blob: 9d56ca99d556b2eeb189a3071dd6ee79446ef092 [file] [log] [blame]
package storage
import (
tracedb ""
const (
// maxNSparseCommits is the maximum number of commits we are considering when condensing a
// sparse tile into a dense tile by removing commits that contain no data.
// This should be changed or made a config option when we consider going back more commits makes
// sense.
maxNSparseCommits = 3000
type TileSource interface {
// GetTile returns the most recently loaded Tile.
GetTile() *tiling.Tile
// Storage is a container struct for the various storage objects we are using.
// It is intended to reduce parameter lists as we pass around storage objects.
type Storage struct {
DiffStore diff.DiffStore
ExpectationsStore expstorage.ExpectationsStore
IgnoreStore ignore.IgnoreStore
TraceDB tracedb.DB
MasterTileBuilder TileSource
EventBus eventbus.EventBus
TryjobStore tryjobstore.TryjobStore
TryjobMonitor tryjobs.TryjobMonitor
GerritAPI gerrit.GerritInterface
GCSClient GCSClient
Baseliner baseline.Baseliner
VCS vcsinfo.VCS
WhiteListQuery paramtools.ParamSet
IsAuthoritative bool
SiteURL string
// IsSparseTile indicates that new tiles should be condensed by removing commits that have no data.
IsSparseTile bool
// NCommits is the number of commits we should consider. If NCommits is
// 0 or smaller all commits in the last tile will be considered.
NCommits int
// Internal variables used to cache tiles.
lastCpxTile types.ComplexTile
lastTimeStamp time.Time
mutex sync.Mutex
// LoadWhiteList loads the given JSON5 file that defines that query to
// whitelist traces. If the given path is empty or the file cannot be parsed
// an error will be returned.
func (s *Storage) LoadWhiteList(fName string) error {
if fName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("No white list file provided.")
f, err := os.Open(fName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable open file %s. Got error: %s", fName, err)
defer util.Close(f)
if err := json5.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&s.WhiteListQuery); err != nil {
return err
// Make sure the whitelist is not empty.
empty := true
for _, values := range s.WhiteListQuery {
if empty = len(values) == 0; !empty {
if empty {
return fmt.Errorf("Whitelist in %s cannot be empty.", fName)
sklog.Infof("Whitelist loaded from %s", fName)
return nil
// GetTileStreamNow is a utility function that reads tiles in the given
// interval and sends them on the returned channel.
// The first tile is sent immediately.
// Should the call to read a new tile fail it will send that last
// successfully read tile. Thus it guarantees to send a tile in the provided
// interval, assuming at least one tile could be read.
// The metricsTag allows for us to monitor how long individual tile streams
// take, in the unlikely event there are multiple failures of the tile in a row.
func (s *Storage) GetTileStreamNow(interval time.Duration, metricsTag string) <-chan types.ComplexTile {
retCh := make(chan types.ComplexTile)
lastTileStreamed := metrics2.NewLiveness("last_tile_streamed", map[string]string{
"source": metricsTag,
go func() {
var lastTile types.ComplexTile = nil
readOneTile := func() {
if tile, err := s.GetLastTileTrimmed(); err != nil {
// Log the error and send the best tile we have right now.
sklog.Errorf("Error reading tile: %s", err)
if lastTile != nil {
retCh <- lastTile
} else {
lastTile = tile
retCh <- tile
for range time.Tick(interval) {
return retCh
// DrainChangeChannel removes everything from the channel thats currently
// buffered or ready to be read.
func DrainChangeChannel(ch <-chan types.Expectations) {
for {
select {
case <-ch:
break Loop
var tileCacheTime = 3 * time.Minute
// TODO(stephana): Expand the Tile type to make querying faster.
// i.e. add traces as an array so that iteration can be done in parallel and
// add map[hash]Commit to do faster commit lookup (-> Remove tiling.FindCommit).
// GetLastTrimmed returns the last tile as read-only trimmed to contain at
// most NCommits. It caches trimmed tiles as long as the underlying tiles
// do not change.
func (s *Storage) GetLastTileTrimmed() (types.ComplexTile, error) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
// If the tile was updated within a certain time window just return it without
// calculating it again.
if s.lastCpxTile != nil && (time.Since(s.lastTimeStamp) < tileCacheTime) {
sklog.Infof("short circuiting get tile, because it's still new: %s < %s", time.Since(s.lastTimeStamp), tileCacheTime)
return s.lastCpxTile, nil
// Retrieve the most recent tile from the tilestore
var rawTile *tiling.Tile
var sparseCommits []*tiling.Commit = nil
var cardinalities []int = nil
var err error
ctx := context.Background()
// If it's a sparse tile, we build it anew.
if s.IsSparseTile {
rawTile, sparseCommits, cardinalities, err = s.getCondensedTile(ctx, s.lastCpxTile)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Error getting condensed tile: %s", err)
} else {
rawTile = s.MasterTileBuilder.GetTile()
// Get the tile with everything that needs to be whitelisted.
rawTile = s.getWhiteListedTile(rawTile)
if s.NCommits <= 0 {
cpxTile := types.NewComplexTile(rawTile)
cpxTile.SetSparse(nil, nil)
return cpxTile, nil
// Get the ignore revision and check if the tile has changed at all.
