a list of targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library`.
The files will be loaded in the same order they are declared by that rule.""",
allow_files = True,
aspects = [node_modules_aspect],
"srcs": attr.label_list(
doc = "A list of JavaScript test files",
allow_files = [".js"],
"static_files": attr.label_list(
doc = """Arbitrary files which are available to be served on request.
Files are served at:
`/base/<WORKSPACE_NAME>/<path-to-file>`, e.g.
allow_files = True,
"_conf_tmpl": attr.label(
default = "//infra-sk/karma_mocha_test:karma.conf.js",
allow_single_file = True,
# Avoid using non-normalized paths (workspace/../other_workspace/path)
def _to_manifest_path(ctx, file):
if file.short_path.startswith("../"):
return file.short_path[3:]
return ctx.workspace_name + "/" + file.short_path
# Write the AMD names shim bootstrap file
def _write_amd_names_shim(ctx):
amd_names_shim = ctx.actions.declare_file(
"_%s.amd_names_shim.js" %,
sibling = ctx.outputs.executable,
write_amd_names_shim(ctx.actions, amd_names_shim, ctx.attr.bootstrap)
return amd_names_shim
def _filter_js(files):
return [f for f in files if f.extension == "js" or f.extension == "mjs"]
def _find_dep(ctx, suffix):
for d in ctx.files.deps:
if (d.path.endswith(suffix)):
return _to_manifest_path(ctx, d)
fail("couldn't find file %s in the deps" % suffix)
# Generates the karma configuration file for the rule
def _write_karma_config(ctx, files, amd_names_shim):
configuration = ctx.actions.declare_file(
"%s.conf.js" %,
sibling = ctx.outputs.executable,
config_file = None
if ctx.attr.config_file:
if JSModuleInfo in ctx.attr.config_file:
config_file = _filter_js(ctx.attr.config_file[JSModuleInfo].direct_sources.to_list())[0]
config_file = ctx.file.config_file
# The files in the bootstrap attribute come before the require.js support.
# Note that due to frameworks = ['jasmine'], a few scripts will come before
# the bootstrap entries:
# jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js
# karma-jasmine/lib/boot.js
# karma-jasmine/lib/adapter.js
# This is desired so that the bootstrap entries can patch jasmine, as zone.js does.
bootstrap_entries = [
_to_manifest_path(ctx, f)
for f in ctx.files.bootstrap
# Explicitly list the requirejs library files here, rather than use
# `frameworks: ['requirejs']`
# so that we control the script order, and the bootstrap files come before
# require.js.
# That allows bootstrap files to have anonymous AMD modules, or to do some
# polyfilling before test libraries load.
# See
bootstrap_entries += [
_find_dep(ctx, "requirejs/require.js"),
_find_dep(ctx, "karma-requirejs/lib/adapter.js"),
"/".join([ctx.workspace_name, amd_names_shim.short_path]),
# Next we load the "runtime_deps" which we expect to contain named AMD modules
# Thus they should come after the require.js script, but before any srcs or deps
runtime_files = []
for dep in ctx.attr.runtime_deps:
if JSNamedModuleInfo in dep:
for src in dep[JSNamedModuleInfo].direct_sources.to_list():
runtime_files.append(_to_manifest_path(ctx, src))
if not JSNamedModuleInfo in dep and not NpmPackageInfo in dep and hasattr(dep, "files"):
# These are javascript files provided by DefaultInfo from a direct
# dep that has no JSNamedModuleInfo provider or NpmPackageInfo
# provider (not an npm dep). These files must be in named AMD or named
# UMD format.
for src in dep.files.to_list():
runtime_files.append(_to_manifest_path(ctx, src))
# Finally we load the user's srcs and deps
user_entries = [
_to_manifest_path(ctx, f)
for f in files.to_list()
if f.path.endswith(".js")
# Expand static_files paths to runfiles for config
static_files = [
_to_manifest_path(ctx, f)
for f in ctx.files.static_files
# root-relative (runfiles) path to the directory containing karma.conf
config_segments = len(configuration.short_path.split("/"))
# configuration_env_vars are set using process.env()
env_vars = ""
for k in ctx.attr.configuration_env_vars:
if k in ctx.var.keys():
env_vars += "process.env[\"%s\"]=\"%s\";\n" % (k, ctx.var[k])
output = configuration,
template = ctx.file._conf_tmpl,
substitutions = {
"TMPL_bootstrap_files": "\n ".join(["'%s'," % e for e in bootstrap_entries]),
"TMPL_config_file": _to_manifest_path(ctx, config_file) if config_file else "",
"TMPL_env_vars": env_vars,
"TMPL_runfiles_path": "/".join([".."] * config_segments),
"TMPL_runtime_files": "\n ".join(["'%s'," % e for e in runtime_files]),
"TMPL_static_files": "\n ".join(["'%s'," % e for e in static_files]),
"TMPL_user_files": "\n ".join(["'%s'," % e for e in user_entries]),
return configuration
def _karma_web_test_impl(ctx):
files_depsets = [depset(ctx.files.srcs)]
for dep in ctx.attr.deps + ctx.attr.runtime_deps:
if JSNamedModuleInfo in dep:
if not JSNamedModuleInfo in dep and not NpmPackageInfo in dep and hasattr(dep, "files"):
# These are javascript files provided by DefaultInfo from a direct
# dep that has no JSNamedModuleInfo provider or NpmPackageInfo
# provider (not an npm dep). These files must be in named AMD or named
# UMD format.
files = depset(transitive = files_depsets)
