blob: 93cf9dbfa36d1fefe90cf28d3da23e8bfe5e00e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package search contains the core functionality for searching for digests across a tile.
package search
import (
// iterTileAcceptFn is the callback function used by iterTile to determine whether to
// include a trace into the result or not.
// It must be safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
type iterTileAcceptFn func(params paramtools.Params, digests types.DigestSlice) bool
// iterTileAddFn is the callback function used by iterTile to add a digest and its trace to the
// result. It must be safe to be called from multiple goroutines.
type iterTileAddFn func(test types.TestName, digest types.Digest, traceID tiling.TraceID, trace *tiling.Trace)
// iterTile is a generic function to extract information from a tile.
// It iterates over the tile and filters against the given query. If calls
// iterTileAcceptFn to determine whether to keep a trace (after it has already been
// tested against the query) and calls iterTileAddFn to add a digest and its trace.
// iterTileAcceptFn == nil equals unconditional acceptance.
func iterTile(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search, addFn iterTileAddFn, acceptFn iterTileAcceptFn, exp expectations.Classifier, idx indexer.IndexSearcher) error {
if acceptFn == nil {
acceptFn = func(params paramtools.Params, digests types.DigestSlice) bool { return true }
cpxTile := idx.Tile()
traceView, err := getTraceViewFn(cpxTile.DataCommits(), q.CommitBeginFilter, q.CommitEndFilter)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// traces is pre-sliced by corpus and test name, if provided.
traces := idx.SlicedTraces(q.IgnoreState(), q.TraceValues)
digestCountsByTrace := idx.DigestCountsByTrace(q.IgnoreState())
const numChunks = 4 // arbitrarily picked, could likely be tuned based on contention of the
// mutexes in iterTileAddFn/iterTileAcceptFn
chunkSize := (len(traces) / numChunks) + 1 // add one to avoid integer truncation.
// Iterate through the tile in parallel.
return util.ChunkIterParallel(ctx, len(traces), chunkSize, func(ctx context.Context, startIdx int, endIdx int) error {
for _, tp := range traces[startIdx:endIdx] {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
id, trace := tp.ID, tp.Trace
// Check if the query matches.
if trace.Matches(q.TraceValues) {
params := trace.KeysAndOptions()
reducedTr := traceView(trace)
digests := digestsFromTrace(id, reducedTr, q.OnlyIncludeDigestsProducedAtHead, digestCountsByTrace)
// If there is an iterTileAcceptFn defined then check whether
// we should include this trace.
ok := acceptFn(params, digests)
if !ok {
// Iterate over the digests and filter them.
test := trace.TestName()
for _, digest := range digests {
cl := exp.Classification(test, digest)
if q.ExcludesClassification(cl) {
// Fix blamer to make this easier.
if q.BlameGroupID != "" {
if cl == expectations.Untriaged {
b := idx.GetBlame(test, digest, cpxTile.DataCommits())
if b.IsEmpty() || q.BlameGroupID != blameGroupID(b, cpxTile.DataCommits()) {
} else {
// Add the digest to the results
addFn(test, digest, id, trace)
return nil
// traceViewFn returns a view of a trace that contains a subset of values but the same params.
type traceViewFn func(*tiling.Trace) *tiling.Trace
// traceViewIdentity is a no-op traceViewFn that returns the exact trace that it
// receives. This is used when no commit range is provided in the query.
func traceViewIdentity(tr *tiling.Trace) *tiling.Trace {
return tr
// getTraceViewFn returns a traceViewFn for the given Git hashes.
// If startHash occurs after endHash in the tile, an error is returned.
func getTraceViewFn(commits []tiling.Commit, startHash, endHash string) (traceViewFn, error) {
if startHash == "" && endHash == "" {
return traceViewIdentity, nil
// Find the indices to slice the values of the trace.
startIdx, _ := findCommit(commits, startHash)
endIdx, _ := findCommit(commits, endHash)
if (startIdx == -1) && (endIdx == -1) {
return traceViewIdentity, nil
// If either was not found set it to the beginning/end.
if startIdx == -1 {
startIdx = 0
} else if endIdx == -1 {
endIdx = len(commits) - 1
// Increment the last index for the slice operation in the function below.
if startIdx >= endIdx {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Start commit occurs later than end commit.")
ret := func(trace *tiling.Trace) *tiling.Trace {
return tiling.NewTrace(trace.Digests[startIdx:endIdx], trace.Keys(), trace.Options())
return ret, nil
// findCommit searches the given commits for the given hash and returns the
// index of the commit and the commit itself. If the commit cannot be
// found -1 is returned for index.