// Note: This only applies to tiles that are not sparse.
currentIgnoreRev := s.IgnoreStore.Revision()
if s.lastCpxTile != nil && s.lastCpxTile.FromSame(rawTile, currentIgnoreRev) {
return s.lastCpxTile, nil
// Construct the new complex tile
cpxTile := types.NewComplexTile(rawTile)
cpxTile.SetSparse(sparseCommits, cardinalities)
// Get the tile without the ignored traces and update the complex tile.
retIgnoredTile, ignoreRules, err := FilterIgnored(rawTile, s.IgnoreStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cpxTile.SetIgnoreRules(retIgnoredTile, ignoreRules, currentIgnoreRev)
// check if all the expectations of all commits have been added to the tile.
// Update the cached tile and return the result.
s.lastCpxTile = cpxTile
s.lastTimeStamp = time.Now()
return cpxTile, nil
// FilterIgnored returns a copy of the given tile with all traces removed
// that match the ignore rules in the given ignore store. It also returns the
// ignore rules for later matching.
func FilterIgnored(inputTile *tiling.Tile, ignoreStore ignore.IgnoreStore) (*tiling.Tile, paramtools.ParamMatcher, error) {
ignores, err := ignoreStore.List(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get ignores to filter tile: %s", err)
// Now copy the tile by value.
ret := inputTile.Copy()
// Then remove traces that should be ignored.
ignoreQueries, err := ignore.ToQuery(ignores)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for id, tr := range ret.Traces {
for _, q := range ignoreQueries {
if tiling.Matches(tr, q) {
delete(ret.Traces, id)
ignoreRules := make([]paramtools.ParamSet, len(ignoreQueries))
for idx, q := range ignoreQueries {
ignoreRules[idx] = paramtools.ParamSet(q)
return ret, ignoreRules, nil
func (s *Storage) GetExpectationsForCommit(parentCommit string) (types.Expectations, error) {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Not implemented yet !")
// getWhiteListedTile creates a new tile from the given tile that contains
// only traces that match the whitelist that was loaded earlier.
func (s *Storage) getWhiteListedTile(tile *tiling.Tile) *tiling.Tile {
if s.WhiteListQuery == nil {
return tile
// filter tile.
ret := &tiling.Tile{
Traces: make(map[tiling.TraceId]tiling.Trace, len(tile.Traces)),
Commits: tile.Commits,
// Iterate over the tile and copy the whitelisted traces over.
// Build the paramset in the process.
paramSet := paramtools.ParamSet{}
for traceID, trace := range tile.Traces {
if tiling.Matches(trace, url.Values(s.WhiteListQuery)) {
ret.Traces[traceID] = trace
ret.ParamSet = paramSet
sklog.Infof("Whitelisted %d of %d traces.", len(ret.Traces), len(tile.Traces))
return ret
// getCondensedTile returns a tile that contains only commits that have at least one
// nonempty entry. If lastTile is not nil, its first commit is used as a starting point to
// fetch the tiles necessary to build the condensed tile (from several "sparse" tiles.)
func (s *Storage) getCondensedTile(ctx context.Context, lastCpxTile types.ComplexTile) (*tiling.Tile, []*tiling.Commit, []int, error) {
if s.NCommits <= 0 {
ret := tiling.NewTile()
ret.Commits = ret.Commits[:0]
return ret, nil, nil, nil
var err error
// Determine the starting value of commits to fetch.
lastNCommits := 10 * s.NCommits
if lastCpxTile != nil {
lastNCommits = len(lastCpxTile.AllCommits())
// Find all commit IDs we are interested in.
var sparseCommitIDs []*tracedb.CommitID
var sparseCommits []*tiling.Commit
var cardinalities []int
var targetHashes util.StringSet
// Repeat until we get the desired number of commits.