# Also include files from npm fine grained deps as inputs.
# These deps are identified by the NpmPackageInfo provider.
node_modules_depsets = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps + ctx.attr.runtime_deps:
if NpmPackageInfo in dep:
node_modules = depset(transitive = node_modules_depsets)
amd_names_shim = _write_amd_names_shim(ctx)
configuration = _write_karma_config(ctx, files, amd_names_shim)
output = ctx.outputs.executable,
is_executable = True,
content = """#!/usr/bin/env bash
# --- begin runfiles.bash initialization v2 ---
# Copy-pasted from the Bazel Bash runfiles library v2.
set -uo pipefail; f=build_bazel_rules_nodejs/third_party/
source "${{RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}}/$f" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$(grep -sm1 "^$f " "${{RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}}" | cut -f2- -d' ')" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$0.runfiles/$f" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$(grep -sm1 "^$f " "$0.runfiles_manifest" | cut -f2- -d' ')" 2>/dev/null || \
source "$(grep -sm1 "^$f " "$0.exe.runfiles_manifest" | cut -f2- -d' ')" 2>/dev/null || \
{{ echo>&2 "ERROR: cannot find $f"; exit 1; }}; f=; set -e
# --- end runfiles.bash initialization v2 ---
readonly KARMA=$(rlocation "{TMPL_karma}")
readonly CONF=$(rlocation "{TMPL_conf}")
export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
ARGV=( "start" ${{CONF}} )
# Detect that we are running as a test, by using well-known environment
# variables. See go/test-encyclopedia
# Note: in Bazel 0.14 and later, TEST_TMPDIR is set for both bazel test and bazel run
# so we also check for the BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY which is set only for bazel run
if [[ ! -z "${{TEST_TMPDIR:-}}" && ! -n "${{BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY:-}}" ]]; then
ARGV+=( "--single-run" )
# Pass --node_options from args on karma node process
for ARG in "$@"; do
case "${{ARG}}" in
--node_options=*) NODE_OPTIONS+=( "${{ARG}}" ) ;;
KARMA_VERSION=$(${{KARMA}} --version)
printf "\n\n\n\nRunning karma tests\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
echo "version :" ${{KARMA_VERSION#Karma version: }}
echo "pwd :" ${{PWD}}
echo "conf :" ${{CONF}}
echo "node_options:" ${{NODE_OPTIONS[@]:-}}
printf "\n"
readonly COMMAND="${{KARMA}} ${{ARGV[@]}} ${{NODE_OPTIONS[@]:-}}"
TMPL_karma = _to_manifest_path(ctx, ctx.executable.karma),
TMPL_conf = _to_manifest_path(ctx, configuration),
config_sources = []
if ctx.attr.config_file:
if JSModuleInfo in ctx.attr.config_file:
config_sources = ctx.attr.config_file[JSModuleInfo].sources.to_list()
config_sources = [ctx.file.config_file]
runfiles = [
runfiles += config_sources
runfiles += ctx.files.srcs
runfiles += ctx.files.deps
runfiles += ctx.files.runtime_deps
runfiles += ctx.files.bootstrap
runfiles += ctx.files.static_files
runfiles +=
return [DefaultInfo(
files = depset([ctx.outputs.executable]),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = runfiles,
transitive_files = depset(transitive = [files, node_modules]),
executable = ctx.outputs.executable,
_karma_web_test = rule(
implementation = _karma_web_test_impl,
test = True,
executable = True,
def karma_mocha_test(
srcs = [],
deps = [],
data = [],
configuration_env_vars = [],
bootstrap = [],
runtime_deps = [],
static_files = [],
config_file = None,
tags = [],
peer_deps = KARMA_PEER_DEPS,
"""Runs unit tests in a browser with Karma.
When executed under `bazel test`, this uses a headless browser for speed.
This is also because `bazel test` allows multiple targets to be tested together,
and we don't want to open a Chrome window on your machine for each one. Also,
under `bazel test` the test will execute and immediately terminate.
Running under `ibazel test` gives you a "watch mode" for your tests. The rule is
optimized for this case - the test runner server will stay running and just
re-serve the up-to-date JavaScript source bundle.
To debug a single test target, run it with `bazel run` instead. This will open a
browser window on your computer. Also you can use any other browser by opening
the URL printed when the test starts up. The test will remain running until you
cancel the `bazel run` command.
This rule will use your system Chrome by default. In the default case, your
environment must specify CHROME_BIN so that the rule will know which Chrome binary to run.
Other `browsers` and `customLaunchers` may be set using the a base Karma configuration
specified in the `config_file` attribute.
srcs: A list of JavaScript test files
deps: Other targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library`
data: Runtime dependencies
configuration_env_vars: Pass these configuration environment variables to the resulting binary.
Chooses a subset of the configuration environment variables (taken from ctx.var), which also
includes anything specified via the --define flag.
Note, this can lead to different outputs produced by this rule.
bootstrap: JavaScript files to include *before* the module loader (require.js).
For example, you can include Reflect,js for TypeScript decorator metadata reflection,
or UMD bundles for third-party libraries.
runtime_deps: Dependencies which should be loaded after the module loader but before the srcs and deps.
These should be a list of targets which produce JavaScript such as `ts_library`.
The files will be loaded in the same order they are declared by that rule.
static_files: Arbitrary files which are available to be served on request.
Files are served at:
`/base/<WORKSPACE_NAME>/<path-to-file>`, e.g.
config_file: User supplied Karma configuration file. Bazel will override
certain attributes of this configuration file. Attributes that are
overridden will be outputted to the test log.
tags: Standard Bazel tags, this macro adds tags for ibazel support
peer_deps: list of peer npm deps required by karma_web_test
**kwargs: Passed through to `karma_web_test`
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps + peer_deps,
data = data,
configuration_env_vars = configuration_env_vars,
bootstrap = bootstrap,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
static_files = static_files,
config_file = config_file,
tags = tags + [
# Users don't need to know that this tag is required to run under ibazel