func findCommit(commits []tiling.Commit, targetHash string) (int, tiling.Commit) {
if targetHash == "" {
return -1, tiling.Commit{}
for idx, commit := range commits {
if commit.Hash == targetHash {
return idx, commit
return -1, tiling.Commit{}
// digestsFromTrace returns all the digests in the given trace, controlled by
// 'head', and being robust to tallies not having been calculated for the
// trace.
func digestsFromTrace(id tiling.TraceID, tr *tiling.Trace, head bool, digestsByTrace map[tiling.TraceID]digest_counter.DigestCount) types.DigestSlice {
digests := types.DigestSet{}
if head {
// Find the last non-missing value in the trace.
for i := tr.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if tr.IsMissing(i) {
} else {
digests[tr.Digests[i]] = true
} else {
// Use the digestsByTrace if available, otherwise just inspect the trace.
if t, ok := digestsByTrace[id]; ok {
for k := range t {
digests[k] = true
} else {
for i := tr.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !tr.IsMissing(i) {
digests[tr.Digests[i]] = true
return digests.Keys()
// blameGroupID takes a blame distribution with just indices of commits and
// returns an id for the blame group, which is just a string, the concatenated
// git hashes in commit time order.
func blameGroupID(b blame.BlameDistribution, commits []tiling.Commit) string {
var ret []string
for _, index := range b.Freq {
ret = append(ret, commits[index].Hash)
return strings.Join(ret, ":")
// TODO(kjlubick): The whole srDigestSlice might be able to be replaced
// with a sort.Slice() call.
// srDigestSlice is a utility type for sorting slices of frontend.SearchResult by their max diff.
type srDigestSliceLessFn func(i, j *frontend.SearchResult) bool
type srDigestSlice struct {
slice []*frontend.SearchResult
lessFn srDigestSliceLessFn
// newSRDigestSlice creates a new instance of srDigestSlice that wraps around
// a slice of result digests.
func newSRDigestSlice(metric string, slice []*frontend.SearchResult) *srDigestSlice {
// Sort by increasing by diff metric. Not having a diff metric puts the item at the bottom
// of the list.
lessFn := func(i, j *frontend.SearchResult) bool {
if (i.ClosestRef == "") && (j.ClosestRef == "") {
return i.Digest < j.Digest
if i.ClosestRef == "" {
return false
if j.ClosestRef == "" {
return true
iDiff := i.RefDiffs[i.ClosestRef].Diffs[metric]
jDiff := j.RefDiffs[j.ClosestRef].Diffs[metric]
// If they are the same then sort by digest to make the result stable.
if iDiff == jDiff {
return i.Digest < j.Digest
return iDiff < jDiff
return &srDigestSlice{
slice: slice,
lessFn: lessFn,
// Len, Less, Swap implement the sort.Interface.
func (s *srDigestSlice) Len() int { return len(s.slice) }
func (s *srDigestSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.lessFn(s.slice[i], s.slice[j]) }
func (s *srDigestSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s.slice[i], s.slice[j] = s.slice[j], s.slice[i] }
type triageHistoryGetter interface {
GetTriageHistory(ctx context.Context, grouping types.TestName, digest types.Digest) ([]expectations.TriageHistory, error)
type joinedHistories struct {
masterBranch expectations.Store
changeList expectations.Store
// GetTriageHistory returns a combined history from both the master branch and the changelist,
// if configured for one.
func (j *joinedHistories) GetTriageHistory(ctx context.Context, grouping types.TestName, digest types.Digest) ([]expectations.TriageHistory, error) {
var history []expectations.TriageHistory
if j.changeList != nil {
xth, err := j.changeList.GetTriageHistory(ctx, grouping, digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Looking in CL history")
history = xth
xth, err := j.masterBranch.GetTriageHistory(ctx, grouping, digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Looking in master branch history")
if len(xth) > 0 {
history = append(history, xth...)
return history, nil
// makeTriageHistoryGetter will return either a view of the master branch triage history or a
// combined view of the given changeList's triage history and the master branch's.
func (s *SearchImpl) makeTriageHistoryGetter(crs, clID string) triageHistoryGetter {
if crs == "" || clID == "" {
return &joinedHistories{masterBranch: s.expectationsStore}
return &joinedHistories{
masterBranch: s.expectationsStore,
changeList: s.expectationsStore.ForChangeList(clID, crs),