var idxCommits, prevIdxCommits []*vcsinfo.IndexCommit
for len(targetHashes) < s.NCommits {
idxCommits = s.VCS.LastNIndex(lastNCommits)
if len(idxCommits) <= len(prevIdxCommits) {
prevIdxCommits = idxCommits
// Build a candidate Tile from the found commits
sparseCommitIDs = getCommitIDs(idxCommits)
sparseTile, _, err := s.TraceDB.TileFromCommits(sparseCommitIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("Failed to load tile from commitIDs: %s", err)
// Find which commits are non-empty
targetHashes = make(util.StringSet, len(sparseCommitIDs))
tileLen := sparseTile.LastCommitIndex() + 1
sklog.Infof("Sparse tile len: %d", tileLen)
sparseCommits = sparseTile.Commits[:tileLen]
sklog.Infof("Sparse tile commits len: %d", len(sparseCommits))
cardinalities = make([]int, tileLen)
for idx := 0; idx < tileLen; idx++ {
hash := sparseCommits[idx].Hash
for _, trace := range sparseTile.Traces {
gTrace := trace.(*types.GoldenTrace)
if gTrace.Digests[idx] != types.MISSING_DIGEST {
targetHashes[hash] = true
// double the number of commits we consider for the target tile to reach our goal fast.
// If we are above a maximum number of commits don't go any further and just use what we have.
lastNCommits *= 2
if lastNCommits > maxNSparseCommits && len(targetHashes) > 0 {
sklog.Infof("Reached limit of %d commits to consider in sparse tile. Using %d commits.", maxNSparseCommits, len(targetHashes))
sklog.Infof("Found %d target commits within %d sparse commits", len(targetHashes), len(sparseCommits))
detailsHashes := make([]string, 0, len(sparseCommits))
denseCommitIDs := make([]*tracedb.CommitID, 0, len(targetHashes))
remainingCommits := len(targetHashes)
sparseStart := -1
sklog.Infof("Starting to add commit details")
for idx, commitID := range sparseCommitIDs {
if targetHashes[commitID.ID] {
if remainingCommits <= s.NCommits {
if sparseStart == -1 {
sparseStart = idx
sklog.Infof("Sparse start: %d", sparseStart)
denseCommitIDs = append(denseCommitIDs, commitID)
// If we have found the first commit we consider, then we add the details data.
if sparseStart >= 0 {
detailsHashes = append(detailsHashes, commitID.ID)
// Trim the prefix of the sparse commits
sparseCommits = sparseCommits[sparseStart:]
cardinalities = cardinalities[sparseStart:]
longCommits, err := s.VCS.DetailsMulti(ctx, detailsHashes, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, skerr.Fmt("Error retrieving details for: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Retrieved %d details", len(longCommits))
// Load the dense tile.
denseTile, _, err := s.TraceDB.TileFromCommits(denseCommitIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
sklog.Infof("ncommits: %d", s.NCommits)
sklog.Infof("dense: %d", len(denseTile.Commits))
denseIdx := 0
for idx, commit := range sparseCommits {
commit.Author = longCommits[idx].Author
if denseIdx < len(denseTile.Commits) && denseTile.Commits[denseIdx].Hash == commit.Hash {
denseTile.Commits[denseIdx].Author = longCommits[idx].Author
if len(sparseCommits) > 0 && len(denseTile.Commits) > 0 {
sklog.Infof("Found %d sparse commits and %d dense commits with starting hashes: %s == %s", len(sparseCommits), len(denseTile.Commits), denseTile.Commits[0].Hash, sparseCommits[0].Hash)
return denseTile, sparseCommits, cardinalities, nil
// getCommitIDs returns instances of tracedb.CommitID from the given hashes that can then be used
// to retrieve data from the tracedb.
func getCommitIDs(indexCommits []*vcsinfo.IndexCommit) []*tracedb.CommitID {
commitIDs := make([]*tracedb.CommitID, 0, len(indexCommits))
for _, c := range indexCommits {
commitIDs = append(commitIDs, &tracedb.CommitID{
ID: c.Hash,
Source: "master",
Timestamp: c.Timestamp.Unix(),
return commitIDs
// checkCommitableIssues checks all commits of the current tile whether
// the associated expectations have been added to the baseline of the master.
// TODO(kjlubick): This should not be here, but likely in tryjobMonitor, named
// something like "CatchUpIssues" or something.
func (s *Storage) checkCommitableIssues(cpxTile types.ComplexTile) {
go func() {
var egroup errgroup.Group
for _, commit := range cpxTile.AllCommits() {
func(commit *tiling.Commit) {
egroup.Go(func() error {
// TODO(kjlubick): We probably don't need to run this individually, we could
// use DetailsMulti instead.
longCommit, err := s.VCS.Details(context.Background(), commit.Hash, false)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error retrieving details for commit %s. Got error: %s", commit.Hash, err)
issueID, err := s.GerritAPI.ExtractIssueFromCommit(longCommit.Body)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Unable to extract gerrit issue from commit %s. Got error: %s", commit.Hash, err)
if err := s.TryjobMonitor.CommitIssueBaseline(issueID, longCommit.Author); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error commiting tryjob results for commit %s. Got error: %s", commit.Hash, err)
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error trying issue commits: %s", err)